Роми и джулий прохождение

Обновлено: 03.07.2024

Thank you Lieuwe and Becca for their help in this walkthough!

Chapter 1

1-1 Troubled Verona


1-2 Hated Feud

1-3 Red Rose

Tags: [Simple][Gentle]

Requirements: Julius Goodwill Lvl 2

1-4 Masquerade

Tags: [Grand][Charming]

Requirements: Laurence Goodwill Lvl 2

Event: Masquerade Dance

1-5 Scary Night

Tags: [Simple][Noble]

Requirements: Laurence Goodwill Lvl 3

*Unlocks if you previously selected Reject in Stage 1-4 Masquerade

1-6 Midnight Date

*Unlocks if you previously selected Agree in Stage 1-4 Masquerade

1-7 Ancient Legend

Tags: [Formal][Elegant]

Requirements: Julius Goodwill Lvl 3

Event: An Ancient Legend

1-8 Internal Doubt

Tags: [Simple][Gentle]

Requirements: Laurence Goodwill Lvl 4

*Unlocks if you previously selected Leave in Stage 1-7 Ancient Legend

1-9 Strange Letter

Tags: [Grand][Charming]

Requirements: Montague Blooms (Outfit)

1-10 Boiling Point

Tags: [Simple][Noble]

Requirements: Laurence Goodwill Lvl 5

  • Speak with Father
  • Accept the decision

Event: Midnight Melody

1-11 Lonely Youth

Tags: [Simple][Gentle]

Requirements: Iris Poetry (Outfit)

*Unlocks if you previously selected Hesitate in Stage 1-7 Ancient Legend

1-12 Meeting Someone

Tags: [Grand][Charming]

Requirements: Julius Goodwill Lvl 4

  • Admit it*
  • Deny it*
  • Stay with Bellona*
  • Chase after the Man in Black*

1-13 Before the Storm

Tags: [Simple][Noble]

Requirements: Freedom Road (Outfit) | Julius Goodwill Lvl 5

1-14 Unexpected Visitor

Tags: [Warm][Noble]

Requirements: Laurence Goodwill Lvl 6

1-15 Light Versus Dark

1-16 United Counter

Tags: [Formal][Elegant]

Requirements: Julius Goodwill Lvl 6

  • Julius**
  • Laurence**
  • Return Alone*
  • Discuss it with Laurence*

** To choose Julius, select Stay where I am in Stage 1-15 Light Versus Dark. To choose Laurence, select Walk to the door instead

1-17 Return to Verona

Tags: [Warm][Noble]

Requirements: Midnight Promise (Outfit) | Laurence Goodwill Lvl 7

*Unlocks if you previously selected Discuss it with Laurence in Stage 1-16 United Counter

Event: Slumbering Rose

1-18 The Mastermind

1-19 Final Battle

Event: Street Provisions

1-20 Goodbye, Julius

Tags: [Warm][Noble]

Requirements: Starry Kiss (Outfit) | Julius Goodwill Lvl 7

*Unlocks if you previously selected Return Alone in Stage 1-16 United Counter

Event: Withered Rose

1-21 The Truth

Time Princess: Секреты крафта и прохождений

В этом обсуждении вы найдёте всю информацию по прохождению истории «Роми и Джулий»

Отправляйтесь в Италию 14 века и станьте дамой семьи Монтекки — Роми. Наткнувшись на Джулия, наследника враждебной семьи, Роми вынуждена покориться судьбе. Как Роми разрешит давнюю вражду между семьями? И кто же главный виновник зла в городе.

Требуемая одежда и необходимое количество ресурсов для ее крафта:

Time Princess: Секреты крафта и прохождений

Место рождения: Италия
Интересы: садоводство, фехтование, поэзия
Наследник Капулетти благородного происхождения, но без присущего аристократии высокомерия. В юности учился по обмену в Риме и Флоренции. Эти поездки расширили его мировозрение и заставили задуматься о том, как объединить две семьи и поспособствовать процветания Вероны.

Лучшие подарки: еда/искусство
1. Разнообразные фрукты — ткань + фрукт (90 очков)
2. Рождение Венеры — ткань + краска (75 очков)
Трёхзвёздочного подарка с биркой «Еда» не существует

Для полного прохождения истории необходим 7 ур. доброжелательности спутника.

Time Princess: Секреты крафта и прохождений

Место рождения: Италия
Интересы: готовка десертов, врачебная практика, игра на органе
Он хорошо разбирается в теологии и медицине и его очень любят жители Вероны. Из-за чумы много лет назад он остался сиротой, при этом это также побудило его заняться медициной. Лорд Монтекки был тронут тем, как юноша помогал жертвам чумы после смерти его матери, и поэтому Лоренцо стал приемным сыном епископа.

Лучшие подарки: еда/инструмент
1. Сыворотка для лица — стекло + лекарства (90 очков)
2. Охотничий мушкет — металл + дерево (75 очков)
Трёхзвёздочного подарка с биркой «Еда» не существует

Для полного прохождения истории необходим 7 ур. доброжелательности спутника.

Romy and Julius has 5 major endings. This walkthrough is not entirely spoiler free. If you want help with a specific stage but aren't ready for spoilers, please see Romy and Julius.


Bloody Abyss (Laurence)

To unlock the route starting with 1-17:

To unlock this ending you must:

  • Select “Eagles can't catch me” in 1-14
  • Select "Avoid Laurence's Gaze" and “Lower Your Head” in 1-17
  • Select "Do it now" in Romy and Julius: 1-19 Final Battle

Bloody Abyss (Julius)

This ending is unlocked in Romy and Julius: 1-22 Verona's Fate. It is misnamed in the ending credit as Abyss of Blood.

To obtain this ending, you must not meet the requirements for either Bloodstained Rose or Romantic Stroll. An easy way to do this is to select "Chase after the man in black" in Romy and Julius: 1-12 Meeting Someone.

Romy and Julius is the sixth story to be released. It is one chapter with 22 stages. Players will become Romy, a young noble in 14th century Italy. Is this simply a gender bent Romeo and Juliet, or does something unexpected await our heroine?

Cost: 40 Reader's Coupons.

Based on the difficulty of perfecting later stages and the cost of crafting required pieces, the community upgrades this book's difficulty to a 4.



Travel to 14th century Italy, and become a lady of the Montague family -- Romy. After bumping into Julius, the heir of the rival family, Romy must dance to the strings of fate. How will Romy resolve the ancient feud between the two families? And who is the mastermind behind the evil in the city.

Required Clothing

The following is a list of the required clothing, and any craftable clothing that is needed to make it. Required clothing cannot be borrowed, and you cannot craft with borrowed clothing.

    • Requires Azure Answer
    • Requires Determined Journey; this blueprint must be purchased from Parven's Shop
    • Requires Azure Answer
    • Requires Determined Journey; this blueprint must be purchased from Parven's Shop
    • Requires Heart Ripples; this blueprint must be purchased from Parven's Shop

    Chapter 1

    1-1 Troubled Verona

    The commotion in the streets has drawn Romy's attention. She was too late to put a stop to the fight, but then she hears a commanding voice.

    Gifts: Blessed Wishes, Rosy Hymn
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Inspiring Notes

    1-2 Hated Feud

    The disturbance has died down, but Romy is still worried. She starts thinking about how to resolve the feud.

    Style: No dress-up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1

    1-3 Red Rose

    Worried about Bellona, Romy wanders out into the street. She encounters an unexpected incident, and a handsome youth comes to her rescue.

    Required: Julius Goodwill Lv. 2
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Crown of Enlightenment

    1-4 Masquerade

    Romy attends the masquerade with Bellona to gather more information. A masked young man asks Romy for a dance. Guess who he is.

    Required: Laurence Goodwill Lv. 2
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Azure Answer

    1-5 Scary Night

    After the masquerade, Romy decided to walk home by herself. A strange sound piques her curiosity. She goes to check it out, but danger lies ahead.

    Required: Laurence Goodwill Lv. 3
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Pure Passion

    1-6 Midnight Date

    Ill at ease, Romy makes her way to the Capulet garden. Somehow, the youth who asked to meet her there looks rather lonely and sad.

    Style: No dress-up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1

    1-7 Ancient Legend

    Romy and Julius meet in the church, and Laurence happens to be present. The two men couldn't have met before, but they start arguing on the spot.

    Required: Julius Goodwill Lv. 3
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Iris Poetry

    1-8 Internal Doubt

    On the way home, Romy has a scary encounter, but Laurence's company keeps her safe. She starts questioning things.

    Required: Laurence Goodwill Lv. 4
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Montague Blooms

    1-9 Strange Letter

    Romy receives a very strange invitation letter. She wants to discuss it with Laurence before making a decision. But he's too busy to talk.

    Required: Montague Blooms
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Map to Freedom

    1-10 Boiling Point

    Romy blames herself for Bellona's death, but when she hears some important news from a servant, she realizes that things are much more severe than she thought.

    Required: Laurence Goodwill Lv. 5
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Midnight Promise

    1-11 Lonely Youth

    After the days events, Romy finds herself dwilling on them at night. When Bellona teases her, Romy realizes something.

    Required: Iris Poetry
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Glorious Journey

    1-12 Meeting Someone

    Romy receives an invitation letter delivered by a Capulet servant, supposedly on Julius' orders. On the way to the meeting venue, Romy runs into Bellona.

    Required: Julius Goodwill Lv. 4
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Windbound

    1-13 Before the Storm

    Romy dissolves into tears when she thinks about Bellona's death. Lord Montague tries to comfort Romy, and rages about the Capulets.

    Required: Freedom Road, Julius Goodwill Lv. 5
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Holy Chant

    1-14 Unexpected Visitor

    Worried about Verona, Romy has difficulty sleeping. When she finally dozes off, she is awoken by a fragrance.

    Required: Laurence Goodwill Lv. 6
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Ruby Prayer

    1-15 Light Versus Dark

    Looking stern, Julius looks Romy in the eyes and asks a very earnest question that sways her. Laurence suddenly appears.

    Style: No dress up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1

    1-16 United Counter

    The scream pierces the night, followed by the sounds of clashing weapons. What's happening? How is Romy going to overcome this?

    Required: Julius Goodwill Lv. 6
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: Starry Kiss

    1-17 Return to Verona

    Romy is shocked to hear of Julius' death. She tells Laurence the news, as well as her desire to return to Verona.

    Required: Midnight Promise, Laurence Goodwill Lv. 7
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 Blueprint: Sleepless Love

    1-18 The Mastermind

    Romy never would have imagined she'd see these two people in church. And she didn't expect to uncover a huge secret.

    Style: No dress up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1

    1-19 Final Battle

    Romy is lost when Paris suddenly attacks. Laurence reacts first, and pushes Romy behind him.

    Style: No dress up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1

    1-20 Goodbye, Julius

    Romy discovers that the situation in Verona is far worse than she imagined. She even saw looters on the streets. Finally she sees the person lying in the coffin.

    Required: Starry Kiss, Julius Goodwill Lv. 7
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 3 , 1 , 1 , Blueprint: North Star's Whisper

    1-21 The Truth

    Upon hearing footsteps, Romy hides in a corner. The identities of the visitors surprise her. and their conversation reveals a shocking secret.

    Style: No dress up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1

    1-22 Verona's Fate

    The sudden figure darts in front of Romy and shields her from danger. Looking at him, Romy is shocked.

    Style: No dress up component
    Rewards: 3,000 , 600 , 1 , 1 , 1


    Romy and Julius has 5 major endings. For a guide on how to obtain each one, please see Romy and Julius Endings.

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