Где находятся сохранения yakuza 0

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Зная, где именно будут располагаться ваши сохранения Yakuza 0, дает пользователям определенные возможность в манипуляциях с этими файлами. Искать последние предстоит в папке клиента Steam, она может у разных игроков находиться по разному пути - вы сами его задаете, устанавливая клиент. Найдя эту папку, следуйте далее по пути:

Yakuza 0

Статистика: Yakuza 0 > Общие обсуждения > Подробности темы 2 авг. 2018 в 15:02 Deleting a save file I accidentally created a second save file and I was wondering if there is a way to delete it. I can't figure out what the file path for the saves is or I would have tried that. Anyone know? 2 авг. 2018 в 15:13

. \Steam\userdata\[folder with numbers\638970\remote

inside you'll find all the saves.

EDIT: Disable Steam's cloud after you have delete the unwanted save.

Отредактировано Emrys; 2 авг. 2018 в 15:26 2 авг. 2018 в 15:38

. \Steam\userdata\[folder with numbers\638970\remote

inside you'll find all the saves.

EDIT: Disable Steam's cloud after you have delete the unwanted save.

That didn't work. I disabled steams cloud but now there is just an empty Slot 2 taking the place where that file was. 3 авг. 2018 в 9:09 I would like to know if there's a solution to this as well 3 авг. 2018 в 9:35


The proper way to do it,

1. Open Steam and disable Steam Cloud.
2. Back up your save data file SaveData0000.sav (or 0001, 0002 or the one you want to keep) under Steam\userdata\YourUserID\638970
3. Then delete all files under that folder.
4. Run the game then close it.
5. Close Steam.
6. Delete the file remotecache.vdf under Steam\userdata\YourUserID\638970
7. Open Steam.
8. Place your back up save data files in Steam\userdata\YourUserID\638970\remote
*You might need to change your save data file name to SaveData0000*
9. Enable Steam Cloud.
10. Run the game and Steam Cloud sync conflict window will pop up.
12. Done.

Things to notice, disable your Steam Cloud from Steam Settings not the game properties.
There might be a better way to do it, I'm willing to learn.

3 авг. 2018 в 13:42

The proper way to do it,

1. Open Steam and disable Steam Cloud.
2. Back up your save data file SaveData0000.sav (or 0001, 0002 or the one you want to keep) under Steam\userdata\YourUserID\638970
3. Then delete all files under that folder.
4. Run the game then close it.
5. Close Steam.
6. Delete the file remotecache.vdf under Steam\userdata\YourUserID\638970
7. Open Steam.
8. Place your back up save data files in Steam\userdata\YourUserID\638970\remote
*You might need to change your save data file name to SaveData0000*
9. Enable Steam Cloud.
10. Run the game and Steam Cloud sync conflict window will pop up.
12. Done.

Things to notice, disable your Steam Cloud from Steam Settings not the game properties.
There might be a better way to do it, I'm willing to learn. :squirtyay:

Thanks!! It worked! Only solution that did so far. 3 авг. 2018 в 14:31

why would you only want a single save file.

your setting yourself up to fail

whats to say the game dosent have a bug that happens and it gets baked into the save file you use

now if you had 2/3 saves on rotation you would loose an hour of gameplay or so, not so big of a deal just annoying

but you with a single save file need to go make a new game and start all over have fun with that trash and rage quit

every game is susseptable to haveing a bug that could range from being mildly annoying to game brakeing that could be fixed by loading a save file from before the issue happens, saveing you days in some cases of haveing to replay everything to get back to where you was

Отредактировано Bliff; 3 авг. 2018 в 14:31 3 авг. 2018 в 23:39 every game is susseptable to haveing a bug that could range from being mildly annoying to game brakeing that could be fixed by loading a save file from before the issue happens, saveing you days in some cases of haveing to replay everything to get back to where you was that's a very good argument. 3 сен. 2018 в 15:11

why would you only want a single save file.

your setting yourself up to fail

whats to say the game dosent have a bug that happens and it gets baked into the save file you use

now if you had 2/3 saves on rotation you would loose an hour of gameplay or so, not so big of a deal just annoying

but you with a single save file need to go make a new game and start all over have fun with that trash and rage quit

every game is susseptable to haveing a bug that could range from being mildly annoying to game brakeing that could be fixed by loading a save file from before the issue happens, saveing you days in some cases of haveing to replay everything to get back to where you was

Fair enough, but the question wasn't if it is smart or not to delete a save file, for all you know the person keeps a back up of the single save in their own back up folder that way they can keep track of % and play style and other stuff but don't want the saves to get cluttered and accidently over writen.

I know for Dragons Dogma even though that game only has one save slot I have 3 different saves going for 3 different styles and for each of those saves I have 5 different back ups so that if one does get corrupted I can revert to a previous save state. Sure that game only has one save so doing that is more needed BUT in this game it is way to easy to accidently save over the wrong save, heck they accidently created a new save when not wanting to it is that easy.

So while you have a valid point, you don't know their motive behind it or wither or not they keep save back ups in a different way then cluttering the saves with 10 saves that can easily accidently be saved over when you don't want to.

Путь до сохранений Yakuza 0 в STEAM на Windows:

  • [Папка со Steam]\userdata\[id пользователя]\638970\remote\
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\[id пользователя]\638970\remote\

Путь к сейвам Yakuza 0 в Microsoft Store на Windows:

  • %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\SEGAofAmericaInc.Yakuza0PC_s751p9cej88mt\SystemAppData\wgs\[id пользователя]\
  • C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\Local\Packages\SEGAofAmericaInc.Yakuza0PC_s751p9cej88mt\SystemAppData\wgs\[id пользователя]\

Для разблокирования возможности создания ручных сохранений следует отредактировать файл настроек игры:

Для безопасного сохранения желательно использовать телефонные будки. Сохранения в других местах могут повреждать сейвы.

Сохранения в Linux

Путь до сохранений Yakuza: Like a Dragon в Windows:

  • %APPDATA%\Sega\YakuzaLikeADragon\[id пользователя]\
  • C:\Users\[имя пользователя]\AppData\Roaming\Sega\YakuzaLikeADragon\[id пользователя]\

Сохранения в Linux

Путь к сохранениям Yakuza Like a Dragon в STEAM на Linux:

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