Space engineers серебро

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

The Refinery is a block in Space Engineers, necessary for converting raw ores into useful refined materials.

The Refinery can process all ore types while the similar Basic Refinery only processes iron, nickel, cobalt, silicon, magnesium and stone; however, it can process those ores faster than the Basic Refinery and uses less electricity.



With Realistic settings, the Refinery has two inventories, both with a capacity of 7,500 L on large ships and stations. The input inventory accepts ore type items. The output inventory accepts material type items, typically ones that have just been processed.

If attached to a conveyor system or directly to other inventories, the input container is flagged to receive pushed items from other inventories. The output inventory is flagged to send pulled items to other blocks. It will automatically issue pull requests if it is running out of ores to refine. If its output is getting full, it will automatically issue push requests. [1]


The Refinery takes up a 2x2x4 block space, having a square footprint and being quite tall. It has 4 inventory panels: one on the front near the base, one on the back, one on the bottom face and one on the top. When placed, it attaches to blocks on its top and bottom face, as well as the first block around its base on the other four sides.

Upgrade Modules

On May 7, 2015, update 1.081 brought upgrade modules to the game in order to improve some of the capabilities of the Refinery. You can attach up to 4 of those modules and in order for them to be active, the attachment points at the bottom of the module must be connected to two of the attachment points on the Refinery.

The Speed Module increases the speed at which the refinery works by 100% but will also increase the power consumption of that Refinery by 100% per module added to it (up to a maximum of 500% increase). This can effectively turn one Refinery into an high-speed processing block but ramping the energy usage up from 560 kW to 2,800 kW. It will, however, save space, building materials and, since Refineries can affect performance when in large numbers, it will also help save CPU power on your machine.

Finally, those modules can be mixed and matched any way you want. For instance, you could add 1 Productivity Module, 1 Power Efficiency Module and 2 Effectiveness Module to the Refinery to get 200% increase to the speed while keeping the power consumption low and refining more ores per kg.

Space Engineers

Тема закрыта 15 фев. 2018 в 17:54 I just cant find it, people say its in big rocks but I only ever found one over the, like, 10km I searched and it only had iron. Why is it easyer to gather resources in space than on planets? 15 фев. 2018 в 18:15

Why is it easier to gather resources in space? For one, there isn't this pesky thing called gravity in the way. And two, everything is in nice and easy to spot asteroids. (/totally unhelpful and snarky response)

As far as your particular problem goes, silver and gold are usually 50m or more under ground and therefore require at the very least, a small grid ore detector.

You will never find platinum on the earth like, mars like, and alien planets. Thay is only on the moons and adteroids.

15 фев. 2018 в 19:08 You will never find platinum on the earth like, mars like, and alien planets. Thay is only on the moons and adteroids. *correction
If you scan inside meteor craters some of the meteors leave small platinum deposits. 15 фев. 2018 в 19:29

Why is it easier to gather resources in space? For one, there isn't this pesky thing called gravity in the way. And two, everything is in nice and easy to spot asteroids. (/totally unhelpful and snarky response)

As far as your particular problem goes, silver and gold are usually 50m or more under ground and therefore require at the very least, a small grid ore detector.

You will never find platinum on the earth like, mars like, and alien planets. Thay is only on the moons and adteroids.

I was using a scout drone with an ore detector on it and I cant find ♥♥♥♥. Also how am I supposed to build thruster components then to get off of the planet? What is the point of the survival mode planet spawn even? 15 фев. 2018 в 19:29 You will never find platinum on the earth like, mars like, and alien planets. Thay is only on the moons and adteroids. *correction
If you scan inside meteor craters some of the meteors leave small platinum deposits. I don't have metiors turned on. 15 фев. 2018 в 21:37

I was using a scout drone with an ore detector on it and I cant find ♥♥♥♥. Also how am I supposed to build thruster components then to get off of the planet? What is the point of the survival mode planet spawn even?
You don't need thruster components to build Hydrogen thrusters. Ion thrusters, the things that need thruster components, are only about 30% or less efficient at natural gravity levels of above .5g. They are relly only for space flight. Just like atmo thrusters are only for planetary flight. Hydrogen Thrusters are what will get you to space from a planet.

You will never find platinum on the earth like, mars like, and alien planets. Thay is only on the moons and adteroids. *correction
If you scan inside meteor craters some of the meteors leave small platinum deposits.
I stand corrected. I don't usually play with meteors on and when I do, I don't really check them for ores. 15 фев. 2018 в 23:43

On planet, build hydrothrusts, go to space. Find platinum. Build ion thrusters. Then it is possible to build a ship with both atmo and ions and they can carry you between space/planet and back without hydrothrusters - or you can still use them if you prefer for launches or raw acceleration.

Btw, better load up on silicon while you're on the planet. That is what's rare in space.

15 фев. 2018 в 23:47 I just cant find it, people say its in big rocks but I only ever found one over the, like, 10km I searched and it only had iron. Why is it easyer to gather resources in space than on planets?

This is space engineers thepoint is to drive you to space this is what core game was about.
Use ore detoctor. Its way to many resources on planets takes like 5-15 min to find them all even when i play with no ore spots mods.

1. good ore is deep so u need to fly low or use car.
2. Ore detector lags so dont go tooo fast or u miss it.

16 фев. 2018 в 4:25 I was using a scout drone with an ore detector on it and I cant find ♥♥♥♥. Also how am I supposed to build thruster components then to get off of the planet? What is the point of the survival mode planet spawn even?

You don't need thruster components to build Hydrogen thrusters. Ion thrusters, the things that need thruster components, are only about 30% or less efficient at natural gravity levels of above .5g. They are relly only for space flight. Just like atmo thrusters are only for planetary flight. Hydrogen Thrusters are what will get you to space from a planet.

If you scan inside meteor craters some of the meteors leave small platinum deposits.
I stand corrected. I don't usually play with meteors on and when I do, I don't really check them for ores. Yeah my plan was to take the jet thruters up then switch to ion and be fully electric. Didnt realise hydrogen didnt use thruster components thanks. 16 фев. 2018 в 5:26 The quick answer to that is gold and silver is quite a ways down in the ground now. Mine where about 70km under the surface. So it makes for a more realistic and challenging way to get them, at least at 1st. Still have not found platinum. 16 фев. 2018 в 8:24

For game purposes, this works very well. If you start on planet, your first hurdle is getting off planet to get those rarer resources. It's more challenging, since you can't use ion engines. Once you leave, you'll probably never come back. It's the closest thing this game has to a player goal.

Same goes for Hydrogen engines. They are useful (essential?) for getting off planet, but after that, you might never use them again.

16 фев. 2018 в 9:36

As was already stated by another poster, you won't on a planet. The sole exception to that is if you have meteors turned on in the world settings, in which case, you may get lucky and find a small amount in the craters left by meteor impacts.

What has not been stated by other posters, however, is that certain resources may be too far underground for the small-grid ore detector to find, as its range is quite limited. In my game, when scouting for resources, I usually try to fly over the dark spots on the surface with my big ship (fuel permitting, of course) to use its ore detector instead. Same in space, where I usually fly close to an asteroid I'm checking for resources with the big ship, then launch my mining ship or drone if I see anything I need/want.

I should note than I *have* been able to find silver and gold occasionally with the small ore detector (since my big ship is not currently fitted for sustained atmospheric flight, flying it around on a planet is not always a practical option). However, I had to fly very close to the ground, so the suggestion of a rover for resource scouting might be a good idea. If you can build one that won't spontaneously explode or launch itself into orbit if you look at it the wrong way. ;)

16 фев. 2018 в 11:19

As was already stated by another poster, you won't on a planet. The sole exception to that is if you have meteors turned on in the world settings, in which case, you may get lucky and find a small amount in the craters left by meteor impacts.

What has not been stated by other posters, however, is that certain resources may be too far underground for the small-grid ore detector to find, as its range is quite limited. In my game, when scouting for resources, I usually try to fly over the dark spots on the surface with my big ship (fuel permitting, of course) to use its ore detector instead. Same in space, where I usually fly close to an asteroid I'm checking for resources with the big ship, then launch my mining ship or drone if I see anything I need/want.

I should note than I *have* been able to find silver and gold occasionally with the small ore detector (since my big ship is not currently fitted for sustained atmospheric flight, flying it around on a planet is not always a practical option). However, I had to fly very close to the ground, so the suggestion of a rover for resource scouting might be a good idea. If you can build one that won't spontaneously explode or launch itself into orbit if you look at it the wrong way. ;) The small and the large ore detectors are both 150m

Это актуальный гайд 2021 по поиску ресурсов на всех планетах в игре Space Engineers

Здесь будет рассказано какие ресурсы можно найти на различных планетах и как они выглядят







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Как визуально Найти ресурсы + небольшой лайфхак Вначале (Видео)

1) Камень (это базовый и единственный ресурс который можно переработать в Стартовом наборе для выживания (survival kit))
2) Железо (самый необходимый ресурс при постройки базы)
3) Кремний (базовый ресурс который может быть получен из камня)
4) Никель (базовый ресурс который может быть получен из камня)
5) Лед (Второй по необходимости ресурс ибо он является единственным источников водорода)
6) Кобальт (Третий по необходимости ресурс ибо из него делаются укрепленные решетки)
7) Серебро (из серебра можно сделать мед компоненты и 2 уровень инструментов)
8) Золото (нужно при производстве гравитационных генераторов, ионных ускорителях и сверхпроводников (ну и еще высоко ценится при продаже за кредиты))
9) Платина (самый ценный и желанный вид ресурса в начале игры из него можно сделать инструменты 3 уровня, детали ионного ускорителя, ракеты)
10) Уран (Основное назначение урана — это производство энергии для питания вашего корабля или станции. Помимо этого он используется в вооружении при производстве ракет)
11) Магний (используется при крафте патронов, ракет и взрывчатки) Как визуально Найти ресурсы + небольшой лайфхак Вначале (Видео)

В видео присутствуют таймкоды планет для удобства

На Земле присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото

На Луне присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото
- Платина

На Марсе присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото

На Европе присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото
- Платина

В Пустыне присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед (присутствует но в малых количествах в специальных оазисах которые отличаются темно зеленой травой и деревьями (как увидите сразу поймете о чем речь))
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото (пока что под вопросом ибо очень сложно найти)

На Тритоне присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)
- Кобальтовая руда (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)
- Лед
- Магний (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)
- Кремний (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)
- Никель (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)
- Серебро (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)
- Золото (сложно найти визуально без детектора ибо нет отметин)

На Титане присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото
- Платина

На Марсе присутствуют такие ресурсы как:
- Камень
- Железо
- Кобальтовая руда
- Лед
- Магний
- Кремний
- Никель
- Серебро
- Золото
- Уран? (был найден 1 раз за 800ч игры (если даже и есть то в сверх малых количествах))

"тут должен быть скрин космоса но у меня его нет"

Какие ресурсы можно найти в космосе?
- Все!

Спасибо за прочтение данного Гайда (это мой первый опыт создания руководств такого формата, так что если где то есть косяки напишите об этом в коментариях)

Silver Ore is a naturally occurring, uncommon ore found in veins within planets and asteroids. It has a metalic, shiny, slightly cream colored texture, like aluminum.

Silver ore can be processed in a Refinery to produce Silver Ingots at a 10% ratio. Which is to say 1000 Kg of ore will produce 100 Kg of ingots. 374 kg of silver ingot can be produced in a refinery in one hour, without yield of speed modules. 1 Kg of Silver ingot takes up 0.09 L of volume.

Silver Ore.jpg

Silver can be used to produce Gravity Components, Medical Components, Reactor Components, Elite Automatic Rifle and Proficient Hand Tools.


During the conversion process from ore to Ingot a bit of the mass of the raw material is lost. For example; 1000 kg of Uranium Ore will not give you 1000 kg of Uranium Ingots. The following table will present the percentage of how much of the raw material gets converted into the refined product.

Raw material (ores) Conversion ratio Refined material
Stone 1.4% Gravel
3% Iron Ingots
0.24% Nickel Ingots
0.4% Silicon Wafers
Scrap Metal 80% Iron Ingots
Iron 70% Iron Ingots
Silicon 70% Silicon Wafers
Nickel 40% Nickel Ingots
Cobalt 30% Cobalt Ingots
Silver 10% Silver Ingots
Gold 1% Gold Ingots
Uranium 1% Uranium Ingots
Magnesium 0.7% Magnesium Powder
Platinum 0.5% Platinum Ingots

  • 1000 kg of Uranium Ore will give you 10 kg of Uranium Ingots,
  • 1000 kg of Iron Ore will give you 700 kg of Iron Ingots, etc.


The Refinery takes raw ores and turns them into refined materials, which the Assembler can use to create components and tools. To begin the process, simply place the ores into its input (top) inventory slot.

Much like the Medical Room, the Refinery is another key raid target of an enemy vessel or station, due to the immense amount of Steel Plates required to build it, and its likelihood of containing valuable minerals inside of it, like Platinum or Uranium Ore.

The Refinery works at maximum speed when supplied with 560 kW of power. Supplying it with less will cause it to stutter and process ores slower, but it will still be functional.

Refineries will allow ammunition, components, hydrogen gas, ice, ingots, oxygen gas, scrap, and tools to pass through them. This means there is no worry about connecting them to a conveyor system.

Production/Consumption Rates

Refining different materials does not happen at the same rate. For example; Iron Ingots are produced at a much faster rate than Uranium Ingots. The following table presents both the consumption and production of the different materials through the refinery at "Realistic" speed.

Input (ores) Consumption Production Output (material)
Kilograms per hour Seconds per kilogram Kilograms per hour Seconds per kilogram
Stone 468000 0.008 6552 0.55 Gravel
14040 0.256 Iron Ingot
1123.2 3.205 Nickel Ingot
1872 1.923 Silicon Wafer
Scrap Metal 117000 0.03 93600 0.04 Iron Ingot
Iron 93600 0.04 65520 0.055 Iron Ingot
Gold 11700 0.31 117 30.77 Gold Ingot
Silicon 7800 0.46 5460 0.66 Silicon Wafer
Magnesium 9360 0.38 65.5 54.95 Magnesium Powder
Silver 4680 0.77 468 7.69 Silver Ingot
Nickel 7091 0.51 2836.4 1.27 Nickel Ingot
Platinum 1560 2.31 7.8 461.54 Platinum Ingot
Cobalt 1560 2.31 468 7.69 Cobalt Ingot
Uranium 1170 3.08 11.7 307.69 Uranium Ingot

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