Список анимаций в майнкрафт

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Reason: Multiple distinct, conflicting examples of animations are listed here

An animation is a change in appearence of something with respect to time, used in order to convey information or for aesthetic purposes.


Blocks [ ]

Only few blocks can exhibit true animations. While many blocks have states that can be changed via interactions or otherwise, these are usually instantaneous flips with no continuous transformation between them. Examples of blocks capable of animation include:

    , trapped chests and ender chests, whose lids are on a hinge and which open and close , when opened or closed and sticky pistons, alongside any attached blocks, when expanding or contracting , when active books

Animated textures [ ]

The textures of blocks themselves can be animated.

The following blocks make use of animated textures:

Using resource packs, any block which uses block models can be animated.

Removed from Java edition [ ]

Removed from Bedrock edition [ ]

Fluids [ ]

Both fluids in the game (water and lava) are animated in all forms and directions.

Entities [ ]

Almost all entities have animations of some sort, ranging from an idle animation which always plays to attacking animations and even dancing. Mobs also have walking or other fitting animations when moving.

Entity animations [ ]

Removed from Java edition [ ]

Removed from Bedrock Edition [ ]

Mob Type of Animation Animation Animation added Animation removed
Bat Flying v0.11.0 alpha build 1 beta
Ghast Flying Pocket Edition v0.11.0 alpha build 2 beta
Sheep (Named_jeb) Shifting through colors 0.15.0 build 1 beta

Inventory Icons [ ]

List of Animated Inventory Icons [ ]

Particles [ ]

Particles commonly have animated textures, from flipping through different texture files, such as the Soul Speed particle.

Мод: Новые анимации игрока

Мод New Player Animation вводит новые текстуры и анимации для персонажа в Майнкрафт, которые включают: передвижение, полет, катание на мобах, бег и так далее. При помощи новых функций персонаж будет выглядеть и вести себя гораздо реалистичнее. Самому разработчику особенно понравился новый стиль бега, при котором игрок чуть наклоняется и устремляется вперед.

Надеемся, что новые анимации заставят пересмотреть твой взгляд на игру: ты начнешь еще больше оценивать всю полноту и возможности блочного мира.

The Minecraft Wiki is no longer considered as official by Microsoft and therefore several changes are required to be made, including to the wiki's logo. Please read this announcement for more information.

Please help in the expansion or creation of this article by expanding or improving it. The talk page may contain suggestions.


This is the animation documentation for Bedrock Edition 1.16.210.

Animation Controllers [ ]

States [ ]

Each state has an optional variables section, listing any number of variables that referenced animations can use. Each state also has one or more animations, using the name given in the entity's definition json.

State Variables [ ]

For Example: [ ]

the animation controller for that frame. It will take the value of query.ground_speed , then remap it to between 0.2 and 0.7 based on the value of query.ground_speed going from 0.0 to 1.0. It will play one animation walk that will blend from 0.0 to 1.0 as the ground speed increases from stopped to 2.3 m/s. The remap curve can have any number of entries. The animation controller will then play the entity-referenced wiggle_nose animations, followed by the walk animation, scaling the latter by the value of variable.ground_speed_curve .

User-Defined Script Example [ ]

In definitions\entity\tiger.json: [ ]

from 0 to -1 to 0 where only "base_pose" will play and then an equal amount of time where Walk will play on top of base_pose as foo goes from 0 to 1 back to 0. Base_pose will have a blend value of 1.0.

State Transitions [ ]

Each transition has a target state to switch to, and a script for whether it should switch or not. For each transition in order, evaluate the script, and if it returns non-zero, switch to the specified state immediately.

State Blending [ ]

to the time you would like the system to take in blending between the two states. This is done as a simple lerp between the two states over the time specified.

Channels (Rotation, Position, Scale) [ ]

The engine tracks the animation of rotation, position, and scale separately. Within a channel, one or more key frames are specified at arbitrary times, in seconds, from the start of the animation. If no key frames are specified, a single key frame is created at t=0.0 and all channel data is stored within that key frame.

Entity Animation Format Examples [ ]

The json format for an animation is as follows. Note Matching the geometry format, units are in 1/16ths of meters.

Getting Started [ ]

Upgrade from v1.7 Beta to v1.8 [ ]

To upgrade previous scripts, you'll want to do the following steps to all of your Molang scripts in the order listed:

  1. entity.flags.foo --> query.foo
  2. entity.member.foo --> query.foo
  3. entity.foo --> variable.foo
  4. params.foo --> global.foo
  5. The general rule is that query represents read-only values from the entity the script is running on, and variable represents read-write data created by the user.
  6. We've adopted snake_case for all names of things. You are welcome to use upper-case letters if you wish as we are case-insensitive, however we recommend snake_case in general.
  7. Several variables previously set on mobs have been changed to use the query.foo format. Look through the updated list below to see what has been added and changed.

Upgrade from v1.8 Beta to v1.10 [ ]

  • the ability to have animations reference other animations in an arbitrarily deep hierarchy.
  • the parameters section of animation controllers has been replaced with the variables section.
  • in the entity definition file, animation controllers are now listed in the animations section, and a scripts/animate section has been added to define which root animations to play.

The v1.8 file format is backwards-compatible with v1.10 so you don't _need_ to change anything (although we recommend refactoring your files in the spirit of v1.10 as there is a slight performance win with the new format, as well as it being simpler to understand.

Adding Animations [ ]

Entity Definition [ ]

This means you will not see the move animation in the pig.json animation file either. If you would like to make a custom pig walk you can change this line to point to your custom animation.
Animations are specified as a short name, followed by their full resource name. The short name is used in animation controllers and the scripts/animate list, while the long name is used in the animations file.
In the `scripts/animate` section, you list the animations to play and in which order. You can either specify an animation directly, or specify a blend expression.

Animation Controller [ ]

While a lot of this can be managed in the entity definition scripts/animate section, animation controllers give you the functionality of a state machine into states and control them as a block. Animations in an animation controller state can be animation controllers themselves, allowing for arbitrarily complex animation hierarchies.

Here's a sample animation controller:

Animations [ ]

Note that the channels (x, y, and z) are added separately across animations first, then converted to a transform once all animations have been cumulatively applied.

Animation data can be either raw data: [ ]

By default, rotations are in degrees, in euler X-then-Y-then-Z format

or a run-time interpreted script: [ ]

Here is an example from quadruped.animation.json in the vanilla resource pack's animation folder:

Animation Hierarchy [ ]

Key Frames [ ]

A key frame defines two values for a channel-specific transform to a specific bone at a specified time, one as time approaches the key frame time, and the second from that key frame time onwards.
As such, when interpolating between two key frames, one can define the slope of the animation curve in either a continuous or discontinuous manner.

Interpolation [ ]

This example scales the bone "head":

  1. From 0 to 0.5 seconds, the head bone is set to its normal scale of 1 in all dimensions [X, Y, Z];
  2. At 0.5 seconds, the bone will instantly scale up to 2 times its normal size;
  3. From 0.5 to 1 second ("post"), the bone will re-scale back to its normal size of scale of 1 in all dimensions.

Names [ ]

All names: animations, bones, states, etc, must all start with a letter and contain only alphanumerics, underscore, or period. It is recommended to use names in all lower-case.

Overview [ ]

The follows the current Minecraft JSON paradigms:

  • Fields should be lower-case and use underscores (no spaces).
  • All JSON files in the definitions directory and subtree will be read into and interpreted by the animation system.

Render Controllers [ ]

The Render Controller needs an identifier and needs to follow the format of controller.render.<name> . This name needs to match the name set in the Client Entity Definitions JSON.

Render Controllers are a way for the player to determine what renders on the entity. Players can set the geometry, materials, textures, and part visibility of the entity. In addition to setting the keys directly, players can use arrays to have the entity choose between different options.

Getting Started [ ]

To begin create a new folder named render_controllers in the root of the Resource Pack you want to add the new Render Controller JSON inside.

Example render controllers JSON for the ocelot:

Examples [ ]

Example Array for geometry from the sheep JSON:

Example Array for materials from the spider JSON:

Example Array for textures from the villager JSON:

Example with color for tinting of parts from Armor 1.0 render controller JSON:

Example with is_hurt_color from Creeper render controller JSON:

Example with on_fire_color from Fireball render controller JSON:

Example with overlay_color from Wither Boss render controller JSON:

Example with part_visibility for turning on and off visibility of parts from Llama JSON:

Material array example from Horse render controllers. Saddle will override Mane, which will override TailA, etc.:

Новая версия — Mine-imator 1.2.8

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Даниил Колесниченко

Airat Nazm

Владимир Рудник

Всего комментариев: 59

Модели (риги) для Mine-imator

Риги, риглы или модели для Mine-imator — это дополнительные 3d-модели различных предметов, для более детализированных декораций.

Albatross Laysa.

Маска джокера

Договор (Бумага.

Desert Eagle (Д.

Blood (Риг Кров.

Last Breath San.

Что такое Mine-Imator?

Mine-Imator — это программа для создания Майнкрафт анимации!

Mine-Imator это прогрессивный комбайн для создания анимации для Minecraft. Любой желающий может скачать программу бесплатно и самостоятельно создать видео-ролик для YouTube. Для этого Mine-Imator имеет огромное количество объектов, от импорта кусков карты с расширением *.schematic до управления светом и камерой. Идеальный инструмент с огромным количеством функций.

C каждой версией Mine-Imator становится лучше, вот вот ожидается выход стабильной версии Mine-Imator 1.0.0. В эту версию вошло неимоверное количество обновлений и добавлений. Теперь Mine-Imator стал действительно профессиональным и единственным инструментом в этой нише программ.

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