Exanima прохождение 6 уровня

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

One wears the Magic Mask and is trapped behind a jammed door. One possesses the Two Ribbon Token.

Notable Loot [ ]

One set is guaranteed to spawn in various chests, pieces of the set are more likely to spawn in chests beyond eye & ribbon doors.

The token adorned with two ribbons is in the possession of an Undead Warrior.

Each token is engraved with a different symbol corresponding to identical symbols located on the ground in front of said doors.

Lore Scrolls [ ]

We did well to refuse our past and abandon such dark practices. I would hope that Thaven too might reach this conclusion, but I fear otherwise, and that he must be stopped. I now regret having sent word to him, he cannot save me anyway.

These golems have proven an impassable barrier for me, I must turn back. I was shocked and dismayed to see them animate. At first I thought them to be lifeless constructs, a product of magics that I cannot fathom, and yet I sense something from them. Being versed in necromancy as I am, I fear these may be the result of something horrible, far worse than the practices of my art.

What if all that I see here is explained by the harvesting of souls as a source of power? Minds reduced and locked in the eternal
torment of serving some mundane purpose. The notion is frightful.

Many now come to our doors. I suppose they wish to be prepared for what's ahead. It is good to see fresh blood, but I am concerned by the implications of their selfish purpose. That is not what we're here for. I woke to terrible screams. Who could sleep through that? A group must have stayed in hiding, and once we were almost all gone they raided the armouries. I assume they killed an officer to gain access. Many were killed, but our attempts to stop them were ultimately futile. I was backed into this room and they blocked the door. They did not see I was carrying this mask. It has been some time now. I don't know how long. I don't think anyone will come for me. Are the other all dead? This mask will sustain me for some time, but I fear it will only prolong my suffering This appears to have been an alchemical treatise holding many
recipes for the transmutation of materials and producing magical effects. A great many of its pages seem to have been torn out in a terrible hurry. What is left written in words that are mostly beyond your comprehension.

Walkthrough [ ]

Areas are defined by places where you need the appropriate Token to access. The level starts in a neutral area where a token is not needed until the player finds a fairly large circle-shaped room. The room has a very memorable cauldron fireplace in the middle, and often two or more double-doors.

Spider [ ]

It's very easy for players entering the 5th level for the first time to open this door without second thought, just to be promptly smacked around by the two golems nearby. The spider token is rather easy to find beforehand with a bit of exploration.

Round Shield [ ]

Heater Shield [ ]

The Golem President can be found and fought here. After death it can be looted for a large blue encased Crystal, it currently does nothing but this may change. In the same room, the player may equip a powerful Golem Suit which requires blue crystals for power. There is a locked door whose key can be found in a three-ribbons room, the door only leads to hostile Golems.

Two-Ribbon [ ]

An undead warrior roaming an early Eye area is holding the token for this area. Sometimes, he can appear within the Two-Ribbon area itself, requiring the player to fight Golems.

Three-Ribbon [ ]

The three-ribbon token is unobtainable, making passage through three-ribbon doors unsafe.

Оценок: 334 Examina Maps От Evendark All maps redrawn for an oriented gaming experience :)
Alle Maps nachgezeichnet für ein orientiertes Spielerlebnis :)








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Оглавление руководства

Info (Spoilers on the Maps!!) / (Spoilers auf den Maps!!)

Maps (Spoiler Inhalte. )

let's play this :)

Комментарии Info (Spoilers on the Maps!!) / (Spoilers auf den Maps!!)

After a week of hours drawing, pixels for pixels with paint :D, I would like to share with you the cards I have created.
Who likes the hard work and use this maps can send me a small donation.

Have fun with it!

Nach einer Woche des Stundenlangen zeichnens, pixel für pixel mir Paint möchte ich mit euch die Karten die ich erstellt habe teilen.
Wer mag und diese Klasse findet und nutzt darf mir gerne freiwillig eine kleine Spende zukommen lassen.

Viel Spass damit!

Dont look if you don't like Spoilers
Nicht schauen wenn du keine Spoiler möchtest

Maps (Spoiler Inhalte. )

Level 1, 2, 3, 4 (Sir Monster), 5 (Crossroads), 5.5 (Sewers), 6 (Golem), Catacombs

Tokens from Level 6 S/R/H/E near marked Area sometimes different loot container.
Token Ribbon II (2) is a enemy drop

Am besten verwendet man Klarsichtfolie und einen Wasserlöslicher Stift!
It is best to use transparent film and a water-soluble pen

Exanima: Читы игры

Привет и добро пожаловать в Apocanow. Мы представляем вам статью, в которой говорится о полном руководстве и решении Exanima. Мы надеемся, что вам будет полезно, и вы можете позволить себе добраться до конца игры.

Не могли бы вы улучшить это руководство? Мы были бы очень рады узнать, как, чтобы вы могли создать лучшую статью, обновив ее своими советами.

Эта игра была выпущена 29/03/2015, и решения, которые мы имеем, действительны для PC. Этот список будет обновляться с течением времени каждый раз, когда мы замечаем существование новых консолей, на которых Exanima был опубликован.

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