Mineralz evolution starcraft 2 гайд

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Видео Mineralz Evolution Starcraft 2 Custom Map или как вывести из себя Faila канала DrAcula Live

-Mineralz Evolution II- is a team-based game where you build a base surrounding a wall to defend against the flood of zerg swarm.

There are unique roles specialized for different purposes. Role selection is crucial for your team to succeed.

Roles? [ ]

It's only a simplified role guide here. See another page for the details if needed.

Miner: a simple role to start with. No complicated economy buildings involved. Useful for its shield ability.

Architect: advanced role. High-paragon gen use archi for shield and a bit of diamond mining bonus. Also useful for shielding.

Artillery Officer: primary offense role and specs in tanzanite. Factories generate income for late-game buildings from off-color resources.

Engineer: most-used gen role. Have generator and power plant for different needs. Better starter gen role for ruby mining bonus.

Economist: most-important role needed. Utilize refineries to boost your team with income. Builds psi-bases for killing late-game bosses.

Doctor: basic healing role which specs emerald.

Scientist: aura and / or secondary offense role. in addition to building auras scientist can fend off bosses with robotic cannons.

Gambler: you won't get what you need. lol

Environmentalist: boost team mining and keep mineralz patchez alive. also a healing role for now.

Pro gambler: you may get what you need but healing is the most stable route for less building rolls. Otherwise still weak.

How do I find a base? [ ]

Follow an experienced player if there is one at least. It is common for pros to pause when they are looking for the choke.

Well, if there is none, you have to find a 1 by 1 choke. (two rocks with a small gap in between which can fit in probes but not another rock)

You can use a build order location selection to see if the choke is 1 by 1 there.

Then after your team get in, build a wall to block the entrance, and BOOM! YOU NOW HAVE A BASE!

The paragon experience required per level is as the following:

(doubles every 50 paragon levels with 200,000 base xp)

paragon growth table
paragon level pxp requirement
0-49 200,000
50-99 400,000
100-149 800,000
150-199 1,600,000
200-249 3,200,000
250-299 6,400,000
300-349 12,800,000
350-399 25,000,000
400-449 50,000,000
450-499 100,000,000
500-1,000 200,000,000


Paragon bonuses [ ]

After gaining your first level of paragon you can now access the paragon bonuses.

You can open the paragon bonus screen in the top left corner when choosing your role.

There are 4 tabs to spend paragon points for in-game advantages: Core, Economy, Utility, and Role.

In this tab you will spend your paragon points for starting resources.

Usually we have to split the points evenly into the 4 kinds of mineralz for tiering base, but there are still exceptions. For example, environmentalist does not require tanzanite so they only have 3 kinds of resources to keep. If there is an excess of points we tend to dump them in your role's primary color.

Economy [ ]

This is where you boost your mining efficiency with critical mining.

The optimal way to split points in crit chance and amount is 1 to 1. For example if you have 40 points in this tab you should spend 20 in chance and 20 in amount. After hitting paragon 320 you will max your crit mining. (+40 with 60% chance yielding +24 per gather on average)

Utility [ ]

Here you can buy in-game buffs using paragon points.

Energy regeneration is the first priority for being most versatile with more drones and mineral crushes, not to mention team mining boosts and restores. Then we can boost xp to level faster and further t8 cost reduction for a smoother experience.

An important tab to strengthen your role and therefore your team.

Currently we have dodge chance, healing, energy and damage bonuses. The fifth slot is yet to be settled.

Mineralz Evolution

Итак мы начали. Вы видите панель выбора. где есть модели ваших пробок, минералы разных цветов, а так же уникальные способности. так как у вас еще нет опыта выбираете все стандартное кроме минералов. Это ваша специализация, вам надо выбрать какие минералы дрон будет добывать быстрее. скины так же дают бонусы к добыче минералов но стандартный скин пробки никаких бонусов не дает. Давайте рассмотрим минералы, какие для чего нужны.

Минералы (Синие) Нужны только для постройки стены (Пилон) или на огнемет (Турель Погибель)

Плазма (Фиолетовые) нужны для постройки зданий которые атакуют врагов (фотонки, завод робототехники) а также для турели Погибель.

Красные минералы нужны для генераторов они снабжают энергией все здания около них. без них хилки работать не будут.

итак разобрались с основами. перейдем к началу игры

Screenshot2015-11-30 17_26_35

при появлении вам надо будет сразу бежать направо ломая камни. однако ломайте только один булыжник а не все, иначе вы не сможете сдержать монстров. С наступлением ночи стройте либо пилон либо Огнемет. у них есть свои плюсы и минусы. Пилон обладает большим кол-во ХП и броней однако не может атаковать. Огнемет имеет в 2 раза меньше ХП и брони но может атаковать врагов(на атаку тратит веспен). убийство врагов так же дает вам веспен.если вы сделали все правильно вашу стену буть то пилон или турель ее будут бить только 2 крипа

Пока ваша стенка сдерживает врага. занимайтесь экономикой, стройте базу (Нексус) и улучшайте добычу всех минералов (в нексусе минералы желтого цвета) так как вашей пробке придется добывать пока что все минералы.(в нормальной команде все иначе. но вряд ли вы новичок, и сразу попадете в нормальную команду) копите на рефку (автоматические веспеновые заводы тераннов)их можно поставить только 1, остальное 4 Кибернетические ядра на разные минералы .

потом к 2 или 3 ночи вам нужны будут хилки, стройте генератор и около него хилки. Важно знать что ген 1ур может снабжать энергией только 3 здания ген 2ур уже 4 и так далее так же не надо улучшать хилки раньше генераторов так как расход энергии хилок 2ур будет превышать реген энергии от генератора 1 ур. Важно! Не стройте за стенкой никаких зданий некоторые враги умеют задевать здания позади стенки атакуя ее.

периодический к вам будут идти мини боссы, они отмечены на мини карте. кидайте в них своими способностями (скилами) у кого то это граната, у кого то это пси шторм и так далее скилы наносят огромный урон по области но и восстанавливаются долго. на 9 или 10 волне на вас нападет Босс Каменный зилот, ваша оборона не готова здерживать его, так что закидывайте его скилами, 2-3 хватит. Думаю к этому времени вы поймете как примерно играть в этот режим. в будущем тут будут описываться точные тактики, хитрости и секреты.
Эта карта Игротеки сохраняет ваш накопленный опыт.

(pure javascript, your account id is never sent anywhere, no downloads needed)

Internet explorer not supported, sorry. Please use Firefox or Chrome.


1. Find your bank file

You should find the bank file on Windows:
My Documents / Starcraft II / Accounts / xxxxx / Your Account ID / Banks / 2-S2-1-241693 / Banks.SC2Bank
Or on a Mac:

/Library/Application Support/Blizzard/StarCraft II/Accounts/xxxx/Your Account ID/Banks/2-S2-1-241693/Banks.SC2Bank

2. Copy contents into the text area on the left

Once you have found your bank file, open it in notepad. Copypaste the contents to the edit area on the left, or just use the default bank file provided to get level 187 and 99 nights.

3. Enter Account ID

You also need to input your account ID into the box on the top left. You can find your Account ID from the path where the bank file is found, see above. It will be something like 2-S2-1-XXXXX (not the 241693 one)

4. Verify Bank (unless using default template)

If you copied your original bank contents, you can verify that you have entered the information correct by pressing "Verify Signature" before editing anything. It should tell signature is OK if the given account ID matches the bank file signature.

5. Edit bank, recalculate signature, save

Change the numbers. The number after MNHD is for max nights on Very Hard.

After you are done editing, press "Recalculate Signature" to rewrite the contents of the text area into valid bank file format with a correct signature. You can then copypaste the contents bank into the bank file.

REMEMBER TO BACKUP YOUR ORIGINAL BANK FILE! In case something goes wrong, you can always put your original bank file in place to return your stats to what they were. Also, please do testing in a private game instead of bothering people in public games.

Why was this tool created?

Short answer

I believe everyone should be able to get same in-game benefits for the same amount of in-game effort. Selling in-game stats for real money breaks this ideal, so I'm fixing it.

Long answer

In MineralZ Evolution, unlocking the 90 nights archon requires surviving a game that lasts over 5 hours. Additionally, the game design is absolutely brutal towards low level players making many of the high level strategies extremely difficult or just plain impossible.

Many high level players quit the game immediately if there is someone with low stats playing, because no matter how good the player is they just can't reach the required performance without the stats.

Additionally, the author of the map has started selling the stats for real money, even though nothing guarantees the stats stay if the user bankfile resets. Update September 2012: It seems the author has removed the sale advertisement from his forums. There is no announcement about it, however, so it's uncertain if he'll start doing so again in the future. He has once before already removed the sale ad only to restore it later.

Ultimately, I wish that maps would treat all players equally, regardless of who they are or how much time they've invested into playing the map. The gameplay should be about skills and experience of the player, not the number of statpoints accumulated in some imaginary counter over hundreds of hours of pure grinding

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