Fallen princess lucia story прохождение

Обновлено: 06.07.2024


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Big Brother v.

Язык игры: Английский, русский
Язык интерфейса: Английский, русский

Разработчик: Dark Silver (Patreon)

Системные требования:
- Операционная система: 7 / 8 / 10
- Процессор: Pentium IV 1.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 1 GB Memory
- Видео-карта: 512 Mb DX11
- Свободное место на диске:

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Если игра работает не корректно, то попробуйте запустить её через " dx9 " Нравится Показать список оценивших


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Жанр игры: RPGM
Язык игры: Русский

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Описание игры:
Салли была дочерью некогда богатой семьи. Несмотря на то, что её младший брат болен и нуждается в очень дорогостоящем лечении, её отец полностью забил на семью, и накопив огромный долг, сбежал, оставив их на произвол судьбы.
Салли по случаю судьбы попадает в трущобы, где и начинается её новая жизнь.

Системные требования (минимальные):
CPU 2.0GHz
ПО: RPG Tkool VX Ace RTP

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Жанр игры: JRPG
Язык игры: Английский

Разработчик: Black Panda

Системные требования (минимальные):
CPU:Intel i5
Video:OpenGL support

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Кирилл Райский

Кирилл Райский Ля, 8гб
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Язык игры: Русский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский

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Описание игры: Общая цель игры состоит в том, что вы должны развратить как можно больше людей в вашем городе, при этом не умереть и не быть уволенным. К каждому персонажу может быть свой подход и он может быть не один, а несколько. Постепенно продвигаясь по игре, можно оказаться в разных ситуациях, а влиять на них или нет, зависит от игрока.
Игра имеет возможность запускать различные сценарии, которые отвечают не только за сюжет но и за всю окружающую среду вокруг игрока. В данный момент для версии 1.9.2 сценариев есть: 1.
Сценарий - Смоллвиль.
Смоллвиль - это небольшой городок с прекрасными людьми и обычной работой, где учащиеся только и ждут, когда их развратят. Вас назначили ее новым директором, чтобы достичь того, чего ваши предшественники не смогли.
Цель этого сценария: закончить учебный год и хорошо подготовить учеников к экзаменам. Каким методом достигнет этого директор, сможет ли он справится с давлением родительского комитета и что это вообще за город Смоллвиль - ответы на эти вопросы может найти сам игрок.

Своего директора вместе с его фетишами можно создать перед началом игры.

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* Ecchi overview
Mainly pose artwork with special single-image CG ero scenes,
parameter-based reactions, special events with outfit changes (no main kisekae).
Battles and erotica are integrated with a seamless transition.
There are no battle scenes themselves.

* Playtime
For the shortest Bad End 2 hours, for the True Route 5+ hours

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image hosted at ImgDrive.net


* Ecchi overview
Mainly pose artwork with special single-image CG ero scenes,
parameter-based reactions, special events with outfit changes (no main kisekae).
Battles and erotica are integrated with a seamless transition.
There are no battle scenes themselves.

* Playtime
For the shortest Bad End 2 hours, for the True Route 5+ hours

Fallen Princess Lucia Story

Today I am having a look at Fallen Princess Lucia Story which is a lewd RPG that a buddy of mine swears by. I think that there are so many lewd RPGs that they can kind of all seem similar and I do think that is the case here. Still, while some lewd RPGs (like this one here) do not exactly go above and beyond in terms of originality. They can still be fun and I think that fun is probably the best way to describe what is going on here.

The Demon King Has Risen Again

I do not know what it is, but any game, TV show, movie, or whatever that makes mention of some kind of demon king is always going to get my attention. The plot of the game is good in that it kind of plays it straight, but there is also a bit of a sense of humor here too. In Fallen Princess Lucia Story, we play as Lucia.

The game takes place in a fantasy land, a land that is having some good times thanks to the evil demon king being sealed away for over 100 years. Of course, the seal is going to be broken and only our badass heroine, Lucia has the guts, skills, and sassiness to put that demon king back in his place

Fun With Your Clothes On

I really want to talk about the visuals of Fallen Princess Lucia Story in some detail as this is a bit of a mixed bag for me. The actual game looks like most other lewd RPGs do that are made with RPG Maker and honestly, I am fine with that. There is a decent amount of variety to the places you go, actually, the world this game is set in does kind of remind me of Hyrule from A Link to the Past.

The majority of the game is played from that top-down perspective, but there are plenty of lewd scenes as you would expect. Here is the thing, I love the design of Lucia. I think she has that perfect blend of cute and sexy and she is awesome. However, when she is naked, she really does not do it for me as her body proportions make her look like a kid and it is rather off-putting. Granted this just may be the way I am seeing the game, but I felt that I needed to mention it.

Questing Is Besting

Before we discuss the gameplay of Fallen Princess Lucia Story, let me ask you a question. Have you ever played a lewd RPG that has a kind of retro top-down visual style? I am pretty sure that the answer to that will be yes, well let me tell you that this game has pretty much all of the tropes you would expect. You will take on various quests, eventually, unlock the ability to do side missions and you are always trying to level up.

The combat in the game is done automatically. You come across an enemy and you just start fighting until one of your runs out of HP. This is a very basic style of combat and reminds me of some of the 16-bit titles I enjoyed.

I know that what we have here with Fallen Princess Lucia Story may not exactly be the most original lewd game we have ever seen, but I think that this is a pretty decent game. I know I was not keen on the way that Lucia looked when she was naked, but the rest of the game is very appealing to me. The game is not too long, but I found myself entertained while I was playing it. If you like lewd RPGs and want one that does what it does well, you cannot go wrong with this.

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