Как пройти the asylum 2

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Asylum Night Shift 2 is the official sequel to Five Nights At The Asylum. It takes place after the first game. It features the patients Doctor Death, The Sackman, The Ripper, Benji, and The Killer Dwarf.

The Player has gotten a letter from management that says he has been moved to the Basement Shift, as Mr. Giggles filed a complaint about The Player. When the player gets there for his shift, Jake calls him on a Walkie-Talkie, and explains that the Basement wasn't Intended for holding patients. However, they had a lot of patients coming in, and were running out of room.

With this, the staff have slightly renovated the Basement, adding 4 Cells, a office, sound devices, cameras, and a map layout console, complete with a Lockdown function.

It seems that Dave has fixed the problem with only being able to close 3 doors on the map layout. you are now able to close as many as you like. Unfortunately, the Basement, while being renovated to add security equipment, they were unable to connect the equipment to the main power supply, meaning that they had to add a wall mounted generator with a hand crank. the player must keep turning the hand crank throughout the night to keep the power enabled. The more doors shut, the faster the power drains.

However, there is another staff member working with you. A dog named Benji. Benji replaces the alarm, as he will work with you to help you survive the Patients. However, Benji has a fear of enclosed spaces, and doesn't like being watched. if you are not careful, There would be severe consequences.

Like before, Your job is to survive the five nights, and earn your paycheck.

Strategy [ ]

Rating: Easy

Patients: The Ripper

Lockdown button: Not needed.

Doors: Needed. You can use the Doors to trap The Ripper in a room. This may lose power but this can easily be gained using the generator. You can also use the Doors to stop The Ripper from coming into the hallway. You can do this the whole night.

Monitors: Needed. These should be used after the tracking batteries die. The Ripper will mostly be seen on the cameras, but if he isn't, no fear, just be prepared to close your door as he will probably be approaching the hallway outside your room.

Chapel bells and Furnace: Not needed. You can use these to lure The Ripper away, but continuous use is not recommended.

Other: - If the power runs out, don't worry! Just crank up the generator again.

- If you trap The Ripper and the power runs out, just crank up the generator and you'll be fine.

- Check on the generator sometimes. You probably won't use much power but it's better to be safe than sorry.

Rating: Medium

Patients: The Ripper, The Killer Dwarf

Lockdown button: Not needed

Doors: Needed. You can trap one patient in a room so your night is easier to deal with or you could possibly trap both in a room (therefore, you would only use 3 doors during the whole night).

Monitors: Needed. These should be used after the tracking batteries die. You must be careful when the batteries die and you should always look at the cameras and the generator. If one patient was to come to your door and you closed it and then opened it again, you could get killed if another patient came while your door was recharging (yes, it does).

Chapel bells and Furnace: Needed. These are necessary to lure the patients away from your room. The more patients you have, the more dangerous each night becomes.

Other: - Be very careful when it comes to power. The last thing you want to have is 2 patients lurking around with no doors to block them or monitors to see them. Check on your generator every 5 seconds.

Rating: Medium

Patients: The Ripper, The Killer Dwarf, Doctor Death

Lockdown button: You may have to use this if things get out of control. However, DO NOT use this button if you aren't at least 80% sure they are not in the hallway already. If they are, the button will not help in any way. This is because firstly, the power fails after each lockdown and secondly, the patients will not be able to leave the hallway and you will be prone to more attack and possibly get killed.

Doors: Absolutely! The best plan is to trap Doctor Death (and maybe another patient, if you're lucky). This will drop the danger level by about half. Why? This is because Benji the dog will not alert you if he comes to your door. This is easy to control by trapping Doctor Death in a room. For the other two patients, follow the steps for Night 2.

Monitors: Definitely. When the tracking batteries go off, 3 patients lurking around the asylum is not something you want, especially since one of them is Doctor Death.

Chapel bells and Furnace: Needed. These will minimize the times that a patient approaches your door, and will also be a good lure to trap Doctor Death.

Other: - Contrary to popular belief (due to Doctor Death), this level is not that hard once you trap him and possibly another patient.

- Check on your generator every 5 seconds. You will not want to run out of power.

Rating: Difficult

Patients: The Ripper, The Killer Dwarf, Doctor Death, The Sackman

Lockdown button: You will definitely need the lockdown button. Don't forget though: it lasts for a short period of time and is used as a last resort, and it also kills the power once it finishes. You may need the lockdown upgrade which allows 3 lockdowns per night. The normal game only allows one.

Doors: You will die without using them in the first 10 seconds. Seriously. Use the doors to trap patients in rooms. Try not to use doors to stop patients from coming in the hallway (what I mean is: "Oh, look, The Ripper is coming into one of those entrances into the hallway!") because you'll be constantly tapping doors and you will run out of power. Use the minimum amount of doors possible.

Monitors: You will need to have your wits about you. Check all the cameras in about 4 seconds. If someone is not seen, this is bad. Check your door as soon as possible.

Chapel bells and Furnace: These are a must. You will need to prepare to activate them. Don't overuse them. As Jake says, "The patients may be mad, but they're not stupid!". Activate them every 5 seconds.

Other: - I actually had to buy all of the upgrades to win this night (it was very hard, though I see no reason why you couldn't beat it without them)

- Doctor Death is the most dangerous patient. Check on him frequently.

- Avoid door recharge times by opening your door after you believe you are safe (I have gotten killed waiting for doors to recharge!)

- Check on generator every 3 seconds.

Night 5 (final)

Rating: Insane!

Patients: The Ripper, The Killer Dwarf, Doctor Death, The Sackman

Lockdown button: Use it. If you have purchased the upgrades, use your lockdowns at the following times:

  • Close to 2AM
  • Close to 4AM
  • Close to 6AM

If you have not, save it for when you really need it (1. You'll know when you really need it and 2. Check my strategy for Night 3's lockdown button and when not to use it).

Doors: Use them. Trap patients in rooms. This is the night where they get very aggressive. You will probably hear Benji bark every 10 seconds. Use as little Doors as you can. Also, you don't have to trap every patient: trap 2 or 3 (one of which being Doctor Death).

Monitors: Check all the cameras in about 2 seconds. If someone isn't on the cameras, get ready to close the door ASAP.

Chapel bells and Furnace: Definitely. You will need these to lure the patients into the Chapel or Furnace Room to trap them.

Прохождение игры Adventure Escape: Asylum

Вам необходимо помочь девушке Анне, которая очнулась в незнакомом убежище, с очень размытыми воспоминаниями. Вскоре, она понимает, что отправной точкой является институт Байерс. Героине начинает мерещиться таинственная девушка, которая даёт дельные советы. Не играет ли воображение с ней злую шутку.

Полное прохождение игры Adventure Escape: Asylum

Первая часть Adventure Escape: Asylum

1. Возьмите скальпель, используйте его, чтобы освободить руки и встать с кровати.

2. У стены справа стоит ящик, откройте дверцы, внутри найдёте перчатки и набор отмычек.

3. Справа от двери висит информация об Анне, изучите листок.

4. Откройте четырехзначным кодом дверь 2853, который был написан на листке из шага 3.

5. Выйдите в коридор, возьмите швабру. Ней вытрите лужу, оденьте перчатки и уберите провод.

6. Отоприте дверь использовав отмычки и выровняв механизм замка в одну прямую линию.

Вторая часть Adventure Escape: Asylum

1. Отыщите две статуэтки собак. Изучите заголовки валяющихся газет.

2. Пройдите в кабинет, две статуэтки на столе и одна в ящике. Почитайте команды на плакате слева.

3. Вернитесь в холл, откройте чемодан кодом 23612, внутри виниловая пластинка.

5. В комнатке на полу сидит женщины, побеседуйте с ней и заберите с пояса ключ-карту.

Третья часть Adventure Escape: Asylum

1. Под лестницей красная дверь, откройте её ключ-картой. Найдите внутри листок с нотами.

2. Слева ящик с инструментами, расставьте их, как показано ниже. Получите шестеренку.

Расстановка музыкальных инструментов в Adventure Escape: Asylum

4. Нажмите по подносу, прочитайте листок и наберите в него еды, как показано ниже.

5. Отдайте поднос женщине сидящей на полу, получите ещё листок с нотами.

6. Идите на кухню. Возьмите табуретку. Наведите порядок, разложив яблоки, бананы и печенье на свои места. Соберите по локации ноты. В инвентаре всего их 12.

7. Проследуйте в комнату со сценой. Поставьте табуретку слева от неё. Поместите шестерёнку и верёвку в верхний левый угол сцены. Поднимите занавес.

8. Отыщите на ней подставку с нотами. Добавьте свои листки и соберите цельную страницу, как показано ниже.

Правильное положение нот в игре Adventure Escape: Asylum

9. Идите с ней на кухню к сейфу. Теперь у вас получится подобрать правильную комбинацию. Получите топор.

10. Идите в комнату со сценой. Слева дверь забитая досками, уберите их с помощью найденного инструмента.

Четвёртая часть Adventure Escape: Asylum

2. Вернитесь в гостиную, откройте ящик на столе, расставив правильно розы. Внутри второй кусочек Луны.

Розы на шкатулке

3. Пройдите сквозь дверь справа. На полу и столе лежат доски. На другом столе разбросанные гвозди, уберите их находя пары.

4. Вставьте части Луны в середину шкафу, в середине доска.

5. Выйдите во двор, на стене поломанная лестница, добавьте к ней доски, молотком забейте гвозди.

Для продолжения прохождения игры Adventure Escape: Asylum, нажмите по ссылке.

Asylum II is a new point and click adventure game from Melting-Mindz. Some days don't go so well, this is one of those days. You are walking home late and see a light from inside the old asylum that hasn't been in operation for over twenty years. You decide to check it out. Good luck and have fun!

Play This Game

If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.


Looks very good.
Found a lot of stuff, but too many rooms and views for me now (just played fog fall 3 and that was a lot of views too).
Good luck all.

Oh I love them.
Got 2 notes and black key so far.

This one better have an ending!

press close button at left side

Have 7 notes, 1 wooden peg, and a SD

Need something to break the window!

Found so far:
7 notes, wooden peg, SD (used), scalpell (used), red key (used), gold key (used)

the red key called in inventory "black key"!
For me navigation is ok.

oops - just noticed the close button

this looks great! Self-Defiant, your games are always loads of fun!

There is a close-button on the left side for zooming out.

Have matches. Where to use SD?:

YES. I love these games! "Abandoned" was the first escape game I ever played and it was what made me love them!

I have 8 papers now.
Used the red, black and gold key.
Have a hammer (used 2x), matches used, a wooden peg and a blue and a purple gem.

Found blue gem (with SD) and matches.

where is red key?

where is the red key??

also have yellow gem and ink blotter

annaby - there is a map on the left - should help with navigation

Use matches in the fireplace to get a key.

i have 4 cards, 3 ink blots, wooden peg, old book, and a yellow & blue gem.

where are red key, purple gem, hammer, and matches?

Hi small-tool
matches. where

Pegs go in pentagram, but no clue if 5 are needed

and where is hammer
this is horrible to explain where to find things
perhaps to use map
level 1, 2, etc.

Have found the real black key (used matches), found hammer, found 8. note and a purple gem.

red key was in clock bottom. press buttons at the tops of it when zoomed in

OK small-tool
i better go hunting
missing C card - probably needed for box in top room

found green gem in paint on stairway

Found silver key in bathroom

just pondering
is there a special way to press buttons
nothing happens at my clock

Missing E card. Any help?

Hammer was in room opened with black key

Found quarter used to get second wooden peg.
Have blue purple and green gem (thanks to rdnckwritr)
Have 5 notes (from A to E)
Have 4 ink blot.

have cards A, B, C, D, E; green, purple, blue, and yellow gems; 1 wooden peg; and old book; 3 ink blots; matches; & a hammer. now what?

In one of the first room. i started going to the right

Found an old book (in room with pentagram) and the yellow gem.

found silver key and got another wooden peg(after using quarter) and another ink blot.

ah, thanks! Missed that entirely

wow, i feel behind. I just used the red key. . . love the planet symbols, Self-defiant. Reminds me of my first manga/anime. :D

@Drisana For clock just click on the 4 bottons.
Matches are in room: Map: 5 from left, one up and one left - on floor.

Stu i click but it says nothing happen :(

E card? No answer?

how do you do the pentagram? I dont understand

5 from left, one up - there is no left!!

It seems that i have to play with hour. 2ND button highlighted at 4:30 last one at 7:30.

Drisana, in that case, my final clock says 3:30 if that helps
small hand at 3, large hand at 6

Hammer and c-card - anyone please

my clock does NOT open

Ok got the clock. You HAVE TO play with hour :) look at the ink notes for hint !! (1-2 = 1 button hand at 2 o clock and so on).

Drisana, I must have really lucked out then. I just pressed buttons

Drisana can you please help me with the pentagram?

thanks Drisana
that was good

@SwissMiss: hammer in verry right upper room

Have someone open the box?
Have someone found orange and red gem?

thanks Just Pondering! now I need the red & orange gems

So i miss orange, green and red gems. Though putitng symbols in box in abcde order would open it but no.

@ Drisana green gem is in the paint on the stairway leading up

thanks Stu
got the key now and found hammer
cought up
red and orange gem missing

cant open box.
need orange gem, red gem, and green key for that very first room.
tried to use hammer to break through the secret passage door but it didnt work

2nd room from right, one up, one right is a Pentagram on the wall

Trisana, room right of clock

I need the yellow, orange and red gems. . .

the black numbered figures are clues for the box. But still missing one.

Ok goot orange gem. In the room where you light fire, drag tile down right (like you did for the silver key).

Trisana. true, but for lack of a better explanation, it works

sorrrry Trisana -lol-

Trisana, yellow gem is in book if i remember well.
Roberto, ink draws with numbers are for clock i think !

@Drisana: Great find!! Now where is the red one?

good find Drisana
last one is probably in the box

great find @Drisana

Trisana - thanks, that was driving me mad. Was clicking like a mentalist!! :)

Oh no !! refreshed the wrong page. i really appreciate autosave . :)

Thank you Drisana for ornage gem.
I thought I clicked all over there, lol.

A bug maybe ? you all get the clock without play with hour .

I just had a laugh to myself. It would have been cruel if the clue for the order of the symbols was in the introductory description which I just skimmed quickly over!!

Thanks Trisana. Found it!

I think it is the very bottom right "room"
click those yellow tiles middle/right-ish

Has anybony found all gems yet?

Why do we have 2 pegs if we need only one to slve pentagram?

a good question, to be sure, roberto. . .

no roberto
we all need the red gem - and it is probably in the box in the top room

I screwed up on the box clues, I got them mixed up somehow and I feel really bad. I uploaded a fix but a refresh will be necessary. Good thing the game saves!

I think that the peg is a bug like the clock for some of us.

Selfdefiant, i hope that we just need to refresh ;)

Thanks for the fix and the save feature!

If the code is ABCDE (star circle square triangle and water (?)) still not working after a refresh :(

thanks for catching it, Self-Defiant. :D

what are the inkblots for?

ok; i took the key out of the clock without doing anything :-)

@Blom they told you what to set the clock hand at to activate the 1-4 buttons at the top to get the red key.

Thanks Delfdefiant - that worked

Got it with the "old code" thx Selfdefiant ;)

I mean Selfdefiant

Out without using the secret place ;)

and out. that was fun, thanks Self-defiant! :D

Thanks selfdefiant - that was drivin me insane!!

Well, once the correct order was given, that was easy!!
Good game though

Hey trisana you lead the score ;)

Thank you Selfdefiant for the box code.

and out

Finally out! Thanks all!

very good game
shame about the bug

What changed? The letters on the cards?

Anyway, even with bugs, that was an excellent game :) Thanks for hints on where to find some things. I always miss the "drag the item" to find the hidden objects. I needed help with 2 gems and a silver key lol

the score is the amount of clicks, someone had over 10,000 all that I can say is WOW
Glad you liked despite the bugs. :)

THANK YOU for a wonderful game - I made it myself untill the last code for the box!
Go on making these games, please! :-)

Excellent game - thanks to all players for hints and thanks to Selfdefiant - keep them coming please

Pascale, I finally got it, with help from another site, you need to use one of the pegs on the white diagram thing. Put it on the top first, then take it out and follow the symbols like in the book. The lines should turn red, last place you put the peg is the top, then it gives you colors for the gems!

Thank you very much, Meredy ! You saved me !

Ah, missed that one! No problem Pascale, glad I could help. :)

Help somebody. Where are the purple and red gems??

Sorry, I mean Orange and Red gems

last gem is in the box

coming nokra! I have it done, but I have to post it.

Click map in the bottom left corner for a map of the place

When you zoom in on something, a CLOSE button will appear above the MAP button. Click that to go back

Exit door room
Note the lock glows bright green and you need a key

Go down to the mural hall
Get the star psychic card from the floor. Place it in your inventory by clicking an empty box
Click it in your inventory for an about item view of it.

Go left to the Candy machine hall
Note the machine needs a quarter

Go forward to the end room with window and vent on the back wall
Note the vent is screwed on, but there is something blue behind it
Get triangle psychic card from the floor

Go back 2 times to the Candy machine hall
And now go left to the down stairway
There is nothing here

Go left to the hallway with the walker in it
Get the circle psychic card from under the walker
Go left and see the door is locked and needs a silver key

Go back and right 3 times to the mural hall
Now go right to the large red room

Go forward to the clock hall
Click the clock (lol, I love typing that!) and note one of the hands can move and there are 4 buttons at the top (NOTE: if your game is glitched, you can press the buttons now for a key. If it is not, pressing a button will do nothing)
On the left wall, get the first ink blot paper
Look at it in the about item view


Go right to the room with the pentagram-type paper on the wall with planetary symbols on it
Click the paper to zoom in
Click one of the dots by a symbol and learn they are holes
Get the book from the floor under the rightmost window
Click the book in the inventory
Click the cover and see a symbol. Click the edge of the right pages to flip through them. Note the symbols, and get the yellow gem from the last page

Go left to the clock hall and then forward to the long hall of open doors

Go right to the bathroom
Get the second ink blot paper
Move your cursor over the upper left tile over the tub faucets to see a hand
Click and drag that tile and find the silver key (thanks, Stu!)

Go left to the long hall of open doors
Now go forward to find the locked door that needs a gold key
Use the key and enter the hallway with a wooden frame on the right wall

Go left to the fireplace room
Note the wood in the fireplace
Drag the 2 tiles at the bottom right of the fireplace hearth to find the orange gem (thanks, Drisana!)

Go right to the hallway with a wooden frame on the right wall
And then forward to the striped room view
Get the screwdriver from the radiator on the left

Go back 2 times to the hallway with a wooden frame on the right wall
Go right to the strange machine room
Get the wavy line psychic card from near the ceiling

Go left and back 3 times to the to the large red room
Go right to the stairs going up
Note the paint is clickable
Click the chip that is right of center to find the green gem (thanks, rdnckwritr!)

Go up the stairs to the upper walkway
Get the third ink blot paper from the left wall
Go forward and see the door here needs a black key

Go down to the stairs going up and go all the way left (6 clicks)
Use the silver key to enter the large room with the broken floor
Get the fourth ink blot and get the quarter

Go right to the Candy machine hall (3 clicks right)
Use the quarter to get the second peg

Go forward 2 times down the hall to the end room with window and vent on the back wall
Use the screwdriver on the vent and get the blue gem

Back up 2 times to the Candy machine hall
Go right 2 times to the large red room and then forward to the clock hall
Zoom in on the clock and solve the puzzle for the red key

Go back and left 2 times to the Candy machine hall
Go forward to the yellow hallway with window on the right and then left
Use the red key on this door

Enter the room with the black chair
Get the matches from the floor
Note the black shape on the wall has places for the gems

Go right, then back, then right 2 times to the large red room
Go forward 3 times to the hallway with a wooden frame on the right wall
And then left to the fireplace room
Use the matches to light the fire and get the black key

Go right and back 3 times to the large red room
Go right and up the stairs
Use the black key on the door at the end of the hallway

In the end room with the glass block back wall, get the hammer from the second shelf on the left
Use it to break the glass over the purple gem on the upper block of the back wall
Get the purple gem

Go back and right 4 times to the large red room
Go forward all the way to the end of this hall for the blue can on the table room
Click the code box and solve it
Click the lid for the red gem

TY @KKF. waiting for the part with the pegs. I only have one and all I need is the other one
now! LOL.
Great Walkthrough so far.


Go back 4 times to the clock hall
Go right to the room with the pentagram-type paper on the wall with planetary symbols on it
Zoom in on the pentagram-like paper
Place the pegs in the holes to solve the puzzle (you are doing it right if the lines turn red)
The paper should now have colors

Go left and back to the large red room
Go left 2 times to the Candy machine hall and then forward 1 times and left to the room with the black chair
Place the gems in the black shape on the wall
Get the green key
Go right, back, and right to the mural hall
Go forward and use the green key to escape!

The ink blots have numbers written on their bottom left corners
3-10, 4-7, 2-4, and 1-2. The numbers 1-4 tell you what button to push. The second number tells you what time to set the moveable hand to.
For the first button, set the clock hand to 2 and then press the first button. Set the time to 4 and hit the second button etc.

The physic cards you found all have letters on them in the upper left corners. Enter the shapes for each letter from A-E. NOTE: if your game is glitched, your Star card will have a letter A on it. If this is the case, you will just have to enter the code that I give below.
The correct code is A square, B circle, C star, D lines, and E triangle

circle with + in the center, h, moon, mirror glass (circle with + under it), circle with dot in center, trident, and then end back in the circle with + in the center

Your character appears in front of the Asylum doors. There are bricks scattered across the floor and many flickering lights. There is a hint of a piano playing. Also, good luck because. you can't turn.

not overview

The chapter is fairly lengthy and has its fair share of jumpscares. There are two explorable floors and quite a few areas that are blocked off. THIS IS FAKE!


SEARCH THE ASYLUM FOR MAX - Received upon entering the Asylum. Is not completed.

ENTER THE AUDITORIUM - Received upon walking near the AUDITORIUM'S doors. Completed upon entering the AUDITORIUM.

FIND A KEY - Received upon attempting to open a locked door. Completed upon picking up the "Warden's Keys."

==pizza Bold WALKTHROUGH == You start off with the objective SEARCH THE ASYLUM FOR MAX. There is not much to do in the beginning except for walking through the bathroom and locker room. There are no jumpscares. Yet.

Once you get through the locker room, there is a hallway with lots of rubble scattered around. There is a lone wheelchair in the middle of the path. If you walk through the hallway (still no jumpscares), you will be greeted with the loud sound of a piano and locked doors. You will then receive the objective of ENTER THE AUDITORIUM. Anytime you try opening a locked door, you will receive the objective of FIND A KEY.

Image courtesy of Venoxs

When you receive the objective, go through the doors of CELL BLOCK B. There is another lone wheelchair in the hallway. Open the doors and turn left, into the WARDEN'S OFFICE. Turn right again, and the keys will be sitting on a desk. When you've grabbed those keys, you will then be able to open the AUDITORIUM doors and any other locked doors.

After opening the doors, be careful. There is a jumpscare incoming. There are bolt clippers sitting in the middle of the auditorium, and a black figure sitting and playing the piano. If you pick up the nail clippers, or get to close it, the black figure flies at you and causes you to black out.

Image courtesy of Venoxs

Run out of the auditorium and back into CELL BLOCK B. Go through it, and turn right. Snip the chains and open the door. There you find Max's Backpack, which you can pick up. Continue onward. Be careful, there are two jumpscares approaching.

Upon walking next to the heater on the stairs, a cloud of black smoke comes out and the heater starts whistling really loudly. Keep walking up.

The next heater you approach (not the one under the mattress) acts the same. (only on your second run)

If you continue through the hallway, you will be greeted with a large sky dome and two blocked off doors. There is the RECORDS ROOM, which can be rummaged through in order to find some

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