Как попасть в портал хаб скайблок рпг

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Зам Администратора

Основные команды SkyBlock

/is create - создать свой остров
/is info - информация об острове
/is biome - изменить биом на острове
/is sethome / tpset - установка точки дома
/is home - телепортация на остров
/is warp / w - перемещение на остров другого игрока
/is party - информация об участниках острова
/is invite - пригласить игрока на свой остров
/is accept / reject - принять/отклонить приглашение
/is leave - выход из группы
/is ban / unban - блокировать/разблокировать игрока на Вашем острове
/is kick / remove - удаление участников острова
/is level - проверка уровня острова
/is lock / unlock - блокировать остров от посторонних игроков
/is log - показать журнал
/is makeleader / transfer - передать лидерство другому игроку
/is top - показать ТОП 10 островов
/is trust / untrust - доверять/не доверять игроку на Вашем острове

Dungeon Hub

Dungeon Hub.jpg





Damage is disabled in the Dungeon Hub.

NOTE: The Fast Travel warp is not unlocked if you have not gone through the Portal.


Things to do [ ]

  • Join Dungeons!
  • Play with Friends!
  • Create your own custom party.
  • Meet new friends and organize Dungeon parties!
  • Talk with Ophelia and Malik.
  • Find Fairy Souls (7)
  • Hub Racing (for Wither Essence and Speed Accessories. Located under the main dungeon area)

Sub-locations [ ]

There are three sub-locations that are accessible in the caves below the Hub:

  • Crystal Core
  • Giant Mushroom
  • Precursor Ruins

Hub Racing [ ]

Players can do the Hub Racing quest by talking with Guildford and selecting which race location and type.

There are 3 routes to these locations:

  • Crystal Core
  • Giant Mushroom
  • Precursor Ruins

Each route has 4 types of race:

  • Anything (can use Abilities (like AOTE, Leaping Sword), Ender Pearls, and Grappling Hook)
  • No Pearls (can use Abilities (like AOTE, Leaping Sword), and Grappling Hook)
  • No Abilities (can use only the Grappling Hook)
  • Nothing at all (can't use anything, and walking speed is capped at 130)

You can choose whether or not you want a runback. With no runback you will be teleported back to Guildford after reaching the end. So therefore, there are 24 combinations of the race.

For every race the player completes in time, Guildford will give 3/4/5/6 Wither Essence or a Cat Talisman Upgrade.

Players can obtain the Speed Accessories by completing (4/4) at least 1 category in a location. For the rewards the order of the races doesn't matter, only how many locations have been fully completed. Each reward upgrades the previous:

Portals are items that players can craft and place on their island. They provide a way to quickly travel to the corresponding destination. While Travel Scrolls perform this task more efficiently, they are notably more expensive in comparison. (20 times more ender pearls and generally about 160 times of the specific materials)


Crafting [ ]

To craft a portal, the player must first unlock its recipe as a Collection reward. The recipe will always require 16 Ender Pearls in the middle and 16 of each specified items around it.

The exceptions to the above are Portal to The End and Portal to the Gold Mine. Both requires 16 Enchanted Ender Pearls instead of 16 normal Ender Pearls.

Placement [ ]

Portal placement requires an empty area of 9 blocks wide x 5 blocks deep x 15 blocks tall and will spawn with the base centered on the selected block, facing the direction of the player.

Removing [ ]

If a portal is misplaced, it can be clicked on to trigger a prompt to delete it. Deleting a portal will not give the player the item back or allow the player to reactivate it, leaving the frame. The same menu allows the player to disable the hologram if they find it annoying.

After placing, any/all blocks of the frame can be removed without destroying it, leaving only the portal itself. The portal will disappear only when it is destroyed by clicking it and then confirming deletion.

The Hub Portal can be removed from the player's island from the Jerry menu. This action requires at least Level V in every skill.

Portals used to be removable (block by block) using Water Buckets, but this feature was later replaced with the above system. Some profiles still to this day have semi-broken portals because of this.

The Jungle Island Portal and Dark Thicket Portal both used to have incorrect descriptions, each displaying the other item's description instead of its own. It's patched on April 30, 2021.

I'm unsure whether or not this has been suggested, however, I think it could be a good idea. Here it is.

The ability to move this portal:


It would operate like the other portals but with some slight changes. When you right click it, you would have the same menu that craftable portals give you. You'd have the ability to both remove and toggle the hologram.


The only change is that when you remove the portal, it removes both the portal blocks and the frame. When it's removed, it will appear back in your inventory as a head. When placed back down the same thing will appear. If the portal was edited before removed, the blocks where the original frame would be will still be removed.

When having the portal in your inventory, you cannot:

- Throw the item
- Place the item in a chest/enderchest
- Trade the portal with other players

That's it! I hope this small change can be implemented. It really allows for optimization <3

[!] This post is now irrelevant in since a similar feature has been added to the game. uwu

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