Forest of the blue skin прохождение

Обновлено: 30.06.2024

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Space - Inventory

W - Health to Pleasure swap (faulty functionality?)

Masturbate - Hold Down and A to build up. Release A to ejaculate. Holding down and tapping A very fast allows you to build up pleasure very quickly. I call this power pumping.

Forst Zone:

Sprint - Forest Dweller (Passive). "Run Faster"

Slime Wall - Blue Slime (Up + A). "A barrier that blocks enemy projectiles."

Dash! - Kappa girl (down + A). "Dash under gaps or low barriers"

Desert Zone:

Voice Bazooka/Shout - Yamabiko Girl (Up + A). "Knock back enemies and block projectiles"

Double Jump - Brown Bunny (passive). "An extra jump to reach new locations"

Wild Slash! - Red Catgirl (passive). "Increased attack range and damage"

Temple Zone:

Hammer - Kobold Girl (up + A). "Use it to smash blocks or enemies"

Transform - Kitsune (up + A). "Hide from enemies or evade most attacks"

Beginning the Game:

Exit the room on the left. You will come back here later.

Your House

Immediately to your left is a save point. Pressing up on these restores your health and saves the game. Use them frequently.

Further left of the save point is the Love Gallery. THis is where all of your collected girls go.

To the right of the savepoint and your door is the Warp Zone. This is where all the shortcuts in the world link up to.

Further right of the Warp Zone, marked by to East pointed arrows is the World Access Portal and how you will explore initially.

At the very far right is where the Bench Girl will give you footjobs once you find her

World Access Portal

To the left and up the sand bricks is the portal to the Desert Zone, and to the right is the Forest Zone.

Proceed to the Forest Zone.

Forest Zone

Zone A: [Blue Slime, Forest Dweller]

Quickly make your way to the right and Hit the Blue Slime. Hit her again when she is immobile. Press down when she has an exclamation mark (!)

Run right and jump up to the Forest Dweller. Stand next to them and hit them until they fall over. Walk into them and finish the sex animation to collect.

Once you have both abilities, Equip the sprint ability you just acquired and exit the left portal. Head back to the World Access Portal and go left to the Desert Zone

Deset Zone

[Zone A: Red Catgirl]

Climb up to the top of the level and you will see cat girls. Smack her and let them pounce on you. Allow the animation to finish and then collect them.

Go back down to the save point and then go into the left portal.

[Zone C: Yamabiko Girl]

Equip Wild Slash and run right and get ready to jump over projectiles. Hit her 3 times and she should begin shooting out hearts.

Strategy 1 - Get a few blocks away from her and get hit by the heart. Escape her charm and smack her on the ass to collect.

Strategy 2 - Get charmed with very low pleasure. Begin her animation and then escape. Immediatly smack her on the ass to collect.

Save and then enter the portal on the left.

[Zone B: Brown Bunny Girl]

Equip Sprint and then wait for the bunny girl to show up. When she starts running rght, follow her. Get as close as possible

Equip Wild Slash (which will make you attack) and hit her in the back. Jump over her to dodge her sex animation and then repeat until she can be collected.

Now we will head back to Forest Zone to get the Dash ability, which will be the last new ability for a long time.

Forest Zone

Continue right, skipping all creatures.

[Zone B: Ant Girl, Blue Slime, Forest Dweller]

Continue right, skipping/killing the Ants and Slimes until you make it to the Save Point. Enter the portal left of the Save Point.

[Zone C: Monkey Girl]

Jump over her head and smack her. You can either wait until she attacks and jump and then hit her, or you can jump behind her and smack her before she can attack again.

Continue to hit her until she can be collected. Move to the right and do not enter the portal. Jump up to gather the Masterbate skill and equip it, then leave.

Go left and save. Go left a little and then go down and enter the portal below the Save Point.

[Zone D: Kappa girl]

Bait the Kappa into attacking you by going within range. Jump and then hit her in the ass to collect her. Continue right through this hallway.

[Zone E: Bunny girls]

Jump upwards and save, and then find two bunny girls near eachother. You can shout at them to bunch them up.

Walk into one and let her finish the animation, and then get up and walk into her again. The second observing bunny will become collectable.

Go back and save, and then DO NOT USE ANY PORTALS ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ZONE. Climb directly upwards until you get to the top of the level. In the middle of the level is a black door. Enter that.

[Zone A: Mushroom Girl, Ant Girl, Forest Dweller]

Make your way to the first mushroom girl and cum on her 3 times by using masterbate. You can speed this up by power pumping (tapping a fast).

Use the Dash ability to make your way past the mushrooms and then drop down. Head right and use double jump to get up to the savepoint above the right most Forwst Dweller.

Drop down and kill the right most Forest Dweller and kill her. Continue walking right in the same area to reveal a hidden wall with an Animation Panel.

Drop down once more on the right side to enter the next area.

[Zone B: Tree Dweller]

Go right and use the portal. Save at your house and come back to the tree zone.

Equip Wild Slash and then masterbate near the Tree Dweller until she vanishes to ambush you. Jump and then smack her. Repeat until collectable.

Equip Dash and dash through the Mushrooms. When you go to drop down there will be a black pillar with a shaded area on top. Press up on the black pillar to enter the next zone.

[Zone C: Slug girl]

Run right and bait the Slug into attacking you by getting in range. Dash into her and then escape using the left/right movement buttons. She will be collectable.

Continue right and jump up and then Dash below the low wall to get the Black Panel. This will be used in Your Room to access the Haunted House.

Exit this area back to Zone B.

Continue right drop down and then go left. If you have enough health, walk against an Ant from behind to begin her animation. The 2nd ant will be aroused. When the animation finishes, get up and hit the aroused Ant and collect her.

Exit to Zone A on the left.

Go back to the Entrance for Zone B and enter it then use the portal to enter the Warp Zone. Make your way back to the Desert Zone where you got the Voice Bazooka.

Desert Zone

Climb up to the first Save Point and save. Enter the portal to its right (where you got the Voice Bazooka/Shout!)

Continue all the way to the right and double jump over the wall. Jump again to reveal a false wall. Dash under the small opening and enter the Temple Zone

Temple Zone

Continue right and exit right.

Savr and go down the stairs and exit right.

[Zone D: Rocket Golem Girls]

Continue right and use the alcoves to avoid the Rocket Punch attacks. Equip Wild Slash and then hit the Rocket Golem until she can be collected.

Continue until you see a Save Point. Jump up and save and then head back to the left one alcove. There should be a hidden door on the platform. Enter the door.

[Zone E: Stone Golems]

Go right and equip the Voice Bazooka. Power Pump until you cum on the Golem and then shout at it twice to colelct it.

Jump onto the portal platform but do not enter. Equip double jump and jump up. To the left is a small platform. Continue left on these platforms until you see a gray object. Smack it and it will light up. Then enter the portal on the right.

[Zone F: Kobold]

Power Pump and ready your pleasure. Cum on her until the ". " speech bubble goes away, then run close and masterbate without pumping. Allow the animation to finish and then collect her. Leave the room on the right.

Continue through into Zone D

Continue through, save, and then head to Zone G

[Zone G: Catgirl Rogue]

Go back to the save point to heal and come back.

Continue right past the first cat and on the first platform is a slightly off shaded wall that is a hidden door. Enter it.

[Zone H: Kitsune]

Equip the Hammer ability and walk into the room and hit the large rock in the middle, or be prepared to escape a grapple.

When the Kitsune is standing still, swing at her and then begin walking. She will drop from the ceiling as a boulder. Continue doing this until she stays in boulder form. Hit her 10 times and then when she gets dizzy, hit her with the Hammer to collect her.

Go to the right most part of the room and hit the switch. Leave the room after collecting the last ability for this patch. Congrats :)

I would recommend saving in Zone D

Continue past all of the Catgirl Rogues to the top left of this zone and enter the portal.

Power Pump to maximum pleasure and equip Slime Wall. Walk left and spam Slime Walls onto the Demon Girls. They will shoot balls at you that get blocked by the wall.

Continue doing this until they fall over, and then cum on them before they vanish to collect them.

Continue left through this room.

Continue through Zone C to the left.

Save and enter the room on the top right.

Почувствуйте себя в шкуре охотника за девушками-монстрами в этом милом и расслабляющем платформере, который сожрет все ваши нервы. Zell работает над многими хентайными играми, а сам FOBS разросся до такой степени, что его пришлось разделить на версия A и B. Каждая версия включает в себя отдельную коллекцию девушек-монстров, причем в версии B девушки крупнее и агрессивнее. И плотояднее.

Охота началась

Вы играете за обыкновенного парня, который собирает себе коллекцию девушек-монстров. Он телепортируется в новую локацию, ловит местных обитателей, получает их способности, и благодаря им открывает доступ к другим локациям. Открываемые способности включают в себя возможности бежать быстрее, дважды прыгать, бить сильнее, ставить барьеры, мастурбировать, и многие другие! Причем можно иметь лишь ограниченное количество активных способностей. Но не все так просто!

Нельзя просто взять и поймать девушку — монстра! К каждой девушке-монстру нужно проявить особый подход, иначе поймать её не получится. Нужно вымотать её. А для этого нужно ударить её в нужный момент, поставить барьер, позволить одержать над собой верх (последовательность и вариативность действий каждый раз уникальна). Иногда нужно решить паззл или просто убежать. И все эти способы не отличаются очевидностью для большинства девушек, а в игре этих девушек несколько десятков! Поэтому большую часть времени вы будете стоять перед девушкой-монстром, и задаваться вопросом: «Как».

А потом возникает еще один вопрос: «Зачем мне ловить этих девушек-монстров, если можно прийти к ним на локацию, позволить им избить себя до полусмерти, и сделать с обездвиженным телом свое грязное дело»? Все очень просто. Наш охотник создал миниатюрные экосистемы рядом со своим домом, поэтому, после поимки, далеко ходить не надо будет (охотник даже создал миниатюрную версию ада, чтобы его инфернальные подруги чувствовали себя комфортно. Надо отдать должное упорности парня)! Кроме того, на некоторых локациях есть секреты, после открытия которых в вашем доме открываются дополнительные сцены, что поощряет исследование.

Если вы не любите платформеры, где нужно наблюдать за большегрудыми (и наоборот) девушками, придумывая способы их поимки, то эта игра не для вас. Лично я потратил около часа на отдельные экземпляры. Атаковал, менял набор способностей, «умирал», и снова рвался в бой. Иногда вообще надо было позволить себя одолеть, поэтому логика не всегда работает, стоит довериться инстинктам. Это именно тот случай, когда надо «убить дракона голыми руками».


Обновления выходят очень редко, но имеющегося контента более-чем достаточно. Это расслабляющая\бесящая игра, с приятным музыкальным сопровождением, которая затянет вас на долгое время. А еще она умеет пугать! Локация с мертвецами довольно жуткая… Да, мертвецы здесь — тоже девушки-монстры. Да, можно. В остальном здесь все милое и пушистое. Буквально. Игра хорошо оптимизирована, а управление прекрасно отзывается на ваши команды. Если не получается — играйте обеими руками.

sweet dreams

An innocuous sleeping goat in Pink mansion. Initially, the only things you know about her is that shes in a blocked off room activated with a button, and that she makes forcefields when you masturbate in her room.

Pressing the blue button behind the wall in Vampiric Bat room using SHOUT will allow you to enter her room.

When you finally figure out the puzzle however, her room opens up and you can do what you've been doing the entire game, Nut on every single moving thing you see.

Except. You can't do that, as she's in a forcefield. The only other option is to wake her up with SHOUT.

Yeah. what an idea.

But seriously tho, Shouting on her is considered as damage which activates her forcefield, and when shes activating her forcefield, there's a *slight* chance your character immediately becomes horny and blows a load into her.

Pressing the Blue button in the Vampiric Bat's room opens this room

However, since you already pressed the blue button, it also Unlocks the other way to progress which is through a door into a small room containing none other than Bench girl's Emblem.


You just took advantage of a helpless girl. Have you no shame?

Shout at her until she makes you horny then let the H finish. Cum on her, then Masturbate (dont power pump) near her and let her make you enter H again. Let the Player cum in her a second time and she becomes cappable.

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