Spotlight 8 test module 1 вариант 1

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. поцеловать в щечку

3. уважать этикет общения

4. чувство юмора

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words : ice, mind, pain, mad.

1 . I’m honest but unreliable. I_______ my best friend _______ because I’m never on time.

2. I’m sensitive and shy. I can never find the right thing to say to _______ the________.

3 . I’m optimistic and easy-going and never afraid to ________ my _________.

4 . Im stubborn and impatient and I can be a _______in ________ at times.

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1 . The sooner we start writing an essay, the sooner we get it ________.

2. I have difficulty to get _______my ideas about summer holidays _______to you.

3 . It’s easy to get _________ with Anna as she always looks on the bright side of the life.

4 . It took me much time to get _________ this strange disease.

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1 . I’m very fond ________ sports.

2 . Don’t be nervous _ _____ taking exams.

3 . She isn’t patient _______ stubborn people.

4. He’s keen _________ foreign languages/

5 . We’re close _______ our parents.

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. The concert _______ (start ) at 9 o’clock .

2. We ___________ (go) to the cinema tonight. Why don’t you join us?

3 . Jane________ (work) at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

4 . I never ________ (be) in England.

5 . How long _________ (you/live) in this place?

6. How long _________ (she /know) you?

7. We ________(just /come ) from the party.

8. The children ________ (play ) in the garden now.

9 . He never ________ (come) home on time.

10 . She ________ (always / tell) lie.

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous . Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1 . I think the soup _________ (taste) a bit funny.

2 . Why _________ (smell) the flowers? - Because they ______ (smell) perfectly.

3. You ______ (look) fantastically in this new dress.

4. He _______ (think) his friend is dishonest.

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS . Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I_______ (clean) my attic when I _________ (come) across my school diary.

2. I ________ (meet) my friend yesterday when I________ (do) the shopping in Mega Mall.

3. My parents_______ (rarely / leave) us home alone when we were young.

4. We ________ (watch) TV while our mum ________ (bake) a cake.

5. He __________( writing) the test at 3 pm yesterday.

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. The train ________ (leave) in ten minutes.

2. Watch where you are going! You _______ ( fall) into the hole.

3. It’s hot in the room. I _______ (open) the window.

4. I believe he _______ (pass) his exam successfully. He has revised the whole material.

1. I’m honest but unreliable. I_______ my best friend _______ because I’m never on time.

2. I’m sensitive and shy. I can never find the right thing to say to _______ the________.

3. I’m optimistic and easy-going and never afraid to ________ my _________.

4. I’m stubborn and impatient and I can be a _______in ________ at times.

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. The sooner we start writing an essay, the sooner we get it ________.

2. I have difficulty to get _______my ideas about summer holidays _______to you.

3. It’s easy to get _________ with Anna as she always looks on the bright side of the life.

4. It took me much time to get _________ this strange disease.

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. I’m very fond ________ sports.

2. Don’t be nervous ______ taking exams.

3. She isn’t patient _______ stubborn people.

4. He’s keen _________ foreign languages/

5. We’re close _______ our parents.

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. The concert _______ (start) at 9 o’clock.

2. We ___________ (go) to the cinema tonight. Why don’t you join us?

3. Jane________ (work) at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

4. I never________ (be) in England.

5. How long _________ (you/live) in this place?

6. How long _________ (she /know) you?

7. We________(just /come) from the party.

8. The children ________ (play) in the garden now.

9. He never ________ (come) home on time.

10. She ________ (always / tell) lie.

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. I think the soup _________ (taste) a bit funny.

2. Why _________ (smell) the flowers? - Because they ______ (smell) perfectly.

3. You ______ (look) fantastically in this new dress.

4. He _______ (think) his friend is dishonest.

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I_______ (clean) my attic when I _________ (come) across my school diary.

2. I ________ (meet) my friend yesterday when I________ (do) the shopping in Mega Mall.

3. My parents_______ (rarely / leave) us home alone when we were young.

4. We ________ (watch) TV while our mum ________ (bake) a cake.

5. He__________( writing) the test at 3 pm yesterday.

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. The train ________ (leave) in ten minutes.

2. Watch where you are going! You _______ ( fall) into the hole.

3. It’s hot in the room. I _______ (open) the window.

4. I believe he _______ (pass) his exam successfully. He has revised the whole material.

5. She _______(see) her friend tonight.

TEST-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. этикет общения

2. семейное положение

3. обнять кого - либо

4. приемлемые темы для разговора

5.обидеть кого-либо

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: tongue, nerves, crazy, mind

1. If you’re disagree with something, don’t be afraid to ________ your ________.

2. I want you to turn off that music. It ______ me _______.

3. She wanted to tell me Mike’s secret but then decided to ______ her _______.

4. She’s so annoying. She _______ on my ________.

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. Do you __________ with your brother?

2. This grammar material is so difficult. The teacher fails to _________ it _______ to the students.

3. This rainy weather _______ me _________.

4. She couldn’t ___________ the fact that her son had failed the exam.

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. My friend is popular ___________ all our classmates and teachers.

2. She is a brilliant student and very good ________ sports.

3. Her parents are very proud ______ her success.

4. Jane is very close _______ her mum. She always shares secrets with her.

5. You shouldn’t be jealous ______ other people’ success.

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. Why are your clothes dirty? Because I_________ (work) in the garden all morning.

2. ______ you______(ever / meet) a pop star?

3. What time________ (train / leave)?

4. ________ (your mum / cook) well?

5. I_______ (see) the dentist today.

6. How long_______ (you / study) English?

7. We ________ (not see) Tina for ages.

8. My brother_______ (always /throw) all things around the house, this annoys me very much.

9. I _______ (play) a computer game at the moment.

10. We __________(know) the Smiths for 5 years already.

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. I _______ (think) of taking a break and coming to visit my aunt in France.

2. What _______ (think) of her character?

3. What ________ (look) at? – At the photo: the place ______ (look) familiar to me.

4. The food _______ (taste) delicious.

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. While he __________(walk) his dog, he _______ (meet) his old friend.

2. Yesterday I_________(get up) at 6 o’clock a.m.

3. We _________( watch) the film when somebody _______(knock) on the door.

4. At this time yesterday he _________(drive) to the countryside.

5. Mary_________(wash up) while her mother ________(iron).

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. I’ve already booked tickets. I _______(fly) to Madrid next Saturday.

2. She________ (be) 15 in two months.

3. He looks bad. - Yes he_________(faint).

4. My train ______ (arrive) at 5p.m.

5. - What do you plan to do at the weekend?- I_________(visit) my grandmother.

Spotlight-8 Test-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1) kiss on the cheek 2) affectionate names 3) respect social etiquette 4)sense of humour

5) make sure

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: ice, mind, the pain, mad.

1. drive mad

2. break ice

3. speak mind

4. pain the neck

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. over with

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) of 2) about 3) with 4) on 5) to

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) starts 2) are going 3) works 4) have never been to England

5) have you been living / have you lived 6) has she known 7) have just come 8) are playing 9) has never come / comes 10) is always telling

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. tastes 2. are you smelling / smell 3. look 4.thinks

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was cleaning / came 2) met / was doing 3) rarely left 4) were watching /was baking

5) was writing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. leaves 2) are going to fall 3) will open 4) will pass 5) is seeing

Spotlight-8 Test-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. social etiquette

2. marital status

3. give smb a hug

4. acceptable small topics/talks

5. offend smb

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: tongue, nerves, crazy, mind

1) speak mind 2) drives crazy 3) hold tongue 4) gets nerves

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1) get along 2) get across 3) gets down 4) get over

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) with 2) at 3) of 4) to 5) of

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) have been working 2) have ever met 3) does the train leave 4) does your mum cook 5) am seeing/ have seen 6) have you been studying 7) haven’t seen 8) is always throwing 9) am playing 10) have known

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) am thinking 2) do you think 3) are you looking / looks 4) tastes

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was walking / met 2) got up 3) were watching / knocked 4)was driving

5) was washing up / was ironing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1) am flying 2) will be 3) is going to 4) arrives 5)am going to visit

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  • по всем предметам 1-11 классов

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Дистанционное обучение как современный формат преподавания

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Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Онлайн-конференция для учителей, репетиторов и родителей

Формирование математических способностей у детей с разными образовательными потребностями с помощью ментальной арифметики и других современных методик

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1. I’m honest but unreliable. I_______ my best friend _______ because I’m never on time.

2. I’m sensitive and shy. I can never find the right thing to say to _______ the________.

3. I’m optimistic and easy-going and never afraid to ________ my _________.

4. I’m stubborn and impatient and I can be a _______in ________ at times.

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. The sooner we start writing an essay, the sooner we get it ________.

2. I have difficulty to get _______my ideas about summer holidays _______to you.

3. It’s easy to get _________ with Anna as she always looks on the bright side of the life.

4. It took me much time to get _________ this strange disease.

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. I’m very fond ________ sports.

2. Don’t be nervous ______ taking exams.

3. She isn’t patient _______ stubborn people.

4. He’s keen _________ foreign languages/

5. We’re close _______ our parents.

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. The concert _______ (start) at 9 o’clock.

2. We ___________ (go) to the cinema tonight. Why don’t you join us?

3. Jane________ (work) at her dad’s restaurant every Friday night.

4. I never________ (be) in England.

5. How long _________ (you/live) in this place?

6. How long _________ (she /know) you?

7. We________(just /come) from the party.

8. The children ________ (play) in the garden now.

9. He never ________ (come) home on time.

10. She ________ (always / tell) lie.

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. I think the soup _________ (taste) a bit funny.

2. Why _________ (smell) the flowers? - Because they ______ (smell) perfectly.

3. You ______ (look) fantastically in this new dress.

4. He _______ (think) his friend is dishonest.

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. I_______ (clean) my attic when I _________ (come) across my school diary.

2. I ________ (meet) my friend yesterday when I________ (do) the shopping in Mega Mall.

3. My parents_______ (rarely / leave) us home alone when we were young.

4. We ________ (watch) TV while our mum ________ (bake) a cake.

5. He__________( writing) the test at 3 pm yesterday.

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. The train ________ (leave) in ten minutes.

2. Watch where you are going! You _______ ( fall) into the hole.

3. It’s hot in the room. I _______ (open) the window.

4. I believe he _______ (pass) his exam successfully. He has revised the whole material.

5. She _______(see) her friend tonight.

TEST-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. этикет общения

2. семейное положение

3. обнять кого - либо

4. приемлемые темы для разговора

5.обидеть кого-либо

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: tongue, nerves, crazy, mind

1. If you’re disagree with something, don’t be afraid to ________ your ________.

2. I want you to turn off that music. It ______ me _______.

3. She wanted to tell me Mike’s secret but then decided to ______ her _______.

4. She’s so annoying. She _______ on my ________.

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. Do you __________ with your brother?

2. This grammar material is so difficult. The teacher fails to _________ it _______ to the students.

3. This rainy weather _______ me _________.

4. She couldn’t ___________ the fact that her son had failed the exam.

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. My friend is popular ___________ all our classmates and teachers.

2. She is a brilliant student and very good ________ sports.

3. Her parents are very proud ______ her success.

4. Jane is very close _______ her mum. She always shares secrets with her.

5. You shouldn’t be jealous ______ other people’ success.

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. Why are your clothes dirty? Because I_________ (work) in the garden all morning.

2. ______ you______(ever / meet) a pop star?

3. What time________ (train / leave)?

4. ________ (your mum / cook) well?

5. I_______ (see) the dentist today.

6. How long_______ (you / study) English?

7. We ________ (not see) Tina for ages.

8. My brother_______ (always /throw) all things around the house, this annoys me very much.

9. I _______ (play) a computer game at the moment.

10. We __________(know) the Smiths for 5 years already.

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets

1. I _______ (think) of taking a break and coming to visit my aunt in France.

2. What _______ (think) of her character?

3. What ________ (look) at? – At the photo: the place ______ (look) familiar to me.

4. The food _______ (taste) delicious.

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1. While he __________(walk) his dog, he _______ (meet) his old friend.

2. Yesterday I_________(get up) at 6 o’clock a.m.

3. We _________( watch) the film when somebody _______(knock) on the door.

4. At this time yesterday he _________(drive) to the countryside.

5. Mary_________(wash up) while her mother ________(iron).

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. I’ve already booked tickets. I _______(fly) to Madrid next Saturday.

2. She________ (be) 15 in two months.

3. He looks bad. - Yes he_________(faint).

4. My train ______ (arrive) at 5p.m.

5. - What do you plan to do at the weekend?- I_________(visit) my grandmother.

Spotlight-8 Test-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1) kiss on the cheek 2) affectionate names 3) respect social etiquette 4)sense of humour

5) make sure

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: ice, mind, the pain, mad.

1. drive mad

2. break ice

3. speak mind

4. pain the neck

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1. over with

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) of 2) about 3) with 4) on 5) to

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) starts 2) are going 3) works 4) have never been to England

5) have you been living / have you lived 6) has she known 7) have just come 8) are playing 9) has never come / comes 10) is always telling

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. tastes 2. are you smelling / smell 3. look 4.thinks

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was cleaning / came 2) met / was doing 3) rarely left 4) were watching /was baking

5) was writing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1. leaves 2) are going to fall 3) will open 4) will pass 5) is seeing

Spotlight-8 Test-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. social etiquette

2. marital status

3. give smb a hug

4. acceptable small topics/talks

5. offend smb

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words: tongue, nerves, crazy, mind

1) speak mind 2) drives crazy 3) hold tongue 4) gets nerves

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1) get along 2) get across 3) gets down 4) get over

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) with 2) at 3) of 4) to 5) of

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) have been working 2) have ever met 3) does the train leave 4) does your mum cook 5) am seeing/ have seen 6) have you been studying 7) haven’t seen 8) is always throwing 9) am playing 10) have known

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) am thinking 2) do you think 3) are you looking / looks 4) tastes

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was walking / met 2) got up 3) were watching / knocked 4)was driving

5) was washing up / was ironing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1) am flying 2) will be 3) is going to 4) arrives 5)am going to visit

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  • подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • по всем предметам 1-11 классов

Курс повышения квалификации

Дистанционное обучение как современный формат преподавания

Курс повышения квалификации

Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС

Курс профессиональной переподготовки

Английский язык: теория и методика преподавания в образовательной организации

Онлайн-конференция для учителей, репетиторов и родителей

Формирование математических способностей у детей с разными образовательными потребностями с помощью ментальной арифметики и других современных методик

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Общая информация

Учебник: «Английский язык», Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д., Подоляко О.Е. и др.

Международная дистанционная олимпиада Осень 2021

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Урок на тему "Неопределенные местоимения"

Конспект урока по английскому языку (2 класс)

Презентация на тему "Коробка переключения передач. Порядковые имена числительные."

Презентация на тему "Классификация предприятий. Предлог и его особенности."

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Вам будут интересны эти курсы:

  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Английский язык: лингвистика и межкультурные коммуникации»
  • Курс повышения квалификации «Правовое обеспечение деятельности коммерческой организации и индивидуальных предпринимателей»
  • Курс повышения квалификации «Специфика преподавания английского языка с учетом требований ФГОС»
  • Курс повышения квалификации «Организация практики студентов в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС медицинских направлений подготовки»
  • Курс повышения квалификации «Разработка бизнес-плана и анализ инвестиционных проектов»
  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков: английский, немецкий, французский»
  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков в профессиональном образовании: английский, немецкий, французский»
  • Курс повышения квалификации «Использование активных методов обучения в ВУЗе в условиях реализации ФГОС»
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  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Организация деятельности секретаря руководителя со знанием английского языка»
  • Курс профессиональной переподготовки «Риск-менеджмент организации: организация эффективной работы системы управления рисками»
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  • Подготовка к ЕГЭ/ОГЭ и ВПР
  • Для учеников 1-11 классов

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I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1) kiss on the cheek 2) affectionate names 3) respect social etiquette 4)sense of humour

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words : ice, mind, the pain, mad.

4. pain the neck

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) of 2) about 3) with 4) on 5) to

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) starts 2) are going 3) works 4) have never been to England

5) have you been living / have you lived 6) has she known 7) have just come 8) are playing 9) has never come / comes 10) is always telling

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous . Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1. tastes 2. are you smelling / smell 3. look 4. thinks

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS . Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was cleaning / came 2) met / was doing 3) rarely left 4) were watching /was baking

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1 . leaves 2) are going to fall 3) will open 4) will pass 5) is seeing

Spotlight-8 Test-1 (Module-1)

I. VOCABULARY PRACTICE. Translate the following phrases into English:

1. social etiquette

2. marital status

3. give smb a hug

4. acceptable small topics/talks

II. IDIOMS. Complete the sentences with the appropriate idiom using the words : tongue, nerves, crazy, mind

1) speak mind 2) drives crazy 3) hold tongue 4) gets nerves

III. PHRASAL VERB “GET”. Complete the phrasal verb with the correct prepositions:

1) get along 2) get across 3) gets down 4) get over

IV. DEPENDENT PREPOSITIONS. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1) with 2) at 3) of 4) to 5) of

V. PRESENT TENSES. Fill in the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) have been working 2) have ever met 3) does the train leave 4) does your mum cook 5) am seeing/ have seen 6) have you been studying 7) haven’t seen 8) is always throwing 9) am playing 10) have known

VI. Present Simple or Present Continuous . Use the correct form of the verb in brackets:

1) am thinking 2) do you think 3) are you looking / looks 4) tastes

VII. PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS . Use the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1) was walking / met 2) got up 3) were watching / knocked 4) was driving

5) was washing up / was ironing

VIII. EXPRESSING FUTURE ACTIONS. Use the correct form of the verb to express future.

1) am flying 2) will be 3) is going to 4) arrives 5) am going to visit

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Ответы к Тесту №1 (Модуль"1) -УМК "Spotlight -10".

Test: Module 3. Spotlight 5.

Тест к Модулю 3, учебника "Английский в фокусе".

Spotlight 8 test module 8

Одноуровневый тест к УМК Spotlight 8, тест модуль 8.

Исправленный тест по Модулю 1 (spotlight 8 класс).

обзорная проверочная рабоа по Модулю 2 учебного пособия Spotlight 8 (variant 1).

обзорная проверочная рабоа по Модулю 2 учебного пособия Spotlight 8 (variant 2).

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