Алхимия геншин импакт где находится

Обновлено: 02.07.2024

Чтобы инструмент стал доступен для создания у алхимика или кузнеца, вначале вам нужно получить его чертёж, который потом нужно будет выучить. Находиться он будет в последней вкладке инвентаря «Драгоценности».

Все доступные в данный момент чертежи инструментов получаются методом повышения ранга репутации в Мондштадте и Ли Юэ. Доступные для получения чертежи вы можете просмотреть у неигровых персонажей, которые заведуют репутационными заданиями в каждом городе.

Некоторые инструменты можно получить в заданиях мира и событиях, не создавая их.

Список инструментов

Название Иконка Краткое описание Где крафтить Получение Многоразовый?
Камень эха анемокула Камень, который можно использовать в Мондштадте для поиска анемокулов. Репутация ур. 2 в Мондштадте Нет
Бутыль ловца ветра Бутылка, в которой можно хранить до пяти Ковка Репутация ур. 3 в Мондштадте Да
Сухпаёк (Меню № 30) Сумка с двумя слотами, одна для еды восстановления HP, а другая для еды воскрешения персонажа, доступная из панели быстрого доступа. Ковка Репутация ур. 5 в Мондштадте Да
Анемо компас сокровищ При использовании в Мондштадте указывает на сундуки поблизости. Ковка Репутация ур. 6 в Мондштадте Да
Карманный телепорт Используйте этот предмет, чтобы создать точку телепортации в месте применения. Одновременно может существовать только одна такая точка. Алхимия Нет
Камень эха геокула Камень, который можно использовать в Ли Юэ для поиска геокулов. Алхимия Репутация ур. 2 в Ли Юэ Нет
Печь искателя Адептов Переносная печь, для готовки в полевых условиях. Она уничтожится, если вы ввяжетесь в бой рядом с ней. Ковка Репутация ур. 5 в Ли Юэ Нет
Гео компас сокровищ При использовании в Ли Юэ указывает на сундуки поблизости. Ковка Репутация ур. 6 в Ли Юэ Да
Фотокамера Удобный инструмент, позволяющий запечатлеть изображения окружающего вас мира. Задание мира Специальная «фотокамера» При использовании этот удобный инструмент может запечатлеть изображение окружающего вас мира и добавить к нему особый цветовой фон. Параметрический преобразователь Для успешной трансмутации нужно во время процесса использовать элементальные атаки.

После получения трансмутированных материалов нужно подождать 7 дней перед повторным использованием.

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Алхимический компонент: Бремя пыли — один из чертежей мебели в игре Genshin Impact. Алхимический компонент: Бремя пыли можно приобрести у торговцев.

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После использования чертежа вы можете перейти в меню создания для просмотра.‎

Где купить Алхимический компонент: Бремя пыли

Материал Алхимический компонент: Бремя пыли можно приобрести у торговца Пухляш

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Alchemy allows the crafting of higher rarity Character and Weapon Ascension Materials, Weapon Ascension Materials, Character Talent Materials, Potions, and Character Ascension Materials, as well as being used to make some Gadgets. It allows players to convert ascension materials using the Dust of Azoth and Dream Solvent.

The Parametric Transformer also can be used for material transformation when activated by elemental magic, but in a not wholly controllable way.

The Art of Khemia was an advanced form of Alchemy that sustained the underground Kingdom of Khaenri'ah.


Performing Alchemy

Players must be at a Crafting Bench to perform Alchemy.

To craft higher rarity materials, three of a lower tier material are combined and catalysed with Mora in a reaction that gives just one of a higher tier material. The player needs to increase their Adventure Rank in order to unlock the ability to create certain materials.

Alchemy can also be used create potions that will provide a elemental resistance or attack boosts, as well as other items like Condensed Resin. The Dust of Azoth allows conversion of a gem or fragment of one elemental material to another elemental material of the same rarity. Dream Solvent allows conversion of Weekly Boss drops from the same boss into each other.


Character and Weapon Ascension Materials

There are 36 recipes for Common Ascension Materials available:

Icon Name Rarity
Slime Secretions
Slime Concentrate
Stained Mask
Ominous Mask
Sealed Scroll
Forbidden Curse Scroll
Sharp Arrowhead
Weathered Arrowhead
Black Bronze Horn
Black Crystal Horn
Dead Ley Line Leaves
Ley Line Sprout
Chaos Circuit
Chaos Core
Mist Grass
Mist Grass Wick
Agent's Sacrificial Knife
Inspector's Sacrificial Knife
Sergeant's Insignia
Lieutenant's Insignia
Silver Raven Insignia
Golden Raven Insignia
Shimmering Nectar
Energy Nectar
Sturdy Bone Shard
Fossilized Bone Shard
Kageuchi Handguard
Famed Handguard
Chaos Axis
Chaos Oculus
Crystal Prism
Polarizing Prism
Spectral Heart
Spectral Nucleus
Concealed Talon
Concealed Unguis

Weapon Ascension Materials

There are 27 recipes for Weapon Ascension Materials available:

Icon Name Rarity
Debris of Decarabian's City
Fragment of Decarabian's Epic
Scattered Piece of Decarabian's Dream
Boreal Wolf's Cracked Tooth
Boreal Wolf's Broken Fang
Boreal Wolf's Nostalgia
Chains of the Dandelion Gladiator
Shackles of the Dandelion Gladiator
Dream of the Dandelion Gladiator
Lustrous Stone from Guyun
Relic from Guyun
Divine Body from Guyun
Mist Veiled Mercury Elixir
Mist Veiled Gold Elixir
Mist Veiled Primo Elixir
Piece of Aerosiderite
Bit of Aerosiderite
Chunk of Aerosiderite
Jeweled Branch of a Distant Sea
Jade Branch of a Distant Sea
Golden Branch of a Distant Sea
Narukami's Joy
Narukami's Affection
Narukami's Valor
Mask of the Tiger's Bite
Mask of the One-Horned
Mask of the Kijin

Character Talent Materials

There are 18 recipes for Talent Level-Up Materials available:

Icon Name Rarity
Guide to Freedom
Philosophies of Freedom
Guide to Resistance
Philosophies of Resistance
Guide to Ballad
Philosophies of Ballad
Guide to Prosperity
Philosophies of Prosperity
Guide to Diligence
Philosophies of Diligence
Guide to Gold
Philosophies of Gold
Guide to Transience
Philosophies of Transience
Guide to Elegance
Philosophies of Elegance
Guide to Light
Philosophies of Light


There are 12 recipes for Potions available:

Icon Name Rarity
Heatshield Potion
Desiccant Potion
Frostshield Potion
Windbarrier Potion
Insulation Potion
Dustproof Potion
Flaming Essential Oil
Streaming Essential Oil
Frosting Essential Oil
Gushing Essential Oil
Shocking Essential Oil
Unmoving Essential Oil

Character Ascension Materials

There are 18 recipes for Character Ascension Materials available:

Icon Name Rarity
Agnidus Agate Fragment
Agnidus Agate Chunk
Agnidus Agate Gemstone
Varunada Lazurite Fragment
Varunada Lazurite Chunk
Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone
Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
Shivada Jade Fragment
Shivada Jade Chunk
Shivada Jade Gemstone
Prithiva Topaz Fragment
Prithiva Topaz Chunk
Prithiva Topaz Gemstone


There are 7 recipes for Gadgets available:

Icon Name Rarity
Anemoculus Resonance Stone
Geoculus Resonance Stone
Portable Waypoint
Straight Shooter
Floaty Splody
Hot Pod
Electroculus Resonance Stone

There are 4 recipes for Bait available:

Icon Name Rarity
Fruit Paste Bait
Redrot Bait
False Worm Bait
Fake Fly Bait

Quest and Special Items

There are 4 recipes for Quest and Special Items available:

Icon Name Rarity
Fate's Yearning Essential Oil
Golden House Maiden Essential Oil
Mint Essential Oil
Valley Weaver Essential Oil


Character Ascension Material

Main article: Dust of Azoth

Character Ascension Material of the same rarity can be converted into each other by using Dust of Azoth. The amount of dust need per conversion is dependent on the rarity of the Elemental Gem.

Transfigured Dreams

Main article: Dream Solvent

Dream Solvent can be used to convert Weekly Boss drops for ascending talents. It can only convert between materials from the same boss. One Dream Solvent is needed to convert a single material. When using Crafting Benches, the conversion recipes involving Dream Solvent are listed under "Transfigured Dreams."

Mystic Offering

Mystic Offering is unlocked at Adventure Rank 45.

Artifact Strongbox

Main article: Artifact Strongbox

Three 5-Star Artifacts can be sacrificed to obtain an Artifact Strongbox, which contains a random Artifact. There are 4 types of artifacts to choose from when creating an Artifact Strongbox.

Character Bonuses

Certain characters have Talents that provides a bonus while performing crafting.

7 Talents match the category selection:

Character Name Description Type

Albedo Albedo

Flash of Genius Flash of Genius
When Albedo crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, he has a 10% chance to receive double the product. Utility Passive

Eula Eula

Aristocratic Introspection Aristocratic Introspection
When Eula crafts Character Talent Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product. Utility Passive

Kamisato Ayaka Kamisato Ayaka

Fruits of Shinsa Fruits of Shinsa
When Ayaka crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 10% chance to receive double the product. Utility Passive

Lisa Lisa

General Pharmaceutics General Pharmaceutics
When Lisa crafts a potion, she has a 20% chance to refund one count of one material out of all the crafting materials used. Utility Passive

Mona Mona

Principium of Astrology Principium of Astrology
When Mona crafts Weapon Ascension Materials, she has a 25% chance to refund one count of one material out of all the crafting materials used. Utility Passive

Sucrose Sucrose

Astable Invention Astable Invention
When Sucrose crafts Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials, she has a 10% chance to obtain double the product. Utility Passive

Xingqiu Xingqiu

Flash of Genius Flash of Genius
When Xingqiu crafts Character Talent Materials, he has a 25% chance to refund a portion of the crafting materials used. Utility Passive


The crafting bonuses from talents are typically one of the following:

  • 25% chance to refund one count of one material used
  • 20% chance to refund one count of one material used
  • 10% chance to double the product

Over time, in terms of the number of additional products, these bonuses for recipes using three items are effectively:

    25% chance to refund one count of one material used: on average, for every three materials used,

In terms of the materials used per products, these bonuses are effectively:

  • 25% chance to refund one count of one material used: on average, 0.25 fewer materials required per product
  • 20% chance to refund one count of one material used: on average, 0.20 fewer materials required per product
  • 10% chance to double the product: on average,

Between these two bonuses, the 10% chance to double the product bonus will yield slightly more products over time for recipes requiring three materials.


25% chance refund

Suppose one starts with >" width="" height="" />
materials. For every 3 materials the probability of getting one back is p, so the expected number of materials refunded is \left(>\right)>" width="" height="" />
. One can also use these refunded materials to craft even more and get more refunded materials back. The expected number of materials refunded from these is (>)^>" width="" height="" />
. One can continue this process, so that theoretically, the number of materials gained is:

<\displaystyle x_<0></p>
<p>[>+(>)^+(>)^+\ldots ]=>>>

when summing the geometric series. This means that >>" width="" height="" />
more materials are gained from these passive talents. In turn, one will be able to craft around >>" width="" height="" />
portion more products (or >>" width="" height="" />
more products per 3 materials used).

So the total amount of materials that can be used for crafting is +>>=>>>" width="" height="" />
meaning one can craft >>>" width="" height="" />
products. Thus with the passive talent, the amount of materials used per product is " width="" height="" />
whereas otherwise it would be 3. Hence " width="" height="" />
fewer materials per product are used.

<\displaystyle p=1/4=25\%></p>
this means 0.25 fewer materials per product are used and >\approx 9\%>" width="" height="" />
more products can be crafted (or .09 more products per 3 materials used).

<\displaystyle p=1/5=20\%></p>
this means 0.20 fewer materials per product are used and >\approx 7\%>" width="" height="" />
more products can be crafted (or .07 more products per 3 materials used).

10% chance double

Albedo and Eula have a 10% chance to yield double the product when crafting. Thus 10% more products will be gained with this passive.

So if one starts with >" width="" height="" />
materials, they can gain >>>" width="" height="" />
products on average. With this passive, the amount of materials used per product is >>" width="" height="" />
so >\approx 0.27>" width="" height="" />
fewer materials per product are used on average.

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