Starbound пиксельный принтер лагает

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

При его использавании проседает фпс, иногда вообще может зависнуть все намертво. Я один такой или у кого-то еще подобное возникало ?

Подтверждаю.Использование ПП приводит к падению фпс. Причём вроде такое было до релиза даже если память не изменяет.

Суть такова что лаги эти появляются в основном если использовать ПП в режиме "админа" (предметы доступные для "распечатки" разблочены все и сразу.) Предметов много и потому загрузка оных приводит к торможению игры. Порой сильному. Ибо их реально овердофига.

Если в обычном режиме играть и активировать ПП то всё нормально и лагов нет (у меня там только около двух десятков отсканено всего лишь).

Вот только не знаю будет ли игра тормозить как только я,к примеру, сам насканирую очень много предметов в обычном режиме и заюзаю ПП. Или тормоза исключительно в режиме админа (креатива).

История версий

До версии 1.0 пиксельный принтер был встроен в К.С.И.И. и после сканирования предмет уничтожался.

13 авг. 2017 в 10:54

Hover over the printer, press E, there's a massive lag spike (presumably as it tries to load all you've scanned into the UI), the game crashes (and the server says logged out for inactivity).

Is it my imagination, or does this happen more often- relative to the number of items you've scanned?

I've got a character I've scanned quite a bit with and I just can't use the thing- crashes the game every time.

13 авг. 2017 в 17:41 So is this like the Alcoholic Uncle no one talks about, or am I unique in having this issue? 13 авг. 2017 в 17:44

have you mods installed?, maybe they are the fault.

or start a new char, cheat to get the printer and test it.
if it works than is something buggy with your old char.

13 авг. 2017 в 17:49
or start a new char, cheat to get the printer and test it.

Have one already. The other character has considerably less scanned. The printer is still causing a pretty big lag spike on opening, but it opens.

With the most affected character, a lot has been scanned. Moreover as I scanned more, the lag as I opened the interface got worse and worse, till- poof! Game crash.

This is what leads me to think its less to do with mods and something more to do with the number of "recipes" a given character has in the printer.

So let me turn this around? Do you have a lot scanned in (say, 2/3rds of the game), and if so, are you having issues with slow opening, lag, or, you know- crashing?

13 авг. 2017 в 18:25

never really used, only in the early versions of the game, there was some lag but not a crash for me.
I am more the Collector of stuff I need^^ dead people dont need it^^.

not sure if it was this game, some games you can higher the max resource, that a game can use of your hardware, maybe the game reach it and the game shuts down.
I will check myself if I am right.

edit: Found something.

maybe this will help:

13 авг. 2017 в 19:01

never really used, only in the early versions of the game, there was some lag but not a crash for me.
I am more the Collector of stuff I need^^ dead people dont need it^^.

not sure if it was this game, some games you can higher the max resource, that a game can use of your hardware, maybe the game reach it and the game shuts down.
I will check myself if I am right.

edit: Found something.

maybe this will help:

I've read some of this already, but maybe not as thoroughly as I should.

Mostly I was just trying to get a general sense as to whether this is a common problem- and as of the moment. A lot of these threads peter out around mid-2016.

I dunno if that means it's no longer an issue for most folks, or if people have just given up any hope of it being fixed in the near term.

Definately feels like something that should be fixed, though. Thanks for pointing me to those.

23 июн в 2:56

never really used, only in the early versions of the game, there was some lag but not a crash for me.
I am more the Collector of stuff I need^^ dead people dont need it^^.

not sure if it was this game, some games you can higher the max resource, that a game can use of your hardware, maybe the game reach it and the game shuts down.
I will check myself if I am right.

edit: Found something.

maybe this will help:

I've read some of this already, but maybe not as thoroughly as I should.

Mostly I was just trying to get a general sense as to whether this is a common problem- and as of the moment. A lot of these threads peter out around mid-2016.

I dunno if that means it's no longer an issue for most folks, or if people have just given up any hope of it being fixed in the near term.

Definately feels like something that should be fixed, though. Thanks for pointing me to those. Still an issue.


16 дек. 2019 в 20:54 every time i open it to fabricate some decorations it lags really bad and just gets worse the more i scan 17 дек. 2019 в 2:29

Since I already have a pre-scripted answer for this.

Seems like this is caused by the well known memory leak of the pixel printer the devs never acknowledged, even denied if I recall correctly.

You're lucky.
Just a few weeks ago JC made a mod, because it "was really starting to annoy" him.

Пиксельный принтер (Pixel Printer) - особенное рабочее место, которое позволяет воссоздавать отсканированные декорации за пиксели. После этого вы получаете возможность воссоздать данную мебель снова неограниченное количество раз.

Нельзя воссоздать рабочие места и скрафченную мебель (в том числе и ту, что была получена в качестве награды за задание).

Отсканированные объекты выделяются красным в режиме исследования (N), неотсканированные - синим. Неотсканирвоанные предметы, которые нужны для квестов - зелёным.

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