Starcom nexus прохождение

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17 июн. 2019 в 3:22 [SPOILERS] Quest "Temple of the Fallen Gods"?

I have this quest in my log, and I don't know what to do with it.

I've discovered five planets with temples on them.

One mentioned "the bright green eye of the serpent Typhon".

Another mentions a "hidden redoubt" by sailing due west of Typhon.

I think I've completed all other game content at this point except for this.

18 июн. 2019 в 2:33 West from Typhon lies a planet with a Wrae data archive in it, you need the temples to pinpoint the archive on the planet. Typhon is a green star system (how many you have discovered?) 18 июн. 2019 в 12:29 West from Typhon lies a planet with a Wrae data archive in it, you need the temples to pinpoint the archive on the planet. Typhon is a green star system (how many you have discovered?) :roar:

The main issue with this is that there's no clue what 'due west' means, nor any indication of how far due west one should travel. The obvious conclusion to draw from the incomplete data set is that once you find Typhon to just fly "left" on the map from it, but after several minutes of flying in a straight line, mildly zig-zagging back and forth to expand scanner coverage, no joy. So is it due west on the other side of the galaxy?

This puzzle just feels like there's one clue missing, even after you find all the temples.

18 июн. 2019 в 13:31 It's west, not that far away. I missed it too the first time. Flew from a few systems "North", on a south-west direction, inside the nebula. 18 июн. 2019 в 15:19 It's quite simple really. Fly to the center of the star, then go directly west. If you do that you'll reach the warp nexus, that is where you are supposed to head to. Or the planet. Can't remember which but that is how I did it. 21 июн. 2019 в 23:38

Here are some hints:

1. The planet you are looking for is in the clouds
2. Watch your speed in the clouds, you move slower when flying towards a planet

Отредактировано Capri_Jay; 21 июн. 2019 в 23:43 22 июн. 2019 в 12:12

Found 3 planets so far in those clouds, only 1 of which is directly west from the star. None of them have any anomalies to explore, what am i missing?

Make that 8 planets and a star

Also found the other thing in there now. still no planet with an anomaly to investigate

Figures. flew right past it the first time around >_<

Отредактировано StoneDeadViking; 22 июн. 2019 в 12:29 29 июл. 2019 в 8:39

OK. I went straigt west on the same line as the green star sits.
Entering the clouds, getting RPs for ionic clouds. Doing damage to my ship.
Entering the next cloud. getting RPs for lightning blah in clouds.
Gaining heavy damage. Before i was able to leave the cloud received a second lightning struck
died. and repeat.

what am i doing wrong? :)

Отредактировано EddiE; 29 июл. 2019 в 8:41 4 авг. 2019 в 21:33 inside the first cloud to the west is a hidden planet (detection range lower than 500), if you want to deny electric damage activate your shields, if you don't have shields the thunderstorm will easily melt your ship. So grab some at the bubble planet anomaly (which's location seems to be randomized for each playthrough) 18 авг. 2019 в 6:48

OK. I went straigt west on the same line as the green star sits.
Entering the clouds, getting RPs for ionic clouds. Doing damage to my ship.
Entering the next cloud. getting RPs for lightning blah in clouds.
Gaining heavy damage. Before i was able to leave the cloud received a second lightning struck
died. and repeat.

what am i doing wrong? :)

The location of the main attraction should be around 9.8 x -17.7. There's also a Warp Nexus around 9.25 x -17.25 to make it easier to return.
As far as planets go, there are plenty of them in the nebula, and as someone else mentioned, planets affect your speed, so just kinda fly around in a straight line while keeping an eye on the speed, you'll notice when you get close.
To survive the lightning you just need shields, but as has been mentioned, the location of shields varies.
Obtaining Shield tech will cost you 75 Adamantine though, just so you're aware.

How to find the planet whose image you found on the sunken ship.

How to Solve Sunken Ship Quest

Solving the Quest

At one point, you will find a planetary map on a sunken ship.

The key to finding it i snot actually the planetary image or the text block in the upper left, it is the star map on the bottom.

The most important thing is the colors - there are only a few blue stars. Most of them have the wrong number of planets, and if they don't, the planets are not the right color on your star map. An example:

There is only one system with a blue star that has the same number and colors of planets:

The exact location is -18.68 X -42.49, just one hop away from the Provisional Capital of the Araona

You most likely visited that system before. Maybe you noticed that (in the current game version at least) the planet reverts to a (!) even after surveying it as soon as you visit a different system, yet when you returned, it stated that "Survey completed". This is because you did not have that quest at the time, revisit it and you can actually survey it again.

Starcome: Nexus is full of secrets and events you encounter when you explorer the galaxy. For some you can get an achievement. In this guide i want to gather all achievements and how you can get it. Some are story relevant, some not.

Full Achievement List

Easy to Get, No Further Explanation Needed

Greetings, Commander

  • Meet Commodore Price.
  • Travel through a Warp Nexus.
  • Trade with another race.
  • Complete 25 planetary surveys.
  • Complete 100 planetary surveys
  • Complete 250 planetary surveys.
  • Find evidence of The Morningstar. There are anomalys and life pods. You cant miss it.
  • Help the Saurid find their missing survey team.
  • Destroy all the asteroids in the Alpha Galaxy at the beginning before you travel through the rift.
  • Destroy the Chitik Hive / Space Station. The Saurids will ask you to do it.

More Complicated

  • Collect ore from the Chitik Mining facility a second time, dont dismantle the droids at first.
  • Explore the hidden ice lab at 7.77 x 0.69. I think you have to kill all your landing crew to get this achivement. (?)
  • Gain access to Entarq's Citadel. The Ulooquo trade the password you need to enter.
  • Eliminate the Phage. (Its easy, follow instructions of your Crew officer)
  • Gain the Nyctian research bonus.
  • Solve the Watering Hole Maze. Go E S S E S and you found a dead body with research points.
  • Defeat the beast of the labyrinth.

Once you go down the big cave go: S E S S E E S E E E N W N W W N

This will take you to the area that unlocks the lab door on the 10th move, unlock the door and keep following my guide.

On the 16th and last move you will be at the lab with the weapon.

Then all you have to go is go South again and wander around until the beast attempts to kill your crew, don’t worry about being attacked on the way there, you’ll lose some crew maybe on the 4th move but keep going.

Недостаточно оценок Starcome: Nexus Achievement Guide От Noobinator59

Attention: Spoilers! (duh) Read on own risk.

Hello fellow Captains,

Starcome:Nexus is full of secrets and events you encounter when you explorer the galaxy. For some you can get an achievement. In this guide i want to gather all achievements and how you can get it. Some are story relevant, some not. I dont know all achievements yet. Some i figuered out myself, others from the steam community. I added source. You can help me complete this guide :)

PS: I am sorry for my bad english ;)

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Комментарии Achievements

Easy to get, no further explanation needed:

Greetings, Commander
Meet Commodore Price.

A Hole in our Universe
Travel through a Warp Nexus.

Star Trader
Trade with another race.

Planetary Scout
Complete 25 planetary surveys.

Sector Surveyor
Complete 100 planetary surveys

Galactiv Explorer
Complete 250 planetary surveys.

The Morningstar
Find evidence of The Morningstar. There are anomalys and life pods. You cant miss it.

Saurid Survey Survivors
Help the Saurid find their missing survey team.

Asteroid Hunter
Destroy all the asteroids in the Alpha Galaxy at the beginning before you travel through the rift.

Balance of Power Tilted
Destroy the Chitik Hive/Space Station. The Saurids will ask you to do it.

Under New Management
Collect ore from the Chitik Mining facility a second time, dont dismantle the droids at first.

The Hidden Lab
Explore the hidden ice lab at 7.77 x 0.69. I think you have to kill all your landing crew to get this achivement. (?)

The Citadel
Gain access to Entarq's Citadel. The Ulooquo trade the password you need to enter.

Phage Eradicated
Eliminate the Phage. (Its easy, follow instructions of your Crew officer)

Our Nyctian Friends
Gain the Nyctian research bonus.

--> At -2.30 x 7.32 you found the "Empty Colony" and one gate at the planet and another above. The second must in line with the first one. Now you can activate the gates and jump to the Lost colony (as alternative you can find it at -6.24 x 10.67). Now help them with 2 of your crew members to build the colony up. After awhile come back and some of the Nyctians want out of gratitude visit the Kite Station. They will boost the research speed.

Solve the Watering Hole Maze. Go E S S E S and you found a dead body with research points.

The Beast
Defeat the beast of the labyrinth.

Fine Feathered Friends
Visit the Araonian Provisional Capital.

--> Head far south of the Provisional Capital and you can found their main systems and real capital. As alternative there is a portal at -3.37 x -30.31 to them. After you got the license at the main capital go back to the stranded scouts and tell them about the main nest. Out of gratitude they have a party for you at the Provisional Capital.

Zoar Destroyer
Destroy the zoar station. Destroy it before Endgame and when you bought everything.

Wild Goose Chase
As least the geese were delicious. Wild goose planet is north-east of the Citadell at 20.24 x 10.63.

Comet Chaser
Discover every comet. White, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Black, Prismatic. Location will follow when i found all)

Star and Bars
Achieve rank of Captain. You got two promotions. But i think they are linked to the morale of your crew.

Lost Island
Visit the Lost Island. The second gate of the "Empyt colony throw you in the vague direction of the Lost Planet. (at 1.45 x 12.45)

Thank you
Thank you for playing Starcom:Nexus! (search for anomaly in the very last system)

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