Madness retaliation прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Posted by revolverroach - October 28th, 2010


** A floor down from the Keycard 3 room is a Level 3 locked door. Go through that and you'll find a ZOMBIE MASK as well as a portal that will lead to the ZOMBIE UNDERGROUND area. You can use this as a shortcut. Be aware that the portal is guarded by a big group of zombies. You can also find the AUTO-SHOTGUN through this portal.

- From the Keycard 3 room, go right until the elevator, down, left until another elevator, up, left until elevator, then up again. You should end up in the room where you were blocked by the Level 3 Door. Refer to the image attached to this post if it gets confusing.
- Unlock the door and you're on your way to Club M. You'll be fighting a mix of 1337 agents and a new type of enemy: Clowns.

- There are 3 types of Clowns.
- Saucy Clowns : wears a fancy suit and carries an axe. This Clown explodes upon death dealing 32 damage (unblockable). The blast range is 2 tiles horizontal/vertical, and 1 tile diagonally. Think of a diamond shape. The saucy clown also has a LOT of AP and should be killed immediately. It has 0 armor so use your highest damage weapons.
- Zombie Clown : wears bloody rags and has zombie hands. This Clown explodes too with the same blast range as the Saucy Clown. If one of your guys is hit, he takes 16 damage (unblockable). If the explosion hits the Clown's ally, that ally will be Zombified. It loses its weapons but its life is doubled. The Zombie Clown has less HP and can be used strategically to nullify Saucy Clowns. Why? Because a zombified Saucy clown will no longer explode.
- Disco Clown : wears a White 1337 Suit and carries a Desert Eagle. Probably the least dangerous clown. However, when he dies, he explodes like a flashbang. The effect hits all of your guys and has a chance to STUN them.

- The path is pretty straight-forward. From the Level 3 door, keep going left until an elevator, then go down.
- Then, keep going left past the rooms with giant sound speakers until you see an elevator and go down again.
- Go right past the room with the glass tables until you see another elevator then go down again.
- If you did that right, you'll be in a dark area and the disco music will be gone. Next, go left.
- Keep going left and you'll eventually run into Tricky, the big boss of all the clowns. This is a tough battle. Make sure to have plenty grenades, especially Flash Bangs.

- Tricky has set of body guards. It's best to get rid of them first.
- Tricky has two weapons, the WARNING SIGN and the M60 rifle. He can also jump to get in range for an attack.
- If you hurt Tricky enough, he'll get pissed at the attacker and run him over with a train. This won't do damage but it will make Tricky and your guy switch places. The train also leaves a trail of smoke, making it hard for you to hit.
- Tricky's real life bar is represented on the big Screen in the background. Whenever Tricky uses the train, his energy goes down. To defeat him, you have to lower the energy to 0.
- When you hurt Tricky with a gun, he'll just "LOL" at you. If you hit him with a melee attack, he says something else. ;)
- Tricky will sometimes bring clowns with him after his Train attack. At first it's just two, but as he loses energy, he'll bring more clowns in. These clowns are extra-unstable and will explode at the end of the enemy turn.
- BTW. Tricky is immune to Clown explosions.

- After you kill Tricky's bodyguards, it becomes an endurance match. Equip your guys with APGain+ gear. You'll need the extra AP to reposition your guys once Tricky starts going ballistic.
- Flashbangs will make sure Tricky doesn't get to attack.
- What you have to worry about are the exploding clowns. After Tricky smokes the place up, just move all your guys as far away as possible then use a Flashbang to stun the clowns.
- If you survive the enemy turn, attack Tricky again. When he uses his Train attack, run away and flashbang. Rinse and repeat until Tricky is dead.
- If you took the time to get SANFORD'S HOOK, this fight is much easier.
- Bigger guns don't necessarily mean bigger damage. Tricky is pretty good at taking bullets.

- After you've beat tricky, you receive the PID. Careful, using it will warp you to a random part of the building.
- From Tricky's room, go left. You'll find a locker containing the Level 4 Keycard. Now you can enter the Auditor's Tower.

Posted by revolverroach - October 28th, 2010


- Once you're at the ground floor, keep going right until you reached the Level 2 Locked door
- After the door, keep going right. You'll battle your first ATP agent.

- ATP are more skilled and have more attacks than normal and 1337 enemies. Their HP and ArmorClass varies depending on what armor they're wearing. Using the TAC MASK will help a lot when you're formulating your battle strategy. Be prepared to use Grenades a lot.
- ATP agents sometimes drop grenades and medkits. You'll need these.
- ATP agents have a wide variety of weapons. Try to kill the ones with the strongest weapons first.
- Sometimes it's better to kill a lot of low HP agents than to focus all your attacks on a single high HP agent.
- ARMOR PIERCING weapons like the S&W500, AUG, and 316 Sword are essential in these battles.

- After your first ATP battle, keep going right until you reach an elevator.
- Go down one level. There is a breakable wall to the right. If you go right, there's a big group of ATP agents. You might want to postpone that fight until you get more grenades. But if you do, the room after the ATP group has a locker containing the CAMO+AMMO armor (+2 AP) and the JHP AMMO UPGRADE that gives your SMGs a small damage boost and a 50% stun chance.
- After that, go down another level and go left. There'll be an elevator and another breakable wall to the left. The breakable wall leads to a series of rooms with a group of ATP's and a locker containing the WHITE 1337 SUIT and GLOWING 1337 SHADES.
- After getting the WHITE 1337 equipment, go back to the room where you broke the left wall. Take the elevator down.
- Just keep going through the rooms heading left (no intersections for a while)
- When you find yourself blocked by a Level 3 locked door, go back one room to the elevator and go down.
- Next, go right until you reach another elevator. Go down once.
- You'll be in a dark room with an exit to the right. There's a breakable wall on the left that leads to the SUPER MEDKIT UPGRADE (medkits heal 16 HP). You can also go down to find the ATP Armor. These items are guarded by lots of ATP's
- After getting whatever items you need, go back to elevator and head right. You should find yourself in a room with ATP cloning vats in the background.
- Keep going right until you reach another elevator. Go up.
- There'll be another breakable wall to your right if you want to explore that. Otherwise head left.
- You'll hit a dead-end that looks like a prison with destroyed bars and blood all over. There's a locker there containing the Level 3 Keycard. WARNING. You will be ambushed by 4 MAG Zombies if you take the keycard. No way to avoid this.

- First thing you'll notice is you're at an awkward position with your team split apart and enemies on both sides.
- The MAG Zombies have a lot of HP, but they do the same damage that a normal zombie does.
- Concentrate your fire on one zombie at a time. It'll take a few turns to kill them, so use those grenades to stay alive.
- Once you kill all the zombies, you can walk away with the Level 3 Keycard.

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