Just cause 4 лос демонов прохождение

Обновлено: 01.06.2024

Demons are a new type of enemy featured in the Los Demonios DLC for Just Cause 4.

Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow.



They are an ancient force of evil that was sealed away by the Qacha people, after they defeated the demons. They are called demons, because that's what the Qacha people called them, but as mentioned by the map info for the mission Infestation at the Church, these things are not spiritual in origin.

They are about cow-size bee-like insects.

The insects normally fly around in small swarms of about 5 to 10.

They are present at all infestations and reportedly may rarely chase the player beyond the limit of the infestation.

Combat capability

When fighting something like humans, they have multiple types of attacks. The below listed attacks don't really have official names. We just obviously need to call them something.

Acid spit

They can spit acid. This hurts Rico, but isn't much to worry about, unless he gets hit multiple times in short succession.

Glowing attack

It's possible for them to start glowing. This indicates that the glowing insect is about to fire its most powerful attack at Rico. This knocks Rico off his parachute/wingsuit, making him fall in ragdoll mode and does a lot of damage. If fired at while glowing, the insect explodes rather powerfully.

Occasionally this glow is caused by a Black Hand weapon while they're using the possession attack described below.


The insects can quickly ram Rico. This does few damage, but knocks Rico off his parachute/wingsuit, making him fall in ragdoll mode. This happens rarely if the player keeps moving.


They can attack members of the Black Hand in close combat. When this happens, the Black Hand soldier can still be saved, as long as the insect hasn't lifted the soldier off the ground yet. When the soldier is killed and carried off, the insect can "possess" the dead body, making it fire any weapons that the soldier happened to be carrying. Black Hand ghost units can even make the insect invisible. Depending on what the BH soldier was armed with, this may be a very powerful attack.

As noticed by Rico, they can not (or don't want to) possess animals. He makes this assumption when spotting some dead animals in one of the infestations.

Vehicles (really just stationary weapons)

The demons use these Black Hand armored vehicles as their weapons. They are held up and used by giant tendrils. Specific tendril-captured (possessed) vehicles are present at almost ever infestation. The big infestation at Isla De Los Annilos has a large number of them. Some even respawn during the last mission there.

Artillery (used by the demons)

The demons use these artillery weapons in some infestations.

Demon eggs

These are unlocked when completing the mission Extermination. The supply drop allows the player to get a set of either 1, or 10 of these. They're disgusting looking hard shells, strong enough to be moved by grappling, but they break open when damaged enough. This releases demons.

When spawned in free roam they will also attack everything (civilians, animals, Black Hand, Army of Chaos), but they will not possess civilians, or animals. This would lead to the fact that they may have some form of intelligence, or natural instinct to threats as they would see a guy with a gun and see that he would be a good weapon, while a civilian or animal is not a good weapon. Because of this, this may actually mean that they "could" possess animals, but see no need to do so.

On the PC version of the game, the item "Demon Egg (10)" can only be selected when navigating the items with arrow keys. A mouse can not click on them.

Avalanche выпустили новый ролик, посвященный дополнению Los Demonios для Just Cause 4. В центре внимания оказались ключевые фишки новинки вроде паразитов и арбалета. Дата релиза – 3 июля 2019 года на PC, PS4 и Xbox One (на неделю раньше для владельцев сезонного абонемента или золотого издания). В Los Demonios вам в роли Рико Родригеса предстоит дать отпор невиданной прежде угрозе – насекомоподобным существам, вырвавшимся на поверхность острова Солис после неудачных раскопок «Черной руки». По словам авторов, эти твари будут не только атаковать вас издалека, но и имитировать японских камикадзе, взрываясь ядовитым облаком.

Пользователь пока ничего не написал о себе.

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В Just Cause 4 есть различные дополнительные задания. Хави выдает квесты по поиску гробниц, рассказывающих про древних правителей Солиса. Гробницы не помечаются квестовыми маркерами на карте. Разберемся, где найти все склепы и как их пройти.

Тайная история Солиса

Первое задание получаем у Хави, оно будет самым простым. Используем лебедку, чтобы опустить рычаг вниз. Прикатится огромный булыжник-шар. Этот шар нужно закатить в кнопку-впадину на полу. Для этого используем лебедку. Заходим в склеп и зажигаем свечу. Появляется надпись на стене.

Гробница трех сыновей

Постройки занимают довольно большое расстояние. Нужно найти три рычага и закатить три шара на кнопки. Все рычаги находятся на возвышениях. Проще всего их найти ориентируясь по желобам, по которым шары должны скатиться вниз к кнопке. При приближении к рычагу на нем появится зеленый символ. Главный склеп находится на вершине холма.

Гробница супруги

Гробница находится на юго-востоке Вачикуни. Находим расположение шара. Рычаг находится в яме левее шара. Закатываем шар в шахту. Двигаем шар к кнопке.

Гробница мудреца

Идем в верхнюю часть карты. Идем в сторону берега и находим вход в пещеру. Внутри используем шар, чтобы открыть вход в склеп. При помощи шара ломаем преграду.

Гробница воина

Гробница находится в правой части карты. Шар находится на вершине конструкции. За столбом сбоку будет рычаг. Чтобы дотащить шар до кнопки придется использовать несколько лебедок. Тяжело будет преодолевать ступеньки.

Гробница принцессы

Гробница будет в левой части леса. Спускаемся в огромную яму. Находим «дорожку», которая похожа на желоб для шара. Рычаг будет в конце этой дорожки. Идем за камнем и закатываем его на кнопку.

Затерянная гробница Оторонго

Посетив все гробницы (в любом порядке), вы получите стихотворение, из которого узнаете, где находится последняя. Поднимаемся на вершину. Теперь нам нужно закатить все шесть шаров на кнопки. Забираем саркофаг и отвозим его в указанное место на машине.

Los Demonios is the second downloadable content for Just Cause 4.

Los Demonios (later logo poster).jpg
Los Demonios 2019.06.14 poster.jpg



Initial short description: "Demons, Rico faces an ancient demonic force that infests Solís and poses a terrifying threat to its people.."

This was changed a little in a later announcement: "In Los Demonios, an ancient demonic force has invaded Solís, with only Rico and an all-new demon killing crossbow up to the challenge of stopping them."

Los Demonios downloadable content released on 3rd July of 2019. Gold edition and expansion owners received a 7 day early access on June 26th.

This DLC was originally announced with the other expansions before Just Cause 4 was launched, but it was specifically announced along with the large May 21st, 2019 patch. The announcement released the first trailer and updated the above short description.

Plot summary

Spoiler warning: Significant plot details follow.

Javi Huerta gets Rico to check out Isla De Los Annilos, that has a "necropolis" that was constructed by the Qacha people and discovered several years ago. Strangely, all the sarcophagi found there were empty and its real purpose is unknown.

Another archaeologist Simón Valencia has tricked them into triggering some ancient machinery. Simón then ambushes them and expecting to find gold, he triggers the final part that releases some ancient plant and insect monsters. These monsters quickly contaminate the surrounding atmosphere and fight the humans away.

Javi finds that the Qacha people had constructed the "necropolis" machine to lock away the "demons", after they had defeated them.

This "demon infestation" soon spreads to the mainland and takes over 7 settlements. Rico has to stop these before he can return to the main infestation at the island.

For further details see the mission articles, starting with The Artifact.

The DLC is named after the demons - cow-size flying insects. They were called "demons" by the Qacha people.

The actual origin of the monsters remains a mystery, but Javi vaguely speculates that they're just very ancient.

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