Realms of arkania blade of destiny прохождение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Итак начиная игру на первый взгляд кажется что она очень сложная, но выбив платину понимаешь что большинство функций скорее всего декоративные.
Советую начинать игру на лёгком уровне сложности. А потом в настройках включить самостоятельно модификаторы сложности отвечающие за болезни (для Quack Doctor), драки после отдыха (для набора очков опыта иначе вы выше первого уровня никогда не подниметесь также пригодится для ачивки Lazy Bugger), поломки оружия (One Rich Blacksmith) и необходимости в еде (Can You Eat This?). По мере выбивания ачивок выключайте ненужное.
Бог и количество очков здоровья генерируется каждый раз рандомно при выборе класса персонажа рекомендую прыгать между классами пока не выпадет нужные вам показатели.
Также здесь очень странная система прокачки персонажа. У вас есть положительные и отрицательные характеристики. При чём при создании персонажа вам рандомом подбрасывают цифру от 8 до 13 для положительных значений от 2 до 7 для отрицательных значений и вы уже решаете куда и что распределять.
Негативные характеристики:
Минимальными желательно держать следующие показатели:
Superstition - От этого показателя зависит ваше сопротивление магии. Чем ниже показатель тем лучше. Можно успокоиться на значении 2-3
Acrophobia - Может мешать в прохождении, но можно спокойно пройти игру с показателем в районе 4
Claustrophobia - Чаще сталкиваемся с этой проблемой путешествуя по пещерам. Там много битв и это может мешать. Но в районе 3-4 можно спокойно пройти игру. Если сильно мешает, то входите и выходите в пещеру пока всё будет нормально.
Avarice - Ближе к концу игры пару раз персонажи вытворяли тупую хрень и получали маленькие штрафы, но ничего критичного в целом не произойдёт. На 5-6 спокойно проходим.
Necrophobia - Трупаков в игре много желательно держать показатель на минимальном уровне. Хватит от 2-3.
Curiosity - Пару раз персонажи трогают вещи без спроса. Но вроде ничего катастрофического произойти не должно. На 5-6 спокойно проходим.
Violent Temper - Вообще ни разу не заметил где бы это помешало в игре. Можно спокойно выставлять 7.

Хотел расписать ещё подробности создания партии но в подсказках есть ограничение на количество символов. Поэтому забил.
Поковыряйтесь сами ЗДЕСЬ и ЗДЕСЬ. Если всё сделает правильно, то проблем не будет. Советую для облегчения сбора партии как в старинку взять тетрадь и выписывать в неё себе подсказки.
Готовьтесь к тому что только на создание персонажей по инструкциям вручную может уйти часа 4. И каждый левел ап может затянуться на час.

Своему магу сразу максимально прокачивайте (прокачивается за ману совершая ритуал во время отдыха в лагере или гостиннице) посох чтобы в подземельях не нужны были факелы и прочая фигня. Также можете купить ему кристальный шар в магазине хоз товаров и прокачайте его также тем же образом до максимального уровня. Лишнем не будет.

In the evenings, an extended visit to the "Four Winds" tavern would be
useful. You might hear the story of the Ship of the Dead.

In the south west section of Thorwal, look for the fortress. To enter,
bark at the young warrior guarding the gate and insist to see Master

Carry a sufficient supply of rope, you may need to build a bridge.
On the road from Rovamund to Nordvest you will come upon a body carrying
and amulet guarding against the spell Ignifaxus.

The marshes along the Bodir river are dangerous, you may lose equipment
and you might catch "blue cough".

Walking from Phexcaer to Hermits lake there is a possibility of an ambush
by Orcs. The orc leader is wearing an amulet guarding against
Transformation magic. Along the same route, some Gryphons will bar the
way. The solution to their riddle is WHEEL.

The march from Daspota to Rybon is interrupted by a meeting, a dying
adventuress tells you the location of the Daspota treasure. It is on the
road from Rybon to Thoss. Following the road further, you will meet
harpies and they give you information about some abandoned ruins
inhabited by the Dark Mage who is in possession of a segment of the Map.

There is an abandoned Inn by the road from daspota to Ottarje, where you
can pause to rest, be prepared for a fight as the cellars are inhabited
by the undead.

On the riverwalk from Thoss to Liskor your characters will notice an
Orcish monolith on the opposite bank of the river. Cross over by raft
and destroy the idol. The gods will look favourably upon this and it
will increase your chances of a miracle.

The mountain path from Felsteyn to Orkanger is dangerous, your characters
are attacked by brigands. You do however, have a chance to turn the
situation around and ambush the brigands in their camp as well. Near the
end of the road is a cave occupied by Goblins.

Along the road from Orvil to Rovik, you come upon a wolf pack attacking a
flock of sheep, and find evidence of the dark druid Gorah.


The first map piece you should look for is in Angobodirtal. Abusive
treatment of Beorn Hjallasson will result in a map fragment.

Isleif Olgardson lives in Felstyn and will give you a map piece.

Ragna Firunjasdotter in Vidsland will aprt with a map piece only after a
polite request to look at it.

Yasma Thinmarsdotter used to live in Clanegh, but has since moved to
Thoss. She once owned a map fragment, but it was stolen by a dark mage.
She will tell your characters the exact location of his fortress.0C
Umbrik Sevenstones is a Druid from Orvil. He will send the characters on
a quest and upon completion, will present the characters with a letter
of introduction to Tiomar Swafnildson in Brendhil. Presenting Tiolmar
with this letter will result in your characters receiving a map fragment.

Jurge Thorfinson is a resident of Skjal. When you visit him, he will
send you to Thorwal to ge a letter of introduction from the Hetman. When
you give him the letter he gives you a map fragment.

Treborn Kollberg is a travelling merchant willing to sell a map fragment.
Should the characters decline to purchase it they can visit him in

List of Contributors
Uwe Hauck
Dominique Bertrand

1) Introduction
This FAQ was put together by Nigel Clarke and Sean Abrams to help
other players of the Realms of Arkania - Blade of Destiny game.
Despite being quite an old game this has no previously written FAQ
that we can find. The game is appearing in bargain bins and players of
Realms of Arkania - Star Trail who liked that may enjoy the precursor
to that game.

Email comments and suggestions on this FAQ to

Another player is developing a walkthrough for BoD. I have no further
information on the status of his project.

"From: mark james harris
I am working on a walkthrough, let me know if you require any hints,"

2) Putting together a Party
These are some hints and tips for putting together a party. We assume
that you are using advanced mode to play.

A party is made up of six characters, although a single Non Player
Character may join you at various points. We suggest 2 fighter types
(Warrior, Thorwalian or Dwarf), a Druid, Magician, Sylvan Elf and
Hunter make up a reasonably balanced party.

When completing the generation process or when going up levels your
characters should concentrate on getting high haggle skills, healing
skills or spells, lockpick skills, perception/danger skills, nature
skills, survival skills, carouse skills, and orientation skills. When
raising combat values we do not tend to increase parry levels beyond
the initial level. Rather we rely on raising attack levels to hit the
enemy first.

At the beginning at least two or three characters should try and get
good healing skills (wounds, disease and poison). These will be very
important during the early game.

We suggest that your Fighter/Dwarf characters concentrate on the
survival and perception/danger skills. These help in leading the
party and avoiding danger. The party leader should have good charisma
for interacting with people you meet. Lockpick is another skill choice
the fighters should have.

Elves should gain skills in perception/danger, nature, survival, herb
lore and orientation. These help with hunting for food and water and
other outdoor work.

Hunters should choose perception/danger, nature, survival, and
orientation skills. These help with hunting for food and water and
other outdoor work.

Druids should choose nature, perception/danger, and herb lore skills
to allow them to gather herbs easily.

Magicians should make sure that they have good spoken, read/write
ancient tongues, ancient lore etc to allow them to read scrolls,
recipes etc. We suggest that combat spells be chosen as the preferred
Arcane Lore. In addition we strongly suggest that Magicians switch
skill increase attempts for Astral Points, give all the Life/Astral
points increase to Life Points and convert 5 skill attempts to get 5
spell attempts when going up levels.

For spells we specifically recommend the following:
All combat spells, Horriphobus, Foramen, Pure and Clear, Analyze,
Transversalis and Penetrate.
Lightning, Iron Rust and Evil Eye.
Sylvan Elves
Lightning, Fulminictus, Eagle Eye, Balm of Roond, Rest the body
and Odem Arcanum.

Generally at least one magic user should get the dispell skills
to remove petrification (Dispell Transformation) as soon as possible.

3) General Hints and Tips
These are in no particular order.

b) Visit every building in each town or village. Talk to every Inn and
Tavern keeper and their patrons for information. If necessary split
the party and use just the character with the highest carouse skill to
avoid getting drunk. The game will almost certainly lock up and crash
when this happens.

c) Make a donation and pray at every temple as this may help with
certain, minor, side quests.

e) An alchemy set is a waste of time and carrying capacity. Buying
magic potions to recover Astral Points or using meditate is easier.

f) Magicians should meditate to turn Life Points into Astral Points
and then eat whirlweed to recover Life Points. Whirlweed is cheaper
than healing potions and can be stacked on a space. Use healing
potions as soon as you lose Life Points to reduce weight carried.

h) Save game often, 50 points is easily recovered in a fight against
just about anything.

i) Always cure wounds after combat when low level. Failure to do so
will cause the party members to frequently die of tetanus from
infected wounds.

4) Potions and Herbs
Some potions and herbs are useful and others are just for background
and local colour. The healing herbs are most useful as they can be
stacked in a characters pack unlike potions. Poisons should be used on
arrows and extra strength healing potions can be useful in combat.
However whirlweed is generally the best source of Life Points.

Making money
Most herbs that you find should be sold to herbalists in towns and
villages. Sell excess healing potions and buy whirlweeds instead.

Armour AR Att Parry Weight
Body armour
Quilt 2 1 1 120
Leather 3 1 2 180
Toadskin 3 1 2 150
Chainshirt 4 2 2 320
Scale 5 2 2 480
Shield 1 0 0 140
Iron Shield 2 0 -1 200
Head armour
Cap 1 0 0 90
Pot helm 2 0 1 100
Iron Helm 3 1 1 180
Leg armour
Leather greaves 1 0 0 70
Chain greaves 2 1 1 80
Scale greaves 2 0 1 100
6) Cornucopia

b) The coronet found in the Temple of the Nameless God adds 2 to MR of
anyone wearing it.

c) Star design amulets add 5 to MR of anyone carrying them. The blue,
flower design, amulet protects against the Ignifaxus spell.

d) There are several rings to be found in the game.

Red - +2 magic resistance
Green - Fire resistance
Blue - non-magical

h) A Girdle of Might can be found and increases the strength of the
character weaing it by 5.

i0 To read a document you need to select it and use object rather than
drop it on the eye icon. You may need several tries depending upon who
is trying to read it.

The months are each 30 days in length:
Praios, Rondra, Efferd
Travia, Boron, Hesinde
Firun, Tsa, Phex
Peraine, Ingerimm, Rahja
Days without a name (5)

During Winter you will find it impossible to travel across the Hjaldor
Mountains. You may have to defer visiting some locations or travel by



Hetmans House Hetman Gives Letter of Introduction to

. Jondra Gives letter? to allow you to
Thorwal into the armoury.

Armoury Allows you to get up to 30
Thorwal worth of weapons if you have the
from the Hetman.

Old Ungalf Master Dramosch Gain experience by defeating
Thorwal 4 floors. Visit here after the
armoury to gain some experience
get some potions, loot etc.

Healer Noro Mystico Good healer

Chandler Stoerrebrandt Best selection of goods
Thorwal Grossberg

Amourer Grollo Best weapons
Thorwal Gumbladsson

Magicians Can remove curses and identify
Academy magic items.

Felstyn Isleif Olgardsson Descendant of Hyggelik
Gives map piece
Gives names

Angbodirtal Bjorn Hjallasson Gt, Gt Grandson of Hyggelik
Map piece ? Names ?

Varnhome Eliane Windenbeck Will give map piece after the
party destroys the Temple
of the Nameless God.

Ottarje Hjore Ahrensson Map piece (false)
Names ?

Skjal Jurge Thorfinsson LoI from Hetman required for
piece. Names ?

Hjalsingor Algrid Trondesdottir Sold map piece to a merchant
(Kolborn). Names ?

Orvil Umbrik Sevenstones A druid who asks the party to

destroy another druid ravaging
area. Will give a Letter of
Introduction to Tiomar in
and names ?

Brendhil Tiomar Swafnildsson Needs letter from Umbrick
Sevenstones to give you the
map piece. Names ?

Pride of Hjalland Swafnid Egilsdottir Will give you a ride and will
give a Boat map piece to you in Aryn
and names ?

Vidsend Ragna Firundjasdottir Needs careful choice of words
to gain map piece from her.
Names ?

Road from Merchant Kolberg Has map bought from Algrid
Varnhome to Trondesdottir in Hjalsingor.
Daspota Charges 50/60D but allows you to

trade with him to get the funds.

Daspota Pirate town with plenty of
and lots of loot that you can
Old man wants writ ?

Pirate Treasure Cave Lots of pirates, 2 floors.
Road from Rybon
to Thoss.

Ruins on Sorceror Has map piece from Yasma. The
Thoss to are maze like, have teleports,
Rybon road secret doors. Use bag from orcs
in NE
corner of room to gain entry to
of ruins. 3 floors.

Road from Olvir Gunridsson Tells tales and sings songs.
Ala to Orvil

Ljasdahl Alwine Terhaas Good chandler

Ljasdahl Temple of Nameless God
Ruined shack 2 floors.

Spider Cave Priests have weapon breaking
on road from Use crystals from spiders on
Ottarje to Skjal Heptagram with SNATCAM ? 2/3?

Prem One Leg Best herbalist

Sperm Whale Innkeeper Old mine rumour and NPC
Prem Garsvik (Thorwalian)

Old Mine The mine is on near the river
(on the
Prem east side) and at the north of
town. There is a weapon shop

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