Ideology in friction прохождение

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Ideology In Friction - Ending | Walkthrough Gameplay (PC)

Ideology In Friction


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29 мая. 2020 в 18:04

"So this is the last part of multiple part series I'm planning to make about Ideology in Friction game. Also I recorded a commentary for this game, but apparently I accidentally muted my microphone, but oh well, I will add a commentary on the following series.

Ideology In Friction Gameplay for PC. This Full Game Ideology In Friction Gameplay Walkthrough includes a Review, Bosses, Cut Scenes, Story Missions, Soundtrack, OST and the Ending."

IdeologyInFriction Title

IdeologyInFriction Elves

Ideology in Friction follows the story of two knights, Clacier and Annette. While both are playable, Clacier is the main protagonist, and most of the story is told from her point of view. You will follow her life as a Knight in the royal Special Corps – making friends, going on dangerous missions and fighting overpowered beasts called Behemoths.

IdeologyInFriction Monika

This escalated quickly.

Ideology in Friction is one of the best examples to point to when somebody claims that all H-RPG are cheap and amateurish. It excels in both story and visuals.

IdeologyInFriction Event

IdeologyInFriction Sidecharacters

Clacier starts as a Knight, which is also the default route. If she fails at least 3 of her missions, she will lose her status as a noble warrior and join the Resistance. If she keeps messing up her assignments, she will eventually end as a drifter.

IdeologyInFriction Missions

Missions can have different results, depending on your actions. Mostly whether you can beat the boss or not.

Still, if you plan to play this game for the hentai scenes, you should try to fail your missions as most of the lewd scenes are in the Resistance or Drifter routes. Ideology in Friction has over a hundred scenes and even more variations of them. As I mentioned before, the diversity of the fetishes ranges from vanilla to bestiality, with nearly every kink you can imagine between.

IdeologyInFriction Sexstatus2

This is what John Locke meant when he talked about blank slates.

IdeologyInFriction Cutin

IdeologyInFriction Battle

IdeologyInFriction Friends

Imagine having fun fighting in this game.

IdeologyInFriction Giveup

If you disable this dialog, you can spend ten minutes doing nothing during a battle until the enemy finally dealt enough damage to defeat you.

IdeologyInFriction Chuuni

These chuuni scenes even have animated effects sparkling in the background or flying through the screen.

Can our weak Clacier get stronger and fight these beasts or has she to give up her dream and live a life in depravity, as it is expected of her kind? Do you see what a fantastic and surprisingly exciting premise this is?

However, it only exists in the story, not in the gameplay.

IdeologyInFriction Specialcorps

Ideology in Friction? More like Ludonarrative in Friction!

IdeologyInFriction Behemoth

What a tragic and highly erotic tale!

IdeologyInFriction Hevent

IdeologyInFriction Sexstatus

IdeologyInFriction Zepp

Imagine giving a fap.

IdeologyInFriction Battlesex

IdeologyInFriction Skinship

Innocent skinship is the kind of obscene material the vanilla route will provide.

Whatever you choose, Kagura Games is still going strong and securing more and more high profile games for English speaking erogamers to enjoy. For example, just in a few days, Escape from Fortress Lugohm will be finally released. I guess I really have to buy those stamina drinks.

Investigate the Ruins: Get the mission, leave the academy > go to Mayor’s house – Viktorberg > Update the mission and go to Cullab Forest > defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Chapter 1 Guide & Walkthrough

Pax Cave Monster Extermination: Defeat the Boss at Pax Cave

Lift the Curse at the Noble’s Mansion: Mage’s house > Schardt Mansion > Investigate the 3 crystals and defeat the enemies

Aile Beastling Extermination: Village Chief’s house (Aile Village) > Cave (Aile north highway) > defeat the boss (if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Get Some Rizma Leaf: Drugstore (Viktorberg) > Cullab Forest > get the Rizma leaf without a single defeat

Mine Monster Extermination: Talk to Zepp (Zepp’s office – Special Fortress) > Talk to Falke (Tuerid Mine) > Defeat all the enemies

Recover the Manuscript from the ruins: Golem Ruins & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Knights Route

Chapter 2 Guide & Walkthrough

Finish off the Pirates: Defeat the boss at Pirate Base

Parnell Demon Extermination: Parrel > clear the other quests, lose to the boss once, and defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Eliminate the Radicals: Defeat the boss at Mt Elise

Find the Bar’s Cat Mascot: Bartender (Bar-Viktorberg) > Boys (Square – Viktorberg) > Knight (Public Safety Post – Desk) > Choose to have s*ex and get the Sewer key > go to the sewers

Save the Innocent Priest: Nun (Church – Viktorberg) > Priest (Basement > Public Safety Post) > Norherrnmost Mansion in Aile and defeat the boss

Obtain the elusive Wine for me: Talk to the man in Rich Man’s house (victorberg) and with the man in Alie’s Item shop > have se*x

The Battle of Elfin Valley: War room (special fortress Hq) > Castle gate (viktorberg) > Elfin Valey, speak with Minerva and defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Chapter 3 Guide & Walkthrough

Catch Who Threatened the count: War room (special fortress HQ) > Lione Highway > defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Stop the Resistance causing trouble in town: Captain (public Safety HQ) > Bar (Viktorberg) > Athu cave > defeat the boss

Behemoth clean up: Defeat the boss at Mead Forest (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Find Veela’s Missing Lover: Woman (House – Veela) > Sea Shrine > win the battle

Dominik’s problem: Talk to Minerva (Viktorberg) > Defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Find the Missing cabinet secretary: Port Town Veela (Eliza) > Ruins of Audverita Island) > defeat the boss

Serial murder Investigation: Swap to Annette > War Room (special forces HQ) > Sheil Plains > defeat the boss

Prove Eliza’s innocence: Swap to Clacler > Elega Highway yo Meryl > Hideout in Meryl > defeat the boss

Chapter 4 Guide & Walkthrough

What Sleeps in the volcanic ruins: Researcher’s house in Viktorberg > Mt Genoma > defeat the boss

Westvalen demon extermination: War room (special forces HQ) > Defeat the boss at Westvalen

Destroy the resistance group Roshe: Zepp’s office (special forces) > Roshe hideout > defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Suspicion of the prime minister: Only if you have less than 2 Minerva NTR evasion points – go to wandering woods and defeat the boss

Slay the beast from hell: Swap to Annette > Ilbery Bar (bartender) > Crimson Caverns & defeat the boss

Chapter 5 Guide & Walkthrough

Clacier – Eliminate all the resistance groups: Kroth Hideout & defeat the boss

Annette – Exterminate corrido Island Evilroid: Corrido Island & defeat the boss

Stoll Basement: Stoll’s basement and defeat the boss to get Scarletite

Scout the Ancient kingdom: Gaia’s Navel

Stoll’s Lost Legacy: Swap to Annette > Stoll’s Basement

Final Chapter Guide & Walkthrough

Clacier – Rescue in the Red Dragon Shrine: Red Dragon Shrine & defeat the boss

Annette – Blue Dragon Shrine Behemoth: Blue Dragon Shrine & defeat the boss

Herald of the Apocalyppse: Trision Guild > Bar (Falke) > Gaia’s Navel, defeat the boss

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Knights Endings

Pure Love or Virg*in End: Minerva NTR doesn’t occur & Vag s*ex <5

Pure Love: Le*wdness A

Normal end: Otherwise

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Resistance Route

Chapter 2 Guide & Walkthrough

Get the Wanted Criminal Brizer: Pinto Cave & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Gather Potion Ingredients: Mt Terranova & defeat the boss

Help Rob Pokit Ruins: Pinto Cave & defeat the boss

Secret Job at the Slums Bar (requires Le*wdness C or higher): Barkeeper (Bar-Trision)

Teach the Ruffian a Lesson: House next to the baths > accept the request (old man) > Next to the bar & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Destroy the resistance group Shper: Hewre Forest & defeat the boss

Chapter 3 Guide & Walkthrough

Purge Lione’s Feudal Lord: Lione Highway & defeat the boss

Deal with the Merchant of dead: Hyme forest > defeat the boss (if you don’t have s. go deeper into the forest)

Catch the Demihuman Killer: Manora PLateau & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss & you are not vir… = scene)

The Noble’s son’s of Rite of Passage (requires Le*dwness B or higher): Bartender (Bar – Trision)

Treasure Hunt in Manaus Cave: Man near the Inn > Manaus Cave > collect the treasure

Purge the El Dorado Impostors: Athu Cave & defeat the boss

Chapter 4 Guide & Walkthrough

The Treasure Left by the Ancient Elvees: Ancient Elf Cave & defeat the boss

Protect the woods elves of the forest: Conis Forest & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss & you are not vir… = scene)

Get rid of count Dario: Westfred Highway > man (hut) > escape and defeat the boss (but if you wait = scene)

Rescue Eliza: Catena hideout & defeat the boss

Don’t let hendl get away: Avaland Highland & defeat the boss

Chapter 5 Guide & Walkthrough

Search the destroyed library: Paladia Library Ruins & defeat the boss

Destroy who steals our name: Kroth hideout & defeat the boss (but if youwin in dark elf form = scene)

Defending the resistance: Chigle hideout & defeat the boss

Dr Stoll’s Legacy: Stoll’s basement

Final Chapter Guide & Walkthrough

Assassinate King Viktor: Viktor Castle & defeat the boss

The Bringer of Armageddon: Gaia’s Navel & defeat the boss

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Resistance Endings

Resistance End: Corruption level 3

Corruption End: Le*wdness A

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Drifter Route

Drigter Route Guide & Walkthrough (1/2)

Kill my Business Rival: Seora Plains & defeat the boss

Spend a Night with the Hung Noble: Viscount Aubrey’s Manor & defeat the boss

Participate in the Underground Arena: Zilla Highway & defeat the boss

Vogel Behemoth Extermination: Vogel Forest

Drigter Route Guide & Walkthrough (2/2)

Final Battle With El Dorado: Trision > defeat the boss 3 times > Vicktor plains & defeat the boss

Showdown with the Special Forces: Vicktor Castle & defeat the boss 4 times

Make the World Mine: Stoll’s basement & defeat the boss > Gaia’s Navel

Ideology In Friction Walkthrough

Our Ideology In Friction Walkthrough is useful for all the gamers who want to play Ideology In Friction. Let us look at the Ideology In Friction Walkthrough And Guide so that you can unlock all scenes, levels, Villain and Hero routes.

Table of Contents

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Common Route

Opening Guide And Walkthrough

Investigate the Ruins: Get the mission, leave the academy > go to Mayor’s house – Viktorberg > Update the mission and go to Cullab Forest > defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Chapter 1 Walkthrough And Guide

Pax Cave Monster Extermination: Defeat the Boss at Pax Cave

Lift the Curse at the Noble’s Mansion: Mage’s house > Schardt Mansion > Investigate the 3 crystals and defeat the enemies

Aile Beastling Extermination: Village Chief’s house (Aile Village) > Cave (Aile north highway) > defeat the boss (if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Get Some Rizma Leaf: Drugstore (Viktorberg) > Cullab Forest > get the Rizma leaf without a single defeat

Mine Monster Extermination: Talk to Zepp (Zepp’s office – Special Fortress) > Talk to Falke (Tuerid Mine) > Defeat all the enemies

Recover the Manuscript from the ruins: Golem Ruins & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough And Guide – Knights Route

Chapter 2 Guide And Walkthrough

Finish off the Pirates: Defeat the boss at Pirate Base

Parnell Demon Extermination: Parrel > clear the other quests, lose to the boss once, and defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Eliminate the Radicals: Defeat the boss at Mt Elise

Find the Bar’s Cat Mascot: Bartender (Bar-Viktorberg) > Boys (Square – Viktorberg) > Knight (Public Safety Post – Desk) > Choose to have s*ex and get the Sewer key > go to the sewers

Save the Innocent Priest: Nun (Church – Viktorberg) > Priest (Basement > Public Safety Post) > Norherrnmost Mansion in Aile and defeat the boss

Obtain the elusive Wine for me: Talk to the man in Rich Man’s house (victorberg) and with the man in Alie’s Item shop > have se*x

The Battle of Elfin Valley: War room (special fortress Hq) > Castle gate (viktorberg) > Elfin Valey, speak with Minerva and defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Chapter 3 Guide And Walkthrough

Catch Who Threatened the count: War room (special fortress HQ) > Lione Highway > defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Stop the Resistance causing trouble in town: Captain (public Safety HQ) > Bar (Viktorberg) > Athu cave > defeat the boss

Behemoth clean up: Defeat the boss at Mead Forest (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Find Veela’s Missing Lover: Woman (House – Veela) > Sea Shrine > win the battle

Dominik’s problem: Talk to Minerva (Viktorberg) > Defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Find the Missing cabinet secretary: Port Town Veela (Eliza) > Ruins of Audverita Island) > defeat the boss

Serial murder Investigation: Swap to Annette > War Room (special forces HQ) > Sheil Plains > defeat the boss

Prove Eliza’s innocence: Swap to Clacler > Elega Highway yo Meryl > Hideout in Meryl > defeat the boss

Chapter 4 Guide And Walkthrough

What Sleeps in the volcanic ruins: Researcher’s house in Viktorberg > Mt Genoma > defeat the boss

Westvalen demon extermination: War room (special forces HQ) > Defeat the boss at Westvalen

Destroy the resistance group Roshe: Zepp’s office (special forces) > Roshe hideout > defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Suspicion of the prime minister: Only if you have less than 2 Minerva NTR evasion points – go to wandering woods and defeat the boss

Slay the beast from hell: Swap to Annette > Ilbery Bar (bartender) > Crimson Caverns & defeat the boss

Chapter 5 Guide And Walkthrough

Clacier – Eliminate all the resistance groups: Kroth Hideout & defeat the boss

Annette – Exterminate corrido Island Evilroid: Corrido Island & defeat the boss

Stoll Basement: Stoll’s basement and defeat the boss to get Scarletite

Scout the Ancient kingdom: Gaia’s Navel

Stoll’s Lost Legacy: Swap to Annette > Stoll’s Basement

Final Chapter Guide And Walkthrough

Clacier – Rescue in the Red Dragon Shrine: Red Dragon Shrine & defeat the boss

Annette – Blue Dragon Shrine Behemoth: Blue Dragon Shrine & defeat the boss

Herald of the Apocalyppse: Trision Guild > Bar (Falke) > Gaia’s Navel, defeat the boss

Ideology In Friction Walkthrough – Knights Endings

Pure Love or Virg*in End: Minerva NTR doesn’t occur & Vag s*ex <5

Pure Love: Le*wdness A

Normal end: Otherwise

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Resistance Route

Chapter 2 Guide And Walkthrough

Get the Wanted Criminal Brizer: Pinto Cave & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Gather Potion Ingredients: Mt Terranova & defeat the boss

Help Rob Pokit Ruins: Pinto Cave & defeat the boss

Secret Job at the Slums Bar (requires Le*wdness C or higher): Barkeeper (Bar-Trision)

Teach the Ruffian a Lesson: House next to the baths > accept the request (old man) > Next to the bar & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss = scene)

Destroy the resistance group Shper: Hewre Forest & defeat the boss

Chapter 3 Guide And Walkthrough

Purge Lione’s Feudal Lord: Lione Highway & defeat the boss

Deal with the Merchant of dead: Hyme forest > defeat the boss (if you don’t have s. go deeper into the forest)

Catch the Demihuman Killer: Manora PLateau & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss & you are not vir… = scene)

The Noble’s son’s of Rite of Passage (requires Le*dwness B or higher): Bartender (Bar – Trision)

Treasure Hunt in Manaus Cave: Man near the Inn > Manaus Cave > collect the treasure

Purge the El Dorado Impostors: Athu Cave & defeat the boss

Chapter 4 Guide And Walkthrough

The Treasure Left by the Ancient Elvees: Ancient Elf Cave & defeat the boss

Protect the woods elves of the forest: Conis Forest & defeat the boss (but if you don’t defeat the boss & you are not vir… = scene)

Get rid of count Dario: Westfred Highway > man (hut) > escape and defeat the boss (but if you wait = scene)

Rescue Eliza: Catena hideout & defeat the boss

Don’t let hendl get away: Avaland Highland & defeat the boss

Chapter 5 Guide And Walkthrough

Search the destroyed library: Paladia Library Ruins & defeat the boss

Destroy who steals our name: Kroth hideout & defeat the boss (but if youwin in dark elf form = scene)

Defending the resistance: Chigle hideout & defeat the boss

Dr Stoll’s Legacy: Stoll’s basement

Final Chapter Guide And Walkthrough

Assassinate King Viktor: Viktor Castle & defeat the boss

The Bringer of Armageddon: Gaia’s Navel & defeat the boss

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Resistance Endings

Resistance End: Corruption level 3

Corruption End: Le*wdness A

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Drifter Route

Drigter Route Guide And Walkthrough (1/2)

Kill my Business Rival: Seora Plains & defeat the boss

Spend a Night with the Hung Noble: Viscount Aubrey’s Manor & defeat the boss

Participate in the Underground Arena: Zilla Highway & defeat the boss

Vogel Behemoth Extermination: Vogel Forest

Drigter Route Guide And Walkthrough (2/2)

Final Battle With El Dorado: Trision > defeat the boss 3 times > Vicktor plains & defeat the boss

Showdown with the Special Forces: Vicktor Castle & defeat the boss 4 times

Make the World Mine: Stoll’s basement & defeat the boss > Gaia’s Navel

Ideology in Friction Walkthrough – Drifter Endings

Different endings if Annette lives or not.


Now that you have the Ideology In Friction Walkthrough And Guide, use it to unlock all the scenes and levels. If you need guide for any other game, do let us know in the comment section.

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