Кровь в песке enderal прохождение

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

1. Название квеста
2. Стадия квеста.
3. В чем выражается проблема.

Квест Наследие Катберта сварить "Зелье Космических Ветров": по рецепту нужен банановый ликер, уши аэтерна и сон-трава. При взаимодействую с алхимическим столом, пишет, что недостаточно ингредиентов, не смотря на их наличие. Ошибка в рецепте зелья, оказывается вместо ушей аэтерна нужен королевский мед.



Помогите с решением квеста "Кровь в песке"В Дюнное слышу диалог, в котором спорят 2 чувака. Один стоит около дома, не впускает. С ним говорю и выясняю, что было совершено 2 убийства. Захожу в дом, чтобы найти улики. Нахожу долговую расписку. Рычагом около входа открываю потайную дверь. Там вижу ещё один рычаг за бочками. Его нажимаю и ничего не происходит. Что он открывает?!



1. Квест Братство Кора - не могу найти медальоны двух "мертвых сестер" чтобы пройти в общий зал, вход в который закрывает магический барьер. Все хижины обежал, 7 записок собрал, что дальше делать непонятно. Есть еще запертая хижина, для которой нужен ключ. Ключ тоже не могу найти.


Квест Наследие Катберта - не могу сварить "Зелье Космических Ветров". По рецепту нужен банановый ликер, уши аэтерна и сон-трава. Всего в рюкзаке в избытке, но когда взаимодействую с алхимическим столом, то мне пишет, что недостаточно ингредиентов.


Рычагом около входа открываю потайную дверь. Там вижу ещё один рычаг за бочками. Его нажимаю и ничего не происходит. Что он открывает?!

такая же проблема. Но !

Возможно просто невнимательно подходим.
у каждого рычага есть время работы. СЛУШАЙТЕ внимательно.
Возможно , до второго рычага нужно добежать и нажать когда еще действует первый, или НАОБОРОТ.
Вопрос к остальным - а где скрытый люк то хоть ?

Прохожу магом. Нашел вариант , как стать самым крутым уже на 10-ом уровне:
В начале, как и раньше , плывем морем в Арк, перед самым городом забираем у волшебницы книгу медведя, - далее все как обычно.
Разбираем булаву , зачаровываем десяток кинжалов на вытягивание здоровья, покупаем дом. все как у всех.

Перед походом затариваемся какой нибудь железякой с большим уроном и берем более 10-ти зелий паралича.
Покупаем ледяной вихрь, лук тоже, один. Любой. Набираем грибов маны.


This quest will begin automatically once you enter the Undercity. Follow the objective marker and you'll find the Bash Hole, where two fighters are competing. Talk to Rasha and you'll be able to join the fighting, after signing a few papers and choosing a battle name.

You'll be pitted against three other combatants, Simael Roth, Kana Tannerdaughter, and Tamas Sha'Gar, in a fight to the death. Once all of your enemies are dead, the crowd will cheer and you'll be teleported back to the outside of the pit. The contents of the inventory of your enemies will be in a chest next to Rasha, so there is no need to loot them during the battle.

Rasha, however, seems to have a visitor: A man named Tharaêl, that demands some kind of payment before leaving with a Rhalâta goodbye. After he leaves, you can talk to Rasha and collect your reward, which is 150 pennies. Trying to collect more information about the man from Rasha is a dead end.

Rasha will need some time before preparing the next fight for you. You can go off and do other things in the meantime, or you can choose to wait until she's ready right there. Either way, once the next battle is ready, talk to Rasha for your next fight.

You'll be pitted against The Twins, two twin brothers who will gang up against you in a two versus one fight. Once you defeat them, talk to Rasha to receive your reward. If you have enough Rhetoric, you can notice her absent-mindedness and ask if she is worried about that man from before, Tharaêl. She reveals that he was a representative from the Rhalâta, and that her father is refusing to pay them their protection money, or "Shadow Tribute". If they don't pay up soon, the Rhalâta are bound to send goons to "take care of" the trouble. You can offer to help, but Rasha will refuse all of your attempts.

Again, wait until the next fight is ready, and talk to Rasha. You'll fight Gur Hal'Nan, an Arazelean in heavy armor. Collect your reward, and wait for the next round to be ready. Your next enemy is Raga Shadowclaw, an alchemist that holds a special secret: Once her health is depleted, she will recover completely and turn into a werewolf. Once she's dead, talk to Rasha to collect your reward.

Your next enemy is the "Beast", an undead creature tauted as the "jewel of the pit": if it is killed, a necromancer just needs to sitch it back together and it is ready for a new fight. Once you're ready, talk to Rasha and the fight will begin. The Beast will be unleashed from its cage and taunt you, but before the battle can begin, Tharaêl will appear, kill the Beast, and challenge you for a battle.

Once Tharaêl is defeated, he will teleport you both to the Corpse Pit. He explains that he is part of The Voices, the military branch of the Rhalâta, and that he has a mission for you: to kill their own leader, The Father. Tharaêl will elaborate: He was one of the many orphans that the group took in to experiment on, and once they were done with him and abandoned him on the streets, he saw his cries fall on deaf ears. He decided that the only way to get his revenge was to infiltrate the Rhalâta and kill The Father directly.

You can choose to accept or decline his request. If you decline it, this quest will end and you will no longer be able to continue the Rhalâta quest line. Otherwise, Tharaêl will ask you to meet him in the Wailing Tree, this quest will end, and Qalian's Last Smile will begin.

During these conversations, Tharaêl dislikes you saying that you enjoy fighting and that the money is not important. You can use rhetorics to question why Tharaêl is telling you all of this, under the [More] option after he describes the plan. At the final choice, Tharaêl "appreciates" you saying that the father needs to face justice, and "likes" saying that it sounds interesting - appreciate is the better option.

At the surface of Duneville, you'll find a couple arguing with a Watchdog who is guarding a door. Once the argument is over, talk to the Watchdog and convince him to tell you what is happening, either with 50 Rhetoric or with 100 pennies. He'll tell you that two bodies were found in the house he is guarding, Kraig and Sira Copperhammer. The local guards have already investigated the scene, but found nothing of note, and so he agrees to let you in to investigate the situation yourself.


  1. Between the entry door and the cooking pot on the Northwest corner of the main room
  2. Between two barrels on the side room to the east
  3. In the top-right shelf of south wall of the main room

Once you pull all levers in the correct time frame, a panel will open at the middle shelf of the western wall of the main room, revealing a letter. The letter seems to call for a meeting at an "old lighthouse".

The first lever

The second lever

The third lever

The hidden letter

Return to the Watchdog and tell him about the clues you found. He says that the Duneville guard is stretched thin at the moment, and asks you to investigate the case for them, in return for a reward. He mentions that the handwriting in the certificate of debt seems to be from Karymea, a local merchant.


Karymea can be found in Duneville, selling her wares. Talk to her and inquire about Kraig. She confirms that he owed her money, and even says she was planning to send grunts to beat him up, since he hadn't paid in two years, but denies any involvement in the murder. You can try to have her arrested while you investigate the situation, but she denies. With no further proof, there's nothing else you can do about her.

The Old Lighthouse

Travel to the Old Lighthouse near the shore and enter it. You'll find that the inside is infested with spiders, likely due to the adjoining cave connected to it. Go to the connected cave and take the letter on top of the table there, which reveals that Darius Copperhammer, Kraig's brother, hired someone to investigate his father's inheritance. It seems that Kraig received all of the money and was supposed to split it with Darius, but he never did so. Your next lead, then, is Kraig's brother, Darius.

Darius Copperhammer

If you want to get an objective marker with the exact location of Darius, talk to Petrik Windwailer in Duneville. He is sitting on top of a pile of hay, in an area next to the southeastern entrance to Duneville. You'll find Darius in Duneville's Supply Ship, fixing a wall on the ship's deck.

After the explanation, tell Darius that he'll need to stay in the Duneville prison until the matter is resolved. He denies killing his brother, but agrees to go to the prison to cooperate in the investigation. You will then be teleported to Duneville, right in front of its prison.


Go to the Duneville prison and you'll be greeted by the watchdog that gave the case to you, who will present you two additional pieces of evidence. Darius' dagger, covered in blood, was found hidden under a rock in the graveyard. Darius doesn't deny that the dagger is his, but says that it was planted there to frame him. Additionally, one of Karymea's debtors, a 60-year-old fisherman, was found dead, presumably murdered, two years ago. However, the Duneville guard overseer wants this case solved now, giving you no additional time to follow on any of these two leads.

You can choose to arrest Darius, arrest Karymea, or to leave it up to the guard (he ends up arresting Darius). Either way, the guard thanks you for your help and gives you 500 pennies, ending the quest.

Прохождение Enderal: Forgotten Stories и вопросы по игре

Алина Лунькова

Влада, говорит только "Anything"? Говорили, что в новом патче эту проблему решат, но не знаю в вышедшем недавно или в следующем

Влада Бартош

Алина, вообще молчит. Диалог как бы оборвался. Она сказала мол я себе такого больше не позволю, из разговора меня выкинуло, надо продолжить его, нажав на е, но Калия не реагирует

Алина Лунькова

Влада, попробуйте прошлое сохранение загрузить, там вообще обычно нажимать не нужно ни на кого, они сами продолжают диалог.
Тут вообще лучше перед каждым квестом сохраняться на всякий случай

Влада Бартош

Никита Рахимзанов

Илья Петряков

Можно ли как-то в Эндерале накладывать более одного зачарования на вещь?

Никита Рахимзанов

а всё решил проблему стандартным путем, если кому поможет и гордыня ничего не делает, то пропишите это: prid 0101caef
moveto player

Дмитрий Антонов

Подскажите где найти магический ториумный слиток ? говорят по квесту Капля в море дают, но мне не дали, или его в этом квесте искать надо если да то где ?

Лана Валевская

Yulia Smola

Дмитрий Травин

В Живом храме иду путём тёмного,висит гроб на цепях,можно как то его опустить?

Лана Валевская

Андрей Петров

Доброй ночи всем)
вопрос по кв Кровь на песке, есть ли более правильная концовка, помимо обвинения либо одного, либо другово, может всё же убийца кто то третий?)

Алина Лунькова

Андрей, нет, можно или самостоятельно обвинить одного из двух или оставить это на усмотрение стражи, но тогда виновным будет брат

Nikita Ponomar

Лана Валевская

Дмитрий Травин

Андрей Шепов

Лана, Добрый день.Как именно его получить?Пробовал по-разному:и отдавал ему мечтоцвет,и не отдавал,но слиток он все равно не дает.

Лана Валевская

Андрей, так слиток вам не Юслан дает. его надо поискать там на локе)) Посмотрите в башне что стоит слева вроде бы. там пошарьте по бочкам или что там не помню. сундук. ( уточнение на той локе куда вы с Юсланом пришли.. где якобы его дом и семья)

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