Final fantasy 14 monk гайд

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The beast tribes of Eorzea worship and summon forth beings known as primals, among which are Ifrit, Garuda, and Titan. Yet what is a god to one man is a demon to another, for the city-states of Eorzea see these beings as a grave threat to their collective survival.
In times immemorial, there lived mages who had not only the power to summon the primals, but also the means to transmute the primals' essences, thus binding them to their will. Known simply as summoners, the existence of these men and women and their arcane art have been all but lost to the ages.

All descriptions are based on action attributes and bonuses attained by level 80.
For further details on changes to actions, please refer to the patch notes.

Хотите стать монахом? Прочтите наш гайд! Мы расскажем вам, как получить доступ к этой профессии, чем она хороша, порекомендуем небоевые классы и дадим ссылки на другие полезные материалы. Монах - это боец, способный наносить урон в ближнем бою. Он присутствует в игре с патча 2.0 (A Realm Reborn), и его часто сравнивают с другой профессией ближнего боя, драгуном.


  • 1. Как стать монахом? (доступ к профессии)
  • 2. Стиль игры и особенности профессии
  • 3. Небоевые классы для монахов
  • 4. Лучшая раса для монаха
  • 5. Дополнительные материалы
  • 6. Заключение

1. Как стать монахом? (доступ к профессии)

Чтобы стать монахом, прокачайте борца до 30 уровня и выполните классовое задание Return of the Holyfist. После этого вы получите доступ к заданию Brother from Another Mother (у Gagaruna в гильдии борцов, Ul’dah – Steps of Thal).

Кроме того, необходимо выполнить сюжетное задание Sylph Management (оно доступно с 20 уровня, не исключено, что вы его уже выполнили).

Выполнив задание Brother from Another Mother, наденьте Soul of the Monk, чтобы стать монахом. Ранее для доступа к монаху нужно было прокачать не только борца, но и копейщика. К счастью, это требование больше не действует.

2. Стиль игры и особенности профессии

Если вы еще не выбрали себе профессию, возможно, вам стоит присмотреться к монаху.

Монах - это типичный "комбо-класс" с быстрыми атаками, многочисленными таймерами и позиционными ограничениями. Пожалуй, это самый динамичный класс ближнего боя в игре.

Монахи не только наносят неплохой персональный урон, но и усиливают союзников. Благодаря суммирующемуся эффекту Greased Lightning они обладают невероятно коротким глобальным кулдауном, однако некоторые их способности используются только из определенного положения. Одним игрокам эти особенности нравятся, а другие всячески их критикуют.

С эстетической точки зрения монах напоминает кулачного бойца, который вынужден двигаться со скоростью света. Когда-то артефактное оружие монахов служило объектом насмешек, но с тех пор оно было значительно улучшено. А еще оно невероятно круто выглядит!

Внимание! Выше мы описали лишь общие особенности профессии. Ее точное положение в рейтинге зависит от патча. Игровая мета постоянно меняется по решению разработчиков, не забывайте следить за обновлениями.

3. Небоевые классы для монахов

В большинстве MMO игроки имеют возможность изготавливать (крафтить) себе экипировку из различных материалов, собираемых по всему миру. Качество экипировки растет по мере повышения уровня навыка, поэтому навык обычно качается одновременно с уровнем персонажа.

В FFXIV дело обстоит иначе, и небоевые навыки прокачиваются отдельно. Если вы начали играть недавно, переключайтесь на небоевые классы только для того, чтобы своевременно расходовать лимит Leve Allowances.

Прокачав боевой класс, вы сможете сосредоточиться на DoH-классах, а потом и на DoL-классах (рыбную ловлю качать не обязательно).

4. Лучшая раса для монаха

Когда-то расы давали персонажам разные бонусы к характеристикам. Сейчас различия минимальны (не более 0,1% для лучшей и худшей расы).

Выберите расу, которая нравится вам визуально. Возможно, когда-нибудь вы захотите сменить основной боевой класс, и лучшая раса окажется для вас худшей, но вы этого даже не заметите.

5. Дополнительные материалы

Грядущие дополнения

В ближайшем будущем в гайд будут добавлены:

  • Ссылки на новые материалы (по мере наполнения сайта).
  • Списки и описание способностей
    (сейчас их можно найти прямо в игре, но новичкам они, как правило, не требуются).
  • Скриншоты игрового процесса
    и анимации.
  • Если у вас есть замечания или предложения, дайте нам знать!

6. Заключение

Базовый гайд предназначается для начинающих игроков, желающих определиться с выбором профессии.

Important info regarding Stormblood

Summoner Strengths and Weaknesses

The Basics - DoTs and Spells

Aetherflow Abilities


Cross Class Abilities and Macros

Notes Regarding Updating through Heavensward

Комментарии Important info regarding Stormblood This guide is very, very out of date with stormblood, and will not be updated, as I now play monk and samurai. Summoner Strengths and Weaknesses

VERY high raid utility - From being the only DPS with a Combat Raise to Eye for an Eye to Virus, Summoners have very high, if not the highest, DPS raid utility

Sustained damage - Summoners' damage is spread across Ruin, DoTs and your Pet, meaninig you are very unlikely to pull aggro off the tank

Ability to tank (although not advised) - Titan Egi can tank (though only 1 enemy at once) meaning some responsibilty can be taken off the tank if needed

Reasonable Mobility - If you can stop for the first 8 seconds and apply your DoTs, you can be fully mobile with Ruin II, although you will have to stop to reapply your DoTs

(Currently) Lowest damage on a DPS, but more than made up for by it's raid utility.
DPS is massively increased in Heavensward, so this weakness no longer applies with heavensward.

Difficult - From Pet to DoT and Aetherflow management, keeping everything you have up on yourself, your target and your pet, Summoner is far from the easiest class

MP Regen - Summoners can be put out for a while even after being Revived due to lack of very good MP regeneration, meaning DoTs or a pet must sometimes be left off to keep MP away from 0.

The Summoner's key stat is INT, so you'll want to get as much of this as possible and put ALL your ACN points into INT if you want to play summoner over scholar.

Your second key stat is Crit, NOT spell speed. Because of the passive that every time time your pet crits you have a 20% chance to get a spell speed buff for 10 seconds, with good enough crit you can be on an almost constant spell speed buff, meaning both are important, but Crit is preferred.

NOTE: Build spell speed after Heavensward as it now increases your DoT damage, so it is more important. Build Crit without HW.

The Basics - DoTs and Spells

Bio II (Lvl 26)
Miasma (Lvl 10)
Bio (Lvl 2)

In that order. Under level 26, apply Miasma first, then Bio.

Your basic offensive spell will generally be Ruin, which is by far the best in MOST situations. Ruin II may seem like a better option as it is instant cast, but it drains your MP much more, and the ways of regaining it are limited. Ruin II will be used if you want to apply a spell that is off Global Cooldown, such as Spur or Rouse.

You will always want at least one Aetherflow stack up in case you need to use it near the end of Aetherflow's cooldown for reagining MP or later spreading your DoTs, try not to ever leave yourself with zero Aetherflow stacks unless Aetherflow is off cooldown.

Eye for an eye can be thrown out on the tank before boss battles in dungeons, and it is not really required at any other stage.

Miasma II and Tri-Disaster are pointless and are never used, exept for Miasma II in one boss battle. Not even needed on your hotbar.

*Tri-Disaster has been changed and is very useful in HW, Tri-Bind is now very rarely used.

Shadow flare should always be thrown out on trash mobs in dungeons or when a boss sapwns adds, as the slow is invaluable.

Aetherflow Abilities

The 3 Aetherflow abilities are as follows, all of which consume a stack of Aetherflow. Up to 3 stacks can be active at once, when Aetherdam III trait is learned (Lvl 40):

Energy Drain (Lvl 8)
Bane (Lvl 30)
Fester (Lvl 35)

Energy Drain is only used if you are low on MP, it's damage is lacking in comparison to Fester.

Bane Spreads your DoTs to nearby targets, making it very useful on trash packs or bosses that spawn adds. Always have all 3 dots up and on long duration before using this.

Fester is an attack that increases in damage the more DoTs you have on the target, and this is very good on bosses and monsters, but only use when you have all 3 DoTs up.

Generally, you wnt to use Aetherflow stacks in relation to it's cooldown. Use one stack in the first 15 seconds on it's cooldown, then another at 30s, and the last stack when Aetherflow is off cooldown.


The Summons accesible fall into two categories: Tank and DPS

Tank Summons are Topaz Carbuncle and later Titan Egi, and these should only be used when in solo, never in dugneons unless the tank asks for them.

DPS summons are Emerald Carbuncle, Ifrit Egi and Garuda Egi. These will ALWAYS be used in dungeons and want to be put on Obey to avoid spells being used unneccesarily (Emerald Carbuncle and Garuda's knockback attack is very annoying for melee DPS and tanks). Emerald Carbuncle should be used until Lvl 30, then Ifrit Egi and finally Garuda Egi as soon as she's available.

Garuda vs Ifrit:

Garuda is generally preferred to Ifrit, mainly for Garuda's Contagion, which extends all your DoTs by 15 seconds, which is very useful, especially on bosses. Also, Garuda is ranged whereas Ifrit is melee, so Gardua is alot less likely to die from AoEs and other abilities that enemies use. Garuda also has Aerial Slash, an AoE that is the best damaging AoE the summoner has. Almost always, use Garuda over Ifrit.

NOTE: With the buff to Iftit-egi in Heavensward, i find myself now using Ifrit on Sic over Garuda. I recommend using Garuda an Obey however before/without Heavensward.

Enkindle (Lvl 50)
Rouse (Lvl 42)
Spur (Lvl 45)

Enkindle uses a signature ability for your pet, and the only one this is used on really is Garuda, which gives a good AoE around the target, so use when there are many Adds.

Rosue and Spur both boost your pet's damage by 40%, and its a personal preference mostly whether to use both at once or one at once, but that's up to you.

Cross Class Abilities and Macros

Only one Cross Class abilty from THM is truly useful - Swiftcast (THM, Lvl 26) which I thouroughly recommend getting. This is used in the most of the macros that are to follow.

Another 2 useful abilities are Hawk's Eye (ARC Lvl 26) and Raging Strikes (ARC Lvl 4). I recommend using raging strikes before Dreadwyrm in Heavensward as it will apply the whole way through, and try to tri-disaster to apply your DoTs under raging strikes too as every tick will be buffed.

These are not mandatory but I recommend them.

Summon Pet (change "Summon" to "Summon II" and "Summon III" for the different Summons):

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Though now under Garlean rule, the city-state of Ala Mhigo once boasted the greatest military might of all Eorzea. Among its standing armies were the monks—ascetic warriors as dreaded by foes on the field of battle as the city-state's great pikemen. The monks comprised an order known as the Fist of Rhalgr, and it was to this god—the Destroyer—that they devoted their lives of worship. By mastering seats of power within the body known as chakra, they are capable of performing extraordinary physical feats.

Monks are hand-to-hand fighters. Their moves include all sorts of fastly-sequenced physical combos, with a flurry of punches and kicks which build up even greater strength as they unlock their inner chakra.


General information


The Pugilist's Guild is in Ul'dah - Steps of Nald. Pugilists may specialize into monk once they reach level 30, and complete the quests Sylph-management and Return of the Holyfist.


The monk is a disciple of war and wears leather armor. They use fist weapons. The following crafting classes can create items that are useful to the monk:



PvE actions

PvP actions

Melee DPS actions


PvE traits

Job mechanics

No longer effective as of Patch 5.4 on 12/10/2020

These mechanics have been replaced by automatically learned Traits. The gauges will no longer show for Pugilists/Monks.

Greased Lightning is now passive and always on.

Lightning Gauge in PvE

Executing certain weaponskills will grant stacks of Greased Lightning. The remaining time of this effect is displayed in the Lightning Gauge.

The effect can be stacked up to three times after learning the trait Enhanced Greased Lightning (acquired at level 40), four times after learning the trait Riddle of Wind at level 76. However, a fourth stack can only be gained while under the effect of Fists of Wind.

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Upon learning the action Anatman, you can temporarily halt the Greased Lightning timer and maintain your present form. While the timer is halted, you will accumulate stacks of Greased Lightning and its remaining duration will be increased to maximum.

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Simple Mode

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Chakra Gauge in PvE

Upon learning the action Meditation, the Chakra Gauge will be displayed.

Using actions such as Meditation and Brotherhood (acquired at level 70) open your chakra. After opening your fifth chakra, you can execute the Forbidden Chakra (acquired at level 54) and Enlightenment (acquired at level 74).

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Simple Mode

Chakra gauge pve simple mode1.jpg

Lightning Gauge in PvP

The Lightning Gauge indicates a monk's current amount of Greased Lightning, as well as the time remaining before the effect fades. Greased Lightning is accumulated by executing certain weaponskills, improving attack speed and damage dealt. Up to three stacks can be stored at one time, with a fourth stack being granted upon executing Fists of Wind.

Lightning gauge pvp1.jpg

Simple Mode

Chakra Gauge in PvP

The Chakra Gauge indicates the number of chakra a monk currently has opened. Chakra are opened by executing certain actions. Opening five allows for the execution of Enlightenment.

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