Room with scallions escape прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

stuck with stick, red. ummm. thing, and hammer. What do we do with the red ball?

4 scallions, a hammer and a yellow key(used)

Cant get the english version.
Alternative link?

where did you find the hammer?

Anyone get the red ball out of the "fishtank"?

no problem,alkmar, my bed time. have fun,everyone.

Use stick to get green ball from top of tree

got blue ball,stick(used),green ball a red flashlight

alkmar, I think it was in the yellow key door

good night shuchun,here the evening just start

@alkmar in draw with yellow key

where did you use the stick?

I have blue, green and yellow balls, dont know what to do with the floating red ball in the "tank"

@cara thank you to!

alkmar: where did you find the blue ball?

use stick to get green ball from top of plant

where is the yellow ball

never mind .. I got the green ball. Alkmar, you have to change the lines on the box to make a face looking left to get the yellow key

ah. hidden tv in wall next to door

we need the screwdriver!!

the blue ball comes whilw trying to open the drawer by the blue key

explains arrow in book!

In the door scene. Click middle of wall.Screen will open and added blue ball

use the hammer on the wall next to the door

time of posting!

You dont need the hammer to see the tv, the hammer is for above the tannish colored table. use it on the wall and then use flashlight

click the balls on the screen and you some blocks

did someone find the yellow ball or the way of getting the red ball out of the tank?

shellzbellz61878 thanks got the yellow ball

where is yellow ball?

lathenanna, hammer above the table next to the one with the keyholes

Red ball makes me nervous! :D

Okay alkmar, speak up. How did you get the red ball, please?

use the hammer on the wall which has colored drawers in the front

thanks! juste need to understand what to do with the red ball now

@lathenana: see 38

the colored blocks you must turn a little and you see a number. The arrows tell you the order of the numbers(blue,green,yellow,red)
But I play again because The red one I just take the right number,without taking the red ball

A hint for the red ball please

@bill,I hope you understand what I wrote. start over now to take the red ball.

when you zoom the table top(or whatever you say) in front of the hole on the wall, you will find a kind of drawing

I had a normal end

Hey guys, first post here. Almost done (except for red ball), but where is the stick?

never mind. I think it shows the place for the tv

I already open the the door with blue key but cannot locate the blue ball. HELP

cemile, the drawing forms an arrow and an X. I think it is a hint to hit the wall above

omg! The coloured arrow in the book. *doh* I did see them, but failed to observe.

How to take out red ball? Still need to find blue ball

Mike: Stick is behind couch

Out. Guessed the red ball and perfect end.

Anna, how did you get a perfect end without getting the red ball?

Thanks Lykketrollmor! Now just that red ball to figure out.

it is possible to end without the red ball

I need the code for the door.

@anna, how did you do that,a perfect end without the red ball? I had a normal end without the red ball

Allright then, what order do the colors go into the door?

@Denita each ball in the TV gives a shape that you turn in you mind to form a number. Yellow was 7, for example.

blue,green yellow red(if I remember well)

@Bill, the arrow of colors in the book are actually numbers. They give the order for the door.

Thanks all. Got perfect end also, without that annoying red ball. Process of elimination on the red number. I still do not get how the order of the colors is established though.

kitkafox, you are right. Thank you. I had not noticed that at all.

Finally out. but still was never able to get the red ball.

good luck alkmar

got the red key an d a screwdriver! key is behind the small brown table

Where in Gods green earth is that fargin flashlight?

@tsb3428 under the tall chest (with the red ball)

@tsb3428,flashlight is down from the big black cupboard

Out! Still get perfect end without the red ball.

Where is the blue key/blue ball.

@ashblonde, the blue key is in the right hole low table.

@ashblonde, I mean the right hole of the low table. The table under the puzzle box.

okay tried three times.I leave the red ball swimming,and go through the door to see for another game

Try again many times, still could not remove red ball.

Can anyone tell me where the scallions are located? I only have four.

1. on couch
2. under couch
3. in front of puzzle table
4. 3 in red door
5. in yellow door

did anyone already find out the clue for the red ball?

@alkmar no one has mentioned getting it

I was at the wrong brown table. lol

@daphne behind it. I clicked at the right side of it

haha I just want to say to you take to right table but you already found it.Good luck!

where s the yellow key please?

yellow ball please.

patjesbran - see post 30

Lola - see post 38

thank you lunicornoir ^_^

To get the red ball just keep circling your mouse and at the same time get the cursor closer. Eventually you can get the red ball out of the hole.

When clicking beside an item of furniture hit the wall/floor line.

At door look at book and direction of arrow and hit wall to show a TV.

Go right to sofa, get scallion 1, left of sofa get stick and use on the plant to get GREEN BALL and under sofa for scallion 2.

Go right to pale wood chests and right side of small chest get RED KEY. Open red key drawer and get scallion 3 and SCREWDRIVER. Check under drawers to see diagram.

Back to drawers and use yellow key to get scallion 4 and HAMMER. Hit wall behind small chest and use flashlight to get YELLOW BALL. Use blue key and click again to get BLUE BALL.

Back to black cabinet and click top drawer. Use screwdiver. Wait for RED BALL to drift to the hole and collect it.

Back to door and place balls in hole at the bottom of the TV and see numbers (imagine flattening the shape).
Order blue green yellow red and see comment 78 if stuck.

Enter door numbers, hit button, zoom out and open door.

I got the red ball simply by clicking it when it came to the center of the hole. I think it is just really picky about where you pick cause the first time I tried it, I absolutely could not get it no matter how many times I clicked.

Finally, a Sakura game that I can finish with no help!

missed evry1, just starting..

got the red ball! click to the right of the small drawers (the ones next to the color key drawers) and youll find a screwdriver and scallion. unscrew the case and direct the ball toward the hole then click on it. good luck everyone!

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