Outward как купить дом в муссоне

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

25 мая. 2019 в 6:07

Where to buy a house?

I didn't save Cierzo i got the quest to kill 3 warlords in vendefell or something and i kept dying in emmerkar forest its not like i had worthy stuff in my chest at cierzo, i made tons of mana potions tho. So im too lazy to remake a character for my house. Can we buy a house in emmerkar forest or anywhere and how please? I am at Berg

You get offered the "Player House" in Berg, if you join the Blue Chamber Collective. Similarly for the house in Monsoon, if you join the Holy Mission. For the Heroic Kingdom, it's different. You first need to finish related quests before you can buy the house in Levant. And finally, if you've finished the main quest line, you can buy the house in each city.

A Player House is a type of building in Outward which players are able to purchase throughout their play-through. Houses can be found in all major Cities.

Purchasing a player house in cities other than Cierzo will require a certain amount of progress either in the town's related faction, or by fully completing your own faction's quest-line.

Building is a mechanic in The Three Brothers DLC which takes place in the city of New Sirocco. Building requires starting the A Fallen City quest. As you progress through the Sirocco quest line you will unlock more advanced buildings, and you will be permitted to place more buildings as well.


Blueprints [ ]

Josef Dumas' initial Blueprint stock

Blueprints can be purchased for a few silver from Josef Dumas, though the player will only be able to purchase Blueprints which they have unlocked so far.

To construct Buildings, use the Blueprint to start deploying it. Find stable ground and notice the deployed Building indicator turn blue, this means you can place the Building here.

When a building is undergoing construction, a Ledger will appear at the front describing the state and requirements for building to commence. The building process usually takes multiple phases to fully complete, and players must restart the building process through the Ledger for each phase.

To use an Upgrade, it is the same process as deploying a Building, except you must deploy it on top of an already constructed Building which corresponds to the Upgrade.

Resources [ ]

The Resources management menu.

By speaking to Dorion Dumas, players can manage their Timber , Stone and Food supplies by providing Funds (through Silver or Gold Ingots). As the city becomes more advanced, many buildings will passively generate resources for the player as well.

You only need Resources for as long as you are still building your city, after that there is no downside to ignoring them all. You are not able to withdraw funds or any other resource from the coffers.

General Tips [ ]

  • Do not rush into building too quickly, you are limited both in Resources and by a cap on each building type. Build only what you need to and can afford to.
  • It is recommended to build the City Hall near the entrance to the city, as the important NPCs will be found here.
  • Put low priority buildings (Houses and Resource Collection) somewhere out of the way, not near the entrance. You don't need to visit these once they are constructed.

List of Buildings [ ]

In addition to the potential Buildings players can construct, the city comes with a Stockpile.

Blueprints can be purchased from Josef Dumas.

Housing [ ]

Each house adds +1 Housing to your City, allowing you to construct more advanced Buildings.

Players can build up to 5 Houses, however maximum Housing value can exceed 5 as certain Buildings grant bonus Housing.

Name Cost Housing
House A 40 Stone , 40 Timber +1 Housing
House B 60 Stone , 20 Timber +1 Housing
House C 20 Stone , 60 Timber +1 Housing

Resource Collection [ ]

Resource Collection buildings will passively gather Stone, Timber and Food for your City.

Players can build 1 of each Resource Collection building.

2500 Funds, 20 Stone, 50 Timber

2500 Funds, 50 Stone, 100 Timber

2500 Funds, 75 Stone, 200 Timber

2500 Funds, 50 Stone, 20 Timber

2500 Funds, 100 Stone, 30 Timber

2500 Funds, 100 Stone, 50 Timber

2500 Funds, 30 Stone, 100 Timber

2500 Funds, 50 Stone, 100 Timber

Specialized [ ]

Players can choose up to 6 Specialized buildings to place in their City (or more realistically, a City Hall and 5 of the other 8 possible buildings).

4000 Funds, 120 Stone, 120 Timber

100 Funds per day 5 Food per day Requires 3 Housing

3000 Funds, 120 Stone, 60 Timber

100 Funds per day 5 Food per day 1x Petrified Organs

3000 Funds, 60 Stone, 120 Timber

5000 Funds, 160 Stone, 100 Timber

+1 Housing
Free Cooking Pot to use

100 Funds per day

5 Food per day Requires 3 Housing

3000 Funds, 80 Stone, 80 Timber

5000 Funds, 120 Stone, 60 Timber

+1 Housing

None 50 Funds per day Requires 4 Housing, City Hall

5000 Funds, 200 Stone, 100 Timber

3000 Funds, 80 Stone, 80 Timber

4000 Funds, 110 Stone, 70 Timber

Specialized Upgrades [ ]

For specialized buildings, you can only pick one of the two available upgrades. Some upgrades require a certain faction.

Monsoon thumb.jpg

Monsoon is the major City in the Hallowed Marsh region in Outward.


Description [ ]

This protected it from the worst of the Scourge, keeping most of the Beasts at bay. The small settlement on the mainland was not so lucky.

Features [ ]

    - 25 silver per night - there is a clean water source in the center of the city, in small bricked container

Monsoon Player House [ ]

In order to acquire the Monsoon Player house, you must have joined the Holy Mission, or finished your faction quest-line. The Monsoon Player House contains a bed, kitchen, alchemy station, rooftop garden, and a few item spawns.

The price to acquire it is 500 silver.

Monsoon is home to The Holy Mission of Elatt, many notable NPCs can be found in the city:

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