Haunted asylum прохождение

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Haunted Asylum
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И неожиданно для себя обнаружили что..
Вы здесь в полном одиночестве.
Да ещё и двери закрыты..

(голосов: 31)
6 августа 2020 • Играли: 5067 раз • Онлайн Игры Коммент (5) • Игровой форум

Онлайн игры Комната / Room Escape

Классные онлайн игры на Дуделке - бесплатная онлайн игра "Haunted Asylum".
На этой страничке можно играть в эту интересную онлайн игру из категории "Комната / Room Escape".
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Как-то раньше интересней игры этой серии были.
В принципе не плохо, даже интересно Что то бутылка одна, а дальше не соображу.
ААА,Масштаб уменьшила, а там стрелки ещё вверх.Синенькие собирать ещё надо. Один раз в такую играла.
Терпения надо, как я поняла,этими сиренево -синими надо платить, чтобы предметы брать, карту взяла и сразу их убавилось. Интересно, но кропотливо.

Кочерга в G -> серебряный ключ в F -> дверь B-A
Код в F на шторах -> шкатулка в А -> молоток
Молоток -> красный ключ в Q -> дверь J-M
Нож в B (сдвиг) -> синий ключ в P -> дверь D-E
Отвертка в М -> золотой ключ в I -> дверь Q-R
Фонарь (купить) -> камин в T -> зелёный ключ -> дверь K-L
Пурпурный ключ в O (сдвиг) -> дверь Q-S

Фонарь -> камин в E -> шестерня
Топор в L -> ящик в O -> шестерня

Шестерни: малые: V, N, S, большие: E, T, O, U
Все шестерни в H -> выход

Ghastly Asylum Escape is another point and click escape game created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. After several friends came up missing after visiting the Ghastly Asylum, you decided to go and investigate it on your own. Shortly after you entered the asylum, you fell through a weak spot in the floor. After waking up you realize you might be in deeper than you thought. Good luck and have fun!

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If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by Selfdefiant


me neither - just have knife and coin thing

Lots of tools. Knife used on wheelchair but need bottle to collect orbs to buy map. :(

used crowbar on rusty door (scene with purple pool) and got a wrench

FINALLY! use wrench in start scene and get the jar

How do you configure the pipes in the purple pool scene after using the crowbar?

Caught a live one need to catch up

@Graham: I think it was from top left to top right

Not getting it - was there a clue to this somewhere?

Got it - for the pipes just make sure the connections are flush

TY Graham and Casual for pipes hint.

diamond: click on chandelier in scene with big wooden stairs (room AE)

Ok - got map and lantern

jade stone in C with lantern

Jade stone in C (use lantern)

Silver key in morgue with lantern

Wow, this joint is huge. I need to find a hammer I think.

Holy cow the map is crazy!

stuck with screwdriver, pearl, diamond and bracelet (1 of 3 jades placed)

Oh, screwdriver after you unlock silver door on floor left side of open door.

direction hint on musical piece in U and need hint for piano

use direction hint on map for sapphire

on the floor in B there is "trash" with a pearl under it.

nice find Graham

hint on music note is for map gives another gem

whoa, new ghost. click on wall in X and you get a little girl looking for a mirror

Turn clipboard next to wheelchair for a clue

bought the bracelet for the ghost lady and have 1 jade for it - need 3

directions on back of file in H

where notice for Piano and 4-digit code in V

in the music sheet
add the numbers, top right
They are the numbers of the box

nice one Josh. thanks

good find Josh & Sisli!

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New number box in J

purple key in N (use lantern)

Opal in bucket in AL

another jade way down under some more old tape

Exit door in AP - guess we have to get all 8 lights lits by flipping switches. Mine shows 5 green

Clue and another switch in Z

in AL there is an opal in a bucket

hmmm. a green, blue and red dial at the top right

NO! My flash just crashed :(

picture for gems and another switch in T

purple key using lantern in N

use clipboard clue in AP for red key

use hammer in Y for blue key

Use lantern in AQ for aquamarine gem

third opal in AB (hint in Z)

need lighter for other clipboard clue in AR, also mirror in AS

Dawn Bates, lighter from girl in X (mirror in AS)

get lighter after giving mirror to ghost girl

use glove for topaz

amethyst after lighting candles

nevermind, I got it. the last 2 symbols are horses

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any ideas for password in book?

last jade piece after solving puzzle in AB

Name of the cat is password in book, gives black key.

pw book missing me and the ruby still and black keys, one knows where?

password on page June 13

His best friend is his cat!

pw? wie ist es? finde auf seite 13 keins was paßt

@marita: SPOILER: Fizzle

Garnet in AM (place book)

whats the order for lighting the candles?

got it king king knight horse horse

place book in AM for garnet

anyone figured out the 4 digit code in V?

Where to use the crow bar?

just missing one last gem the pridot. Any hint?

Hmm missing ruby and peridot

Casual, read comment: Sisli 5/14/15, 9:06 AM

need emerald and pridot

Graham, read comment Casual 5/14/15, 9:16 AM

I used the blue key earlier and now it says the door is locked again!

Where is the clue for the 6 digit box in J?

I was able to get back in J using the purchased portal thankfully

Graham, look at the flipped backside of the hint with the months.

thanks merineith! I thought that was the candle hint

any help on peridot?

Just need peridot - could it be where the shaft is missing a handle in B? Tried everything

peridot is not in number box?

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the peridot IS in open mortuary drawer, in bottom right

any help on peridot please?

the peridot is in the morgue. use light - click in dark open drawer

Can anyone remember where the Ruby is?

Thank you Hotzenplotz, but then there were two gems in that drawer? I could have sworn I had used the lantern in it before and found something. If so, SNEAKY!

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Jim, ruby was in that room with the bottles, somewhere in the bottom row. Keep on clicking like mad.

The silver key was in the drawer with the lantern. Most of us stopped looking at that point.

in J in this morgue drawer, there was a key and the peridot

Got wand and out! Thanks all!

TY so much meritneith !

Did anyone else yell a bit when they bought the map? And I was going to comment how easy this one was to navigate pre-map. Thank you for the travel crystal, SD!

And out after fuzzing around with the gems (but after a few of those games I remember some months). Great pleasure to have solved the rest with your company!

Lurker, I was more happy when I had the orb jar as I knew I would need the lantern badly.

Thanks everyone great game!

thanks everyone! Out now.

That was an intense awesome game once again! Thanks Selfdefiant! And thanks once again for making it so you can just touch the orb to collect it and not have to click. Always a blessing! :)

@M Dalberg: look at the flipboard in H. June is red. September is green and November blue. Just use the number of the months

DOH. thanks, feel a little dumb! LOL

That was thoroughly enjoyable, thanks Selfdefiant!
Well worth waiting for!

- Sapphire from map
- Pearl in B
- Emerald in J
- Citrine in V
- Blue Topaz in Q
- Diamond in AE
- Ruby in AI
- Peridot in AJ
- Opal in AL
- Garnet in AM
- Aquamarine in AQ
- Amethyst in AR

Sorry, I meant "the hint".

Thank you Selfdefiant that was the best game ever.

Thank you Selfdefiant that was the best game ever.

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Where is the hint for the box in J?

sorry pdgph, I was away for some minutes. rotate the rings, so the symbols are between the 2 triangles.

@mel hint in H return month paper on wall

pdgph, click in the middle - that did the trick for me!

I mean after rotating!

Selfdefiant, thank you for another great game!

My pleasure, I tried a hundred times too. ;-)

in what room please?

OK, forgot to give the ring to ghost lady in W, got finally the book

seb, you will get the book by giving the woman the bracelet with 3 opals..

Best game in a long time (thank gosh for the teleporting orb). I had problems finding the ghost girl until I started clicking around in Room X, had been everywhere looking for lighter and what do do with mirror. Thank you SD

As usual, I had a problem with something that everyone else probably found to be obvious. For placing the stones in the portrait of June, start in the upper right corner with January and place them in order of the months of the year ( not the order on the clipboard). When you start in the upper right corner, June (pearl) fits under the word "June" on the frame.

Great game @SD - one of your best.

Thanks anyway ZOZ, yep I have looked everywhere and done all the puzzles. Very frustrating.

and POP there is was on another page in my inventory. DUH.
Thanks for all the wonderful clues left here and for GREAT GAME!
Self Defiant you rock!

Graham at 9:30 am says that Amethyst comes from lighting the five candles (very near the end).

A couple of things that had me a bit confused: The doors with green and red lights in AP were apparently opened once all the levers/switches were pulled. As for the gold key, I never found it, but when I went back to that door after getting the purple key, it said "the key is purple"

I agree with you guys - this was one of the best games yet!
It took me quite a while to finish (all-thought I was also doing other stuff since I started playing). I found the book password the hardest - because I was over-complicating stuff, I thought it was a riddle :)
Thanks for all the awsome games Selfdefiant!

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Thanks everyone. I fixed the blue door. :)

for code in V look at partition on piano in U
click on little letters up right and read 1770+1827.

for chess circle
top is black crown, then white crown, black knight, white horse, black horse (according hint in Z)

Nice one, loved it! thanks SD

WEll, I got to the chess wheel and aligned all the pieces up between the two grey arrows like this: black king, white king, black knight, white horse, black horse, and clicked the middle and nothing happened. I tried it about 20 times. getting frustrated!

pgdh: when you click on the upper right where there are teeny tiny numbers that you can barely see, in the writing comments below it says the numbers, and you add them. spoiler below:

1770 + 1827 = 3597

I figured it out, somehow, I just repositioned the two kings and it finally opened. whew!

The 6-digit box in room J, is not the journal date. The clue is on the back of the clipboard (with the gem stone list) in room H.

Ghostly Asylum is a new escape created by Selfdefiant for Melting-Mindz. The Ghostly Asylum has been a mystery to you for years. You decided to go in all alone and explore. Once inside you felt as if you weren't alone. Soon you found that the door is now locked! You will have to look around to figure out how to escape! Good luck and have fun playing!

Play This Game

If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by Selfdefiant


I am right behind you Zoe.

Bringing up the rear . . . .

Go up one and find the clue for the arrow box one to the left.

Knife on floor 2 rooms left of start.

Ring very small on elaborate stairs.

Found the orb jar above staircase. Guessing I need to flip a few more levers to raise cage.

Or find something to fit in slot on wall.

ooh, "peridot" gemstone from giving ring to ghoul. Maybe a birthstone set of 12 gems for this one?

Use knife to get orb jar

Here we go again!! White screen. have to start all over again! this is getting old!

Orb store R one from start and down into the sewer. You have to buy the map.

Purple box on in the far left room does not seem to open after matching all the colours.

For me the purple box does open when matching all the colours.

The screwdriver is in the cabinet room, one of the doors a bit bottom right.

Use crowbar to get screwdriver in I

I had to comb through the colors to find the one I had done incorrectly. Bring along some patience.

S-T, orb jar is in cage 2 up. Take the bloody knife with you.

I need to start finding keys. anyone find keys yet?

@Parky. where is the crowbar?

Light the candle wiyh the lamp

I had/have a red, silver and purple key. (one of them from using the screwdriver I think).

ST all the way right and down one, look in hole in the wall.

Like Parky said: use lamp to light candle in room V to get the blue key.

Parky did find the key for H ?

Thanks Parky. totally missed that right in front of my nose!

Mirror in room AA, topaz gem in room AB

Well we need keys for H and V ?

Light fire in D with lamp

Where do you use the crowbar? Thanks for the lantern tip.

Make sure you pick up the glove in K.

just going in. hope you all have left me some good hints!! Good Morning all!

Lantern also lights fireplace in D for gem and letter clue.

Red key from arrows cupboard in M (clue for arrows on note in N)

Code for box in K pls

Wish there was a hint for some of these keys

Rubber glove in J

There are a LOT of gadgets and accessories in this one! Hammer in T.

Pearl gemstone in I - right hand cupboard column

Hammer in T
Glove is not in K but in J (use it in toilet in room Y to get a gem )

Sharon when you go down in the far right look in the hole in the wall.

starting over only had the knife anyways.

Definitely need that glove from J (sorry, not K) to stick hand in toilet in Y.

Pfew finally enough orbs to buy the crystal to travel faster :)

is the sacred jar for the orbs?

Tried to use the mirror on the "ghosts" clue. It must do something.

book in X for letter box in AA

oh duh stupid question.

Anyone figured out shield puzzle in J?

Crack in wall in W! Green key.

Thanks Lurker Smurf :)

Color dials in S. clue in W

Gold key in book

All sorts of helpful hints from the book, plus the gold key behind the last page.

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Give mirror to ghost woman for diamond gem

Lol, lots of progress with one single book.
Now where to use all those gems ?

gems go on pic in P

Lol, just found out, but thanks anyway Alpha :)

where do you use the silver key I cannot find the room

Zuleka at 7:45 for pearl clue

Great game. Thanks for all the help guys :)

to find salesman in hole, go 2x right & down from start scene

Lurker Smurf,
Crowbar is used on floor board in room K (then use ghosts hint).

Sharol. all the way left from start and then up one to use silver key

citrine (november) from shield in J

Thanks for crowbar in K, small-tool.

behind door 5th column from right, 3rd row from bottom

Alpha. where is the clue for shield?

Zoe clue for J is in the book

Oh..clue for shield is in the book. doh

Awesome! Thanks for the floorboard. Out. I was kind of hoping all those gems would fix the painting so it was less creepy.

levers to lift panel in AB in

Lol, AΩ, I was wondering what all the levers did. Guess I flipped them all before getting to that point.

Love being able to use the items to buy early on - very fast paced!

WOW some challenge. Thx all

Back to the old days with an awesome game from Selfdefiant.

This is the sort of game that keeps me coming here, and I am ecstatic and thankful that Selfdefiant is still doing them.

Sharon the word for AA is in the book. first page. anagram the letters.

The clue for the box under the floorboard in K is also in the book. just substitute the letters for the numbers

I have been trying to find something to use on the crack in the wall in W? Is there a hammer somewhere??

I think the book was in room X and that would be top left of the map.

At 7:45 both Lurker Smurf and I posted where the hammer is.

I think the ghost woman was behind the gold key door (or from there one to the right or so).

Thanks Small-tool. Missed that room completely!

but I need the green key for that room geesh!

On the left wall in room W is a crack in the wall. Use the hammer there to get the green key.

bwahahahaha i now have the BOOK.

Thank you for the pearl, Zuleika Smith!

The book is very, very helpful, lots of hints and a key there. From now on it should be smooth sailing :)

Thanks for hammer hints. Still missing the amethyst.
anyone remember?

ok another question, what are we to do with the clock dial with colours in W?

That one does work in Ctrl f Evans!

Try typing in dial.

oops sorry Evans I was talking about the room that had the red/black dots

Use the clock dial clue in S. click the ivy on the wall for the dials

Me or My makes what?

let me go back through the comments i remember someone saying something about the colors

Thanks Zoe, that is where the amethyst is! Out now.

sharon me or my = memory

click on the ivy on the wall Evans

and I do thank you Evans!!

And out. Love that each new game has a slightly different twist (birthstones for gemstones) - Selfdefiant just keeps getting more creative and clever with each puzzle! I just hope my solving skill, such as it is, can keep up.

Try going through the book again. GHOSTS

omg Lurker thanks. I recalled mentioning ghosts earlier.

Well hello. I finally made it out. I cannot thank each and everyone of you enough for all your help. Thanks Selfdefiant for another Asylum game. I think I need to be committed. lol

Great game, as usual, SD!
@ Clodagh - Thanks for the Ctrl f tip. Forgot all about that feature .

Woo! Thanx for all the hints here! Fantastic game!\

where is opal please? (used Ctrl F but not found hint for that)

Ok found in Y with gloves

hm, does anyone remember where the purple key was, please? im stuck. gut SD, crowbar, 4 gems, lantern and glove :/

I think the purple key came from a room somewhere left and up. The code box on a table. The 3x3 grid code.

OOOHHH. Thank you so much, small tool! i totally ignored that room. so, in case there are other blind people here, purple key in R :D thank you.

Ghost woman in Q.

For anyone still stuck:

Go left twice and take the knife from the floor.
Right 2 and up 3.

Use the knife on the slot in the middle of the right wall.
Take the jar.
You can now collect orbs.
There are 4 in this room.
Down 1.

4 orbs. Pull lever on right wall.
Take ring from stairs.
Down 1.

4 orbs.
Read note on right wall and note the initial letters.
Left 1.

4 orbs.
Use the letter code to open the rightmost of the three cupboards for the red key.
Note the arrow clue square on the window pane.
Right 1 and down 1.

4 orbs and pull lever.
Right 1.

4 orbs and talk to ghost.
Give ring to ghost for peridot.
Right 1.

4 orbs.
Click round hole in left wall.
Buy map and lantern.
Directions will now be given by room letters.

Open map and take emerald.
G: Use red key to open right door.

H: 4 orbs and crowbar.

I: 4 orbs.
Pearl is in the 5th cupboard up in the rightmost column.
Screwdriver is in the 3rd cupboard up, 5 columns from the right.

O: 4 orbs.
Use screwdriver to open grate on left wall for silver key.

D: 4 orbs.
Light the fire with the lantern for word clue and garnet.

B: 4 orbs.
Match all adjoining arrows on purple box for aquamarine.

Use silver key to get to:
K: 4 orbs and pull lever.
Use arrow clue on box for purple key.

J: 4 orbs and pull lever.
Take glove from shelf.

O: use purple key to open door.

V: 4 orbs.
Light candle with lantern for blue key.

AA: 4 orbs and pull lever.
Take mirror from table.

A: Buy crystal. You can now jump directly from room to room using the map.

W: 4 orbs.
Click clock (light disc above bath) for colour clue.

AB: 4 orbs and topaz.

C: Open door with blue key.

S: 4 orbs.
Use colour clue from W on the panel behind the ivy for amethyst.

T: 4 orbs.
Take hammer from window cill.

Y: 4 orbs.
Use glove on foul toilet for opal.

W: Use hammer on small crack in wall for green key.

S: Open door with green key.

X: 4 orbs and take book.
Read the whole book to find the gold key.

K: Open the loose floorboard with the crowbar.
Use the book to translate the word from the fireplace into numbers and use on box for sapphire.

J: Use the hint from the book on large disc in wall for citrine.

G: Open the door with the gold key.

Q: Give the mirror to the ghost for a diamond.

AA: Anagram the word in the book and use on box for ruby.

P: Zoom in on the picture.
Using August as a reference point place the gems in the slots for a magic key.

E: Go down and use the magic key to escape.

Great game. I usually do not like these games, but I enjoyed this one very much. OUT! :)

Thank you Selfdefiant for another great game and thank you players for your helpful hints xxx


O - note SCREWED GRATE; go DOWN; go LEFT; go UP

N - note NAMES CLUE; go UP

M - open LOCKER using NAMES CLUE from 4 (RULNEW), get RED KEY; note 3x3 ANGLE CLUE; go RIGHT; go DOWN; go RIGHT

F - give RING to GHOST, get PERIDOT GEM; go RIGHT x 2


I - open DOOR (!), get SCREWDRIVER; open DOOR, get PEARL GEM; go LEFT x 3; go UP

O - unscrew GRATE, get SILVER KEY; go DOWN; go LEFT x 2


C - get KNIFE; go LEFT



V - note CANDLE; go RIGHT


AB - note HEAVY PANEL; go DOWN; go LEFT; go UP

AB - get BLUE TOPAZ GEM; go DOWN; go LEFT; go DOWN x 2; go LEFT; go UP x 3

AA - put KNIFE in WALL SLOT, get SACRED JAR; collect ORBS; go DOWN

U - collect ORBS; go DOWN
N - collect ORBS; go LEFT
M - collect ORBS; go RIGHT; go DOWN
E - collect ORBS; go LEFT
D - collect ORBS; go LEFT
C - collect ORBS; go LEFT
B - collect ORBS; go UP
K - collect ORBS; go LEFT
J - collect ORBS; go RIGHT; go UP
R - collect ORBS; go DOWN x 2; go RIGHT x 4
F - collect ORBS; go UP
O - collect ORBS; go UP
V - collect ORBS; go RIGHT
W - collect ORBS; go UP
AB - collect ORBS; go DOWN; go LEFT; go UP
AA - collect ORBS; go DOWN x 3; go RIGHT
G - collect ORBS; go RIGHT
H - collect ORBS; go RIGHT
I - collect ORBS; go LEFT x 2; go DOWN

A - collect ORBS; look thru WINDOW, buy MAP, buy LANTERN; open MAP, get EMERALD GEM

return to V, light CANDLE with LANTERN, get BLUE KEY
return to D, light FIREPLACE with LANTERN, get GARNET GEM, get GHOSTS CLUE

L - collect ORBS

S - collect ORBS; move VINES, open DIAL SAFE using CLOCK CLUE from W (O-3,B-4,G-6,Pu-7,R-9), get AMETHYST

T - collect ORBS; get HAMMER

Y - collect ORBS; use GLOVE, get OPAL GEM

return to W, smash WALL, get GREEN KEY


return to AA, open WORD BOX using anagram of MeOrMy CLUE from BOOK (MEMORY), get RUBY GEM
return to K, open 6NUMBER BOX using GHOSTS CLUE (from D) combined w/ ALPHANUMERIC CIPHER from BOOK (786121), get SAPPHIRE GEM
return to J, light BUTTON DISC according to REPEAT PATTERN from BOOK, get CITRINE



return to P, place GEMS in GHOULISH MONA LISA according to MONTH/GEM CHART in BOOK, get MAGIC KEY
return to E, open DOOR and ESCAPE!

Оценок: 107 Быстрый способ нахождения призрака, или как быстро найти и не умереть От -Ambrose-

Руководство для быстрого и эффективно нахождения призрака.
Проходил на своих опытах, что заставило достичь высот и 500+ уровня :)
Поделись лайком, не уходи мимо))

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Комментарии Снаряжение

Главным снаряжением является Соль. Благодаря соли - мы будем знать, где призрак наступал на соль, а где нет. Если он наступил - значит где-то близко (Желательно иметь ульта-фонарик, да бы смотреть следы шагов - куда направляется призрак. Следы длятся недолго).

На больших картах отлично подойдут Датчик звука. С ними можно определить, на какой стороне карты находится призрак (Зависит от установки датчика)

Tanglewood Street House "Tanglewood Street House" - Довольно маленький и легкая карта.
Всегда начинаю с соли, по всему дому сыпаю соль и иду за следующими снаряжениями.
Пока приду обратно - призрак наверное пооткрывал двери, и стоит проверить отпечатки с помощью ультра-фонарика. Если на соль наступил призрак - значит он где-то рядом, аналогично если не наступал - его нет и не будет. Дальше сами уж :) Ridgeview Road House

"Ridgeview Road House" наконец дом посложнее. На картинках отметил точки установки соли, и нычки. Призрака найти в этом доме сложно, т.к он чаще всего появляется на коридорах, что видеокамера или термометр будет плохо работать. Иногда перед входом живет, или на втором этаже в коридоре. Тут надо научиться правильно ставлять видеокамеры, чтобы заметить призрачные огоньки. Но если опрос будет большим - покажу как надо.

Edgefield Street House "Edgefield Street House" жуткий дом, мне нечего комментировать
Grafton Farmhouse

"Grafton Farmhouse", страшный дом, что еще сказать.
Ориентируюсь по соли, сыпаю на указанные точки и смотрю где наступал призрак (Желательно иметь Ульта-фонарик, и если призрак оставляет следы от соли можно понять откуда он идёт)

p.s. крайне не советую прятаться на опасные нычки.

Bleasdale Farmhouse

"Bleasdale Farmhouse", Второй фермерский дом.

в данной карте указал слишком много опасных нычек, но считайте что на проверке - на своей шкуре проверяю :)

Willow Street House

"Willow Street House" Новый дом добавленный недавно, за качество картинки прошу прощения.
Смешанный круг с белым (нычкой) и желтым (опасным нычкой) является сбалансированным. Другими словами если призрак не может вас найти с 1-3 охоты - призрак иначе и глубже будет искать как не странно.

Brownstone High School "Brownstone High School", школа кажется большим, но считается средним.
В этот раз соль становится менее полезным, другими словами меньше пользы.
Вместо соли использую Датчик Звука (Отметил на карте).

Тут датчики установлены чисто на первом этаже, но вы можете использовать альтирнативный вариант, на котором установлены на первом и на втором этаже

Альтирнативный вариант на котором установлено по 2 датчика по этажу

Первом делом беру два датчика звука, и фонарик. Затем устанавливаю по желанию как на карте.
Пока устанавливал датчики - слышал из далека звонки от телефона, и открытия дверей. После установки все 4 датчика - смотрю на монитор звука и вижу где был звук. Беру ультра-фонарик (и соль, либо радиоприёмник) и иду где был звук. Затем когда дошел вижу - открытый дверь, и на ней отпечатки. Солью просыпал на каждых рядом дверей (Важно знать, что призрак не может отходить не более 3-х комнатах). С ультра-фонариком видно куда направляется призрак, и со временем понимаешь ограничение/расстояние передвижения призрака. Дальше радиоприёмник и видеокамера - дальше вы сами.

Если вы играете один - Датчик звука будет вашим отличным другом, т.к датчик звука реагирует на ваши звуки, а если играете с командой - у Датчика звука будут помехи наших шагов. (Либо всей командой подождите в грузовике пока не датчик звука не покажет результаты!
Но вряд-ли ваша команда согласятся подождать)

В школе скрипение будете слышать везде, что заставят вас запутаться о местонахождения призрака. Так же звуки двери могут вас обмануть, другими словами пока вы находитесь с левой стороны - и вы услышили открытия двери - это возможно происходило с правой стороны карты. Но если звук двери открылась близко, значит действительно близко. Решение этой проблемы - иметь хороший слух.
Лайфхак - Если призрак в туалете то вы явно услышите две открытия дверей не менее 15 секунд;
ориентируйтесь на приоткрытых дверей - так легче узнать

Направленный микрофон сложная штука, да и неудобно, путает из-за шагов игрока;
Закрывайте за собой двери, чтобы не путать себя и команду. Если нашли призрака - оставьте дверь открытой;
Доска Уиджи находятся в туалетах;
Включите светы только на коридорах;
Если нашли комнату призрака, и не уверены точно ли она - используйте соль у входа и у ближайших кабинет;

Можно прятаться в туалете, в кабинках (если конечно призрак там не живет), или в библиотеке, или как показано в скриншотах/карте. Но если вы значительно далеко от комнаты призрака - то можете даже и не прятаться.
Если вы не успеваете найти/добежать до нычки - вы можете за дверью спрятаться

Установка Датчика звука

Руководство по Школе не оптимизированы!
Возможно будет видео по школе

Prison - Тюрьма, большая и жуткая карта, и на взгляд выглядит сложной (в самом деле нет).

Тактика проста - первым делом берёте стартовое снаряжение - Фонарик, 2 Датчика звука.

Первый датчик ставляете в Блок А, второй аналогично в Блок Б. Последние два - по желанию, но йа бы поставил по середине карты, или в библиотеке. Последний уж точно по желанию, можете на второй этаж.

Допустим призрак находится в блок Б, и идёт пар изо рта. Весь первый этаж будет иметь минусовую температуру, а вторая НЕТ;
Придется помучаться с поиском Призрачного Огонька в блоках (А или Б). Но решение этой проблемы у меня в уме, но не гарантированное нахождение (в разработке).

Доска Уиджи Доска появляется с неким шансом

33%. Если вам удается найти - спросите о его комнате, это важно

What is your favorite room? | Какая твоя любимая комната?
Where is your room? | Где твоя комната?
What is your room? | Которая комната — твоя?

Какие ответы можно получить?
Kitchen - Кухня
Garage - Гараж
Halfway - Полпути
Utility - Подсобное помещение ?
Basement - Подвал
Halway - Прихожая
Master bedroom

Прошу заметить, что призрак может ответить о ближайшим местонахождении. Если точнее, то он может ответить, что находится на Кухне, а рядом с кухни находится Гараж - и Гараж является истинным местонахождением. Обычно отвечает точное местонахождение, но будьте бдительны!

p.s. только спросите о комнате, другие вопросы это лишнее

Обязательно слушайте звуки на доносящихся в доме.
Обычно при входе в дом, слышу как призрак открывает дверь, или что-то роняет, а может как и ходит. Это многое объясняет.

Бывает моменты, что призрака сразу нахожу в начале игры, т.к на моих глазах роняет или наступает возле меня. Но бывает случаи что призрак может далеко находиться из своей комнаты. Будьте бдительны!

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