Portal knights как открыть консоль

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Setting up a dedicated server for Portal Knights enables four players to play in the same world without having to be online at the same time.

Note: Running a server on your own computer without a clear understanding of what you are doing may make your system vulnerable for attacks from outside.

Setting up a server is not easy without some technical knowledge and takes time. We don't recommend trying to setup a dedicated server if you don't have some experiencewith setting up networks.

Here’s how to configure a dedicated server for Portal Knights:

1) Copy the “dedicated_server.zip” found in the Steam folder of your Portal Knights. In order to find that folder right click on “Portal Knights” in your Steam library and select properties. Switch to the “Local Files” tab and click on “Browse Local Files…”

2) Extract the dedicated_server.zip file in the desired location.

3) Start the "pk_dedicated_server.exe" - a log file, a configuration file, and a save data folder will be created.

4) Close the "pk_dedicated_server.exe" in order to set up the config file.

5) Open the "server_config.json" file with a text editor to set up the server. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE IN ASCII OR UTF-8!

6) The following settings can be viewed or changed:
a) basicServerData
i) name: The name that your dedicated server will display.
ii) ipv4: The local network IP address of your dedicated server. The address allows the host computer to listen to all local network traffic. You probably won't need to change this unless you're setting up your server to work on a specific network card or interface.
iii) port: The port for the dedicated server. We recommend against changing this unless your firewall/router settings require it, or if you want to run several servers on the same PC (in which case each will need a separate port).
iv) iv. saveFolderPath: This is the location where save data will be written. This needs to be changed, if you wish to run multiple server instances on the same PC.
b) universeSize: (Small/Normal/Large) The universe size for the dedicated server.
c) hideConsoleWindow: (true/false) This will hide the console window. If this option is enabled, the server can only be closed by terminating it in the task manager.
d) admins/users/guests
i) Credentials
(1) password: Choose passwords used to access your dedicated server by different user groups. There are three user groups (admin, users, and guests) which can be set up with different passwords and rights. Only give players the password for the user group rights you want them to have and keep your admin password private!
(2) canLogin: (true/false) Defines whether a particular user group can log in.
(3) canKickPlayers: (true/false) Defines whether a particular user group can kick other players from the server.
(4) canModifyWorld: (true/false) Defines whether a particular user group can mine/build blocks/props.
(5) canInteractWithLockables: Not currently functional.

7) Start the "pk_dedicated_server.exe" again to start the dedicated server with the new settings.

In order to set up multiple servers on the same PC, use the Command Prompt arguments provided below to prepare different configurations for each one and adapt the config files for each accordingly. Start the "pk_dedicated_server.exe" - a log file, a configuration file, and a save folder will be created.

a. -config myConfig.json: The myConfig.json configuration file will be used to set
up the server.

i. If a file with this name does not exist a default configuration file with
this name will be created. Note: You are free to create your own name for
your configuration files, "myConfig.json" is just an example.

b. -log mylogfile.log : The log file will be written to the specified file.

pk_dedicated_server -config myOwnConfig.json -log testServer.log
Will start a dedicated server that reads its configuration from
myOwnConfig.json and will write its log output to testServer.log

Config File Format:

Copy a World to the Dedicated Server
In order to copy your world to a newly setup dedicated Server please follow these steps:
1. Open the Savepath of Portal Knights
2. The local savepath after Cloud Save: \\Steam\userdata\STEAM USER ID\374040\remote
3. Copy all files from this folder to the savedata folder of your dedicated server (for example: C:\PK Dedicated Server\savedata)
4. Start the server and enjoy

Please keep in mind that only the world is being saved on the Dedicated Server. Please also keep in mind that the Dedicated Server is NOT connected to the Steam Cloud. Any world changes are only being saved in the named savedata folder. If you wish to make a backup please copy/paste the folder regularly somewhere else.

Доброе время суток! Перед тем как вы начали играть в данную игру вы создали свой профиль в игре. И для того чтобы начать играть заново в данную игру вам теперь надо удалить свой старый профиль, а после этого создать новый. Но вы можете этого не делать и оставить старый профиль, может через какое-то время вы захотите вернутся в него. Также вы можете свой профиль продать другим игрокам за определенную сумму денег. Создать новый профиль в игре вы можете по той же схеме, что и создавали первый профиль.

После открытия папки с локальными файлами кликаем правой кнопкой мыши по файлу portal2 и выбираем создать ярлык. Должно получится что-то вроде этого:

Шаг 3

Кликаем правой кнопкой по ярлыку файла из предыдущего шага и выбираем пункт свойства.

Шаг 4

Выбираем вкладку ярлык и в ней ищем поле объект.

Шаг 5

В поле объект делаем пробел и дописываем вот эту команду: -dev

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