Hm rpg warcraft 3 гайд

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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Guides and Database

Hero-specific guides, state the version of the game your guide is updated to in the title

Dungeon-specific guides, state the version of the game your guide is updated to in the title

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This wiki is for the custom game "HM RPG" played on Warcraft III:The Frozen Throne. Information gathered here was taken from the english translated copy of the game, and the guide made by DGD-Kamina on the HM RPG English community forum.

General information

HM RPG is a grind-heavy Korean RPG map that focuses on grinding bosses rather than mobs at all stages of the game.


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Game start

New hero

When the game begins you choose a hero. Click on one hero and you can read its description. Every hero has a number. To select a hero type -select following the heroe's number. Example:

Loading a saved hero

This works in two following commands

First enter the following command:

After that you enter your savecode.

Basics of gameplay

Go into dungeons and defeat creeps and bosses to earn experience and resources. In many dungeons you can earn items to strengthen you hero. Those items define your hero's capabilities in this RPG, they multiply them. For example you find items that give you +1500000 strength in later game.

Most items will be combined to stronger ones. So you generally should get all items you can find in a shop. This should answer the question which items you should get next in the most cases.

To help you started, shops and dungeons have numbers in their names. You should start with the 'Step 1' shop and then continue with 'Step 2' shop and so on.

The first dungeons show appropriate character levels. The first dungeon is 'Ogre Village' with an appropriate level of 6, when you level up you should try dungeons with higher levels.

There is always a range limit, you cannot enter dungeons which are way to high or to low for you.

Так как карта корейская, то для начала нам понадобится программа для ввода корейских команд в варкрафте.

Из-за особенностей варкрафта вы не можете просто скопировать корейские символы и вставить их в варкрафт - это не сработает.

Для этого корейские символы нужно сначала преобразовать.
Для этого вам понадобится программа Clipboard UTFizer

Порядок ввода корейской команды в варкрафт следующий:

Since the card is Korean, first we need a program to enter Korean teams in Warcraft.

Due to the nature of warcraft, you cannot simply copy Korean characters and paste them into warcraft - it will not work.

To do this, Korean characters must first be converted.
For this you need the program Clipboard UTFizer

The procedure for entering the Korean team in Warcraft is as follows:


Post by Xell on Aug 26, 2016 23:54:42 GMT 2

Friend and I can't get past Zeus. I have Blademaster, Soul Keeper, and Dryad. All either in Axe+Pillar Golem loot or able to get them. Friend has Skeleton King, Shadow Fiend, and Furion. Is there any possible way to duo it? I read above to try using soul keeper 10 second immunity and then stunning and running, but zeus is too fast and won't leash. His skeleton king ministun isn't enough to make a gap and his shadowfiend stun cd is too long. He doesn't like Furion (his 250 seems to do nothing).


Posts: 60

Post by DGD-Kamina on Aug 27, 2016 8:39:21 GMT 2

Furion's 250 is a dmg proc. Check the hero guides section for heroes lvl160-299.

Skeleton King would be hard, but SF and Furion can duo with Soul Keeper. Go in with Soul Keeper 250 immunity and fight for

9sec, use his stun and run, when he's as far as your ranged hero, that ranged hero stuns and starts running aswell. Just keep running, try to make distance first, if you can get out of his frost aura then you'll be fine.

Pro paint skillz

Another strategy you could use is ranged threat switching. Have a ranged hero on either side of a fence, when zeus gets near a hero, have that hero stop autoattacking. He'll run all the way around the fence to get to the hero that's still hitting him. Repeat till he's dead.

Either way you're in for a 30-40 minute kill where you can't make a single mistake.


Tier 1

Posts: 3

Post by powerofdeath on Aug 31, 2016 11:19:39 GMT 2

Will the guide get updated for the 6th season?

Tier 3

Posts: 122

Post by mrvinti on Aug 31, 2016 12:17:48 GMT 2

The guide got updated with the new items from 10/11 stores. But for now, there is like 1 version/day so he can't really change the items and everything. Maybe when the final version from the 6th season will appear, the guide will be updated with everything. But for now, he just updates for major changes.
Edit: And also he updates as he goes through the game, and for now we're just at 255. The new raids and strategies will be posted once we get at that level
Edit2: Meanwhile, u can ask your questions on our discord channel:

Post by Paladin on Dec 4, 2016 22:42:20 GMT 2

Can someone tell me what makes ultimate(7th skill) Paladin ?

Post by Dmexco on Jan 3, 2017 1:39:18 GMT 2

You can't buy HM Horn recipe. It only drops from Hellhound.

Hei guys im stuck at lvl 130 what i did wrong? No units will give exp :/ pls help me

Tier 3

Posts: 122

Post by mrvinti on Jan 5, 2017 17:24:32 GMT 2

You need to go to the next area. It's called town 3, it's right of the base. The first dungeon is the ship


Tier 1

Posts: 1

Post by hghghg on Jan 22, 2017 17:41:36 GMT 2

Anyone tested Mirana or Sylvanas yet? Can't figure out some of their spells. I got 175 Mirana and 218 Sylvanas.

Tier 3

Posts: 122

Post by mrvinti on Feb 8, 2017 19:40:57 GMT 2

Seems like they just posted this on cafe.
190 skill:

Banshee Queen, Sylvanas = Forsaken Forsaken words or one illustration [active]

- If there is only one enemy remaining in a very large range, the enemy is subject to a Forsaken Annunciation enchantment.

When a magical unit is attacked by a Banshee Queen, it receives a% damage.

Peuriseutiseu Of The Moon, Mira Moon Glaive I = [active]

- Fires a Moon Glaive that bounces a number of times, causing damage to target and nearby units

If there are no other units around the target, the target unit alone receives all damage

Banshee Queen, Sylvanas Forsaken Bow Mastery = [passive]

- Each time the Banshee Quinn attacks, he deals additional physical damage.

Peuriseutiseu Of The Moon, Mira and Owl Scout = [active]

- Summons a floating scout around the mummy.

The Scout inflicts damage on nearby enemy units

Can't help you with more than that


Tier 1

Posts: 4

Post by andrew on Feb 9, 2017 15:29:22 GMT 2

I playing with my friend in HMRPGv6.41d Eng V1.
It`s hard to beat this game in party what have two people, but this is funny in same time.

We now 250 and kill all arena bosses before, but we cant go farther.
Dont have much dps to kill "weaker" axe, and we need to kill arena golem 4 times to create item.
We died on his stage with stones 40 times.

Tier 3

Posts: 122

Post by mrvinti on Feb 11, 2017 19:57:13 GMT 2

Hi Andrew!
From this point on, duoing is almost impossible.
You saying you die when the rock wave hits, you die from the boss or from the rocks? If you don't have at least 50% hp you can't finish him.
There are no tricks, really, he just instakills now. You need to dodge all the rocks. Try to stay in the middle up or bot, to see all the rocks coming. This way, you also won't be confused by pillar's attacks which look like a rock, because they won't have the same direction as the wave.
Second rock wave is easy, i prefer the lower right corner because there are less rocks there.
Good luck!


PS: You can play on ent at anytime, you will find players for pillar and further . You can also join the discord channel to find a party faster. The language barrier is no problem.


Tier 1

Posts: 4

Post by andrew on Feb 13, 2017 21:48:12 GMT 2

About boss, we can kill him in 2 ppl, but we always dies from the rocks.
We already tested all sides, and i really hate this stage.
I hoped there are have some bags or something else, but this hope is gone.
Their speed is much faster what was before, i mean bosses before, so we try up our reflexes.

After this boss i want go in Korea and kill every korean, and hoping what one of them is a creator of this map.
This is not only emotions, i dont know a guy what created this map, but i REALLY HATE HIM.
This is my path on arena, or guide how to hate ppl:

We killed a Cyborg, what have on 50% hp stage like golem stones, but he also can mini-stun u, so u must beware.
We died on this stage 40 times+ and finally kill him, but OK, jobe is done, good work.

Next boss is Ogre, he can ignite u on attack, AND U KNOW WHAT? HE ALSO HAVE STAGE ON 50% LIKE GOLEMS STONES!
Nice, very good diversity, good decision creator, we died here 40+ times and kill him. NVM.

Next boss is a Tree, he can kill u easy with a acid smoke, AND U KNOW WHAT? HE ALSO HAVE STAGE ON 50% LIKE GOLEM!
Ty creator, u ideas is good, now i see u creative crisis, we also beat him, but he is really hard.

Now u know what boss is next? Its Archer! And u know what? HE IS ALSO HAVE THIS FUCKING STAGE.
We also kill him and spend too much time, but whats the point?
Why this stupid creator cant add really interesting stage? Why he repeat one stage on different bosses?

This is voice of my soul and burning ass. Sorry for this, but i want share it.
Back to my question. Can u help me with stage, what will after this fucking stones on 50% hp.
I mean what he will use after and % hp on cast? This is Help me a lot. TY


Tier 1

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