Doom hell revealed прохождение

Обновлено: 03.07.2024


Demo packs [ edit ]

Three official demo packs were released for Hell Revealed. The first, Hell Revealed Help Demos (, is a collection of demos recorded on Ultra-Violence in no monsters mode to show how to complete each level with 100% secrets. The only exception is the demo for MAP07: Arachnophobia, which was recorded on I'm Too Young to Die because the level is not possible to complete without monsters.

The remaining two packs are UV max demo collections. The first, the Hell Revealed UV LMP Collection (, was recorded by Yonatan Donner, Kai-Uwe Humpert, Daniel Lindgren and Peo Sjöblom, with a total time of 9:34:22. The demo for MAP25: Dead Progressive, a 5:00 demo recorded by Humpert, was the winner of a brief UV max competition on that level run by Donner shortly after Hell Revealed's release, whose demos are collected in on the official website and available individually on the WAD's Doomed Speed Demos Archive page.

The second, the Hell Revealed UV LMP Collection 2.0 (, was recorded with the same team minus Lindgren but including Anders Johnsen, Adam Hegyi, Esko Koskimaa, Henning Skogstø, and Jonas Feragen. In this pack, two demos each are provided for MAP26: Afterlife and MAP30: Hell Revealed. MAP26 has a demo without ghost monsters and one demo with them, and MAP30 has one demo without 100% Kills and one with them. The total time with MAP26's ghost monsters and 100% Kills on MAP30 is 5:42:42, saving three hours, 51 minutes and 40 seconds. The pack also includes UV -fast demos for 20 of the levels, including an extra demo for MAP01: Into the Gate additionally recorded in UV Tyson style by Peo Sjöblom.

All UV max and UV -fast records set by these demo packs have since been beaten by the players of the Compet-n.

Infopack [ edit ]

The welcome screen of the infopack.

Like Memento Mori and Memento Mori II, Hell Revealed has an "infopack" available separately from the WAD, contained in Like that of its later contemporary Requiem, it is a 16-bit Windows application, meaning it will not run in 64-bit versions of Windows without emulation or the use of a virtual machine. It was created by Yonatan Donner using Astound, a then-popular presentation program by Gold Disk Software; a splash screen advertising Astound appears when the application is closed.

Because of the program used to make it, the infopack takes the form of a slide show presentation. It takes up the entire screen, with the space not covered by the graphics colored a solid black. The user is shown a section header, a screenshot, a big text box, and four clickable buttons: one to quit, one to see the table of contents for the slide show, and two to go to either the previous or next page of the presentation. The first page is a welcome screen, followed by an introduction to the WAD, gameplay information, credits, information on the demo pack, the story, and individual pages for all 32 levels. It concludes with a humorous "Behind the Scenes" page quoting conversations between Donner and Niv, and a "Thanks" page that includes thanks to two people "for disturbing us all the time and not letting us work". While the program runs, Lee Jackson's arrangement of Henry Purcell's "Music for the Funeral of Queen Mary" for Rise of the Triad plays in an endless loop.

Story [ edit ]

The WAD's story is tongue-in-cheek and only five sentences long. The marine wakes up with a visible status bar along with a pistol and 50 bullets, put in an infested "jumpgate" lab by "two mad WAD creators." The marine must use the jumpgate, discover their mission, finish every level and "send a letter of complaint to the madmen who sent [them] here." Reading the rest of the story requires one to "send $500 to us" or "enter a nuthouse." The last sentence explains that "This is Doom, man - just go in there and kill!"

Раньше мне нравилось летсплеить – на протяжении полугода я почти каждый вечер садился и записывал видосы, без остановки наговаривая в микрофон откровенную ересь и корча рожи в вебку. Сейчас что-то и желания нет особенного, и настроения, и времени, но в моих планах все-таки заняться более серьезно разделом с прохождениями уровней Doom на сайте. Я записал прохождение Дум 2 (первый эпизод, MAP01-MAP07) со всеми убийствами и секретами чисто для демонстрации ряда модов, которые публиковал ранее.

doom letsplay

Итак, база – порт GZDoom 3.7.2 и мод Brutal Doom v21 RC8, на момент записи прохождения Doom 2 это самая последняя версия модификации.

YouTube video

Я вообще хотел записать летсплей с Brutal Doom: Black Edition, но в итоге все-таки остановился на дистрибутиве исходного мода.

Когда-то давно я именно так и развлекался, убивая полчаса свободного времени, пробегая первые семь уровней Doom 2 на скорость или просто от скуки. Дальше обычно я уставал и выключал игру, но я хочу записать прохождение и остальных уровней, только уже с другими модами.

Для создания соответствующего настроения я играл с саундтреком Doom 2016 и установил HD текстуры для Doom. В качестве интерфейсного мода использовался минималистичный NC HUD 2.4.0. Дополнительно стояли аддоны Simple Motion Blur (размытие в движении), Camera Tilt (покачивание камеры при движении) и Weapon Sway (движение рук с оружием).

Hell Revealed II (HR2) is a 32-level megawad for Doom II and the sequel to the legendary Hell Revealed. The WAD was authored by a team of 14 members led by Jonas Feragen. It was released in December of 2003. Many have admired this megawad for being quite possibly one of the most difficult wads to date.

Hell Revealed II had a long gestation, with development beginning in 1998. On February 14th 2000 a "beta" version of the megawad was released with 15 levels, and two secret levels. A number of demos were recorded on this version. The intention was to release the full megawad that year, but several years passed before Andy Olivera pulled the project together and released the final version. One of the levels, Beyond The Sea, was actually taken from an earlier Andy Olivera WAD, D2200EP1, released in 1998.


Differences between Beta and Final versions [ edit ]

All the levels in the Beta version made it to the final version, but several levels were moved around:

  • Hardcore was moved from MAP08 to MAP13.
  • Excess Meat was moved from MAP11 to MAP18.
  • Raw Hatred was moved from MAP13 to MAP11.
  • Mind Trap was moved from MAP14 to MAP19.

There is also a second version of the Hell Revealed II Beta, with a wadfile dated to February 15th 2000. Demos recorded on some levels are incompatible between the two versions.

MAP30: Hell Revealed, designed by Yonatan Donner, is the thirtieth and final map of Hell Revealed.


Description [ edit ]

According to the Hell Revealed info pack:

The Hell Revealed finale requires skill, good aim and speed. Once you leave the protected area, be quick and destroy the evil demon before the area fills with hundreds of monsters. But can you aim with all that's going on around you? Size: small Difficulty: very hard

Walkthrough [ edit ]

Map of Hell Revealed

Essentials [ edit ]

Grab all the goodies in the starting room, and leap into the pentagram that stands before your starting point. You will be taken to the main arena where the real fight takes place.

If you are playing on the higher difficulty levels, it is imperative to eliminate all enemies (especially the cyberdemon, arch-viles and revenants in the area) before tackling the spawn shooter. Otherwise, it will be impossible to launch a successful attack. Monster infighting can greatly help here due to the sheer amount of powerful enemies. If this level feels too difficult, just do not use any weapon (so the spawn shooter stays asleep) but run around to let infighting clear out the enemy.

Tackling the final boss basically requires the same strategy as Doom II; activate the switch behind your spawn point, run down to the platform with the megasphere (grab it if you need it), and time your rockets correctly. Be sure to watch out for airborne enemies or monsters with accurate attacks, such as arachnotrons and arch-viles.

If you need to go for another run, jump into one of the two teleporters at the bottom right below the spawn shooter's head and head back to where the switch is. There are a few supercharge artifacts, some energy cell packs and plenty of rocket boxes in the arena, so grab any if necessary.

The spawn shooter can be troublesome here, as it spawns four spawn cubes instead of one. As ammo is limited here, kill the final boss before he swarms you with his hellspawn. The final boss requires about 3 rockets to kill, assuming you get them all into his forehead.

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