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Обновлено: 05.07.2024

A new version! Our version 2.1 is again huge! We have taken it upon ourselves to improve Touch Portal by a lot in several area's. Check it out below!

Plugin System (Pro Upgrade only)
Touch Portal introduces the first iteration of the plugin system. This system will allow developers to create plugins for Touch Portal. Developers can use the API to add actions in Touch Portal and lets them communicate directly to the Touch Portal systems.

Currently this means concretely that developers can make action categories which hold a collection of actions and events. They are also able to set states and use those in their actions. The system has run-only actions which just call a file or path that will be run. Next to these actions we have dynamic actions, which are actions that use communication between a plugin process created by the plugin developer

Touch Portal supplies the system but is not involved in the creation of the plugins. Users should be aware to only use a plugin from a legitimate and safe source. Touch Portal tries to warn the user as much as possible when using a plugin to limit the possible mis-use but in the end the enduser is responsible for only using safe and reliable plugins.

We have chosen to put the plugin system behind the Pro Upgrade because we like to give the plugin builders as much possibilities as possible but this also means that a plugin that circumvents the free-version restriction is easy to create. As you can imagine, that is not really something we would like to happen :-)

  • Touch Portal Mac Essentials This is our example plugin that holds a few Mac essentials like activate and close application and some Music control actions. Download
  • Touch Portal Windows Essentials This is our example plugin that holds a few Windows essentials like activate and close application and some quick tools. Download

Touch Portal Updater (Windows only)
From this version on Touch Portal will look for updates when it starts. If there are updates, it will update automatically and then start Touch Portal. No more hassle with downloading and installing the latest version!

Inline action editing & graphics improvements
In this version we have made most action editable inline. So a lot less popups and a lot faster to edit your action lists. Each variable you need to change for an action is translated to a suitable control in the action line. Just change the values through the controls and the action.

We have also improved the feedback on many actions such as the visuals actions. You will now see the changes it will make directly in the image. So no more need to open the popup just to see what it does. We have altered more actions like this so you do not need to open the popup unless you need to edit something.

Actions that are not complete or just plainly wrong will be given an indication that something is wrong. You can just click the indication and a popup is shown with the information about what is incorrect.

The events are also more clear now. If you add an action outside of the event then it will show you a message that something is wrong. The events now encapsulate the actions so it will be visual clear what actions belong to the event.

You can now add margins on your button field. This way you can make the button field a bit smaller so that buttons will no longer be stuck to the sides and top and bottom.

We now have also included the button grouping functionality. Selecting this will allow you to group all your buttons and center it on your devices screen. Each button will now use the margin given and not space them evenly with at least the margin.

We have also changed the visuals of the multi select system so that you can see more clearly what has been selected.

Philips Hue Support
We have added support for Philips Hue. You can control your lights right from Touch Portal. No more delays when using IFTTT to turn on and off ligts or give them a color.

Action Category list upgrades
We have improved the action category list.

All actions and event have a label now indicating what type it is. This will improve the usability of the list.

You can now hide categories now to keep your list as clear as possible.

New action coloring themes

Logging of Touch Portal
Touch Portal v2.1 will log information and errors to a log file which can be found in the root data folder. If something happens or does not work, you can check this file to see what it says about the situation.

Network Adapter picker
If you have multiple (virtual) network adapters on your system, it sometimes becomes difficult to let Touch Portal use the correct adapter. With the picker you can select the correct one and it will use that everytime.

Custom states (Pro Upgrade only)
From this version you are able to create custom states within Touch Portal. A custom state is just a variable which you can assign a value to. This custom state can be used in our IF statemens, in our events and even in textfields such as the write text action.

Say for example just an ON and OFF state for a button is not enough. You can define a custom state. A custom state can have as many states as you want. Take for example a state where you need ON, OFF and half-ON. With a custom state you can set it to one of these three states. The IF statements can be used to test against these three states. You can also set event listeners that listen for these custom states differently.

With the above image, we have created a custom state with the name Light Color. The initial value is red but it can be whatever you need.

This is an example of how you could use the custom state as events in your button. When you change the states, using the change custom state actions, you can listen for the value and act accordingly. So when you change the state to green for example, the button background will change to green as well because we do this on that specific event.

You can download the mobile version for iOS or Android. Download the app and install it. When it is installed start it up and you will be greeted with the onboarding for mobile. The screens differ a bit per platform but the steps are the same.

As you have already done the Onboarding Touch Portal of the desktop application you can skip the first pages.

Step 03: Scanning for Touch Portal Manually

In the scanning step of Touch Portal mobile the app will scan its local network for a Touch Portal desktop instance. If it cannot find it, you will see the following screen:

If you press the "Manually" button you can specify the ip address yourself.

In this step, the local address prefix is already filled in. The only thing you need to do is fill in the last digit of the ip address which resembles your computer in the network. In our case it is 192.168.86.XXX where the XXX in our case was 250, so I fill in

You should leave the port as it is unless you are sure you know what you are doing. Now press "Finish" to save your settings and go to the main screen. You should now be connected.

Step 04: I cannot connect!

Because we use Java and connect in a network, Windows and other firewalls and anti-virus applications want to protect you, which is good but you do want to use Touch Portal so we need to allow the communication. Without it, Touch Portal simply can't function.

If you do not see any buttons on your screen at this point, you should checkout our extensive FAQ item on connecting issues.


Use cases:
- Game streamers:
Stream your games while having total control of your broadcast overlays with a deck of buttons.

- Video editors:
Edit your videos faster, easier and smarter with a fully customizable page with the buttons you use most often on your Touch Portal deck. Create macro buttons to optimize your workflow.

- Photo editors:
Edit your photos faster, you don't have to learn all the shortcuts the photo editing software gives you, just add the action you want to the "Touch Portal Desktop" app and start editing.

- Professionals:
Create your own customizable page to improve your productivity and workflow. The app is an extension of your keyboard, with much more features.

- OBS STUDIO INTEGRATION (OBS web-socket required)

  • Unlimited amount of pages (base version gives you two)
  • Variable grid sizes allowing up to 110 buttons with a maximum of 15 rows or columns. (base version only allows a 4x2 grid)
  • Animated GIF images on your buttons
  • Customizable Page background colors
  • Customizable Page background images
  • Run / Test button execution from the Touch Portal desktop application
  • Remote control OBS
  • Use custom states

The purchase is however, linked to the specific store (and the account used to buy the upgrade). The license is not transferable from Android to iOS or the vice versa. Both Apple and Google do not allow this even if we could make this technically happen, doing so would mean that our app would not be accepted in the store. If you have a devices of both platforms and you want to use them both with Touch Portal, you need to buy a license for both platforms.

Streamline your workflow now with our beautiful, fully customizable, fast and powerful Touch Portal system.



The easiest way would be to have on the one hand widgets for hue (which i have) and on the other hand a widget for the touchportal commands.

Using touchportal with a secondary PC screen

Do you think it could be viable to use a USB-C touchscreen as a secondary monitor with TouchPortal launched via android emulator? This could theoretically make it possible to use a touchscreen rather than a mobile device to control our software and remain useful as a regular monitor while not gaming.

Microsoft Teams

I use Microsoft Teams alot these days, is there any plugins for Microsoft Teams? I havent been able to find any like the Zoom one.

Having a little trouble

Mute/unmute mic - change button visuals

The "Toggle mute state" function works great for me, it does mute/unmute my Elgato.

Is there a way to read the mic status so the button visual also changes, reflecting mute/unmute state?

Top 3 touchportal uses

2- OBS -> changing scenes (I have a small overlay for followers and subs at the botton, but some games have UI at the botton so I made a button to change it to the top (so I change the overlay depending of the game)

3- Turn the volume up and down

Step 02: Scanning for Touch Portal Automatically

In the scanning step of Touch Portal mobile the app will scan its local network for a Touch Portal desktop instance. For this to work, Touch Portal desktop needs to be running. If it is and nothing is blocking the communication, the app will find the desktop and connects with it

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