Лаборатория легенд прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024



r/LegendsOfRuneterra - Lab of Legends: Malphite guide

First champ, in order of preference:

elusive, i.e: Zoe, Ezreal

First item guidelines:

control card (frostbite or stun)

creating cards that might help Viktor (if starting with Viktor)

early unit that help stabilize board.

Ideal Champion items:

Lich Bane, ideally onto a Viktor or early champ.

Ninja Tabi onto early champ

Ideal support items:

Elixir of Sorcery on a good support spell (buff or damage)

Health Potion on any spell (ideally, low cost and fast/burst spell)

r/LegendsOfRuneterra - Any tips for beating Lab of Legends with Zilean?

First of all pick the Zilean deck.

Win against spiders and pick a good aggressive champion (Kalista, Jinx or Zed, all of them are good choiches).

Now, all u have to do is forget about Zilean and put improvements into ur aggro champ as much as u can!

I won EXACTLY like that, like literally I picked lil buddies and Katarina as secondary champ with pretty much every possible buff.

Biggest downside to this plan is that I ended up getting my hand clogged with Zilean champ spells because he would never die.

Вадим Зятковский

Вадим Зятковский

Аполлинарий, мальфитом с первого раза прошел, зилеана ещё не трогал

Аполлинарий Авангардов

Вадим Зятковский

Вадим Зятковский ответил Аполлинарию

Аполлинарий, ну вообще мне очень зашла перка которая замораживает каждый ход сильнейшего врага + перка каждую игру восстанавливает 10хп нексусу. А так больше ничего особенного

Вадим Зятковский

Вадим Зятковский

Влад Давыдов

Noel Crauz

Аполлинарий, у них обоих проблемы только из-за зависимости от второго чампа, но с нужными бафами их пройти легко.

Антон Протасов

Аполлинарий Авангардов

Антон, спасибо я им вчера прошёл с Гареном остался только Мальфит

Роман Матвиенко

Владислав Удалов

У меня был физ 4/3 за 1 , который качался на 2 раунд))
Аргумент был четверное действие (три раза я выбрал использовав меня, повторите меня ; ну, текст не помню ,суть только)
Ещё все заклинания -1 к стоимости (аргумент за 0) и каждый раунд создавалось лезвие клинка(также за 0)

Neo Zeitgeist

Михаил Петарда

Михаил Петарда

А я вот всё выполнил )
Мучался с лисандрой, пока не взял бафф чтоб Хилл был двойной. За ход мог 12 хп восстановить

4 2


Hey folks, Lady Merlin here (she/hers) with a new guide for Legends of Runeterra. Lab of Legends is LoR’s brand new take on PvE, akin to Hearthstone’s Dungeon Delve format (which was itself originally inspired by Dream Quest and Magic: Shandalar [1993]).

You start by picking one of 8 Champions, each of whom comes with a premade deck, to which you add a random Passive Power (effects for you as a player).

As you progress vs. 9 opponents you draft more Powers as well as Champions, Followers, and Spells - some with Items (permanent bonuses attached to the card).

A lot of interesting new strategies can happen with Powers and Items involved and since the format is vs. AI, the game balance can easily go out of the window. This guide will help you make sure that imbalance is in your favor.


If you want to each of the eight Player Icons that are the rewards for this format, you must finish a Perfect, 9-Win run with each Champion. Losing a single game means starting back at the beginning, with zero progress saved.


Each of your nine opponents is divided into three tiers: two ‘minion’ battles followed by a Boss battle. Each opponent has a single, defining Passive Power. Bosses are essentially no different than minions, but have a little bit of flavor (text they say at the beginning of combat) and presumably better decks and powers overall.

You begin each tier with 30 Health, your Health total does not automatically reset between matches - you only heal from your own spells/abilities or when you progress to the next Tier, where your health will be reset to 30.


Healing is Premium - Since you don’t regenerate health between matches normally, drafting Healing cards is often essential. If possible, stall and make sure you end each match with as much HP as you can afford to (some Opponents you shouldn’t stall - see below). Note: Lifesteal effects affect your Main Health total only if your opponent is alive when they hit. While your health in game will visually change in-game if Lifesteal champions or followers hit the opposing Nexus after it’s gone to 0, they won’t count for your next match.

Start with Aphelios - His deck has built-in Lifesteal (Severum) and you benefit a lot from drafting Aphelios over and over, adding more Items to him (like a true ADC in League of Legends, he is so much better at that 3-4 Item breakpoint). Use this run to learn the ins and outs of your opponents and how the drafting process goes.

Your Main Opponent is Not the AI, but Your Own Deck - achieving 9 wins in a row requires you to make sure you have a solid amount of early game cards (or you will draw all your expensive cards at least one game out of 9). If you draft a lot of buff spells, make sure you have a commensurate amount of minions to buff. Mulligan judiciously, with the early game (and Item-buffed cards) in mind.

Take it easy! As a vs. AI format, there is no Turn Timer. You have as much time as you like calculating all the moves you need to make each turn.


All Passive Powers and Items have a rarity, which vaguely correspond to their power level. Every time you will be offered one of three choices - there will usually be one best choice, but sometimes you have to choose between two good ones. I recommend drafting for early consistency/power.

Each Passive Power has a rarity - you start with one and get an additional one after you beat a Boss. You’re likely to be offered Common and occasionally Rare Powers to start and eventually you’ll be offered only Epic Powers.

Sample List of Powers: These lists are not exhaustive, just what I’ve come across. Feel free to comment with Powers and Items you’ve found that haven’t been listed yet.


  • Duelist (Common): When you summon an ally, give it Challenger this round.

  • Empty Mind (Common) When your hand is empty, draw 1.

  • Enfeebling Strike (Common): When you damage an enemy, reduce its Power by the damage dealt (*affects your minions and spells, like the icon suggests it works well with Quick Attack)

  • Fast Deal (Common): Round Start: Draw 1 and give it Fleeting. When you discard a card, shuffle a copy into your deck.

  • Flexible Game Plan (Common): Start of Game: Draw 1

  • Higher Education (Common): When you draw a card, give allies +1/+0 this round.

  • Immortality (Common) Start of Game: Heal your Nexus 10

  • Wild Inspiration (Common): your created spells cost 1 less

  • Best Defense (Rare): Allies have "Attack: Raise my Health to match my Power"

  • Grit (Rare): Allies have "Attack: Raise my Power to match my Health."

  • Out the Gates (Rare): Start of the Game: Summon a 2 cost unit from your deck.

  • Spellslinger (Rare): your spells cost 1 less

  • Black Market Discount: Round End: Reduce the cost of your most expensive card in your hand by 1.

  • Evolution (Epic): Allies have +1/+1 for each keyword they have (*really fantastic with Champions who were given Items)

  • Share the Bounty (Epic): When you target an ally with a single-target spell, copy it on your weakest ally.

ITEMS (Champions and Followers)

  • Frozen Mallet (Rare?): +4/+4, costs 2 more

  • Spirit of the Spectral Wraith (Rare): +3/+3, but Ephemeral

ITEMS (Spells)

  • Elixir of Skill (Common): When cast, draw 1.

  • Health Potion (Common): When cast, heal your Nexus 3

  • Poro Snax (Common): When cast, summon a random 1 cost Poro.

  • Elixir of Sorcery (Rare): When cast, cast me again onto the same targets.

  • Spellbinder (Epic): When you cast a spell, reduce my cost by 1

ITEMS (Landmarks)


Warning: Players have reported that neither you the player or your opponents (at least at the Foundry battle) do not lose the game when you run out of cards.

Tier 1: Each opponent starts with 10 Health in Tier 1.

Reward - Support Champion (champ + 2 other cards, 2 copies of each added)

Power - Dead Rise: When an ally Mistwraith dies, create a copy in deck.

Reward - Champion (with Item) + Reinforcements (no Item)

Warning, due to their Power and your small starting deck, you can be decked if you trade evenly with them. They have removal spells like Vengeance and Withering Wail that aid them in stalling.

Reward - Passive Power + Spell Reinforcements (no Item)

Warning, Thresh packs Ruination

Tier 2 Each opponent starts with 20 Health in Tier 2.

Power - Frozen Earth: Round Start: Give the Weakest enemy Vulnerable this round

Reward - Mixed Reinforcements (with Item) [x2]

Power - Proving Grounds: Start with Scargrounds

Reward - Spell Reinforcements (with Item) + Minion Reinforcements (with Item)

Reward - Passive Power + Champion (with Item)

Tier 3 Each opponent starts with 30 Health in Tier 3.

Power - Working Overtime: Start with Hexcore Foundry. Your cards cost 1 less.

Warning, easy to get a full hand and burn needed cards instead of drawing them. Make sure to mulligan for cheap costing cards.

Power - Iterative Enhacenments (Epic): Round start: summon a turret

Reward - Mixed Reinforcements: Select a card in your deck - add an item and an additional copy to your deck

Warning, they pack Trueshot Barrage and late game summon 8/8 bots every round. Definitely a fight you want to finish quickly.

Power - Beyond the Flesh: Allies have +1/+1 for each keyword they have.

Reward - New Player Icon (dependent on which starting Champion you chose)

Warning, his deck is like his card - if you don’t remove his minions each of them can snowball quickly.


Let me know questions you might have below in the comments. Constructive critique/additional info I should add is most welcome. Thanks for reading!

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