Overthrow arma 3 гайд

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Хотите присоединиться к обсуждению? Для этого нужно войти или создать аккаунт. Дата создания: 26 окт. 2016 в 19:10 Другие обсуждения 2 2 0 1 Тема закреплена. Скорее всего, здесь есть важная информация. [Разработчик] 26 окт. 2016 в 19:10

Do you have any short tips that you've found really help?

Of course I do. so I'll start us off:

Use the map to find towns with stability below 50% (marked with a red circle). These towns are very likely to contain criminal gangs, which you can confirm by checking the bounty list. If they do not have one now, they will soon, and when they do there will be a gunfight with NATO Gendarmerie and free loot everywhere. A great way to get your armory under way and an injection of cash at the start.

[Разработчик] 27 окт. 2016 в 0:15

Capture a local radio tower to broadcast your freedom vibes and listen in on enemy comms - this will influence stability and the appearance of intel reports.

Simply clear out the guards and hold the location until the notification appears.

30 окт. 2016 в 0:08 Fast vehicle inventory management
Use the Y menu when in a vehicle to easily transfer equipment to and from storage. If you are planning on doing a sell run to the shops, select "Transfer Legit" to move anything from nearby containers that can be sold into the vehicle. 30 окт. 2016 в 0:12

Better looting!
So, you've won the battle but the lovely new military hardware is strewn about the area in piles of corpses. Don't try and collect it all yourself, hire a lackey!

Walk up to a villager and go into the Y menu, select "talk" on the right and hire him (costs between $100-300 or so).

When you've taken him in your car to the area of the fight, select him in his Function key (ie. F2,F3,F4. ) then press Y again - this will give you an option to have him access the inventory of the closest storage (vehicle or ammobox), or the option to fill the nearest storage with all the goodies he can find in the area.

You can combine this with the fast vehicle inventory transfers (again, Y key whilst in a vehicle) to quickly collect and move equipment!

Отредактировано hammyhamm!; 30 окт. 2016 в 0:12 [Разработчик] 2 ноя. 2016 в 21:06

Moving stuff around
ACE3 has a handy feature that allows you to pick up and move items around, or even drag the heavier ones. Just go up to an item you own/have placed (such as your ammobox) and hold the Windows key, selecting "Carry".

If an ammobox is too heavy to carry, get in a vehicle first, drive up next to it, press Y, transfer your items from the ammobox and then move it and transfer them back.

This feature is especially handy for moving static guns without having to disassemble and reassemble them.

Отредактировано Overthrow; 2 ноя. 2016 в 21:07 3 ноя. 2016 в 0:09 Moving stuff around
ACE3 has a handy feature that allows you to pick up and move items around, or even drag the heavier ones. Just go up to an item you own/have placed (such as your ammobox) and hold the Windows key, selecting "Carry".

As an addition, you can use this feature to attach/remove items to vehicles, including:
- Carrying/attaching/removing car wheels (repairs!)
- Attaching explosives to vehicles
- Linking explosives to firing devices
- setting off explosive devices amongst military targets

I'm probably on a CIA watchlist now

[Разработчик] 9 ноя. 2016 в 6:11

No more running simulator with the fast travel feature!

Using your trusty Y menu, you can place a camp or build a base that you can then instantly return to from anywhere on the map. Captured locations such as bases, airfields, and radio towers will also be activated for fast travel.

To beam yourself around, press Y, and select fast travel, and then click your desired destination on the map.

If you are in a vehicle, it and your passengers will be transported along with you.

23 ноя. 2016 в 8:27

Smart Starting and Careful managment
When you start out with a group or alone, it's a good Idea to check you map before running into town with your new gun(s) shooting any Police or gang members you see. Try and find a location with a lower police population to get starter weapons together, and avoid attacking a position close to - (Within one to two or fewer kilometers) - NATO instalations.

It's also a good Idea to realize when it's time to take what you can and extract into the forrest or load up into vehicles via road.

(I learned this the hard way when me and my buddies didn't do any of these things, and wound up sticking around to take everything we could - and we where subsequently slaughtered by NATO forces that pushed into the town with eight heavily armed soldiers and an MRAP with a machinegun)

[Разработчик] 23 ноя. 2016 в 13:48

No more running simulator with the fast travel feature!

Using your trusty Y menu, you can place a camp or build a base that you can then instantly return to from anywhere on the map. Captured locations such as bases, airfields, and radio towers will also be activated for fast travel.

This feature has been revised to only allow fast travel within the same island. You can still fast travel to captured airbases anywhere on the map. 10 июн. 2017 в 6:52 Capture radio towers asap. The earlier you get them the more you benefit from their long-term effect. 11 июл. 2017 в 17:11

I don't consider myself an expert, but I found this method very easy and rewarding. When you do the Tutorial, the guy tells you to go kill two Gandermes in the area. You can do this one of two ways. One, leave and a random spawn will usually run up to them and kill them. Or two, and this is the main thing I am saying here so:

TLDR: Use your quadbike (or any other vehicle) and run the cops down when they are marching in a line. Then scoot out of sight, wait for wanted to go away, rinse, repeat, collect loot, profit.

22 фев. 2018 в 3:41

Some Stuff that help getting started
1. Craft some Bandages with clothes (buy clothes at the "shirt-icon"- shops) and sell it. Look for towns that have a "$"-shop and a "shirt"-shop=less driving around. You will get about 270-360 § for one Bandage depends on the stability (the lower it is the more § you get).

2. When having about 20-30k cash get some Mortars from the Black market guys (little flags on map) and recruit some civillians to mount them. this will make capturing Towns very easy. Same goes for stationary HMG. Get an AA stationary when fighting for Towns AI will have Heli (at least on Altis).

3. To make REAL money find a town with a hardware shop (hammer and sickel icon on map). Use your mortars to capture this Town. Buy a house near that shop. Dont place Police station to let the stability at 0%. Buy a Kamzac Transport, drive to the Harbour, buy a house close to harbour, import the items that cost around 270-280 (doesnt matter which one u choose) and sell them at that town in the hardware shop (using fast travel). Rinse and repeat. U will have 1 million in about 30 minutes. Oh when u save and load a persistant save all destroyed buildings are up again (in case u destroy the Town with mortars;) )

4. Attacking a Town with near Nato base will help getting good stuff. Troops from that Base will come to support the Town which makes it easy to get good items for free. Recruit civillians to loot the stuff automatically. For example on Altis attacking Kore works nice. But be aware of MRAPs get some AT to deal with them.

5. Vehicles : U can disable MRAPs and repair them fully with a Repair truck (buy at Gas stations cost about 6k). Then (having the Factory already) u can reverse engineer them to have the ability to build them there (costs around 140k and some metall).

Overthrow is a dynamic single player/co-op whole-map revolution campaign built for ARMA 3. Start with nothing in a small town and fight your way to remove the occupying NATO forces.

Officially supported maps: Tanoa, Altis, Malden 2035

Official Servers: How to run Overthrow (IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ)

This is a MOD, not a mission. You need to load Overthrow in your Arma 3 Launcher

If you run into any issues not mentioned on that page then please let us know here or on our discord server!


- Requestable Jobs: You can now request jobs from gun dealers, gang leaders, factions and shopkeepers, most of these jobs can be repeated
- New Map - Livonia (ALPHA): If you are using the Arma 3 dev branch and pre-ordered Contact DLC, there will be a very early version of the Overthrow: Livonia campaign. Note that BI has not released any assets (clothes, gear, faces etc) so Tanoa ones are currently being used. This campaign is an early alpha version, it will change a lot and is not yet officially supported. Expect final campaign when Contact DLC is released.
- New Screen - Vehicles: Accessed in the main Y menu top-right, shows a list of all Resistance vehicles and their current state (fuel, damage, ammo) with the option to add a waypoint to it
- Unflip Vehicles: "Unflip" action added to vehicle ACE interact menu
- Complete ACE Arsenal integration: Walk up to any ammobox and use the new "Open Arsenal" option via scroll menu or ACE interact. If the ammobox is at a warehouse then you will get access to all items in the warehouse. AI recruits in your group can also open the arsenal with a new "Open Arsenal" order.
- Customizable Recruits and Squads: When you recruit at a training camp or barracks you will see a new button to "Edit" the loadout for that unit. Available only to generals, the Arsenal will open with all items in the warehouse to let you design their exact loadout. These loadouts will also be saved in the "Default Loadouts" section of the Arsenal for all players to use if they need to. Squads will use these loadouts as well.
- Customizable Police: At a police station there is a new "Edit Loadout" button to change the police loadout using the arsenal as well
- NATO Weapon Mod Integration: NATO will now use a wider variety of weapons, including any BLUFOR weapons detected in the Arma config (this includes RHS)

Base features

- Officially supported maps: Tanoa, Altis, Malden 2035
- Ability to create your own Overthrow mission for any map
- GTA-inspired wanted/stealth system
- Dynamic political system with regional stability
- Build camps, bases, houses, workshops, observation posts and more
- Buy, sell, import and export just about in any-game item/vehicle/weapon for currency (depends on certain factors, see wiki)
- Capture towns and military objectives, island by island
- Dynamic economy/Regional pricing/Trade
- Complete ACE Arsenal integration
- Buy, sell and lease real estate with prices affected by regional politics
- Buy economic objectives such as plantations and a factory
- Reverse-engineer any weapons, items and vehicles to produce in the factory
- Fast travel to any owned real estate or camp
- Attach static weapons to offroads at your workshop
- Manipulate the markets with guns or piles of cash
- Recruit and arm civilians, get them to loot for you
- Committed to creating a living and breathing map where anything can happen
- Complete ACE3 integration
- Advanced AI provided by the ever-developing VCOM AI scripts
- Ongoing development and addition of features

Overthrow is a dynamic single player/co-op whole-map revolution campaign built for ARMA 3. Start with nothing in a small town and fight your way to remove the occupying NATO forces.

Officially supported maps: Tanoa, Altis, Malden 2035

Official Servers: How to run Overthrow (IMPORTANT: PLEASE READ)

This is a MOD, not a mission. You need to load Overthrow in your Arma 3 Launcher

If you run into any issues not mentioned on that page then please let us know here or on our discord server!


- Requestable Jobs: You can now request jobs from gun dealers, gang leaders, factions and shopkeepers, most of these jobs can be repeated
- New Map - Livonia (ALPHA): If you are using the Arma 3 dev branch and pre-ordered Contact DLC, there will be a very early version of the Overthrow: Livonia campaign. Note that BI has not released any assets (clothes, gear, faces etc) so Tanoa ones are currently being used. This campaign is an early alpha version, it will change a lot and is not yet officially supported. Expect final campaign when Contact DLC is released.
- New Screen - Vehicles: Accessed in the main Y menu top-right, shows a list of all Resistance vehicles and their current state (fuel, damage, ammo) with the option to add a waypoint to it
- Unflip Vehicles: "Unflip" action added to vehicle ACE interact menu
- Complete ACE Arsenal integration: Walk up to any ammobox and use the new "Open Arsenal" option via scroll menu or ACE interact. If the ammobox is at a warehouse then you will get access to all items in the warehouse. AI recruits in your group can also open the arsenal with a new "Open Arsenal" order.
- Customizable Recruits and Squads: When you recruit at a training camp or barracks you will see a new button to "Edit" the loadout for that unit. Available only to generals, the Arsenal will open with all items in the warehouse to let you design their exact loadout. These loadouts will also be saved in the "Default Loadouts" section of the Arsenal for all players to use if they need to. Squads will use these loadouts as well.
- Customizable Police: At a police station there is a new "Edit Loadout" button to change the police loadout using the arsenal as well
- NATO Weapon Mod Integration: NATO will now use a wider variety of weapons, including any BLUFOR weapons detected in the Arma config (this includes RHS)

Base features

- Officially supported maps: Tanoa, Altis, Malden 2035
- Ability to create your own Overthrow mission for any map
- GTA-inspired wanted/stealth system
- Dynamic political system with regional stability
- Build camps, bases, houses, workshops, observation posts and more
- Buy, sell, import and export just about in any-game item/vehicle/weapon for currency (depends on certain factors, see wiki)
- Capture towns and military objectives, island by island
- Dynamic economy/Regional pricing/Trade
- Complete ACE Arsenal integration
- Buy, sell and lease real estate with prices affected by regional politics
- Buy economic objectives such as plantations and a factory
- Reverse-engineer any weapons, items and vehicles to produce in the factory
- Fast travel to any owned real estate or camp
- Attach static weapons to offroads at your workshop
- Manipulate the markets with guns or piles of cash
- Recruit and arm civilians, get them to loot for you
- Committed to creating a living and breathing map where anything can happen
- Complete ACE3 integration
- Advanced AI provided by the ever-developing VCOM AI scripts
- Ongoing development and addition of features

Since some things are not completely clear in the wiki I decided to put up sort of an FAQ here with some questions I had when I first started out, even after reading the wiki.

This mod is pretty extensive so it can be difficult to think about how to start out.


Play the tutorial to get free stuff.

You can interact with AI and vehicles using the ACE interaction menu (windows key). Press windows key and point your mouse at his head to talk.

Standing too close to the AI will make the ACE healing menu overlap the interaction menu so stand back (you can "talk" to AI from 10m away)

Note that the ACE interaction menu (windows key or ctrl+windows key for self actions) is used extensively in this mod, get to know the healing system and flow so you can patch yourself (and human players) up correctly during fights.

Look at the map and locate dealers by their associated flags; some flags are smaller than others. The smaller flags are drug dealers and can give you some jobs to earn small time cash early game

By going to a drug dealer and talking to him, you can get a mission to kill a gang leader or sometimes kill some nato guards. This will earn you a few hundred dollars to get started. The large flags are dealers of blueprints and heavy weapons which will be needed later in the game.

Buying prices for drugs differ between regions. Locate a drug dealer in a region with low stability (30% or less) to buy drugs at a low price.

Selling prices for drugs are highest in large cities and areas with high stability. Kavalla is great early game to sell drugs.

Selling drugs will lower stability in an area so your sales prices will drop gradually.

After you get a reasonable sum switch to selling blow. The cost is higher but you get more cash in return; buying low at 229 per bag and selling high in Kavalla at around 550 doubles your cash quickly.

-> see further below for advanced money making systems

Vehicles have two inventories; the standard Arma inventory and the one you can acces using ACE interaction menu; interactions > cargo. The Cargo of any vehicle always has a spare wheel in it.

You can detatch wheels from any vehicle to use on another. Putting a wheel on the ground close to the location of the destroyed one will give the "Change wheel" option on the car using the ACE menu.

Fully repairing a vehicle requires a workshop. Park the vehicle close to the workshop and use the Interactions option to reveal the repair > fully repair option. Toolkit is again required. A workshop can only be built at an FOB or in a town that you have freed from NATO.

Refuel at gas stations using the ACE menu. This is extensive; Detatch the fuel nozzle from the pump > attach the nozzle to your car > commence refueling > stop refuelling (you can get in your car to see the fuel go up) > detatch the nozzle from your car > reattach the nozzle to the gas pump

Rearming a vehicle that has a mounted gun is done at the workshop. Next to the workshop is a grey crate with the text vehicle ammo on it. Park the vehicle next to the crate and use the ACE menu on the crate to rearm. Select the vehicle you want to rearm from the menu and wait until the green bar completes

You can place and build structures in the game through the Y menu. Building is only allowed in regions not under the control of NATO.

Place a camp for 40 dollars to make a fast travel point.

Place an FOB for 250 dollars to make a fast travel point and create a field base. This is needed to build certain other types of buildings (e.g. workshop to repair vehicles in the field).

Build a warehouse at a conquered village to store your goods like weapons and armor. By driving a truck close to a warehouse you will get transfer options when opening the Y menu. This will allow you to store truckloads of gear and goods in the warehouse with one click.

Build a police station after you conquered a town from nato to stabilise the region again. Keep in mind that this will have its influence on sales prices at local dealers.

Building a house can be done so you can lease it to earn money, or to make a respawn location at a specific spot.

In order to conquer a town from NATO you need to destabilise a region until NATO decides to make an assault on the region.

You can destabilise a region by selling drugs and killing NATO guards and soldiers.

When the attack begins you will see a marker on the map. You need to enter this area and stay within 100 meters of the marker.

Capturing the objective works like the conquer flag system in Battlefield. The more friendlies you have in the region, the better. The faction with most friendlies in the region for the longest time eventually wins.

When you are on the winning hand a green striped circle will start to appear on the map. If NATO is winning the circle will be blue.

To capture a broadcast tower you need to kill the AI guarding the tower and remain in the area until you get a notification that the tower is under your control.

Sometimes the tower is won immediately after killing the AI. If it takes longer, there is a known issue that AI spawns where it can not be seen or move. By staying long enough within 100m of the marker you will conquer it eventually.

If the assault is over before you see any soldiers arrive, stay vigilant. Sometimes they arrive late but will still attack you in force.

You can hire civilians to fight for you. Talk to them using the ACE menu and hire them for a certain price.

The price to hire a civilian drops if you have a high standing in the town. You can raise your standing by selling legal goods to the traders (see below in advanced money making).

Once you hired an AI Civilian they will be assigned to you using the same system Arma uses in campaign modes. You can order them around by selecting them with F keys (F2, F3, etc) and then pressing number keys (not the numpad but normal number keys below the F keys) on your keyboard. If you want to know more about ordering AI in Arma, I recommend watching this video.

You can select multiple units and use the Create Squad option to bunch units into groups which you control through High Command options. This makes handling bigger groups of AI infantry easier later in game.

Open the high-command options with ctrl-space.

To assign a vehicle to a squad, simply look at a vehicle while issuing the command

You can group AI soldiers into a squad you can then order as a unit. You go up to them, use ACE interaction button on each one of them, group -> join group, use ACE interaction on yourself, group -> become leader

In several towns across the map there are harbors. When scrolling out on the map you can quickly see them by the anchor icon.

At the location of the anchor icon there will be a container. When standing close to that container and press Y when in a vehicle, you will get an import option.

Importing gear in bulk makes these items a bit cheaper to buy.

Selling price is higher when the region has low stability.

You can either choose to sell items to a local trader indicated with white a dollar, medical, clothing, phone or backpack sign (there may be others but these are the ones I remember off the top of my head) on the map. Knowing what they want to buy and at what price is ideal.

In my example I found that selling radios to a dollar sign indicated trader had the highest return on investment. I imported as much radios as I could, and then drove to the trader to sell my stock.

Get yourself the biggest backpack and empty your pockets. Get into the car or truck you used to import the radios and open the Y menu, then click take legit. The game will automatically cram your inventory full with radios. Get out of the car, talk to the trader and sell all the radios in your inventory. Unfortunately you will need to get into the car and repeat (take legit, get out, sell, etc) untill you sold all the radios.

-> this takes a bit of prep to complete

Once you get 10k in credits I advise you to find a gas station where you can buy a truck from a trader.

Locate a hardware store on the map. They are indicated with a Hammer and Wrench icon. Ingame they look like white buildings with a truck gate. If the cab of your truck is next to this gate and you are in your truck, open up the Y menu to show buy and sell options.

Once again the sales price is highest when the region has low stability. Go around killing guards in the region of the hardware store to destabilise it until you get a profitable price from the hardware store. Stability should be around 10% for best results. Be aware, NATO will attack that region after a while so prepare for defending it.

In the port import a bunch of wood and sell this in bulk to the hardware store (in my case wood had the highest return on investment YMMV). Drive up to the truck gate of the building and sell all. Repeat the import and sales until you have 1 million in cash.

I bought a house next to the port and next to the hardware store to use as fast travel spots. This made the going back and forth a lot easier

Be aware that if you place a police station in the town where your hardware store is after you captured the town, the sell prices of the hardware store will drop again. If you want to keep making sell runs to make hard cash you need to keep the stability low in the region where the hardware store is.

Around the map there are businesses you can buy which generate money for the resistance. Some are production facilities, others are civilian facilities that just produce funds for the resistance.

To buy a business first you need to transfer money to the resistance fund. Open the Y menu and give an amount to the resistance.

Drive to the location of the briefcase icon on the map and open the Y menu. On the right side there will be an indicator saying what type of business this is and how much the resistance will need to pay.

After purchasing the business you can open the Y menu again and see the income from the business. By hiring employees to work at the business you can potentially up the income of the business.

Civilian facilities like the powerplant and the stadium produces money out of thin air; all you need is some funds to pay the employees.

Other facilities like the lumbermill need wood to output money.

There are factories that you can buy to produce materials and gear for your army. Purchase them the same way you purchase other businesses (see directly above).

Once a factory is purchased there will be a green factory icon on the map.

When at the factory icon on the map open the Y menu and click Manage to start production of items.

To produce the item you want you will need a blueprint. You can buy these from dealers indicated by big flags on the map, or by reverse engineering an item. This will consume the item so be careful.

Right next to the location of that icon there will be a container. Once an item is created it will be in that container.

Some items require materials to create, import these or buy them from hardware stores and put them in the container next to the factory icon on the map.

Creating items also requires money so make sure you have enough money in the resistance account to maintain production.

Some blueprints require a certain standing with the faction identified by the flag of the arms dealer that offers this blueprint. Open up the Y menu and click jobs to see a list of missions you can complete that up the standing with that faction.

Influence is global, standing is local to regions

In the Y menu there is a character sheet where you can see the three perks your character can upgrade. You need influence points to upgrade these, and the needed upgrade points go up per level you upgrade in a perk (10, 100, 500 etc).

Influence is gained mostly by capturing towns and doing certain types of activities (selling blow is one of them)

You also have a standing in every region. Standing drops if you perform acts against the population (steal cars, kill citizens) and rise when you perform favorable actions for the population (sell goods to the local traders)

In order to recruit AI (civilians) in a town you need a standing of at least +10 in the town. Selling some items to a local tradesman can get you these points. The higher your standing the lower the price to recruit civilians.

Some jobs can help you gain standing in the area where the job is performed. e.g. Bring 8x Saline bags 250ml to insert town name here will get you a certain amount of standing for that town.

If you play on a server, the host or admin will have the ability to make a persistent save. This is needed for when the server is restarted or if the mission is changed and you want to continue from where you were.

The admin or host can appoint people as generals in the Y menu by going into the resistance tab, and then selecting a player and pressing the button to assign him general status.

When starting the mission after a restart you will get the option to start a new game or to load a persistent save.

Persistent saving can take a while (up to 15-20 minutes). Be patient.

Make backups of the persistent save file. It gets overwritten every time. If for some reason your save becomes corrupt, you can put back an older one. The location of the save file is in your arma 3 profile directory (in windows C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3) it is a file ending with .vars.arma3profile

hosting a dedicated server is not that hard, you can find every step you need on the wiki page of ArmA3 to start out

You will need to install the mods Overthrow, ACE3 and CBA3 onto the server to make it work. Follow the instructions on the ACE3 wiki to make an ACE3 server mod configuration

Keep in mind that the server only uses 2 cores of your machine. The higher the Ghz of your cpu cores, the better. E.g. an octacore xeon cpu running cores at 2.3 Ghz will not perform as well as an i5 2500K clocked at 4.2 Ghz, even though the octacore has twice as many threads

Overthrow has support for headless clients, which drastically improve the performance of the game in multiplayer. A headless client takes the form of a virtual player on the server and is only visible to users that are logged on as admin in the game.

aleternatively, you can make a batch (.bat) file to run the headless client with affinity set to two specific cores.

Use this code for your batch file:

The /affinity c part will make sure the server is run only on core 3 and core 4, if you wish to use different cores then you use the folloing instead of c in that part of the batch code:

Only generals can withdraw money from the resistance fund. If you are playing on a private server with friends, The host or logged in admin needs to go into the Y menu and click resistance to give your friends general status.

Wheels get destroyed really quickly, having two spare ones in the cargo of your vehicle is not a bad thing.

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