Kingdom rush прохождение молох

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Молох (Moloch) - Босс-демон из дополнительных уровней.

Описание [ ]

Ужасающий и самоуверенный повелитель демонов, он ест горячие угли на завтрак!

Молох выглядит как огромный демон с рогами на голове и на подбородке. Они как бы составляют его бороду. После его смерти в достижении видно, что из его рога сделали горн или трубу.

Moloch is the boss of the Burning Torment mini-campaign in Kingdom Rush and possibly the biggest overarching antagonist of the first Kingdom Rush.


Overview [ ]

A feared and overconfident demon overlord, he eats hot coals for breakfast!

Moloch's modest health is balanced out by his dangerously fast movement speed. Other than Vez'nan, he is the only boss to possess an area instant kill attack (other bosses only have either area attack or instant kill); and he can use it on every unit (while Earth Elementals are immune to Vez'nan's). His path is very short, and combined with his above average speed and ability to quickly clear units designed to stall him, he can easily overtake an unprepared player.

Выглядит он как черный силуэт в чёрно-фиолетовом плаще с золотым посохом в руке, на верхушке которого красный кристалл — источник его силы, Слеза Элини. Также он имеет корону и красные глаза.

Перед и во время уровня с ним он будет говорить игроку разные фразы, которые появляются рядом с ним в чёрном окошке. До того, как он выйдет сам против вас, он будет, начиная с 5 волны, открывать порталы в виде пентаграммы на земле, из которых будут появляться Адские отродья и Адские гончии, а начиная с 8 волны — пытаться обезвредить ваши башни. Чтобы этого не случилось, по ним нужно постоянно кликать. В противном случае башни будут обезврежены на несколько секунд. Передвигается он медленно, поэтому против него хороши маги и лучники. Поскольку он имеет огромный урон в ближнем бою, то воины, герои и подкрепления против него бесполезны. После убийства Вез'нана он переходит во вторую стадию, превращаясь в огромного демона с кристаллом в груди. Демон может только дышать огнём на солдат. У него есть перепончатые крылья, но он их не использует. После смерти демон превращается обратно в Вез'нана, который разлетается на множество душ.

Стратегия [ ]

Против Вез'нана хорошо помогает Гарнизон мушкетёров прокачанный на смертельный выстрел.

В мобильной версии можно купить 5 дополнительных сердец, активировать их и просто дать Вез'нану пройти. Так Вез'нан отнимет 20 из 25 жизней и вы победите. Эта тактика не работает в Kingdom Rush: Origins и Kingdom Rush: Vengeance.

Kingdom Rush Walkthrough 100% (VETERAN) От THE ZOD

You will find everything you need to beat every level on VETERAN difficulty and get all the achievements.

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Оглавление руководства

Individual Level Guide PART 1

Individual Level Guide PART 2

Achievements PART 1

Achievements PART 2

Achievements PART 3

Комментарии Individual Level Guide PART 1 Individual Level Guide PART 2 Achievements PART 1

50 shots, 50 kills
Snipe 50 enemies: You need a level 4 archer tower, The Musketeer Garrison tower with the "One shot. one kill. " ability to achieve.

Kill 300 enemies with electricity: You need a level 4 artillery tower, The Tesla x104 to achieve.

Defeat Sarelgaz and its minions: Finish the mission "Sarelgaz's Lair", campaign mode.

Are you not entertained?
Have a single barbarian kill 10 enemies: You need a level 4 melee tower, The Barbarian Mead Hall to achieve.

Use Rain of Fire 5 times in a single stage.

Army of one
Defeat 9 legions before they replicate: Can be done in Pit Of Fire or Pandaemonium.

Axe rain!
Throw 500 or more axes: You need a level 4 melee tower, The Barbarian Mead Hall with the ''Throwing Axes'' ability to achieve.

Beam me up, Scotty
Teleport 250 or more enemies: You need a level 4 magic tower, The Arcane Wizard with the ''Teleport'' ability to achieve.

Kill 500 enemies.

Cannon Fodder
Send 1.000 soldiers to their deaths: 1000 units from your melee towers need to die.

Champion of Linirea
Train a hero up to level 5.

Drop 1.000 or more bomblets with the cluster bomb: You need a level 4 artillery tower, The 500mm Big Bertha with the ''Cluster Launcher Xtreme'' ability to achieve.

Defeat 10 Troll Pathfinders while they're treading on ice: Can only be done in "Glacial Heights" or "Ha'Kraj Plateau".

Build 30 towers

Find the ninja master rat: Watch the video below.

Call 10 waves early.

Death from above
Kill 100 enemies with meteor showers: Simply use meteor on ennemies.

Die Hard
Have your soldiers regenerate a total of 50.000 life.

Don't feed the troll
Defeat Ulguk-Hai the Troll Warlord: Finish the mission "Ha'kraj Plateau", campaign mode.

Dust to Dust!
Disintegrate 50 or more enemies: You need a level 4 magic tower, The Arcane Wizard with the ''Death Ray'' ability to achieve.

Summon 5 rock elementals in any one stage: You need a level 4 magic tower, The Sorcerer Mage with the ''Summon Elemental'' ability to achieve.

Energy Network
Build 4 Tesla towers in any stage.

Build 100 towers.

Hold 500 or more enemies with Wrath of the Forest: You need a level 4 archer tower, The Rangers Hideout with the "Wrath of the Forest" ability to achieve.

Call all waves early in a single mission.

Achievements PART 2

First Blood
Kill one enemy.

Forest Diplomacy
Recruit max elves at The Silveroak Outpost: Watch the video below.

Free Fredo
Help Fredo escape: Watch the video below.

G.I. Joe
Train 1,000 soldiers: Build melee towers to achieve.

Game of Crowns
Defeat Lord Blackburn to avoid war between kingdoms: Finish the mission "Castle Blackburn", campaign mode.

Defeat Moloch the Demon Overlord: Finish the mission "Pandaemonium", campaign mode.

Holy Chorus
Have your Paladins perform 100 Holy Strikes: You need a level 4 melee tower, The Holy Order with the ''Holy Strike'' ability to achieve.

Home Improvement
Upgrade all basic tower types to level 3.

I am the law
Do not let The Kingpin escape: Finish the mission "Bandit's Lair", campaign mode.

Call a wave within 3 seconds of the icon showing up.

Imperial Saviour
Have at least 3 Imperial Guards survive in the Citadel.

Sell 5 towers in a single mission.

Is he dead yeti?
Defeat J.T: Finish the mission "Stormcloud Temple", campaign mode.

Legend of Linirea
Train a hero up to max level.

Like a Henderson
Free the sasquatch on the Icewind Pass: Watch the video below.

Defeat Greenmuck and its minions: Finish the mission "Rotten Forest", campaign mode.

Have your Paladins heal a total of 7.000 life: You need a level 4 melee tower, The Holy Order with the ''Healing Light'' ability to achieve.

Discover the hidden monster under water: Watch the video below.

Capture the attention of the mysterious crow: Watch the video below.

Nuts and Bolts
Defeat The Juggernaut: Finish the mission "The Citadel", campaign mode.

Orcs must die
Defeat Gul'Thak and its minions: Finish the mission "Ruins of Acaroth", campaign mode.

Kill 10 or more sheep with your hands: Watch the video below.

Achievements PART 3

Plants vs Trolls
Find the 5 legendary lost ice-shrooms: Watch the video below.

Kill 15 Wererats before they sicken any soldier: Can only be done in the missions from "The Curse of Castle Blackburn"

Real Estate
Sell 30 towers.

Shoot 100 missiles: You need a level 4 artillery tower, The 500mm Big Bertha with the ''Dragonbreath Launcher'' ability to achieve.

Scrat's Meal
Find the elusive acorn: Watch the video below.

Polymorph 50 enemies into sheep: You need a level 4 magic tower, The Sorcerer Mage with the ''Polymorph'' ability to achieve.

Kill 2.500 enemies

Build all 8 towers specializations.

Kill 25 Shrooms without them poisoning your soldiers: Can only be done in "Fungal Forest".

Still counts as one
Have your Elves deal 10000 points of damage.

Sunburner !
Fire the sunray 20 times: Watch the video below.

Super Mushroom
Defeat Myconid, the Rotten Fungus: Finish the mission "Fungal Forest", campaign mode.

Supreme Defender
Complete the campaign in Veteran mode.

Change soldiers' rally point 200 times.

Kill 10.000 enemies.

The Architect
Build 150 towers.

This is the end
Defeat Vez'nan: Finish the mission "The Dark Tower". campaign mode.

Kill 50 enemies by poison damage: You need a level 4 archer tower, The Rangers Hideout with the "Poison Arrows" ability to achieve.

Twin Rivers Angler
Catch a fish: Watch the video below.

We dine in hell!
Have your soldiers survive the explosion of 300 demons: In "Dark Tower", demons summoned by the inscriptions on the ground will explose upon death.

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