Rimworld save our ship 2 гайд

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Хотите присоединиться к обсуждению? Для этого нужно войти или создать аккаунт. Дата создания: 15 дек. 2019 в 16:14 15 дек. 2019 в 16:14 Necessities for first launch?

So I *think* I'm done with my first ship.

I have a shuttle bay in it's own room, and in the other room I have:
*3 batteries
*Short-range sensor
*Ship Bridge
*Comm Console
*Stove & 750 berries in a fridge
*5 cryptosleep caskets, 1 of which are auto-ejecting
*Dining table with chairs
*Life Support Machine
*4 x Eva Suits and Helmets
*Chemfuel Power Generator
*Infinite ChemReactor
*Ship Radiator

I also have 4 solar generators, and enough materials to build a brand new base.

What am I missing? Am I overthinking it? Can someone who's gotten further than me explain what to bring into space?

16 дек. 2019 в 2:28 For starters i dont see any engines in that list 16 дек. 2019 в 2:28

that's enough to launch to orbit with. expand from there, using the shuttlebay to drop off materials. the chemfuel power generator won't do a ton, tho it will help, might wanna replace it and the 3 batteries with a capcitor from the current ship, make sure you got some ship solar panels in place of walls as well. oh, and the biggest thing yer missing

a heater or 4..space is cold, and with no vents that can be placed instead/on walls, yer gonna need a heater per room at least, more of it's bigger/has an airlock touching space..don't forget a radiator for yer freezer

16 дек. 2019 в 2:30 basicly, the first picture in the screenshots for SoS2? that's a decent idea on what to launch to space with, tossing up via shuttle stuff you need, eventually turn yer ship into a full sized base, only having a groundside base to supply you with materials(mostly steel, that is hardest to find in space) 16 дек. 2019 в 2:31 I'd recommend you use the Capacitor Array (One for the jump, one for general use) instead of regular batteries. Add in a Ship AI, pretty useful as it will scan for orbital quest sites automatically (you'll need it also when you want to jump to other planets).
A growing area would be nice also with hydroponics. You won't be able to jump to other planets until you find a JohnTanaka Drive so your ship will be sitting up in orbit for a while. They'd be good source of chemfuel also if the InfiChemReactor don't make enough for you.
I'd also recommend having at least two shuttle bays. You can use SRTS ships if you want and can land them on shuttle bays but you'd need an unroofed area to launch them from your ship.
Also turrets. Your ship won't get raided unless you go to one of the orbital sites but future updates might (or will) change this (ship to ship combat is one of the things the author is planning on adding to the mod).
There's also an issue with faction pawns on new worlds so you might wanna not jump to a different planet until it gets fixed. 16 дек. 2019 в 3:02 For starters i dont see any engines in that list

Oh, sorry, I got 2 engines :)

that's enough to launch to orbit with. expand from there, using the shuttlebay to drop off materials. the chemfuel power generator won't do a ton, tho it will help, might wanna replace it and the 3 batteries with a capcitor from the current ship, make sure you got some ship solar panels in place of walls as well. oh, and the biggest thing yer missing

a heater or 4..space is cold, and with no vents that can be placed instead/on walls, yer gonna need a heater per room at least, more of it's bigger/has an airlock touching space..don't forget a radiator for yer freezer

Ah, the mod page made it sound like the opposite was a problem!
I'll make a Capacitator Array in the first room I build then, I've used up all my space for now :p

basicly, the first picture in the screenshots for SoS2? that's a decent idea on what to launch to space with, tossing up via shuttle stuff you need, eventually turn yer ship into a full sized base, only having a groundside base to supply you with materials(mostly steel, that is hardest to find in space)

I was squinting at the first picture, but with all the stuff lying on the ground it wasn't very informative :(

I'd recommend you use the Capacitor Array (One for the jump, one for general use) instead of regular batteries. Add in a Ship AI, pretty useful as it will scan for orbital quest sites automatically (you'll need it also when you want to jump to other planets).
A growing area would be nice also with hydroponics. You won't be able to jump to other planets until you find a JohnTanaka Drive so your ship will be sitting up in orbit for a while. They'd be good source of chemfuel also if the InfiChemReactor don't make enough for you.
I'd also recommend having at least two shuttle bays. You can use SRTS ships if you want and can land them on shuttle bays but you'd need an unroofed area to launch them from your ship.
Also turrets. Your ship won't get raided unless you go to one of the orbital sites but future updates might (or will) change this (ship to ship combat is one of the things the author is planning on adding to the mod).
There's also an issue with faction pawns on new worlds so you might wanna not jump to a different planet until it gets fixed.

Hmm. I'll try to have some internal defenses, and maybe some cannons if resources permit, then. Just for future endeavours.
And yeah, I was gonna make hydroponics my first room, but I'm moving it down the list :)

Этот мод служит комплексным переосмыслением космических полетов. Постройте орбитальную крепость, исследуйте обломки древних кораблей, сражайтесь с пиратами, или станьте одним из них, или путешествуйте туда и обратно между далекими системами! Откройте для себя секреты эволюции ИИ вашего корабля в настоящего архотека, который поможет вам захватить планету!Этот мод служит комплексным переосмыслением космических полетов. Постройте орбитальную крепость, исследуйте обломки древних кораблей, сражайтесь с пиратами, или станьте одним из них, или путешествуйте туда и обратно между далекими системами! Откройте для себя секреты эволюции ИИ вашего корабля в настоящего архотека, который поможет вам захватить планету!

Требования к запуску в SoS2 гораздо проще, чем в оригинале. Базовому кораблю для запуска на орбиту нужен только мостик, сенсоры, доки для шаттлов и двигатели на химическом топливе. Оказавшись на орбите, вы сможете расширить как вам угодно.Требования к запуску в SoS2 гораздо проще, чем в оригинале. Базовому кораблю для запуска на орбиту нужен только мостик, сенсоры, доки для шаттлов и двигатели на химическом топливе. Оказавшись на орбите, вы сможете расширить как вам угодно.

SoS2 работает с прыжками с планеты иначе, чем его предшественник. Вместо того, чтобы начинать новую игру, как только вы построите двигатель Джонсона-Танаки, вы сможете прыгать между планетами одним нажатием кнопки. Весь предыдущий мир будет сжат и сохранен, что позволит вам возвращаться на планеты в любое время. Покидая планету, вы можете передать право собственности на свою колонию союзной фракции, и если вы решите вернуться, она может стать процветающим поселением этой фракции. Возможно, их потомки даже почувствуют себя достаточно благодарными, чтобы преподнести вам подарки.

Во время путешествия в новый мир можно менять части сценария, хотя некоторые из них могут быть неработоспособны. Сценарии сохраняются рядом с мирами, поэтому, когда вы устанете жить на планете, где трупы взрываются, вы можете собрать вещи и улететь, уверенные в том, что они будут такими же взрывоопасными, когда вы решите вернуться.

Оказавшись на орбите, вы столкнетесь с другими кораблями. Некоторые из них захотят поторговаться, некоторые откажутся общаться, а некоторые сразу нападут на вас. Будете ли вы использовать свои торпеды и рельсотроны только в целях самообороны, или вы будете безжалостно ломать корпуса торговых судов ради ценностей, которые они содержат?

Требования к запуску корабля на орбиту в SoS2 намного проще, чем в ванили. Базовому кораблю для запуска требуются только мост, датчики, челночный отсек и двигатели с химическим топливом. Оказавшись там, вы можете расширить его до содержания вашего сердца.

SoS2 обрабатывает прыжки с планеты по-другому, чем его предшественник. Вместо того, чтобы начинать новую игру, после того, как вы создали двигатель Джонсона-Танаки, вы сможете прыгать между мирами одним нажатием кнопки. Весь предыдущий мир будет сохранен, что позволит вам вновь посещать планеты. Когда вы покидаете мир, вы можете передать право владения своей колонией союзной фракции, и если вы решите вернуться, это может стать процветающим поселением этой фракции. Возможно, потомки будут чувствовать себя достаточно благодарными, чтобы подарить вам подарок.

Можно изменить части сценария при путешествии в новый мир, хотя некоторые условия могут быть другими. Сценарии сохраняются вместе с мирами, поэтому, когда вы устанете жить на планете, где взрывается каждый труп, вы можете собраться и уйти, зная, что это будет так же взрывоопасно, когда вы решите вернуться.

This mod serves as a comprehensive overhaul of spaceflight. Build an orbital fortress, explore the wreckage of ancient ships, battle pirates - or become one - and travel back and forth between distant RimWorlds! Discover the secrets of evolving your ship's AI into a true archotech, and rule the Rim!

In vanilla RimWorld, the ship's only purpose is to serve as an expensive win condition. SoS2 aims to make it a relevant gameplay element from mid-late game onwards. Once you've built a basic ship and launched it into orbit, it plays a number of roles: as a (relatively) safe place to store a small amount of loot/colonists, a resource sink as you expand it into a full-fledged space station, and - most importantly - a launch point for orbital quests and ship battles, and a quick way to reach any spot on the planet.

For more details, especially regarding the mechanics of ship combat, check out our wiki.

The requirements for launch are much simpler in SoS2 than in vanilla. A basic ship needs only a bridge, sensors, a shuttle bay, and chemfuel engines to be launched into orbit. Once there, you can expand it to your heart's content.

SoS2 handles planet-hopping differently than its predecessor. Rather than needing to start a new game, once you've built a Johnson-Tanaka drive you'll be able to jump between worlds at the touch of a button. The entire previous world is compressed and stored, allowing you to revisit planets at your leisure. When departing a world, you can transfer ownership of your colony to an allied faction, and if you decide to return it may have become a thriving settlement of that faction. Perhaps their descendants will even feel grateful enough to give you gifts.

It is possible to change scenario parts when traveling to a new world, although some may be irrelevant. Scenarios are saved alongside worlds, so when you grow tired of living on a planet where every corpse explodes, you can pack up and leave, secure in the knowledge that it will be just as explodey when you decide to return.

Once in orbit, you will encounter other ships - some may want to trade, some will refuse to communicate, and some will attack outright. Will you use your torpedoes and railguns only in self-defense, or will you mercilessly crack trade ships' hulls for the valuables they contain?

Perhaps you feel bold enough to track down the source of those psychic signals that have afflicted your colonists since their arrival. With the help of your ship's AI core, you can locate and hack into an archotech's orbital amplifier and steal the secrets of evolving an AI into an archotech.

RimWorld's engine was not set up to handle multiple planets, and I've had to dig deep into the game's guts to make this mod work. Getting even simple aspects - for example, the vanilla faction manager - to operate across worlds was a headache and a half, and ship combat requires even more changes to the fundamental game. As a result, some hiccups are to be expected. I'd advise you to make a hard save before each spaceflight, and please send me your error logs if something does go wrong.

Every effort has been made to ensure compatibility with other mods. All commonly-used data structures, be they UtilityWorldObjects or WorldComponents, are transferred between worlds. Nevertheless, I can't plan for every contingency. Please let me know if something fails to transfer.

This mod is dedicated to the memory of pipakin, who maintained Save Our Ship during my absence.

Thanks also to Sarg, who created new sprites for the space insects. You can find his excellent add-on "Alpha Ships" here.

Shipwrights: (Insert Boi here), AlfadorZero, choppytehbear, Dammerung, DianaWinters, Foxtrot, Inert, Jameson, Moonshine Dusk
Testing squad: Phsarjk, i am has yes, Fuji, Reviire, Ian, choppytehbear, Jameson, Generic Scout, Waipa, Xanthos, BUTTERSKY, Karim, firethestars, Haldicar, jamhax, Jenden, maraworf, Red_Bunny, rostock, sprocket, El Jojo, Zahc, Dutchman, Zero Jackal, Tiberiumkyle, swordspell, SonicTHI, Shabm, Reviire, Kasodus, Red_Bunny, melandor, Madman, K', Jenden, Insert Witty Joke, Ifailatgaming, choppytehbear, Capitão Escarlate, Bunkier, Bumblybear, Bubbadoge, Abraxas, (Insert Boi here)

If you're having difficulties getting SoS2 to work, please make sure Harmony is first in your load order, followed by Core, HugsLib, and then Save Our Ship 2. Linux users may need this Harmony fix if the game crashes on startup. If you are using third-party mods which explicitly reference SoS2, please try disabling them before you submit a bug report.

This mod *is* compatible with existing saved games, although vanilla ships will need to be rebuilt.

If you'd like your mod's armor to count as EVA gear, simply add "EVA" to its apparel tags, and make sure it occupies the "Overhead" or "Shell" armor layers (for helmets and suits, respectively).

If you're a modder who wants to create your own enemy ships, check out the SoSCK:

This mod serves as a comprehensive overhaul of spaceflight. Build an orbital fortress, explore the wreckage of ancient ships, battle pirates - or become one - and travel back and forth between distant RimWorlds! Discover the secrets of evolving your ship's AI into a true archotech, and rule the Rim!

In vanilla RimWorld, the ship's only purpose is to serve as an expensive win condition. SoS2 aims to make it a relevant gameplay element from mid-late game onwards. Once you've built a basic ship and launched it into orbit, it plays a number of roles: as a (relatively) safe place to store a small amount of loot/colonists, a resource sink as you expand it into a full-fledged space station, and - most importantly - a launch point for orbital quests and ship battles, and a quick way to reach any spot on the planet.

For more details, especially regarding the mechanics of ship combat, check out our wiki.

The requirements for launch are much simpler in SoS2 than in vanilla. A basic ship needs only a bridge, sensors, a shuttle bay, and chemfuel engines to be launched into orbit. Once there, you can expand it to your heart's content.

SoS2 handles planet-hopping differently than its predecessor. Rather than needing to start a new game, once you've built a Johnson-Tanaka drive you'll be able to jump between worlds at the touch of a button. The entire previous world is compressed and stored, allowing you to revisit planets at your leisure. When departing a world, you can transfer ownership of your colony to an allied faction, and if you decide to return it may have become a thriving settlement of that faction. Perhaps their descendants will even feel grateful enough to give you gifts.

It is possible to change scenario parts when traveling to a new world, although some may be irrelevant. Scenarios are saved alongside worlds, so when you grow tired of living on a planet where every corpse explodes, you can pack up and leave, secure in the knowledge that it will be just as explodey when you decide to return.

Once in orbit, you will encounter other ships - some may want to trade, some will refuse to communicate, and some will attack outright. Will you use your torpedoes and railguns only in self-defense, or will you mercilessly crack trade ships' hulls for the valuables they contain?

Perhaps you feel bold enough to track down the source of those psychic signals that have afflicted your colonists since their arrival. With the help of your ship's AI core, you can locate and hack into an archotech's orbital amplifier and steal the secrets of evolving an AI into an archotech.

RimWorld's engine was not set up to handle multiple planets, and I've had to dig deep into the game's guts to make this mod work. Getting even simple aspects - for example, the vanilla faction manager - to operate across worlds was a headache and a half, and ship combat requires even more changes to the fundamental game. As a result, some hiccups are to be expected. I'd advise you to make a hard save before each spaceflight, and please send me your error logs if something does go wrong.

Every effort has been made to ensure compatibility with other mods. All commonly-used data structures, be they UtilityWorldObjects or WorldComponents, are transferred between worlds. Nevertheless, I can't plan for every contingency. Please let me know if something fails to transfer.

This mod is dedicated to the memory of pipakin, who maintained Save Our Ship during my absence.

Thanks also to Sarg, who created new sprites for the space insects. You can find his excellent add-on "Alpha Ships" here.

Shipwrights: (Insert Boi here), AlfadorZero, choppytehbear, Dammerung, DianaWinters, Foxtrot, Inert, Jameson, Moonshine Dusk
Testing squad: Phsarjk, i am has yes, Fuji, Reviire, Ian, choppytehbear, Jameson, Generic Scout, Waipa, Xanthos, BUTTERSKY, Karim, firethestars, Haldicar, jamhax, Jenden, maraworf, Red_Bunny, rostock, sprocket, El Jojo, Zahc, Dutchman, Zero Jackal, Tiberiumkyle, swordspell, SonicTHI, Shabm, Reviire, Kasodus, Red_Bunny, melandor, Madman, K', Jenden, Insert Witty Joke, Ifailatgaming, choppytehbear, Capitão Escarlate, Bunkier, Bumblybear, Bubbadoge, Abraxas, (Insert Boi here)

If you're having difficulties getting SoS2 to work, please make sure Harmony is first in your load order, followed by Core, HugsLib, and then Save Our Ship 2. Linux users may need this Harmony fix if the game crashes on startup. If you are using third-party mods which explicitly reference SoS2, please try disabling them before you submit a bug report.

This mod *is* compatible with existing saved games, although vanilla ships will need to be rebuilt.

If you'd like your mod's armor to count as EVA gear, simply add "EVA" to its apparel tags, and make sure it occupies the "Overhead" or "Shell" armor layers (for helmets and suits, respectively).

If you're a modder who wants to create your own enemy ships, check out the SoSCK:

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