Где находятся военные базы в dayz

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

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This article refers to the Chernarus terrain only. For the Livonia variant, see Livonia:Military Bases.

This article refers to the Chernarus terrain only. For the Livonia variant, see Livonia:Military Bases.

Military Bases are former military facilities that have been abandoned around the Chernarus+ map. Each base is unique in its number of buildings, type of buildings, and layout; some are separate areas like the military base near Pavlovo and others are integrated into a city like the one at Zelenogorsk.

Be careful not to confuse these bases with Military Camps. Where the camps consist entirely of different types of tents, bases are made up of larger permanent structures like Prisons and Barracks. In addition to the dedicated bases, there are also other facilities which demand a structured military presence similar to that of the bases, such as Prison Island.


Locations [ ]

Military bases and other facilities as they are numbered on the map above:

On the tourist map, military bases are defined by the words "военная база" (military base) - details regarding the interior of military bases are intentionally left blank.

On hiking map stands, military bases are shown with a red/pink border and the word "military". Unlike their depiction on tourist maps, the layout of the base can be seen on these maps.

Military Bases [ ]

Other Facilities [ ]

  • Facilities at Altar Radio Station
  • Facilities at Prigorodki Docks
  • Facilities at Storozh near Krasnoe (does not spawn military loot as of 1.14)

Buildings [ ]

Some buildings are attributed to military bases due to their presence in said locations, such as:

These areas are characterized by a concentration of general military loot, with attachments, some backpacks, and often even medical supplies. Don’t forget to search the guard towers around military bases because they often have ammo, magazines, vests, and attachments. They rarely contain a firearm.

Онлайн карта Черноруссии DayZ Standalone версия 1.11 Спавн военного лута, машины координаты военных баз и т.д.
Для того, чтобы включить/выключить названия городов и точки спавна на карте, нажмите на ≡ в верхнем левом углу карты.

Интерактивная онлайн карта черноруссии dayz standalone версии 1.11. На карте отмечены координаты военных обьектов (баз) и точки спавна военного лута, спавн автомобилей, животных для охоты. На онлайн карте можно ставить отметки и играть командой. Вы всегда сможете пометить для напарника где расположены координаты с машиной, ценным военным лутом и тд.

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DayZ | Дневники Фридмана | БЛОГ

- Красным отмечены места где спавнится много лута (в том числе и военного)
- Зелёным цветом отмечены места где лута спавнится меньше чем в красных зонах. Слабозелёным где спавнится очень мало лута
- Голубой цвет указывает на городские и поселковые локации, где спавнится соответствующий этим местам лут.

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