Выберите и обведите правильный вариант he seen the film

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Choose the correct item.
e.g. Matt usually _ his homework after school.
A. doing
B. does
C. do
1 . I _ new to the school.
A. is
B. are
C. am
2 . I’m American. I’m from _ .
A. the USA
B. the UK
C. Canada
3 . Danny lives on the _ floor.
A. one
B. two
C. ground
4 . Who’s Kathy? She’s Laura’s _ .
A. father
B. brother
C. mother
5 . Sue and I are friends. _ walk to school together.
A. We
B. They
C. You
6 . ‘_you help me carry this box?’ ‘Of course!’
A. Will
B. Do
C. Are
7 . Rhinos have horns _ their heads.
A. on
B. up
C. out
8 . Have you got the time, please? Yes, it’s half _ six.
A. after
B. before
C. past
9 . We eat breakfast in the _ .
A. morning
B. afternoon
C. evening
10 . Can you put _ rice in my bowl, please?
A. any
B. a
C. some
11 . Put _ your scarf and gloves. It’s cold today!
A. away
B. on
C. in
12 . Do I look all right in this? Yes, _ fits you perfectly!
A. they
B. its
C. it
13 . Mr Williams is a _ . He always delivers our letters.
A. taxi driver
B. postman
C. baker
14 . There are six _ on the table.
A. knives
B. knife
C. box
15 . Has Jim got _ book?
A. those
B. these
C. this
16 . Whose house is that? It’s _ house.
A. Katies’
B. Katie
C. Katie and Jack’s
17 . You _ be quiet in the classroom.
A. mustn’t
B. must
C. always
18 . Ellen is going on safari. She _ to see lions.
A. want
B. will
C. wants
19 . What are you _ now?
A. does
B. do
C. doing
20 . We haven’t got _ milk in the fridge.
A. any
B. some
C. a
21 . Sam wears _ in the summer because it’s hot.
A. trousers
B. coats
C. shorts
22 . How _ rice can you eat?
A. much
B. many
C. some
23 . ‘Would you like to come fishing with me?’ ‘No, thanks! It’s _ .’
A. exciting
B. boring
C. enjoyable
24 . Will you come sailing with me? No, I _ .
A. will
B. don’t
C. won’t
25 . Have you got a toothache? You must see a _ .
A. doctor
B. dentist
C. teacher
26 . You _ go skiing. There isn’t any snow!
A. can’t
B. can
C. must
27 . _ time does the party start?
A. When
B. What
C. Where
28 . My hobby is walking. I like to go _ on the mountains.
A. swimming
B. sunbathing
C. hiking
29 . ‘Why don’t you come sailing?’ ‘I’m sorry, but I _ .’
A. can’t
B. am not
C. don’t
30 . This house belongs to John. It’s _ house.
A. her
B. our
C. his


Перевод задания
Выбери правильный вариант.
e.g. Мэтт обычно _ домашнее задание после школы.
A. doing
B. does
C. do
1 . Я _ новичок в школе.
A. is
B. are
C. am
2 . Я американец. Я из _ .
B. Великобритания
C. Канада
3 . Дэнни живет на _ этаже.
A. один
B. два
C. нижний
4 . Кто такая Кэти? Она _ Лоры.
A. отец
B. брат
C. мать
5 . Мы со Сью друзья . _ ходим в школу вместе.
A. Мы
B. Они
C. Вы
6 . «_ ты помогать мне нести этот ящик?» «Конечно!»
A. Will
B. Do
C. Are
7 . У носорогов есть рога _ их головы.
A. on
B. up
C. out
8 . Можете сказать мне время, пожалуйста? Да, половина _ шесть.
A. after
B. before
C. past
9 . Мы завтракаем в _.
A. утро
B. день
C. вечер
10 . Не могли бы вы положить _ риса в мою миску, пожалуйста?
A. any
B. a
C. some
11 . Put _ шарф и перчатки. Сегодня холодно!
A. away
B. on
C. in
12 . Хорошо ли я в этом выгляжу? Да , _ идеально вам подходит!
A. they
B. its
C. it
13 . Мистер Уильямс − _. Он всегда доставляет наши письма.
A. таксист
B. почтальон
C. пекарь
14 . На столе лежат шесть _ .
A. ножи
B. нож
C. коробка
15 . У Джима есть _ книга?
A. those
B. these
C. this
16 . Чей это дом? Это дом _ .
A. Katies’
B. Katie
C. Katie and Jack’s
17 . Ты _ соблюдать тишину в классе.
A. mustn’t
B. must
C. always
18 . Эллен собирается на сафари. Она _ увидеть львов.
A. want
B. will
C. wants
19 . Что ты _ сейчас?
A. does
B. do
C. doing
20 . У нас нет _ молока в холодильнике.
A. any
B. some
C. a
21 . Сэм носит _ летом, потому что жарко.
A. trousers
B. coats
C. shorts
22 . Как _ риса ты можешь съесть?
A. much
B. many
C. some
23 . «Хочешь пойти со мной на рыбалку?» «Нет, спасибо! Это _ .'
A. восхитительно
B. скучно
C. весело
24 . Ты поедешь со мной под парусом? Нет, я _ .
A. will
B. don’t
C. won’t
25 . У вас болит зуб? Вы должны увидеть _.
A. доктор
B. стоматолог
C. учитель
26 . Вы _ кататься на лыжах. Снега нет!
A. can’t
B. can
C. must
27 . _ время начинается вечеринка?
A. When
B. What
C. Where
28 . Мое хобби − прогулки. Я люблю ходить _ в горы.
A. плавать
B. загорать
C. пешие походы
29 . «Почему бы тебе не придти поплавать под парусом?» «Мне жаль, но я _».
A. can’t
B. am not
C. don’t
30 . Этот дом принадлежит Джону. Это _ дом.
A. ее
B. наш
C. его

1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – C, 4 – C, 5 – A, 6 – A, 7 – A, 8 – C, 9 – A, 10 – C, 11 – B, 12 – C, 13 – B, 14 – A, 15 – C, 16 – C, 17 – B, 18 – A, 19 – C, 20 – A, 21 – C, 22 – A, 23 – B, 24 – C, 25 – B, 26 – A, 27 – B, 28 – C, 29 – A, 30 – C.
1 . I am new to the school.
2 . I’m American. I’m from the USA.
3 . Danny lives on the ground floor.
4 . Who’s Kathy? She’s Laura’s mother.
5 . Sue and I are friends. We walk to school together.
6 . ‘Will you help me carry this box?’ ‘Of course!’
7 . Rhinos have horns on their heads.
8 . Have you got the time, please? Yes, it’s half past six.
9 . We eat breakfast in the morning.
10 . Can you put some rice in my bowl, please?
11 . Put on your scarf and gloves. It’s cold today!
12 . Do I look all right in this? Yes, it fits you perfectly!
13 . Mr Williams is a postman. He always delivers our letters.
14 . There are six knives on the table.
15 . Has Jim got this book?
16 . Whose house is that? It’s Katie and Jack’s house.
17 . You must be quiet in the classroom.
18 . Ellen is going on safari. She wants to see lions.
19 . What are you doing now?
20 . We haven’t got any milk in the fridge.
21 . Sam wears shorts in the summer because it’s hot.
22 . How much rice can you eat?
23 . ‘Would you like to come fishing with me?’ ‘No, thanks! It’s boring.’
24 . Will you come sailing with me? No, I won’t.
25 . Have you got a toothache? You must see a dentist.
26 . You can’t go skiing. There isn’t any snow!
27 . What time does the party start?
28 . My hobby is walking. I like to go hiking on the mountains.
29 . ‘Why don’t you come sailing?’ ‘I’m sorry, but I can’t.’
30 . This house belongs to John. It’s his house.

Перевод ответа
1 . Я новичок в школе.
2 . Я американец. Я из США.
3 . Дэнни живет на нижнем этаже.
4 . Кто такая Кэти? Она мать Лоры.
5 . Мы со Сью друзья. Мы вместе ходим в школу.
6 . «Вы поможете мне отнести этот ящик?» «Конечно!»
7 . У носорогов на головах есть рог.
8 . Можете подсказать мне время, пожалуйста? Да, сейчас половина седьмого.
9 . Мы завтракаем по утрам.
10 . Не могли бы вы положить немного риса в мою миску?
11 . Наденьте шарф и перчатки. Сегодня холодно!
12 . Хорошо ли я в этом выгляжу? Да, это вам идеально подходит!
13 . Мистер Уильямс − почтальон. Он всегда доставляет наши письма.
14 . На столе лежит шесть ножей.
15 . У Джима есть эта книга?
16 . Чей это дом? Это дом Кэти и Джека.
17 . Вы должны вести себя тихо в классе.
18 . Эллен собирается на сафари. Она хочет увидеть львов.
19 . Чем ты сейчас занимаешься?
20 . У нас нет молока в холодильнике.
21 . Сэм летом носит шорты, потому что жарко.
22 . Сколько риса можно есть?
23 . «Хочешь пойти со мной на рыбалку?» «Нет, спасибо! Это скучно.»
24 . Ты пойдешь со мной в плавание? Нет.
25 . У вас болит зуб? Вы должны посетить дантиста.
26 . Вы не можете кататься на лыжах. Снега нет!
27 . Во сколько начинается вечеринка?
28 . Мое хобби − прогулки. Я люблю ходить в походы в горы.
29 . «Почему бы тебе не приплыть под парусом?» «Мне жаль, но я не могу».
30 . Этот дом принадлежит Джону. Это его дом.

6. I haven't been living in Kiev for ten years. ______ .

I haven't too
Neither have I
Neither was I
So have I

7. I was at the theatre yesterday. ______ .

Neither was I
Neither am I
So was I
So am I

8. I wasn't at the theatre yesterday. ______ .

Neither was I
Neither am I
So do I
So was I

9. I am reading a book now. ______ .

Neither am I
So am I
So do I
So I am

10. I am not reading a book now. ______ .

Neither am I
So do I
Neither do I
I am not

11. I played football last Sunday. ______ .

So am I
So was I
So did I
So do I

12. I didn't play football last Sunday. ______ .

So did I
I didn't too
Neither was I
Neither did I

13. I can swim long distances. ______ .

So do I
So am I
So can I
Neither can I

14. I can't swim long distances. ______ .

So can I
Neither can I
I can't too
Neither do I

15. I could read the article without a dictionary. ______ .

So could I
So can I
Neither can I
Neither am I

16. I couldn't read the article without a dictionary. ______ .

So could I
Neither can I
So can I
Neither could I

17. I intend to buy this book. ______ .

So do I
So will I
So am I
So did I

18. I don't intend to buy this book. ______ .

Neither do I
So do I
Neither did I
Neither am I

19. We saw a ship in the distance. ______ .

So do I
So did they
So am I
So have I

20. I got an important letter today. ______ .

So do I
So did he
So am I
So have I

21. Petrov wasn't late for the performance. ______ .

So am I
Neither am I
Neither was my friend
So did my friend

22. I've never seen her dance. ______ .

So am I
Neither did my son
So have I
Neither has my son

23. I can't go to the cinema tonight. ______ .

Neither can he
Neither could I
So can he
So could he

24. My sister found the book interesting. ______ .

Neither did I
So does my friend
So did I
So do I

25. I didn't enjoy the film very much. ______ .

Neither do I
Neither did my friends
So did I
Neither am I

Тексты 1 – 6 относятся к различным рубрикам. Установите соответствие каждого текста рубрикам из списка A – G и занесите верный вариант в таблицу. Каждая рубрика соответствует лишь одному тексту, одна из них - лишняя.






1. Hi, CLICK,

We are two friends, Dario and Michele. We sit together at school. We are eleven years old. We live in a village near Florence. …

2. Join us for the trip of a lifetime, cycling 400 km across this most beautiful of Caribbean islands. Enjoy the lush, tropical landscapes, soft, sandy beaches, fine architecture and warm, friendly welcome of Cuba.

3. The Man in the Iron Mask. Leonardo Di Caprio takes on the dual role of the evil Louis XIV and his kind twin brother in this Hollywood adaptation of the Dumas classic. With Gepardieu, John Malkovich and Jeremy Irons as the three musketeers, this should be a belter. Sadly, it isn’t.

4. We are looking for new staff to join our friendly dedicated team and have a variety of posts available. You should have good communication skills, great personality and a strong will.

5. The new Motorola has a built-in digital camera, Multi-media messaging, quality ringtones and downloadable games. Play more, say more and explore the world with Motorola.

6. The world is changing around us. To stay ahead we need to keep learning. In many cases our careers depend on it. The Open University has become a leading provider of learning for people who need to develop their careers.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа и подчеркните его.

You should get _________ most of your studies.

He never goes to museums, _______?

does not he b) does he c) did not he

He grew up in New England, ______?

don’t you b) didn’t he c) doesn’t he

He is _______ to be a great man.

said b) say c) says

I’ve heard about the film but I ______ it yet.

don’t see b) didn’t see c) haven’t seen

He has been working _______ 5 o’clock.

since b) for c) __

This train doesn’t go to London. You ______ to change at Bristol.

can b) have c) must

The first time I _______ London was in 1995.

visited b) have visited c) visit

Three foreign languages ______ at our school.

teach b) are teaching c) are taught

Stop _________, please.

speaking b) saying c) talking

Прочитайте отрывок из статьи « MAMMA MIA ! Musical Hits von ABBA ». В вопросах 1-6 обведите ответ a ), b ), c ), который вы считаете наиболее верным.

… Kathy, the musical star is one of the youngest members of the cast of MAMMA MIA!, the ABBA musical that has been running in Hamburg since November 2002. Together with around 40 singers, she goes on stage eight times a week and enraptures the audience with ABBA’s immortal hits. The restless young singer with the long red hair plays the part of 21-year-old Sophie, who lives on a Greek island with her mother Donna and wants to find out who her real father is before she marries.

After huge successes in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco “MAMMA MIA!” is now being performed at the Hamburg Operetta House – the first non-English production. The curtain goes up almost every day to allow the audience to enjoy hits like “Take a Chance on Me”. The positive feel to the music soon has the audience singing along, and the show finishes with standing ovations every night.

Kathy is thrilled to be a musical star. Every evening she and the rest of the cast sing and dance in front of a different audience. The people who come to watch the musical expect to be entertained.

Before Kathy got a part in “MAMMA MIA!”, she trained as a musical performer. At the age of 14 she started singing lessons. She took [art in amateur dramatics, sang with school bands and danced on stage. “The fascinating thing about musicals is that they are a combination of singing, dancing and acting”, she explains. The training she did was tough, but she covered all “stage disciplines”. To conclude her studies, Kathy had to take a one-hour exam.

The way this musical came about is rather unusual. Normally, here is a story first and then the music is composed and songs written to accompany the plot. In the case of “MAMMA MIA!” it is the other way round. The songs were already successes before it dawned on anyone to make a musical. Even Bjorn Ulvaeus, composer of almost all ABBA’s hits, was thrilled to discover he had written the music for a musical he “didn’t know existed”.

6. There were______very few people in the shops today.

a) an c) — b) a d) the

7. What is______longest river in______world?

a) a, a c) the, a b) the, the d) a, the

8. Did you hear______noise just now?

a) the с ) а b) - d) an

9. What did you have for______breakfast?

a) - с ) а b) the d) an

10. Have you got these shoes in______size 43?

a) the c) an b) a d) -

11. Ken's brother is in______prison now for robbery.

a) the с ) а b) - d) an

12. Bob is_______seaman. He spends most of his time at

a) a, — c) an, the b) the, - d) a, the

13.______children team a lot from playing.

a) the c) - b) a d) an

14.______giraffe is______tallest of all animals.

a) the, the c) an, the b) a, a d) -, -

15. We had______very nice lunch.

a) - c) the b)a d) an

16. We visited _____ Canada and______United States.

a) a, a c) the, the b) -, - d) -, the

17. Jill has gone to______hospital to visit Jack.

a) the c) - b) a d) an

[g. We took______ children to the Zoo.

a) - c) an b) a d) the

19. It can be dangerous to swim in_______sea.

a) - с ) а b) the d) an

20. Have you ever been to______British Museum?

a) a c) the b) - d) an

1 a ) 2. b ) З.с) 4. а) 5. b ) 6. с) 7. b ) 8. с) 9. а) 10. d ) П.Ь) 12. а) 13. с) 14. а) 15.Ь) 16. d ) 17. а) 18. d ) 19. Ь) 20. с)

Выбранный для просмотра документ The definite article the.doc

Decide whether to use the definte article >the< or not. If you do not need the article >the<, use x.

1) My grandmother likes flowers very much.

2) I love flowers in your garden.

3) See you on Wednesday.

4) I always listen to radio in the morning.

5) Alex goes to work by bus.

6) Don't be late for school.

7) Listen! Dennis is playing trumpet.

8) We often see our cousins over Easter.

9) She has never been to Alps before.

10) What about going to Australia in February?

1) My grandmother likes x flowers very much.

2) I love the flowers in your garden.

3) See you on x Wednesday.

4) I always listen to the radio in the morning.

5) Alex goes to work by x bus.

6) Don't be late for x school.

7) Listen! Dennis is playing the trumpet.

8) We often see our cousins over x Easter.

9) She has never been to the Alps before.

10) What about going to Australia in x February?

Выбранный для просмотра документ The indefinite article 1.doc

The indefinite article a/an - Exercise 2

Use >a< or >an<. Write the correct forms of the indefinte articles into the gaps.

Example: We read __ book.

Answer: We read a book.

1) There is new English book on the desk.

2) She's reading old comic.

3) They've got idea.

4) He is drinking cup of coffee.

5) The girl is pilot.

6) Leipzig has airport.

7) This is expensive bike.

8) Look! There's bird flying.

9) My father is honest person.

10) My friend likes to be astronaut.

1) There is a new English book on the desk.

2) She's reading an old comic.

3) They've got an idea.

4) He is drinking a cup of coffee.

5) The girl is a pilot.

6) Leipzig has an airport.

7) This is an expensive bike.

8) Look! There's a bird flying.

9) My father is an honest person.

10) My friend likes to be an astronaut.

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку Аотикль 5.doc

Тест по английскому языку " Articles "

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1. It is . book that I have ever read .

2. Russian people like .

3. Give me . please.

4. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery

5. . had never possessed a standing army or a police force.

7. Bring . from the kitchen.

8. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

9. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

10. Great Britain consists of . parts.

1. It is . book that I have ever read.

the funniest<····· правильный ответ

2. Russian people like .

tea<····· правильный ответ

3. Give me . please.

an apple<····· правильный ответ

4. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery<····· правильный ответ

5. . had never possessed a standing army or a police force.

The Tudors<····· правильный ответ

a strange<····· правильный ответ

7. Bring . from the kitchen.

the milk<····· правильный ответ

8. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

French<····· правильный ответ

9. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

in nature<····· правильный ответ

10. Great Britain consists of . parts.

three<····· правильный ответ

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку Артикль 1.doc

Тест по английскому языку " Articles "

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1. The interesting thing about . is all the roads that they built in Britain.

2. This is . wine I have ever drunk.

3. Can you give me . over there?

4. Could you close . please?

5. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about . and the French.

6. In . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.

7. We celebrate New Year on . of December.

8. Could you give me . of paper?

9. She is very good at .

10. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be .

1. The interesting thing about . is all the roads that they built in Britain.

the Romans<····· правильный ответ

2. This is . wine I have ever drunk.

the best<····· правильный ответ

3. Can you give me . over there?

the book<····· правильный ответ

4. Could you close . please?

the door<····· правильный ответ

5. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about . and the French.

France<····· правильный ответ

6. In . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.

the <····· правильный ответ

7. We celebrate New Year on . of December.

the 31st<····· правильный ответ

8. Could you give me . of paper?

a sheet<····· правильный ответ

9. She is very good at .

painting<····· правильный ответ

10. She always said that when she grew up she wanted to be .

a doctor<····· правильный ответ

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку Артикль 2.doc

Тест по английскому языку "Articles"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом , просто пропустите вопрос .

1. Can anyone give me . please because I have just fallen over?

2. My friend likes to eat .

3. . is the universal language of the world.

4. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about . and the French.

6. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

7. Great Britain consists of . parts.

8. Can you give me . over there?

9. The interesting thing about . is all the roads that they built in Britain.

10. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, was born in .

1. Can anyone give me . please because I have just fallen over?

a hand<····· правильный ответ

2. My friend likes to eat .

fish<····· правильный ответ

3. . is the universal language of the world.

Music<····· правильный ответ

4. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about . and the French.

France<····· правильный ответ

the truth<····· правильный ответ

6. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

in nature<····· правильный ответ

7. Great Britain consists of . parts.

three<····· правильный ответ

8. Can you give me . over there?

the book<····· правильный ответ

9. The interesting thing about . is all the roads that they built in Britain.

the Romans<····· правильный ответ

10. Pushkin, the great Russian poet, was born in .

1799<····· правильный ответ

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку Артикль 4.doc

Тест по английскому языку "Articles"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1. Is there . in the street?

2. My friend likes to eat .

3. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

4. Is there . for me?

5. Russian people like .

6. It is evident that . want peace.

7. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

8. Can anyone give me . please because I have just fallen over?

9. The interesting thing about . is all the roads that they built in Britain.

10. . have left London.

1. Is there . in the street?

a school<····· правильный ответ

2. My friend likes to eat .

fish<····· правильный ответ

3. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

French<····· правильный ответ

4. Is there . for me?

a letter<····· правильный ответ

5. Russian people like .

tea<····· правильный ответ

6. It is evident that . want peace.

people<····· правильный ответ

7. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

in nature<····· правильный ответ

8. Can anyone give me . please because I have just fallen over?

a hand<····· правильный ответ

9. The interesting thing about . is all the roads that they built in Britain.

the Romans<····· правильный ответ

10. . have left London.

the Browns<····· правильный ответ

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку Артикль 7.doc

Тест по английскому языку "Articles"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом, просто пропустите вопрос.

1. It is . book that I have ever read.

2. Russian people like .

3. Give me . please.

4. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery

5. . had never possessed a standing army or a police force.

7. Bring . from the kitchen.

8. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

9. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

10. Great Britain consists of . parts.

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку Артикь 3.doc

Тест по английскому языку "Articles"

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным. Если Вы затрудняетесь с ответом , просто пропустите вопрос .

1. I have left my book in . and I would like you to get it for me.

2. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery

3. Is there . in the street?

the Moskva River

5. In . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.

6. . have left London.

7. Bring . from the kitchen.

8. There are . and toys on the floor.

9. Could you give me . of paper?

10. My father is .

1. I have left my book in . and I would like you to get it for me.

the kitchen<····· правильный ответ

2. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery<····· правильный ответ

3. Is there . in the street?

a school<····· правильный ответ

the Moskva River <····· правильный ответ

5. In . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.

the<····· правильный ответ

6. . have left London.

the Browns<····· правильный ответ

7. Bring . from the kitchen.

the milk<····· правильный ответ

8. There are . and toys on the floor.

books<····· правильный ответ

9. Could you give me . of paper?

a sheet<····· правильный ответ

10. My father is .

an engineer<····· правильный ответ

Выбранный для просмотра документ Тест по английскому языку артикль.doc

Тест по английскому языку "Articles"

1. . is the universal language of the world.

2. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

3. The acting was poor, but we enjoyed .

5. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about . and the French.

6. Is there . in the street?

7. Can anyone give me . please because I have just fallen over?

8. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery

9. In . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.

10. We celebrate New Year on . of December.

1. . is the universal language of the world.

Music<····· правильный ответ

2. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

French<····· правильный ответ

3. The acting was poor, but we enjoyed .

the music<····· правильный ответ

the truth<····· правильный ответ

5. I want to go to the cinema to see a film about . and the French.

France<····· правильный ответ

6. Is there . in the street?

a school<····· правильный ответ

7. Can anyone give me . please because I have just fallen over?

a hand<····· правильный ответ

8. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery<····· правильный ответ

9. In . end we decided not to go to the cinema but to watch television.

the <····· правильный ответ

10. We celebrate New Year on . of December.

the 31st<····· правильный ответ

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Тест по английскому языку " Articles "

К каждому вопросу даны несколько вариантов ответа. Выберите тот, который считаете правильным.

1. It is . book that I have ever read .

a) funniest b)a funniest c)the funniest

2. Russian people like .

a)tea b)a tea c)the tea

3. Give me . please.

4. . is the main modern art museum in London.

The Tate Gallery

5. . had never possessed a standing army or a police force.

7. Bring . from the kitchen.

8. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like .

9. It is important sometimes to stop and look around you at all the wonderful things .

10. Great Britain consists of . parts.

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