Torchlight 2 заклинания

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Без сомнения, важным средством борьбы с нечистью подземелий Torchlight являются заклинания. Чтобы их изучить, понадобится свиток с заклинанием. У героя может быть до 4х заклинаний, у животного - до 2х заклинаний одновременнно. После их применения надо ждать несколько секунд, чтобы применить их снова. В некоторых случаях животное ждет дольше.

Всего их 22, они делятся на три вида: Атакующие, Защитные и Чары.

Атакующие заклинания в большинстве своем предназначены для нанесения врагу прямого урона, многие хорошо дополняют ваши классовые способности.

Защитные заклинания повышают вашу выживаемость при путешествиях, некоторые заклинания практически обязательны для любого героя.

Чары направлены на призыв миньонов и подчинение врагов - пускай они защитят вас от опасности и даже разберутся с особо сильным противником! Миньоны ограничены по времени и количеству.

Есть два способа улучшить силу заклинаний : улучшая соответствующие навыки применения заклинаний (Во вкладке "Умения" 3 ряд, справа, на каждой ветке свой тип заклинаний) или же покупая (или находя) более лучшие свитки заклинания. Стоит совмещать улучшение навыка с улучшением версии заклинания, если вы хотите добиться максимального результата.

Изучение более лучших версий заклинаний требует более высшего уровня. Заклинания I ступени можно изучить прямо на 1 уровне, для II ступени нужен уже 7 уровень, III - 13, IV - 19, V - 25, VI - 30. Вы также можете уменьшить требования к заклинаниям и одновременно ускорить восстановление маны, изучив навык Advanced Spellcasting.

Факт: нельзя иметь в книге заклинаний одно и то же заклинание одной и той же версии одновременно, но можно иметь одно и то же заклинание разных версий! Тем более что в большинстве случаев эффекты складываются (Представьте себе Dervish VI, Dervish V, Dervish IV и Dervish III одновременно(хотя не получится, есть некий лимит на скорость атаки\колдовства)) Перезаряжаться заклинания будут также отдельно.

Существуют также редкие заклинания. Они обладают особыми силами, требуют определенный уровень и ограничены 1ой ступенью. Некоторые даже нельзя улучшить через навык, но они обычно выполняют определенную функцию, которую и не надо улучшать.

В таблицах: Цифры 1-11 обозначают уровень развитой способности по улучшению силы заклинаний (1 - способность не развита, 11 - способность 10 уровня), I-VI - ступени заклинаний.

А теперь, приступим к осмотру заклинаний в игре:

Slots [ ]

The player character has four slots for active spells. An active spell can be unlearned by holding CTRL and left-clicking the spell. This opens up the slot for another spell, but the old spell is lost.

Pets also have two spell slots. Adding and removing spells from pets works the same way as the player's spell slots. You can't control when pets cast spells, although putting your pet in Passive mode will prevent them from using spells. Some spells have longer cooldown times when used by pets.

Spells are special scrolls in Torchlight II that any character can pick up and learn, regardless of class. They should not be confused with skills, which are class-specific.

In Torchlight II, spells also include tomes that grant passive bonuses, many of which are similar to the shared passives from the first game.

Players will have access to a spell vendor in Act II after finishing the quest Shadow of the Skara. Prior to that, spells can only be acquired through loot.

Wandering enchanters [ ]

  • Wandering enchanters have a random chance of appearing in certain spots in the overworld or in dungeons.
  • Wandering enchanters are capable of performing powerful enchantments. According to the 1.12 patch notes, powerful enchantments have an approximately 20% chance of occurring, and they are about 50% better than normal. Reportedly, only specialist enchanters have a chance to do powerful enchantments; the Master and Grand Master enchanters don't.
  • After doing business with a wandering enchanter, they will begin to walk away and will eventually disappear. It is possible to talk to them again before they leave the area. However, clicking an enchanter and placing an item in its inventory to see the price, or paying him to disenchant the item, will not make him disappear. (On PS4, enchanters remain persistent)
  • There is a way to keep the enchanter where he is even once you've done business: When the successful enchant dialogue pops up ("The enchanter performs the ancient rites on the <item> . and adds new enchantments!") - do NOT click the green tick to close the dialogue. Instead, push the escape key and you will disengage from the enchanter while keeping the dialogue open. Once disengaged, you can click the green tick to close the dialogue and the enchanter will remain with arms crossed.
  • There is a Master Enchanter with a maximum of 3 enchantments and an extremely low cost to remove existing enchantments.
  • There is a Grand Master Enchanter with a maximum of 4 enchantments who also removes existing enchantments for free. He is the only enchanter who disenchants for free.
  • On top of the following list of possible spawn locations, it should be noted that one of the maps for Crows' Pass has a 100% chance for any of these wandering enchanters to appear in one of 5 possible locations on that map. Given the small nature of the map, this makes for a relatively quick way to force the spawn of a particular enchanter by simply re-rolling the world until said version of the pass spawns and then checking which enchanter it loaded. The exact version of the pass you are looking for is one which leads up and which has several (lit) braziers at the start.


Slots [ ]

The player has four active slots for spells. Spells can be unlearned by clicking the "Remove Spell" button. The removed spell is permanently lost.

In T2, pets also have four active spell slots. Note that the cooldown period for active spells are often longer when used by pets. Although you have no control over when your pet will cast a spell, you can temporarily prevent it from casting spells by setting your pet to passive mode.

Tomes equipped on a pet convey their passive benefits to the pet only; apparently passives like increased magic item find are not relayed back to the player.

Basic enchanting [ ]

  • Each item can only hold a limited number of enchantments, in addition to its original stats. Each enchanter has a maximum number of enchantments they can add to any item.
    • For example, an enchanter with a maximum of 2 enchantments can only add an enchantment to an item that currently has fewer than 2 enchantments on it.

    Атакующие заклинания


    Enchanting is a method to enhance pieces of equipment in Torchlight II. Enchanting works quite differently from the first game.


    List of enchanters [ ]

    Maximum enchantments: 3

    Enchants with unique abilities. All Items:

    • Charge rate increased by 7% (initially; +6% subsequently)

    • Conveys (item level based and random) Element Damage over 8 seconds
    • +31-32% Damage to secondary targets (Melee except Claw, Staff)
    • 7% Damage bonus when dual-wielding (one handed)
    • 8% reduction in Fumble Chance
    • 3% chance to cast Call Forth the Skull on kill
    • Conveys 6.1%

    Maximum enchantments: 2 (Enchantments are always 'powerful'.)

    Enchants Items With Poison

    • Poison Armor
    • Poison Damage Reflected
    • +% to Poison Damage
    • Poison Damage
    • Conveys X Poison damage over 5 seconds
    • 5% chance to Poison

    Maximum enchantments: 2

    Enchants Items With Poison

    • Poison Armor
    • Poison Damage Reflected
    • +% to Poison Damage
    • Poison Damage taken is reduced by X%
    • Poison Damage
    • Conveys X Poison damage over 5 seconds
    • 5% chance to Poison

    Maximum enchantments: 3

    Enchants Items With Fire

    • Fire Armor
    • Fire Damage Reflected
    • +% Fire Damage
    • Fire Damage taken is reduced by X%
    • Fire Damage
    • Conveys X Fire damage over 5 seconds
    • 5% Chance to Burn

    Maximum enchantments: 3

      - Floor 1 - Floor 2 - Floor 2 - Floor 2 (L55-65) - Floor 1 (NG+)

    Enchants Items With Ice

    • Ice Armor
    • Ice Damage Reflected
    • +% Ice Damage
    • Ice Damage taken is reduced by X%
    • Ice Damage
    • Conveys X Ice damage over 5 seconds
    • 5% Chance to Freeze

    Maximum enchantments: 3

    Enchants Items With Electricity

    • Electric Armor
    • Electric Damage Reflected
    • +% Electric Damage
    • Electric Damage
    • Conveys X electric damage over 5 seconds
    • 5% Chance to Shock

    Maximum enchantments: 3

    Enchants Items With Luck

    • X% increase in the amount of experienced gained (2% initially and 1% subsequently; Powerful Enchantment bestows 5% initially and 4% subsequently)
    • X% increase in magic-finding Luck (2% initially and 1% subsequently; Powerful Enchantment bestows 4% initially and 3% subsequently)
    • X% increase in the amount of gold found (5% initially and 4% subsequently; Powerful Enchantment bestows 13% initially and 12% subsequently)
    • X% reduction in Fumble Chance (4% initially; Powerful Enchantment bestows 9% initially)
    • X% increase in the amount of experience gained (2% initially and 1% subsequently; Powerful Enchantment bestows 5% initially and 4% subsequently)
    • X% increase in magic-finding Luck (2% initially and 1% subsequently; Powerful Enchantment bestows 5% initially and 4% subsequently)
    • X% increase in the amount of gold found (5% initially and 4% subsequently; Powerful Enchantment bestows 13% initially)
    • X% reduction in Fumble Chance (8% initially)
    • X% critical hit chance**
    • X% bonus to critical damage**

    ** Filip no longer provides these enchantments (verified Oct 2015).

    Maximum enchantments: 3

      - Floor 1
    • Act 2 dungeons (L30-35) (Act 3) - Floor 2 - Floor 1 - Floor 2 - Floor 1 - Floor 1

    Enchants Items With Attributes
    Armor / Weapons:

    • X Random Attribute boost (bonus scales with "Item Level")

    Maximum enchantments: 3

    Adds Sockets To Items

    Maximum sockets per item: 2

    Master Enchanter

    Maximum enchantments: 3

      - Floor 1 - Floor 2 - Floor 1 (Act 1) (Act 3) - Floor 3 - Floor 1 - Floor 1 - Floor 1

    • 1% Full Heal on Hit by Enemy (Amulet)
    • 5% Full Heal on Kill (level 62+ Amulet)
    • 1

    Spells are special scrolls in Torchlight that any player can pick up and learn. They should not be confused with skills, which are class-specific.

    Spells come in three types: Attack, Defense, and Charm, indicated by red, blue and green color coding. Most spells also come in different ranks, indicated by Roman numerals after their names. Spells sometimes have a significant cooldown period associated with them, unlike class skills.

    Rare spells are more difficult to find and do not come in different ranks.

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