Ultimate apocalypse mod тактика

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

The Ultimate Apocalypse mod team proudly presents to the Dawn of War: Soulstorm players and fans, an eagerly awaited and packed with epic content game experience, the Ultimate Apocalypse mod! Imagine a mod featuring massive Warhammer 40,000 battles where all 9 races in Soulstorm (and more!) have a chance at epic victory. A mod where there's no shortage of all new units, buildings, abilities, and even titans! A mod where there's nearly no limits holding you back. It's all about all out, massive war. Wanna nuke your enemies? You can. Gloriously epic titan duels are your thing? Ultimate Apocalypse has you covered. Not only that, but Ultimate Apocalypse is continuously tested to ensure the epic battle experience it delivers remains unique while being completely awesome. Thanks to you (yes, you!) and everyone playing, Ultimate Apocalypse has been steady within the top 20 ranked mods for years.

First off, i know there is already a thread, but it's dead and empty, so a new thread will do.

This thing is not about any technical questions, i.e. "what factor does the AI get Resources", it's purely about gameplay advice and rough build orders.

This Guide is split into 4 rough sections:

1: General Gameplay Tips
2: General AI Information and Tips
3: Playing As ________ - Section
4 Playing with/against _______ - Section

Also as a disclaimer: I wrote this guide based on official info from the threads here, but mostly on personal experience. Therefore you may find that some of this guide doesn't apply to you, if so, feel free to add your advice in the comments, if it's good i might add it!

I ried to find general rules for all situations and factions, but i experienced that the AI behaves wildly different depending on your settings and factions, but i could find a few general points:

- The strenght of the AIs assault is determined by current income rather then the best possible use of population, and to some degree the terrain of the map. In practice, this means the grade of the AIs unit scales with how much resources they can generate (for this reason AIs which can generate both Resources can become extremely aggressive, ill get to that)

- The AIs macro is good, but its unflexible, and all factions will follow their same template build order akin to their strengths.

- All AIs use their commander units and will try to upgrade them as early as possible - this can become a real backbreaker when you modify the resource gain rates, as some commander units are extremely potent because of their spellcasting just 1 or 2 minutes in.

- Some AIs work better then others, some only work in certain circumstances. If you change the game settings from "Annihilation" to "Assasination", the AIs opener will come considerably later, albeit considerably harder. Expect quirky things to happen when you turn up the pop cap, some factions (most notably Orks, SoB and Dark Eldar) can behave erratically or stop behaving at all

- AI pathfinding isn't nearly as bad as Vanilla, but that being said, it's not good either. This means that the AI will have difficultys on map with lots of cramped terrain or SCAR details, which mosly leads to the AI not building endgame units or getting stuck. This also means that the AI will not always follow the logical pathway, but rather funnel all its forces down a bottleneck, to a surprising degree of effect.

- The AI will always try and rush you, and once they start attacking they generally dont cease their attack until utterly broken or pushed back. you should note that the AI always goes straight on to your spawning position, no matter what.

-The AI will also try to build forward bases, especially when funneld into a choke point. Depending on the map size this can drastically increase the density of attacks whilst possibly reducing the time units spend travelling to almost zero, which can leave you in a bad spot, especially against swarm armies.

- While generally balanced, the Ai seems to choose quantity over quality, tending to produce mid tier units even during all-out Titan warfare. However, this can also drastically change depending on game settings.

- The AI loves spells, and will micro the hell out of its spellcasters, even favoring ability-rich endgame/relic units over more offensive ones, especially those with lots of spells or spawn ability.

- AIs do employ superweapons, but they rarely use them, and even then they stick to the less direct ones. They will however research all possible upgrades for structures as long as they are not restricted, meaning that you may be blocked from using superweapons until key structures are destroyed.

- I'm not entirely clear on the AIs exact conditions and building behavior, but the primary factor seems to be rate at which the AI gets resources and the maximum amount of relic resource, whilst the secondary factors are pop cap and map terrain, whilst the gamemode mainly seems to affect combat behavior. In practice this means that the amount of potential SP's an AI can cap also defines the rate and strength of its assault, which is self explanatory, but more importantly it defines what units it's going to build, given enough space and relic. An AI with 5 SP's wil rarely build expensive relic units, whilst an AI with 10-15+ will build relic units and titans frequently. The combat behaviour mainly stays the same, the AI will continually assault you with both commanders and units wehn playing annihilation, during assasination it will mostly hold back until maxed out before attacking you, but other than that the attack pattern stays the same.

Part 2: General Gameplay Tips

These tips and tricks are general and not faction related, albeit some factions may get more use out of them then others, and depending how much they suit your play style.

Depending on your faction, map size and layout, there are two basic build orders you should stick to. It's not necessary to follow them line-by-line, especially if you have a (human) ally with you.

If you do, you're not doing something wrong, you're doing nothing, which is worse.

Eco-Start: This start may work better for players having trouble adjusting to high unit and upgrade costs or find themselves suffering from production block in midgame, and works better the more SP's you can safely get (i.e. on maps with a choke or an ally holding the front).

Start by building 3-4 tier 0 HQ infantry units and queue them to capture SP's, and if applicable, rush them to capture any chokes you can. Don't focus on getting relics and crits at this point, you got plenty of time until they you first require them. Immediately order your builder to construct two generators and your cheapest building you need to tech up and build another 4 builders, 2 of which will be used for base building, 2 will continuosly build LP's and one will construct generators. Build LP's in the same order as you capture points, but focus on chokes if you can until you have a stable income of around 120-160, then start researching the first Tier upgrade. Build a barracks and all generators you have left to build, tart to research upgrades and upgrade your LP's whilst waiting for the upgrade to finish, then pump out a few squads of Tier 1 infantry. Continously upgrade your LP's and generators (build Slag ones if possible) and Tier up as fast as you can. Build a second HQ and more generators, or you'll get blocked later. After that, its up to you wether to focus on Elite Units or building titans and other Ubers or going for a gamebreaker.

Aggro-Start: This may work better for players who find themselves unable to keep with their oppenents late gamers or players who prefer to harass and besiege their enemy as early as possible, and tends to work better on smaller maps and factions with low unit cost or natural deepstrike abilities.

Open up by immediately dropping barracks as close to your enemy as you initial radius allows, and depending on wether your faction has good HQ Infantry (SM Scouts are particularly strong early on, as well as Conscripts due to the extreme reinforcement speed) or not, build 4-6 of them. Send two of them to capture points whilst sending the other two directly to your enemy base. Build 3 the fastest scout unit you have in the barracks (Skimmer bikes and the bikes of both Chaos and Loyalists excel for that, riders are efficient too) and send them to snipe any and all builders and capturing infantry you can find whilst building generators and basic tier 0 infantry squads. it doesn't matter if you lose them, it is in fact bound to happen, just dont lose them too early (try to at least kill the amount of resources you spent). As soon as you have a fair amount of units, harass your enemy some more, and once you feel you are getting occupied elsewhere or need the space in you pop cap, suicide them into where they can do the most damage (try to target generators, the AI clusters them up, and losing 6 of them at once hurts the AI bad) to economy. You should now be in a good spot to besiege your enemy, since you not only have map control, but you are also denying him resources. Note that this strategy is a bad idea on large maps and obsolete if the map has a choke you plan to use.

- Generators speed up production and research speed of adjacent buildings, Nuclear Generators even more, to a great degree.

- Don't mix your army to much. Focus on one form of damage and build a bulk of units producing that damage instead of trying to accomodate every option.

- Swarm armies are vulnerable to high DPS output and generally sport weaker Ubers and Titans, whilst Tech Armies have extremely potent End Gamers whose shields can often take more punishment then a small army.

- Don't get power blocked - 6 generators can be enough, but usually aren't. Build another HQ building, but take the high cost into account.

- Flamers are not worth the money when you have access to heavy bolters, any variant of Melta weapons or other high DPS weapons. Heavy Flamers perform extremely bad when compared to chainguns.

- Turn on Add On: Auto Abilities in the Game Settings if you want your units to use some offensive abilities automatically. Rally, Med Kit and various speels and support abilites still need to be manually cast however.

- Cue your units commands to minimize the time you spent away from the battle.

- Do not leave your base defenseless, since enemy stealth units can cause horrific damage when undetected and your army is occupied, especially on large maps. A few turrets and a scanner turret will make this danger disappear and will also buy valuable time if attacked.

- Build AA. Seriously, do it. Almost half of my lost games ended in cancer because some air units sneaked past and sniped my eco to shit before i could react. Most air units tand no chance against two dedicated AAs, and you wont really need more.

- Be wary of your artillery, for its fire can be quite devastationg for you if you get caught in it.

- Engage enemy artillery whenever possible, just two or three units are enough to shred a wall of turrets in a matter of salvos.

- Some Factions are more suited to a certain style while others are more flexible. They are also factions better for new players or easier gameplay. This ranking is purely subjective, but its a general ranking.

1: Space Marines - tanky units which forgive a lot of screw ups and become ever-so potent with their upgrades to the point of terminators violently abusing entire tank battailons in a blink and are a pretty straightforward "A-move to Victory" deal, albeit a boring one, since you can potentially suicide an air unit to drop your army right in your enemys base to gg.

2: Chaos Marines - also very tanky, but tading some of that tankyness fore extra offense and more specialised branches.

3: IG and Tau - IG: Pretty straightforward RTS-Race, with tons of squishy infantry, the best tanks and artillery as well as the most powerful endgamers
Tau: Guerilla-style faction that employs lots of stealth and ranged superioty, has by far the best range and good infantry, but lacks heavy armor and has few good vehicles.

4: Adeptus Sororitas: Very mobile army that can potentially devastate any mid game faction, but effectively loses all power during Endgame (It's a work in progress though)

4.5 Necrons: THE Race if you want to turtle around until you steamroll anything and declare Egypt, but very vulnerable to rushing and fast manouevers, but almost indestructible after midgame. Sucks at rushing.

5: Inquisition Daemonhunters - Difficult faction that plays very different and has a brutal learning curve. Has powerful melee specialists and by far the most powerful endgame unit (gets free squad of Uber-terminators every minute or so, and without pop cap requirements) and spellcasters.

6: Tyranids/Chaos Daemons: Both are swarm armies which play horribly in my opinion, because at the moment they feel unbalanced and leave litte choice.
Tyranids can become nigh-uncountable and raise their health to perversely high amounts, whilst daemons can potentially block, slow, snare, poison, harm or instantly kill almost all units, leading to both having very little counter except dedicated tank races or in the case of Daemons the Inquisition.

7: Eldar/Dark Eldar: Very fragile units with good abilites and speed that can outmanouver anything, but they can't take any form of physical punishment. Can be one of the most potential races, but always felt like terminal stage cancer to me.

The other 2 Sections will follow later this week, since it takes to write this stuff.

"- Flamers are not worth the money when you have access to heavy bolters, any variant of Melta weapons or other high DPS weapons. Heavy Flamers perform extremely bad when compared to chainguns."

I disagree. Try a SoB Retributor squad vs any infantry with heavy flamers, then without. If you're going anti vehicle, flamers are obviously out of the question, but on a general basis they are very effective. Same with IG guardsmen. You will be able to avoid a lot of early game melee pain(mainly raptors and Assault Marines) if you can micro one squad with flamers to support whichever squad is getting massacred. Also effective vs commanders

But good article, though i may disagree with the economic build up. I'd say a general all round way to build is

Builder, cap, builder, cap, builder, +cap if large map. I personally only use 2 cap squads on normal maps.

Builder one sets 2 plasma gens(1 if you're afraid of a potential rush) and starts building. Note that just setting the gen to build applies the bonus, so it's a win win with cap units also building faster. Builder 2 starts building a barracks, hopefully connected to the two gens for speed boost. Builder 3 starts building listening posts on what cap one has capture so far. Progressively move forward from there, your start up should be safe.

Also, "SM Scouts are particularly strong early on,".

Really? In what context? Vs what units or with what upgrades. I've personally found them to be the most worthless units in game.

Plus if you're looking at them as cheap with their bolter upgrade for decent fire, Weapon servitors can totally ourank them, albeit with the set up time disadvantage. But their melee is even better so not too much of a bother in getting melee'd by furies or the likes.

Obviously just stating my opinions here, but I'm open to a good logical discussion on these points. Cheers

Ultimate Apocalypse Soulstorm & DoW2 Elite

Vlad N..

Взял мага хаоса. Порвал всех на 6-7 лвле. Если оказался криворук, то взял следующего мага хаоса и повторил пункт два.

такая тактика очень трудна и доступна всего-лишь 99,9% игроков.

Назар Ефимов

Для тех кому-надеюсь это поможет (для тех кто плохо соображает в мясе) UA мод 1.72.7 имперская гвардия ( тех-теч)

Выбор администрации №1

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Ultimate Apocalypse mode - это неофициальная модификация к игре Warhammer: Dawn Of War - Soulstorm, которая добавляет множество новых рас (тираниды, инквизиция - охотники на демонов и демоны). У всех рас появилось множество новых юнитов, супер оружие, артиллерия и невероятные Титаны. Мод полностью изменяет представление об оригинальной игре в лучшую сторону. Главная особенность - МЯСО, глобальные битвы и хардкор.

Для тех, кто хочет показать свои силы в сетевой схватке (на пиратской версии игры), то заходите в соответствующую тему и пишите об этом и вам обязательно откликнутся + у нас появился дискорд канал (всё указано в ссылках группы).

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Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community

Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена

P.S. быстренько протестировал, вроде всё работает. Времени мало, поэтому баги сообщайте сюда в комменты.

Александр Эмин

Александр Эмин А почему боты такие пассивные в игре ? Вроде ставлю все на агрессию , а они все равно стоят на базе. Построят пару пехов и все ? Что делать с этим

Lektor Kovalev

Lektor Kovalev А в данный мод добавят имперских и хаоситских рыцарей?

Денис Данилин

Запускаю игру, появляется меню создания профиля, ввожу название - профиль не отображается, и играть дальше не получается

Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community

Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена

Андрей Поточный

Андрей Поточный Люди, такая проблема есть..
Куплена лицензия warhammer. Устанавливаю ua мод, но после начала игры фпс держится в районе 15-20 кадров (вне зависимости от версии мода) так же мигают все текстуры.
Все дополнительные файлы установлены.
Раньше проблем не было.
Пробовал переустановить как игру, так и сам мод. Ребят, может кто помочь - пытаемся с другом поиграть через Steam. Выдает ошибку синхронизации С БОТАМИ - при ПвП игре все нормально идет и ничего не вылетает. В чем может быть проблема?

Чёрный Властелин

Чёрный Властелин Скажите, что это за дополнения и стоит ли их устанавливать?

Артем Бражкин

Чёрный, это отдельные моды, без которых не может запуститься UA. Можешь запустить, только будешь играть за тиранидов.

Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community

Ultimate Apocalypse mod - OFFICIAL Rus Community запись закреплена

Залил последний патч 1.89.2 на сайт, скачать можно по ссылке ниже.

Список изменений:
Показать полностью.

Updated to V0.5b3 to allow UA compatibility with other mods.

Full extensive infantry weapon rework

All upgrades have been nerfed and given better scaling and higher tiering

Regen increase added to health upgrade

Armour increase fixed on other upgrade

Ork AI fix allowing orks to tech up more reliable making for a harder AI overall

Waaagh effect changes
-Waaagh speed modifier reduced to 1.2 from 1.3
-Health increase from waaagh decreased
-Passive health increase from ork squad size reduced from 1.07 to 1.05
-Damage increase modifier added for 1% increase per model
-(All effects are nerfed by squad size reductions - less models, less scaling).

Cooldown of stick bombs and tanks bombs increased from 45 seconds to 50 seconds

Hotkey and display fixes for loads of upgrades and units to make it nice and tidy

Ork Klans - changes
Nuddyfist - unchanged
Zagdakka - Increases health of weird boy and grants +15 population while he is alive
Gorgutz - Grants +25 population and small production bonus to the boys hut while he is alive and increases his health
Armageddon - Increases production speed of titan and vehicle structures

Mek Lab
-Cost decreased to 50 Power and 150 Requisition
-Cost increased to 15 power and 95 Req
-Reinforce time increased to 4.5 seconds
-Max squad size reduced to 8 (plus commander).
-Popcap required 110
-Regen increased to 2.5 from 2
-Damage buffed on base weapon
-Health has been increased to make up for cost and tier increase
‘Ard Boyz
-Popcap required 55
-Reinforce time to 3 seconds
-Max squad size 10 (plus commander).
-Power Klaw popcap required 65
-Re-added Rocket launcher to this squad with a cap
-Lower dps and a cost to stop them from invalidating tank bustas.
-Health has been slightly increased to make up for tier increase
Storm Boyz
-Popcap required 45
-Reinforce time to 3 seconds
-Max squad size 8 (plus commander).
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has been increased to make up for tier increase
Shoota Boyz
-Max squad size 11 (plus commander).
-Reinforce time 2.5
-Cost increased to 45
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has been slightly increased to make up for cost increase
Big shoota
-Max cap increase
-Cost decreased
-Damage decreased
-Requires 31 ork pop
Slugga Boyz
-Max squad size 11 (plus commander).
-Reinforce time 2.5
-Cost increased to 40
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has been slightly increased to make up for cost increase
Mega Nobz
-Popcap required 165
-Power surge ability
-Cost removed
-Duration time increased to 20 seconds from 15
-Health degeneration increased to 25
-Regen increased to 4 from 1
-Melee weapon now stuns
Ork Warboss
-Time to recruit reduced to 120 seconds from 190
Burna Boyz
-Requires 31 ork pop
-Pile O gunz
-Max squad size 7 (plus commander).
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Health has vastly increased (they had nearly half the HP of slugga boys).
-Research removed
Flash Gitz
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Melee damage buffed
-Vehicle pens slightly increased
-Weapon applied to 2nd big shoota upgrade
-Regen increased to 2.5 from 1
-Vehicle pens slightly increased
-Structure pens slightly increased
-Aoe lowered by 20% 5 to 4
-Weapon applied to 2nd big shoota upgrade
Tank Bustaz
-Regen increased to 1.5 from 1
-Max squad size 8
-Pop cost increased to 2
-Reinforce popcap set to 2
-Setup time removed
-DPS lowered
-Relic cost to reinforce removed
-Relic cost to recruit added
-Max squad size 18 (plus gun karts).
-Starting squad size 6
-Squad limit set to 5
-Recruitment cost increased to 60 Requisition
-Pen tables fixed (Couldn’t damage some armour types (builders)).
-Leader pop cap required 31
-Required pile o gunz
Big mek
-Cost increased by 10 requisition
-Mega blaster damage reduced
-Allowed to teleport with squads attached (requires wargear)
Looted tank
-Popcap requirement set to 105
Gun wagon
-Gunwagon research cost reduced to 80 from 150 power
-Gun wagon cost decreased to 200 power and 120 req from 230 power and 140 req
-Battle wagon research cost reduced to 80 power from 150 power
-Battle wagon cost decreased to 240 power and 140 req from 290 power and 160 req
Deff dread
-Deff dread research cost reduced to 120 power from 200 power

The Ultimate Apocalypse mod team proudly presents to the Dawn of War: Soulstorm players and fans, an eagerly awaited and packed with epic content game experience, the Ultimate Apocalypse mod! Imagine a mod featuring massive Warhammer 40,000 battles where all 9 races in Soulstorm (and more!) have a chance at epic victory. A mod where there's no shortage of all new units, buildings, abilities, and even titans! A mod where there's nearly no limits holding you back. It's all about all out, massive war. Wanna nuke your enemies? You can. Gloriously epic titan duels are your thing? Ultimate Apocalypse has you covered. Not only that, but Ultimate Apocalypse is continuously tested to ensure the epic battle experience it delivers remains unique while being completely awesome. Thanks to you (yes, you!) and everyone playing, Ultimate Apocalypse has been steady within the top 20 ranked mods for years.

Extracting the Music from Ultimate Apocalypse

Guide on how to extract the music you hear in-game to audio files you can play in your media player.

extracting the music from ultimate apocalypse

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Updated 6, October 2016

Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) before posting. Answers to many usual questions about UA can be found here. If you have a question that.

faq (frequently asked questions) - updated 6, october 2016

Ultimate Apocalypse Faction Strategies (Outdated!)

UPDATED! - 2/27/13 Please view the Ultimate Apocalypse full faction tutorial to learn what a faction can do. Twelve races, this is the tutorial section.

ultimate apocalypse faction strategies (outdated!)

Installing the Grand Release

(Outdated for now) Not sure what to download? Or what to install? Or in what order? This is the place to look! An illustrated guide to installing the.

installing the grand release

Tweaks for your Soulstorm to load faster! (Non-Steam installs only)

A quick way to improve your Soulstorm loading times and get it to load insanely fast. Since it's a tweak on the game executable it doesn't break multiplayer.

tweaks for your soulstorm to load faster! (non-steam installs only)

Ultimate Apocalypse mod tweaks (OLD!)

This easy yet useful tutorial shows how to changes a few things whintin The Ultimate Apocalypse mod without need to use any mod program and it wont change.

ultimate apocalypse mod tweaks (old!)

No tutorials were found matching the criteria specified. We suggest you try the tutorial list with no filter applied, to browse all available. Join now to share your own content, we welcome creators and consumers alike and look forward to your comments.

Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Soulstorm

23 апр в 18:42

I have been playing the Ultimate Apocalypse mod for a while now and have recently found out about the Unification Mod. I am still unfamiliar with the Unification Mod but from what I have seen it is very similar to the Ultimate Apocalypse Mod, what are the main differences between them? What does the unification mod have that UA doesn't? Also in your own opinion which mod is better or more fun to play.

23 апр в 19:03 Unification lets you play with multiple race mods at once, however it doesn't have all the extra units that Ultimate Apocalypse has. 23 апр в 19:36

Actually they are not really similar I think. Ultimate Apocalypse is its own thing, a big sandbox full of the biggest and most ridiculous stuff of 40k. Its a huge pile of stuff that is awesome, buggy, inconsistent and unbalanced in equal measure.

Unification Mod is very much an enhanced Vanilla Game. There is more of everything, more factions, maps, game mods, game settings. The only "alteration" I guess is that the vanilla factions are partly overhauled with the goal of overhauling them all to a standard that fits with the best of the modded factions.

You have some inconsistencies and unbalanced stuff here too, but its to a managable degree once you know whats what (for example, the AI does a lot better with the modded factions than the Vanilla faction at the same difficulty).
And when you know whats what, this mod is the de-facto of playing 40k RTS for me. There are so many factions, units and secret units/mechanics to discover and try out, took me dozens of hour just to see all the meat.

Its tons of fun, unlocks all the potential of the base game because the gameplay stays in the same way. There is still a real and proper RTS here if you want it, not just a showcase for huge battles that play themselves. The scale is bigger if you want, but its not this all out extreme that UA is. Its also quite stable, relatively easy to setup and works for MP no problem.

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