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16 окт. 2018 в 10:45 PC) Where can I find my config file?

Hi, I'm in need of rearrange my computer.

Since Warframe is big game, I'm forced to erase it.

Problem is, I remember last time that I re-installed warframe.

Config everything again is kinda meh,

and I remember there was some config file of warframe.

Can anyone give me the config flie location?

Thanks for reading guys.

16 окт. 2018 в 11:03 Configuration seems to save server side. I've never had to reset my keybinding or settings after moving to a new pc. 16 окт. 2018 в 11:59

i think it is in C:\Users\X\AppData\Local\Warframe, where "X" would be your username.

not sure what the actual file is, but i copied that whole folder (less than 5MB) when i was in a similar situation.
then, when i popped it back after reinstall, everything was restored as i had it before. keybinds, graphics settings, everything as far as i can tell.

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I've wanted to keep a backup of all my in-game settings (including sensitivity, keybindings, video settings, chat preferences etc) and be able to use them on the fly on any PC, but I haven't been able to find the files which keep these. I know of EE.cfg, however whenever I import it into a fresh install, it usually only imports my video settings, and keybindings (even these are usually not always correct, for example, it doesn't retain fullscreen). What files am I supposed to backup in order to save every setting?

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Статистика: Warframe > Players Helping Players > Подробности темы 30 дек. 2016 в 0:23 Where can I find EE.cfg file? FPS in warfreme has changed due to patches, fps has gone down. This file must contain some advanced settings, that can be changed manually, but i can't find this file. Please, help me( 3 янв. 2017 в 1:54

I had to change that file too, since my graphics were set to medium when my graphics card could run this on the high preset, but after applying the video options the game just kept crashing.

Anyway, the location of the Ee.cfg file is at: %appdata%/Local/Warframe

3 янв. 2017 в 2:59

I had to change that file too, since my graphics were set to medium when my graphics card could run this on the high preset, but after applying the video options the game just kept crashing.

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