The division 2 гиена клинок

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Relationship with other factions

The Hyenas are at war with the True Sons and have fought to a stalemate against them. In fact, the main reason for various Hyena clans to unify was because of the True Sons, suggesting that prior to the unification each clan was being decimated by their enemy. The clans of Coyote, Saint, Diesel and Dime all possess control points with miniguns, suggesting that their clans were doing the bulk of the fighting against the True Sons.

However, Diesel and his lieutenant, Rebound were in Downtown West, suggesting the Hyenas were trying to expand west, while the Outcasts were distracted by their territory war with the True Sons in West Potomac Park.

They are hostile towards the Outcasts as an ECHO located on H Street NW, near the World’s End control point provides evidence that at least one group of Hyenas and at least one group of Outcasts were fighting over territory while trying to take out a squad of True Sons guarding a building in Downtown West. This suggests that the Hyenas see the Outcasts as a threat to their survival in Western D.C., and are trying to keep them at bay till they can muster the numbers needed to crush their control of West D.C.

Following the death of several Hyena Council members and the invasion of the Black Tusk, the Hyenas are now at war with every faction and are vying for control of positions within Washington, D.C.

As shown by the heroic bounties, Capitol Trash and South Lawn Pack the Hyenas have started trying to organize themselves by fighting Division agents to decide a winner and select a new council member from their ranks. This was not to be as The Division had ranks composed of stronger units.

However, Venus has recruited some of the Hyenas along the Cleaners to create some kind of plan in D.C. However, what this plan is currently unknown.

Months later, a Black Tusk rogue agent named Wraith gathers a large army of Hyenas troops to wreck havoc on D.C., to help Black Tusk with their mission.


The mysterious Black Tusk faction is The Division's most recently established nemesis, one that is still imperfectly understood. Known as a highly trained, well-equipped, and brutally efficient special operations unit, the Black Tusk appear to be seeking control of the United States federal government. But unlike other factions in both New York City and Washington, D.C. who share the same goal, the Tusk seem to have high-level backing. They have unlimited funding support, eerily precise Intel, and access to remarkably advanced and even experimental technology.

Are the Black Tusk merely the military muscle for a secret cabal of benefactors? Reports coming into Division headquarters suggest that under cover of the Green Poison pandemic's spreading disruption, Black Tusk operations have already secured key strategic locations around the country: military bases, power-grid and utilities infrastructure, media-communications hubs, Internet server farms, certain financial institutions and high-tech corporate campuses, and so on. Now it appears they've been called to Washington, D.C. to neutralize federal resistance and counter The Division activations mandated by Presidential Directive 51.

Although its exact origins remain shrouded in mystery and what looks like deliberate misinformation, the Black Tusk group is comprised of both military and paramilitary units with a long history of working for shadowy elements of the United States government in conflict zones around the world. Black Tusk operatives have been active in everything from covert regime-change operations to on-the-ground counterinsurgency efforts in a wide array of hot spots in Latin America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and North Africa.

The group's current configuration is clearly recruited in direct response to the bioterror attack last December. Black Tusk units and equipment began shipping back to the United States in the very early hours of the outbreak - indeed, before the full extent of the crisis was even known, which suggests the disturbing possibility of fore-knowledge. Intel intercepts since indicate a desire to "cleanse, pacify, and police the emerging New America".


Black Tusk is the last major enemy faction that the player encounters, only appearing once the player has reached Level 30 and defeated the True Sons at their Stronghold in the Capitol Building. Once they are introduced to the game, they gain control of every Stronghold and most of the Story Missions.

Each area of the map that contains a Black Tusk stronghold will be marked in red as an "invaded" segment. The player must replay each of the Strongholds and Missions against Black Tusk; once all these have been completed, the invaded sections of the map will be restored to normal.

Sections of D.C. that are under the Black Tusk invasion will house Black Tusk activities, such as Public Executions and Territory Control. However, Black Tusk cannot capture Control Points. After the Black Tusk appears in the game, randomized patrols of Black Tusk troops in the streets of D.C. become common, even in non-invaded sections of the map.

In combat, Black Tusk troops are heavily reliant on their abilities; they will deploy various types of drones, including aerial Seeker Drones that explode when near the player. Black Tusk troops also favor firing from cover and behave more cautiously than Hyenas or Outcasts, generally keeping a safe distance from the player. Black Tusk is also distinct from the other factions in that they employ autonomous robots against the player. The Warhound is a quadrupedal, heavily-armored robot with a large-caliber gun that can inflict high damage on the player, but it is slow-moving and its gun has to charge before it fires.

The UGV is a tracked weapons platform with a machine gun and grenade launcher that can be disabled by shooting its treads or destroyed by killing its Controller operator. Most Black Tusk troops have a distinct weak point, highlighted in red, usually located on either on their back or thigh, which can be targeted by the player to cause explosive or effect damage to the victim. During some missions, they fast-rope to the ground when leaving one of their UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters.

На разрушенных улицах Вашингтона вы в большом количестве обнаружите разный лут и пушки, но только внимательный игрок найдет пасхалки и ключи, коих не так много. И в этом гайде вы узнаете, где искать ключи от тайников фракций Гиен, Изгоев и Истинных Сынов, а также как открыть Апартаменты №3 в Отеле Вашингтона.

Расположение ключей в The Division 2 определяется частично случайным образом, то есть, у них нет точного местоположения. Тем не менее, игроки уже разобрались в системе их генерации — и она очень простая.

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Скорее всего, со своим первым тайником вы столкнетесь во время прохождения сюжетной кампании The Division 2, когда будете зачищать лагерь Гиен (Hyena) по квесту. Не стоит обыскивать все вокруг, поскольку ключа рядом не будет, как бы вы не обыскивали трупы и комнаты.

В мире The Division 2 можно встретить сотни сундуков, прямо как в Far Cry 3 — в них лежит оружие, патроны, снаряжение и разная экипировка. Ключи также генерируются в ящиках, но не обычных, а в боксах определенного типа.

Нужные нам ящики располагаются только внутри зданий или подземных туннелей. Они выглядят как настенный шкаф электропроводки:

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

С определенной вероятностью (высокой) вы найдете в ящике ключ от тайника, который будет соответствовать той фракции, что сейчас удерживает эту область. Либо шкаф будет пуст.

Учитывая, что вы много времени будете проводить в открытом мире, вы можете найти в настенных шкафах ключ от других враждебных фракции — Изгоев (Outcasts) и Истинных Сынов (True Sons).

Быстрее и проще всего проверить ящики в туннелях, вход в которые расположен на юге лужайки Белого дома:

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Это позади места, где вы начнете первую игровую миссию. Прогуляйтесь глазами по стенам туннелей, и вы увидите серые коробки, которые можно облутать:

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Есть еще одна подземная система туннелей, где вы можете найти ключи. Она находится в восточной части города, к северо-востоку от Белого дома:

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Однако ключ от Апартаментов №3, расположенных в Отеле Вашингтона, имеет определенного носителя. Во время миссии Grand Washington Hotel вы найдете этот ключ на трупе справа от вас, когда зачистите первую комнату.

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Возьмите карту с собой, поскольку сможете использовать её сразу же в миссии, открыв Апартаменты №3, наполненные крутым лутом.

Где в The Division 2 найти ключи от тайников Гиен, Изгоев, Истинных Сынов и Апартаментов №3 — гайд

Нужное место встретится через 3-4 перестрелки, так что продвигайтесь вперед, прямо по миссии, пока не дойдете до коридора с табличками и надписью «Апартаменты 1-10» (Suites 1-10). Нужная дверь в левой части коридора.


The Hyenas would try to flank you in order to gain a tactical advantage. Their skills are unorthodox, as they simply disregard cover, shoot without aiming their weapons, or simply take spice and charge towards their foe. Their skills typically involve forcing you out of cover and inflicting status effects - the throwers and controllers try to force you out of cover, the snipers will try to blind you, and the engineers will try and kill you with their sniper turrets. The medics usually revive their fellow Hyenas, but will not hesitate to fight you head-on, even if it's suicide. The assault usually flanks and fires as they go, while attempting to outflank you themselves.

The Black Tusk also known as the Black Tusk Special Unit or BTSU, is a major enemy faction that appears at the endgame in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. Operating as a large Private Military Company with ties to the U.S. government, the BTSU invaded Washington, D.C. shortly after the True Sons were pushed out of the Capitol Building.

The Black Tusks took back the former faction Strongholds and mission locations. Although when Tidal Basin, the Black Tusks' main Stronghold was secured by The Division, they still operate in D.C., securing other landmarks and locations.

As an endgame faction, the Black Tusk only appears once the player has completed all the Story missions and Strongholds during their level 1 - 30 experience. They also share similarities with the Last Man Battalion and Hunters from Tom Clancy's The Division.

Intelligence Brief

  • Eliminate all hostile factions and groups in Washington, D.C.
  • Ruthlessly suppress civil unrest.
  • Disarm and control the settlements.
  • Neutralize the Strategic Homeland Division and any armed forces allied to it.

Although the Black Tusk group is a private military company, it is not strictly work-for-hire like other companies of mercenary soldiers. Black Tusk are ideologically driven as well. They operate based on their chilling vision of a new world order, and they fervently believe in their role as the harbingers and military guardians of that order.

Belief in their vision's purity lets the Black Tusk terminate anything that threatens it - U.S. soldiers, national security operatives (like The Division), civil servants, civilians - without hesitation or remorse. Men, women, children, the elderly. nobody is an innocent bystander according to Black Tusk rules of engagement.

Weapon Mods

Weapon Mods are attachments added to weapons that modify their performance. Usually, there are only positive affects, but some mods might have a minor negative effect too. WIP

The Hyenas are a major enemy faction in Tom Clancy's The Division 2. While combining the killing instinct, thievery premise, and the firearm combat discipline of the Rioters and the Rikers in Tom Clancy's The Division, these roaming scavengers are thieves and murderers, who prey on the weak and incautious for resources and kill for kicks, as well as destroying everything they can't salvage to hobble their enemies.

The Hyenas show a lack of free world discipline, roaming around in groups and charging around in a fight rather than holding their ground. They show a lack of tactics at times, being only concerned about destroying their opponents.

After The Division brought most Council members to justice, including the ones in the District Union Arena, the Hyenas become disorganized.

However, two council members remain active and at large: Mayhem and Zodiac.


Named Weapons

  • Lullaby (Pre-order/The Capitol Defender Pack) (Elite Agent Pack) (Kendra's Liberty Blueprint) (The Lost Chatterbox Blueprint) (drops from Hyena Named Enemies) (drops from Outcast Named Enemies) (drops from Outcast Named Enemies in Dark Zone) (Puck's Nemesis Blueprint) (exclusive drop from Operation Dark Hours) (World drop, increased chance in Assault Rifle targeted loot areas and bounties) (drops from New York City World Bosss) (exclusive drop from Theo Parnell and James Dragov) (exclusive drop from LegendaryStrongholds) (project reward) (exclusive drop from Operation Iron Horse)
  • The Diamondback (Kenly College, can also drop in open world when farming Rifles targeted loot areas, bounties and missions) (Seasonal Reward) (Seasonal Reward)

Relationship with other factions

Prior to their invasion, the Black Tusk monitored and kept tabs on all of the warring factions in Washington, D.C., especially The Division. It is only after all of the factions were defeated in their stronghold did they make their move to invade, facing little resistance.

Despite this, Black Tusk holds some level of interest in The Division as they likely scaled backed on their sabotage when The Division began to gain momentum against the other factions eventually defeat them. This was most likely done so that all the factions would be weakened in the fighting, allowing for a much smoother and easier Black Tusk invasion.

There are some incidents where some skirmish took place between True Sons and Black Tusk.

In New York, The Black Tusk is revealed to be supplying the Last Man Battalion with Carl Gustav's and other heavy armaments as shown in the comic Tom Clancy's The Division: Extremis Malis.

When Wraith came from hiding, it was revealed that a global corporation hired Black Tusk. As Kestrel got out of hiding, it was also discovered that Black Tusk was founded by Natalya Sokolova in which she allegedly used her family's fortune as a vehicle to dismantle the old government and replace it with that of Black Tusk. Only time will tell how Black Tusk unravels.


The Hyenas leadership and government structure is a combination of a federation and an autocracy. As a federation, the Hyenas are led by a Council of Hyena clans. Each clan is self-governing and relatively independent of one another but are all unified as one. As an autocracy, each clan is led by a single leader who has absolute authority over his/her own clan and represents them within the council, acting as the speaker that voices the choices of his/her clan represented in the Council.

Originally the Hyenas were divided and often fought each other for control of turf to spread each clan's influence until a clan leader named Coyote proposed to other clan leaders to unify together. She argued that they all faced a common foe, the True Sons, and that they need to band together if they were going to survive. After much debate, the other clan leaders agreed with Coyote and thus the Hyena Council was formed.


This time around, your grenades will be connected to your specialization, which aren't unlocked until level 30. During levels 1 - 29, the Concussion grenade will be the only one available to you.

At level 30, there will be several additional types of grenades available, each tied to a specialization:

Whenever you switch specialization, you will also switch grenade type. This means that you will never have, for example, a Flashbang and an Incendiary grenade at the same time. However, the Concussion grenade will always be available, no matter what specialization you use.

Intelligence Brief

Much like their animal counterparts, the Hyenas are generally opportunistic raiders and scavengers who prey on the weak but can also stand their ground against more powerful foes. The Hyenas appear to consist mostly of late teens and young adults who are either criminals, affiliated with gangs before the outbreak, and normal citizens who wish to simply revel in the anarchy caused by said outbreak. In fact, they've been known to manufacture drugs as drug labs can be seen within Hyena occupied buildings.

Despite this, as a faction, they are relatively organized and intelligent as they are able to re-purpose and use military weapons (miniguns and grenade launchers), creating sniper turrets from SHD devices, and manufacturing creative combat devices such as RC cars rigged with C4 blocks. Also, their council is shown to possess a decent level of government structure. The Hyenas mark their territory with green paint, graffiti, fumes and dead civilians having been used as target practice.

Their general combat skills are typical of a group of criminal gangs, as they show little coordination or discipline, with little regard for what the other combatants are doing. They disregard using cover or aiming with their weapons on a regular basis, and some simply take drugs and charge into battle.

Perhaps as an indicator of their territory, they dislike using assault rifles, snipers, and light machine guns, typically using sub machine guns, pistols, and shotguns. Typically, Shield, Rusher, and Assault archetypes are found closest to enemies, firing away. Medic, Engineer, and Tank archetypes are found behind them, usually setting up their equipment, reviving any dead Hyenas, and laying down suppressive fire for their allies. Controller, Thrower, and Sniper archetypes are found at vantage points in the battlefield, using their gear to support their allies, disorient enemies, and acting as additional ballistic suppression. They typically favor rush tactics, panicking at close range if surprised, and attempt to melee even if the aggressor has a shield, showing a relentless desire to strike down any invaders and enemies.


The Hyenas are a loosely organized gang of hedonistic scavengers who rely on violence and intimidation to prey on struggling civilian encampments. These opportunistic raiders have no greater agenda other than to exploit weakness and vulnerability of those who were torn by the outbreak of the Green Poison, and thrive by capitalizing on the misfortune of citizens that were affected by the outbreak.

As civilized society collapsed in the greater metropolitan area of Washington, D.C., citizens who gravitated to acts of depredation - stealing, plundering, raiding, pillaging, ambushing, double-dealing, etc. - to survive began to band together into clans to further gain supplies for their plundering. Some named themselves and claimed turf, similar to how youth gangs operate. But most were amorphous groupings whose membership and leadership shifted from day to day.

As the brutal, anarchic winter turned into spring, six larger clans rose to prominence in the shattered streets north of Constitution Avenue. For weeks, their vicious turf battles destabilized entire neighborhoods and terrorized the surviving citizenry. But in February, these six clans called an interpack truce that led to the creation of a so-called "freedom council" with each clan represented (many lesser clans exist but are not represented). This council has declared a series of purposes that they've termed "freedoms":

  • The freedom to conduct "business" (plunder) within the clan's sphere of influence without interference or consequence from other clans.
  • The freedom to accumulate resources of value/wealth for the clan's own consumption as well as for bartering opportunities with other clans.
  • The freedom to prevent enemies (i.e., any organization not designated a party to the council agreement) from acquiring control of any turf within the northern district.

The council also made one final declaration. The leaders created an umbrella designation for all six clans, calling themselves the Hyenas and officially making them unified into one technical clan.

Despite a lack of centralized organization, the Hyenas are shrewd and well-inured to the use of violence. They care nothing for civilians other than as possible resources of survival goods, sometimes even terrorizing, killing, and hunting merely for sport or their amusement. They are callous opportunists, not only preying on a disrupted city but also actively resisting and undermining stabilization efforts by local and federal authorities in order to keep themselves in control of the settlements without any federal government interference.

Weapons Types

There are several types of weapon to be found in Washington, D.C., and each weapon type can have several variations within their own category (for example: Semi-Automatic Marksman Rifles v. Bolt-Action Marksman Rifles)


Signature Weapons for Endgame (Specializations)

Upon reaching level 30, agents unlock Specializations. These provide the agent with a structure to make a build upon. Each specialization also comes with a unique weapon that the agent may use, as well as an additional slot to hold that weapon.


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