Final fantasy xii the zodiac age как попасть в гирувеган

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

1 фев. 2018 в 11:00 How I fixed the speed

Went into Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE\[numbered folder] and opened GameSetting.

I put frameLimit=60 and sat Vsync=Off

Launched the game and now it works.

1 фев. 2018 в 11:16 Worked. TYVM 1 фев. 2018 в 11:23 Well that's a better alternative to using softwares to limit fps. 1 фев. 2018 в 11:24 nice find, op 1 фев. 2018 в 11:25 To fix it I just disabled vsync from the menu, it freezes for like 10-20 seconds when you change the vsync setting though. 1 фев. 2018 в 11:32 thank you kind sir 1 фев. 2018 в 11:32 1 фев. 2018 в 11:35

You weren't playing on 60 fps before? wtf

This game was meant to be played at 60fps max

1 фев. 2018 в 11:36

You weren't playing on 60 fps before? wtf

This game was meant to be played at 60fps max

some people were playing at 144fps and 2x speed, others even higher, though one person said they couldn't get past 30 fps, but they never told their specs. 1 фев. 2018 в 11:36 Turn off g-sync is also an alrenative if you have a g-sync monitor that is. fixed it for me. 1 фев. 2018 в 11:39 Turn off g-sync is also an alrenative if you have a g-sync monitor that is. fixed it for me.

Tried that and it did not work for me.

What did work for me was setting the game borderless. If you're in borderless mode, it's also possible to turn off VSync from within the game without needing to edit the file manually. It's all around a better mode, really.

I was able to leave G-Sync on with FFXII running in borderless, it's probably not doing anything to FFXII while it's capped at 60 FPS, but this means I won't need to get back into it to enable it for my other games.

Отредактировано Geldon; 1 фев. 2018 в 11:40 1 фев. 2018 в 11:43 I'm just gonna post these 2 answers again
add a 60fps cap with rivatuner or nvidia inpector/radeon pro. Star ocean had the same problem, they unlcoked the fps but never set a 60fps cap afterwards.

Went into Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE\[numbered folder] and opened GameSetting.

I put frameLimit=60 and sat Vsync=Off

Launched the game and now it works.

1 фев. 2018 в 11:47

Went into Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE\[numbered folder] and opened GameSetting.

I put frameLimit=60 and sat Vsync=Off

Launched the game and now it works.

1 фев. 2018 в 11:59

Went into Documents\My Games\FINAL FANTASY XII THE ZODIAC AGE\[numbered folder] and opened GameSetting.

Давным-давно, столетия назад, Гирувеган был столицей Ивалиса, и в нем правили бессмертные Мглы , и по ним бродят многочисленные монстры.

Великий Кристалл [ ]

В недрах Гирувегана скрыт Великий Кристалл - исполинский монолит из естественного магицита. Обладает, в соответствии с размерами, невероятной мощью. Внутри него - сложная система туннелей, телепортов и магических барьеров.

Архитектура [ ]

Врата Гирувегана - череда длинных платформ, колонн и прямоугольных арок - находятся на поверхности тихого и спокойного озера. Видимая поначалу на горизонте часть города - ряд величественных башен - расположена на краю истинного Гирувегана, представляющего собой гигантскую по размерам и, в сущности, бездонную яму в земле. На ее дне и находится Великий Кристалл, практически отвесные стенки же обстроены бесчисленными галереями. Перемещаться с яруса на ярус можно либо по наклонным пандусам, либо по невидимым дорожкам, проложенным через пропасти. Дорожки появляются только под ногами идущего, выглядят как цепочки наложенных друг на друга зеленых дисков и при ходьбе издают характерные звуки. Никаких жилых зданий в подземной части Гирувегана не видно, складывается впечатление, что вся подземная часть города - лишь путь к Великому Кристаллу. Многие части города никак не соединены друг с другом, и попасть из одной в другую можно лишь через телепорты. Обитель Оккурий - также несколько платформ с арками и колоннами - парит в воздухе высоко над городом, видимо, точно над Великим Кристаллом.

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Ancient City of Giruvegan

古代都市ギルヴェガン ( Kodai Toshi Giruvegan ? )

Background information




Gameplay details




    : Piscodaemon
  • Reach the Great Crystal

On the farthest shores of the river of time. shrouded deep in the roiling Mist. the holy land sleeps: Giruvegan. Who knows the paths? The way to its doors?

The Ancient City of Giruvegan, also known as the Holy Realm, is a location in the land of Ivalice in Final Fantasy XII. It is an ancient city that has faded from memory. Though many have sought to rediscover this forgotten settlement, dense Mist permeates the entire region where the city is believed to be located.

The city does not follow the standards of other cities in Ivalice. The city consists of a giant pit, at the very bottom of which is the Great Crystal. Around the sides of this pit are platforms, going down the way. These platforms are connected by invisible platforms, that appear only when approached. The only other way to travel the city is by the many waystones.

Above the city, only accessible by a waystone guarded by the Esper Shemhazai, the Occuria reside, keeping a watchful eye over all of Ivalice. Never to leave this place, only people deemed worthy may actually see the Occuria.


Sage Knowledge [ ]

Ancient city said to lie deep within the Jagd Difohr. A dense mist conceals its actual location. There are some who claim that it holds the secrets of a legendary civilization that flourished before men knew the workings of the world, but none remain who know the truth. Many are the expeditions sent to find this place and record its knowledge, but most have disappeared in the Feywood, or despaired while attempting to understand what artifacts have been found. To this day, we are no closer to discovering Giruvegan, or illuminating its mysteries.

Sage Knowledge 75, Giruvegan

Story [ ]

Spoiler warning : Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)

Once the center of Ivalice centuries ago, Giruvegan was ruled by the immortal Occuria. For reasons known only to them, the Occuria closed the gates to the city and let it fall into ruin. As such, not much is known about the once great city. Now, a dense Mist covers the city, and monsters wander its many corridors.

Dr. Cid of the Archadian Empire came to Giruvegan during his search on nethicite and met the rogue Occurian Venat and teamed up with it. Venat came with Cid to Archades where the being taught him the secrets behind nethicite that led to the development of manmade nethicite.

Years later, Princess Ashe and her party come to Giruvegan on their hunt for Dr. Cid who has fled the capital with the Empire's pieces of deifacted nethicite in his possession, claiming to have headed for Giruvegan to acquire more nethicite. They cross the Feywood and summon the Esper Belias to open the gate to the ancient city. Not seeing Cid anywhere, the others wish to wait, but Ashe spots an apparition of her late husband Rasler that beckons her to continue further. They travel through the ancient city until they reach the Great Crystal within where Ashe is summoned to the realm of the Occuria where they brand her the new Dynast King and give her the Treaty-Blade with a mission to seek out the Sun-Cryst and carve pieces of nethicite from it to use as a weapon to crush the Archadian Empire and in turn, the rogue Occurian Venat.

Ashe is left unsure of what to do, with her companions wondering where Cid is. Balthier realizes they had been duped and Cid was never heading to Giruvegan. Instead, his goal had been to lead Ashe to the Occuria.

Spoilers end here .

Location [ ]

Underground settlement of Giruvegan.

Giruvegan is located in the far south of Ivalice, in the Jagd Difohr region. To reach it, travelers must cross the Feywood. Even then, entrance is not simple; The Gigas must be summoned so that the gate may open. Giruvegan appears to be a literal realm located on a different plane; nothing of the Feywood can be seen behind the Gate of the Gigas from the Giruvegan side.

  • Gate of Earth (to the Feywood)
  • Gate of Water
  • The Trimahla Water-Steps
  • The Aadha Water-Steps
  • The Haalmikah Water-Steps
  • Gate of Fire
  • Gate of Wind

Weather [ ]

Giruvegan, although indoors, still has weather:

  • Cloudy
  • Heavy Fog (Mist is seen in the air, reflecting apparitions)

Heavy Fog is when the Diakon Entite comes out in The Trimahla Water-Steps and The Aadha Water-Steps areas. During Heavy Fog, Water-elemental attacks are 20% more powerful than normal.

The Great Crystal [ ]

Main article: Great Crystal (Final Fantasy XII)

Deep within Giruvegan is the Great Crystal. A giant crystal, inside it sleeps a great core of magicite. Access is guarded by a terrible monster.

Treasures [ ]

In the original version, none of the four treasures in Giruvegan contain gil, and each treasure has a 10% chance to yield a Megalixir when Diamond Armlet is equipped. All the treasures are guaranteed spawns, but once claimed, the treasures will never respawn. When Diamond Armlet is not equipped, the treasures are either White Fangs or Elixirs; with the Diamond Armlet, the player is sure to get at least the Elixir.

In the Zodiac versions, chests still do not hold gil. Many respawn, but a few hold memorable treasures such as a Sash, an Aegis Shield, and the spell, Sleepga. The memorable chests do not respawn, but a few chests with generic treasures do.

The Trimahla Water-Steps [ ]

  1. ↑ Chest does not respawn
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
1 100% 0% Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
White Fang Elixir Elixir Megalixir
2 100% 0% White Fang Common Rare
X-Potion Megalixir

The Aadha Water-Steps [ ]

  1. ↑ Chest does not respawn
Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
3 100% 0% Item 1 Item 2 Common Rare
White Fang Elixir Elixir Megalixir
4 100% 0% White Fang Common Rare
X-Potion Megalixir

The Haamilkah Water-Steps [ ]

This chest only appears in the Zodiac versions. It does not respawn.

  1. ↑ Chest does not respawn.

Gate of Fire [ ]

These chests only appears in the Zodiac versions. They do not respawn.

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
10 100% 0% Domaine Calvados
11 100% 0% Elixir
12 100% 0% Amber Armlet

Gate of Wind [ ]

These chests only appears in the Zodiac versions. They do not respawn.

Chest Spawns Holds Gil% Normal Treasure Diamond Armlet Treasure
13 100% 0% Hastega Mote
14 100% 0% Reverse Mote

Quests [ ]

Hunts [ ]

The Piscodaemon is a Rank V Mark found in the Gate of Fire area whose hunt becomes available after the storyline events at Giruvegan. Piscodaemon was a nu mou named Ashkroft who became a master of the dark arts and was sealed away by the Gran Kiltias Anastasis, but the seal fades and Ashkroft emerges a demon. The hunt is petitioned by Ivaness in Mt Bur-Omisace.

Enemies [ ]

Musical themes [ ]

"Ashe's Theme"

The exterior and interior parts of the Ancient City each have distinct themes. Outside Giruvegan, the music that plays is the first half of "Ashe's Theme" ( アーシェのテーマ , Āshe no Tēma ? ) , while inside Giruvegan before the Great Crystal, the track that accompanies the player is named "Giruvegan's Mystery" ( ギルヴェガンの謎 , Giruvegan no Nazo ? ) .

The map can be found in The Trimahla Water-Steps in-between the two gate stones.

Note: The urn is not available until after completing the events at Giruvegan.

Gallery [ ]


Belias opens the Gate Gigas that leads to Giruvegan.




Giruvegan crystal.


Rasler's apparition.


Gate Stone.


Opening a path.


Great Crystal.


High above Giruvegan, where the Occuria reside.

Etymology [ ]

Inside Giruvegan, several Gate Stones and Gates can be found. These stones and gates are named after Greek words, relating mostly time:

Giruveganus is a dragon/tyrant-type enemy in Final Fantasy XII found in the Feywood and the Great Crystal, as well the Zodiac versions' Trial Mode in Stage 83. It is surrounded by thick Mist, like an Aeronite. When fought as a regular enemy, it has the Carabineer Mail as a rare steal.

Behemoth King shares the same spawn-point as Giruveganus. To spawn the Behemoth King, the player must kill the Giruveganus in Edge of Reason, then move to Ice Field of Clearsight and clear all enemies, and Behemoth King will spawn in Giruveganus's place.

If the player kills Giruveganus in Edge of Reason, leaves the zone and returns, there will be no enemies in that area (other than Behemoth King if spawned).


Bestiary entry [ ]

Page 1: Observations [ ]

Being a tyrant-wyrm driven to madness by Mist; now a violent, capricious creature. The naturalist Merlose writes, in one of her most harrowing accounts: '. that hideous Mist which spilleth forth from its dark core raiseth a mirage before the eyes, and I am blind with fear and apprehension, for its nebulous form is madness incarnate. I pray that my skill with the blade faileth me not in this most dire circumstance.' Its eyes shine with a curious luminescence, allowing it to see quite well in dark, underground corridors.

Page 2: The Adventurer's Handbook [ ]

Tis the height of folly to brandish arms against a tyrant that has no more form than a mirage. The broken greataxes left by those who tried and failed should be proof enough of that. In order to truly defeat a foe, one must know more than the foe's character and physiology. One must listen to what the dead have to say on the subject. No one wants to be next in line to have their greataxe broken.

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