Halloween tied girls escape прохождение

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Игра Escape the Tied Girls

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Забавно. садистская игра Скрытый текст: у блондинки под блузкой код 5885-в стол-резинка;за компом диск;возле коробки вода в бутылке;её вылить на точку в стене над сейфом;оторвать каблук у девчёнки на стуле и по стене где вылили воду-ключ;им освободить девчёнку на стуле;включить комп и в него диск,код на бейдже у девчёнки,стоящей на коленях-64725;собрать паззл(ёлка слева,большая трава слева,меньшая справа),ответить что у Джесси волосы коричневые-код 545557-сейф -ключ;ключом освобождаем Джесси;на сейфе берём стеклянные шары;идём к аквариуму,над ним цепляем резинку и по очереди вставляем в неё шары-ключ;им освобождаем блонду Всё-поцелуйчики и обнимашки с благодарностью

Аватар Lennta

Игра простая. Девушки при освобождении быстренько убегают, а могли бы помочь или поддержать подруг.

Аватар autumn

Вышла, но с подсказкой. Спасибо, ДЖЕЙДИ!

Аватар Lolita_Armstrong

быстро прошла мало действий совсем

Аватар Irichka


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WowEscape - Wow Halloween Tied Girls Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Wow Escape. A clown hijacked four girls during this halloween season and tied them inside a scary place. All girls' hands were tied and there is no one near to help them. Help the girls to find some useful objects and hints to escape from therem as well as from the clown. Good luck and have fun!

Play Wow Halloween Tied Girls Escape

If you find any broken link about this game, please report and let us know by contacting us. We will add working link if there is any alternative. You may also report any game bugs or problems about games directly to developers from their websites.
Posted by EscapeGames24


blood thing for crow

Letter clue. Look very carefully at the I.

sticks for fire, torch for skeleton in tomb

Flame for coffin and hole in tree.

Coin slot in hand top scene.

torch for tree hole

water for pumpkins

Water the pumpkins.

Snap Dazz!
Hotspot in tree trunk pumpkins scene.

In new scenes, bone goes to cauldron.

still behind methanwy

missing one pearl

Sneaky shape near cauldron.

My last pearl came from placing 4 eyes in trees Dazz.

ggo, check back later

Have you got the one from the tree trunk in pumpkins scene?

Number clue for the growing pumpkins.

Use hook to release bottled ghost.

Interim check.
I have torch, axe, watering can, all used.
Knife, glowing blue ball, lollipop all unused.
Need clue for symbols on tree trunk.

Feed the lollipop to the skull (I think it was the scene with the bottled ghost)

Ah, give lollipop to skull on hut roof.

Thanks Melody, that gave me my last bird which gives key.

Melody 54 do you remember where you got the knife?

Dazz that last eye is in the scene where the hand came out of the ground with the red stuff. in a tree truck low left side.

I have a flask with red liquid and 5 fingers. where do they go?

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Flask poured over coffin, Jenny. Fingers come later.

I have a scarecrow still too and need one more skull where the crosses puzzle is.

Jenny scarecrow goes in pumpkin in coffin scene.

Thank you, I have been trying that thing everywhere else!
Still no knife for me though.

where ist the hook please?

Jenny, knife is inside the hut - left from the red/green/red spiders. Sticking out of the tree.

Hook is 1 scene on from the witches hat - up in the tree.

Hi Unknown, I got my last eye from doing the faces on the tree, crow scene have you done that?

Thanks Melody but how do I open that door? I have a glowing blue ball, axe, knife. watering can and fire stick in inventory.

2 eyes were from hidden panels in trees.

The last eye is in a tree bottom left in scene where hand comes up out of the ground.

Welcome, Dazz and Unknown.

I have not seen a lollipop either.

The blue ball and the knife are used at the very end.

Knife and blue ball used in very last scene Jenny.

My last candy corn was lying below the cauldron with the bone clue. By the time I got the dragon head, I had forgotten that it goes on the fire pit.

The three skulls come from placing the fingers on the hand. Next to the witches hat and from doing the red/green/red eyes on the tombstone.

T melody, but still no hook, i think iam blind

Hook is high on a tree after placing crystal ball.

crystal ball? same place like the Skulls?

The orange goes in the spot with the 5 skulls. I know, an orange? The crystal ball goes in the witch hat scene.

Crystal ball comes from placing the three skulls and is then used beyond the witches hat.

TY Lurker, i think i am missing one scene because--no witch with a hat---

also im missing an animal head for the firepott

gabi it is just a hat on ground, no witch.

is it in a scene after placing the 5 skulls?
for the moment i have only 3 placed

I finally got out! Long game but a good one.!

Wow, great game, thank you :)

Wa surprised at what the knife was for, lol. I also think all clowns should fall in a big lava pit just like that one. Fun game. Thanks Wow!

Nice game, thanks WOW!

Horrible subject - not playing this game.

Great game. 5 stars

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Была оказывается подсказка))

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Подсказка к нему это пятнышки на грибах. И порядок это колпаки на полке.
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Подсказка к зеркалу и шкафчику у кровати это количество чёрточек . О которых подсказывает шляпа и цифра под ней

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Хэллоуин дом страха

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Red blue green gray ( подсказка к штучке с инвентаря справа)

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