Terraria секретные сиды

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

Сид "for the worthy" - это секретный сид, добавленный в обновлении "Journey's end", сильно усложняющий игру.

Not the bees [ ]

Map view of a world generated with seed "Not the bees".

Screen shown while "Not the bees" is generating.

This seed references the NOT THE BEES! meme which originated from the 2006 horror film The Wicker Man. It generates a world dominated by bee-themed biomes and bee-related items and structures.

  • Most of the world is replaced with the Jungle biome, with Hive and Honey Blocks found in abundance. See below for a full list of replaced tiles.
    • As a result, the player will spawn in the Jungle biome, as opposed to normal gameplay.
    • The time for generating this seed is also extraordinarily long. This might be because of the fact that the world is generated first (as normal) and then converted to the terrain thereafter.

    Replaced tiles [ ]

    • All water is replaced with honey, unless on Floating Islands, in the Dungeon, or in the Cavern layer underneath the Ocean biomes.
    • All forest trees, Living Wood, Leaf Blocks and vines are converted into their respective Jungle variants, unless on Floating Islands.
      • Rarely, parts of the world that spawn above the minimum level needed for Floating Islands will also not be converted, leaving hilltops of dirt above a line.
      • Because of this, a massive Mushroom Biome will appear in the lava layer of where the original Jungle was.
      • Likewise with Ebonsand, Ebonsandstone, Hardened Ebonsand, Purple Ice, Crimsand, Crimsandstone, Hardened Crimsand and Red Ice blocks.
      • Likewise, only Hardened Sand and Sandstone Blocks within the Ocean biomes are replaced with Hive blocks.

      Excluded content [ ]

      • The Oasis, glowing moss biomes, and Spider Caves will never be generated.
        • This also means the Stylist will never spawn, making the Bestiary impossible to complete.

        For the worthy [ ]

        Map view of a world generated with seed "For the worthy".

        Screen shown while "For the worthy" is generating.

        Underworld [ ]

        • The Ash Block ground of the Underworld is speckled with 1-block-sized pockets of lava. These won't hurt the player as of 1.4.
        • Digging up Ash Blocks will sometimes trigger other nearby Ash Blocks to fall (be affected by gravity), similar to Silt. This behavior is closely related to that of Cracked Dungeon Bricks.
        • All Ruined Houses are made of Hellstone Bricks.
        • All Demons are replaced with Voodoo Demons. It makes completing the Bestiary impossible in these worlds.

        Bosses [ ]

        Many bosses and/or their minions are either larger or smaller than normal:

        • Larger: King Slime, Eater of Worlds, Brain of Cthulhu and its Creepers, Queen Bee, Skeletron, The Hungry, Destroyer and its Probes, Skeletron Prime and Plantera.
        • Smaller: Wall of Flesh, The Twins and Golem.

        As a general rule, bosses and their minions are affected by the same contact damage and health buffs reported above for regular enemies, while damage from other attacks is not affected. However, there are some exceptions. For instance:

        • The Eye of Cthulhu's melee damage in its second form is unchanged.
        • The Wall of Flesh has an additional 1.5x health multiplier applied after the regular for the worthy bonus, for a total of 25,200 maximum health in Expert mode and 28,560 in Master mode.
        • The Lunatic Cultist's damage from Ancient Light and Prophecy's End is increased, despite them being ranged attacks. 's damage from Detonating Bubble, Sharknado and Cthulunado is increased, despite them being ranged attacks.
        • The Moon Lord's damage from any attack, including melee, is unchanged.

        All bosses (with the exception of Duke Fishron and the Moon Lord, whose size is also not altered) receive certain changes to their AI:

        Terraria | Террария

        В этом обсуждении вы можете размещать свои интересные сиды, с теми или иными особенностями. Описывайте, чем ваш сид выделяется и, по возможности, прикрепляйте скриншоты для наглядности.

        Terraria | Террария

        Помимо случайных чисел можно ввести секретный (пасхальный) сид, который сгенерирует мир следующим образом:

        • "05162020" – Данный сид является отсылкой на дату релиза версии 1.4 - 16.05.2020, и интересным образом меняет мир. Например, в обычных мирах у каждой руды есть своя альтернатива(медь - олово, железо - свинец и т.д) и появляется только одна из них, а в мире с этим сидом появляются все руды.
        Кримзон и Искажение также появляются вместе, а в сундуках можно найти ноги Лунного Лорда.

        Drunk world [ ]

        Map view of a large world generated with seed 5162020. Note that there is both Corruption and Crimson.

        Map view of a small world generated with seed 5162020.

        Screen shown while 5162020 is generating.

        Surface [ ]

        Evil biomes [ ]

        • A single world will incorporate elements of both evil biomes during generation:
          • Both evil biomes generate, each on opposite sides of the world.
          • Both the Corruption and CrimsonBiome Chests are present in the Dungeon. and Crimson Hearts share a single counter. Only the first of either will be a guaranteed firearm and every third total will spawn its boss.
          • Both Demon Altars and Crimson Altars appear in their respective chasms.
            • However, only one type of altar will generate in the world outside of their chasms, regardless of the biome where they appear. The type of altar depends on which world evil is chosen when creating the world.
            • The world icon in the world selection menu shows a tree infected with both world evils.
            • The chosen world evil in the world creation menu will be the "main" world evil on the first day. Each dawn, the "main" world evil, used for processing otherwise permanent world-specific evil biome related mechanics, switches. This will impact the following mechanics:
              • Which items NPCs sell: Verify
                  or Crimson Seeds from the Dryad. or Vicious Powder from the Dryad. or Crimson Grass Wall from the Dryad.
                • The style of Deathweed Planter Box from the Dryad. or Red Solution from the Steampunker. or Flesh Cloning Vat from the Steampunker.
                  • " If you combine lenses at a demon altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though. "
                  • " If you combine lenses at a crimson altar, you might be able to find a way to summon a powerful monster. You will want to wait until night before using it, though. "
                  • " You can create worm bait with rotten chunks and vile powder. Make sure you are in a corrupt area before using it. "
                  • " You can create a bloody spine with vertebrae. Make sure you are in a crimson area before using it. "
                  • " Demonic altars can usually be found in the corruption. You will need to be near them to craft some items. "
                  • " Crimson altars can usually be found in the crimson. You will need to be near them to craft some items. "
                  • " Smashing a shadow orb will sometimes cause a meteor to fall out of the sky. Shadow orbs can usually be found in the chasms around corrupt areas. "
                  • " Smashing a crimson heart will sometimes cause a meteor to fall out of the sky. Crimson hearts can usually be found in the chasms around crimtane areas. "
                  • " I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a demon altar. "
                  • " I think you are ready for your first major battle. Gather some lenses from the eyeballs at night and take them to a crimson altar. "
                  • " The ebonstone in the corruption can be purified using some powder from a dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives. "
                  • " The Crimstone in the Crimson can be purified using some powder from a Dryad, or it can be destroyed with explosives. "
                  • " Your next step should be to explore the corrupt chasms. Destroy any shadow orb you find. "
                  • " Your next step should be to explore the caverns of the Crimson. Find and destroy any Crimson Hearts that you come across. "
                  • " Make sure to smash any demon altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do! "
                  • " Make sure to smash any crimson altar you can find. Something good is bound to happen if you do! "
                  • " Trying to get past that Ebonstone , eh? Why not introduce it to one of these explosives! "
                  • " Trying to get past that Crimstone , eh? Why not introduce it to one of these explosives! "
                  • " You must cleanse the world of this corruption. "
                  • " You must cleanse the world of this crimson. "
                  • " Have you tried using purification powder on the ebonstone of the corruption? "
                  • " Have you tried using purification powder on the crimstone of the crimson? "

                  Dungeon and Jungle Temple [ ]

                  • Both the Dungeon and the Jungle Temple are painted brown, deep sky blue, green, lime, purple, red, or yellow; and both feature spikes that extend three blocks high instead of two.
                  • The surface entrance to the Dungeon is completely removed. The Dungeon instead generates underneath a "dead" Living Tree, with leaves painted brown to differentiate it from other Living Trees.
                  • The Old Man is placed in a pre-generated house underground in the Dungeon, making it harder to fight Skeletron.
                    • Since the Dungeon point (the leftmost of the two tiles that the Old Man stands on at night) is located inside the Old Man's underground house, the Cultists also spawn in there.
                    • This makes it possible to obtain a Water Bolt as well as encounter the Bound Mechanic prior to defeating Skeletron.
                    • Furthermore, a locked Gold Chest is almost always generated in the entrance room and it will always contain a Muramasa. This is not unique to the drunk world seed, but is an artifact of the way that Dungeon loot is generated (see Dungeon § Notes for more details).

                    Unaffected world generation aspects [ ]

                    While drunk world generation generally causes otherwise per-world counterparts to coexist upon generation or through other methods, there remain some generation aspects that appear to be unaffected:

                    • As mentioned previously, altar generation outside of chasms will always correspond to one world evil, rather than both generating as one would expect.
                    • Not all types of moss will generate in the same world. Verify

                    While generating [ ]

                    • Generation descriptions and tips become random numbers that change every tick (except when " Placing traps ").
                    • The background shows a Glowing Mushroom biome, with clouds that resemble Redigit's head. The moon moves backwards and resembles a smiley face (see Trivia). Once the world finishes generating, it is possible to go back to the main menu with these effects still visible.
                    • The outline of the progress bar rapidly flashes between Corruption and Crimson.
                    • The Console Title music plays, instead of the normal Title Screen theme.
                    • The Terraria logo spins out and disappears along with the version number.


                    • Текст при создании мира пишется наоборот.
                    • Урон и защита всех врагов увеличены. Контактный урон очень сильно увеличен.
                    • При создании мира вместо Гида появляется Подрывник.
                    • Все блоки копаются в два раза быстрее.
                    • Иногда озера воды заменены на лавовые озера.
                    • При разрушении горшков и ударе топором или бензопилой по деревьям могут выпасть активированные бомбы, но из горшков гораздо чаще.
                    • Жилы платиновой/золотой и кримтановой/демонитовой руды попадаются чаще, а также сами жилы больше. , гранитные пещеры, мраморные пещеры и грибной биом генерируются чаще, а размеры Грибного биома сильно увеличены.
                    • Все парящие острова заражены соответствующим мировым злом, с поставленными водяными фонтанами этого биома, а все небесные сундуки заменены на закрытые золотые, но лут оставлен прежним. покрашен в яркий цвет, содержит больше шипастых ловушек, а также его вход повернут в сторону ближайшего Океана. покрашен в зеленый цвет и он примерно в 3 раза больше, чем обычно.
                    • У каждого сундука есть 1/15 шанс, что его первый слот (в котором обычно лежит самый ценный предмет) будет заменен на статую ангела.
                    • В любых сундуках можно найти красное зелье, выпив которое в этом мире можно получить 3 случайных баффа на 30 минут, вместо всех дебаффов в обычных мирах.
                    • Абсолютно все обычные кролики заменяются на взрывных, кроме праздничных, что делает полное заполнение Бестиария честным путем в этом мире невозможным (праздничные кролики не считаются за обычных в Бестиарии, как и взрывные). Если призывать кроликов с помощью статуй, то вместо них будут призываться взрывные, но их взрыв не наносит урона.
                    • Случайное количество Леса может заменится на Джунгли, при этом сохраняя структуру как в Лесу.
                    • В мире Джунгли могут вообще не выходить на поверхность.
                    • Иногда при разрушении блока пепла в аду соседние блоки пепла сыпятся.
                    • Башни в аду всегда сделаны из кирпичей из адского камня.
                    • Все Демоны заменены на Демонов Вуду


                    Многие Боссы и их миньоны становятся больше или меньше.

                    • Больше: Королевский слизень, Пожиратель миров, Мозг Ктулху и его Наблюдатели, Королева пчёл, Скелетрон, Жаждущий, Уничтожитель, и его зонды и Плантера.
                    • Меньше: Стена плоти, Близнецы и Голем.

                    Все боссы (кроме Лунного лорда и Герцога Рыброна, которые не поменяли размер) получили изменения в их ИИ.

                    15 дек. 2016 в 13:41

                    Come on guys, lets exchange world seeds in terraria 1.3.4 - Mine:
                    Seed: "Alduin's bane"
                    Expert - Large - Crimsom
                    3 pyramids, 1 pharaohs set, Magic carpet and?
                    <--------- from spawn has an cave entrance with 3 chests, then an small house in ice cave (fall from the entrance) with ice skates and some crimson altars right next the spawn
                    <--------- Dungeon / Jungle ---------->
                    Crimson at mid of jungle ;-;

                    If u choose corruption it will take the desert that has 2 pyramids, and will not take the jungle as well

                    15 дек. 2016 в 13:43 Seed: lolz @ holocaust
                    Small - Crimson
                    Head left from spawn until you hit a giant tree, dig 20 blocks left from the tree and you'll find an enchanted sword shrine. 15 дек. 2016 в 13:54 29 дек. 2016 в 14:06 its ok, i had a crimzon spawn at the very top of the jungle, i had to use explosives to get to the jungle. 29 дек. 2016 в 15:00 I once had my Lihzahrd Temple spawn in a Crimson Chasm. Unfortunately it was way back in 1.3.1 (searching for geyser traps before BW updated), so I don't have the seed. 30 дек. 2016 в 8:47 heh 8675309 small expert corruption, puts you on a small area of Purity right between a Snow biome to the east with a largish corruption and an uncorrupted Jungle biome to the west. Super-easy to build a town spanning all three in short order, lets you put the Witch Doctor in Jungle without exiling him. 30 дек. 2016 в 8:58 Ok. impressive. ive had a hell dungeon and 4 enchanted sword caves in one large world, but this is still very impressive! 30 дек. 2016 в 15:06 Ok. impressive. ive had a hell dungeon and 4 enchanted sword caves in one large world, but this is still very impressive! You always get 4 enchanted sword shrines in large worlds. And 3 in medium worlds, and 1 in small. 30 дек. 2016 в 16:47

                    9 enchanted sword shrines in larges lol

                    30 дек. 2016 в 16:49

                    9 enchanted sword shrines in larges lol

                    really? I've never gotten amounts of them other than the ones I mentioned :P 30 дек. 2016 в 17:28 The shrines are generated with worlds, and everything is random,amount and type of floating islands, amount of granite and marble, bee hives, the'res no fixed number, but it has an maximum, for memory limit, 1.3.5 confirmed people, terraria isn't finished 2 янв. 2017 в 17:07

                    You can have interesting experiences just going Sesame Street. try 1234567890 Large Expert Crimson and have a GREAT laugh at the results. The best part is, I STILL found the Angler floating on the water over there! Not to mention the weird proliferation of underground camp sites right there.

                    Just going 2345678901, 3456789012, or something like 0000000000 (ten zeroes), 0000000001, 0000000002, I've seen some funny stuff. Underground jungle wedged under ocean, ocean behind a TALL wall, world trees ludicrously long hollow root shafts, even a sword shrine whose shaft cuts right through the middle of a world tree's chest room. One of these had a tall normal tree right near spawn that's just on top of a massive single-column of dirt next to a hill. Great stuff!

                    Edit: And, in the vein of all the bad 80s movies I've been watching lately (Howard the Duck, The Last Dragon, Robocop, etc), I tried ED209 small expert crimson and got a world with a sort of crappy half-ocean to the east and a nice assortment of newbie goodies if you head just a little west from spawn. Even better: the Dungeon. which kind of towers over the surrounding landscape, like a good villain's lair should. has TWO Water Bolts right near the entrance! Just be warned. the roof of the Dungeon technically reaches Space and can get Harpy spawns. The Dungeon also comes VERY close to Hell but, sadly, doesn't quite get there.

                    Secret world seeds are world seeds which have been discovered as secret easter eggs that generate worlds with strange or unique features. Unlike regular world seeds, which affect only the usual world structure, secret seeds can produce worlds with characteristics that would not be attainable through normal world generation, i.e., they can affect the game's mechanics while playing in that world. For instance, they may change enemy statistics and behavior, item drops, graphics, theme music and more.

                    Secret seeds use unique world-generating mechanics that differ from normal seeds. Using a secret seed overrides the normal use of seeds as a source of randomness and two worlds created via the same secret seed will not necessarily be identical.

                    There are currently four / three different secret seeds.


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