Самый скиловый игрок в geometry dash

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

В общем, я решил создать топ-10 самых скилловых здешних игроков, то есть, нас, участников Вики. Если вы хотите попасть в топ, вам нужно написать:

1. Свой ник в игре

2. Число пройденных демонов

3. Число демонов максимальной сложности (Hard Demon, Insane Demon), которые вы прошли

4. Самый сложный пройденный вами демон

По образцу это выглядит так:

3. 13?, Hard Demon

1. Оффтоп запрещён!

2. Если у вас обновилось число демонов, редактируйте свой пост, а не пишите новый.

3. Если у вас есть претензии к некоторым участникам, предъявляйте их вне данной темы.

4. Не стройте лестницы!

UPD: Внимание! Топ составлен! Новые правила:

1. Все игроки, помеченные (?) (под сомнением), должны в течение недели предоставить пруфы в виде видеороликов, где они проходят свои самые сложные демоны и другие демоны максимальной сложности. Если пруфы не будут предоставлены, ник игрока и вся его информация будет удалена из топа и темы в целом!

1.1. Запрещены ворованные видеоролики и видеоролики со спидхаком, ноуклипом, обрезками и другими признаками нечестной игры. За них игрок также вылетит из топа!

1.2. Если удалённый игрок возвращается в тему, то все его посты будут удаляться без объяснения причин!

2. Все последующие игроки, которые указывают в информации о пройденных Insane и Extreme Демонах, также должны будут в течение недели прислать видео с пруфами. В противном случае игроки, не предоставившие пруфов, не будут добавлены в топ!

3. Обновление топа будет происходить по средам, пятницам и воскресеньям. Зачистка топа от игроков под сомнением будет происходить по воскресеньям.

*(?) — под сомнением

Место Игрок Число пройденных демонов Число пройденных демонов максимальной сложности Самый сложный пройденный демон
1 XDiamondX RB 112 1, Extreme Demon Cataclysm
2 RussianGDPlayer 42 1, Insane Demon Necropolis
3 Ret3 17 3, Insane Demon Dual Knight
4 BolshoeChudo 142 1, Insane Demon Theory of FirePower
5 YTCreap_ 30 2, Insane Demon Puzzle Trials
6 Sk31lz 53 ?, Hard Demon Supersonic
7 Sirvail621 40 1, Insane Demon Malware
8 Nolik0660 46-47 5, Hard Demon SpaceLocked
9 Andies1 73 5, Hard Demon Astronaut 13
10 SteepLoRD 112 13, Hard Demon Nine Circles

Внимание! Вы попадёте в топ, если вы убедите всех в том, что вы не читер (не используете читы для прохождения демонов)!

Mister Mirox

Mister Mirox

Индис - татар
Дольфи - татар
Дилс тхик-зодиак
Больше не знаю

Максим Шестаков

Максим Шестаков

Mister Mirox

Mister Mirox ответил Максиму

Максим Шестаков

Максим Шестаков ответил Mister

Mister Mirox

Mister Mirox ответил Максиму

Максим, насрать, я согласен с нсвишем что ограничение нужно поставить только до того момента пока не начнётся спидхак.

Максим Шестаков

Максим Шестаков ответил Mister

Mister, я считаю, что лимит должен быть 360фпс, потому что столько гц у лучшего монитора


Geometrical Dominator


594 posts
Favorite Level: Creeper Force

Post by Marcos on Mar 2, 2016 21:12:05 GMT -5

This list is based in Insane/Extreme demon list.

This is the point system:

If you beat the level in 1st place, you win 50 points. If you beat the level in 2nd place, you win 49 points. If you beat level in 50th place, you win 1 point. Etc.

Level verifiers count too.

Thanks to all the people that help to make this list, specially SrGuillester.

Geometrical Dominator


594 posts
Favorite Level: Creeper Force

Post by Marcos on Mar 2, 2016 21:12:49 GMT -5

I was 30 minutes to make design for this list on Word. I copy-pasted it and this happened xD


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Post by JCSNWave on Mar 2, 2016 21:16:25 GMT -5



Post by WillFlame on Mar 2, 2016 21:19:22 GMT -5


You should totally add half points for percentages whenever you have the chance.

Nice work though, it's pretty amazing.

I'm Will, although some people know me as Flame (and lots of other names). I check the forums frequently and will often reply when tagged with @willflame unless I'm offline.

I'm actually terrible at GD. I mostly play other games like Don't Starve Together, Puyo Puyo Champions and Rhythm Doctor.

"I'm going to say that everything is wrong. Then claim that I am helping."

Geometrical Dominator


594 posts
Favorite Level: Creeper Force

Post by Marcos on Mar 2, 2016 21:21:04 GMT -5


You should totally add half points for percentages whenever you have the chance.

Nice work though, it's pretty amazing.


Post by WillFlame on Mar 2, 2016 21:23:27 GMT -5


You should totally add half points for percentages whenever you have the chance.

Nice work though, it's pretty amazing.


50 points isn't bad. since most people will have their scores boosted as well.


The only level Mem ever beat that was on the list was Lightwave, and that got kicked off a long time ago..

I'm Will, although some people know me as Flame (and lots of other names). I check the forums frequently and will often reply when tagged with @willflame unless I'm offline.

I'm actually terrible at GD. I mostly play other games like Don't Starve Together, Puyo Puyo Champions and Rhythm Doctor.

"I'm going to say that everything is wrong. Then claim that I am helping."

Geometrical Dominator


594 posts
Favorite Level: Creeper Force

1 Riot

Epic. Just epic. He is one of my favourite and the best player in GD. There are lots of amazing players but in my opinion, Riot beats them all.

Riot is GD history changer, he even make the BEST rivalry with cyclic! When he was starting play GD he was a god, he beated and verified bloodbath, tartarus and on and on

People always said he verified Bloodbath and all, he really did, but, what about the other achievements? Riot is the best player to exist, he changed the entire history with straight flying, making 144hz popular in the community, and making the BEST rivalry with Cyclic, also a very skilled Korean Player. Riot is the best player in history, even if Sunix might beat Riot at skill probably, Riot is the game changer to GD History, reforming it and all. Best/Greatest player to ever exist.

I think riot is probably the best player of all time. No Doubt. he has been able to change history in geometry dash for a long time if not maybe even forever.
In my opinion it isn't even about the levels they beat. Its about how much they made a legend that makes them be remembered. I understand riot isn't probably the best player of all time in terms of demon beatings but I still think he is a legend of GD and will probably be a Legend forever.

2 Sunix

Sunix is downright the best GD player I have ever seen. Of course, he beat Sonic Wave, AfterCataBath, Sakupen Hell, Deimos, Bloodlust, and more than I can count. (I'm not going to make an essay on how many demons he's beaten) All in all, he has beaten so many levels and is very entertaining to watch. (He also beat Silent Clubstep in practice mode in 500> attempts.)

He is one of the best, or THE best of all time. You can see him destroying demons left and right. Right now, if Riot was to play, he would need to go back to his glory days, once that happens, it could be a really good rival between Riot and Sunix being the best of all. Making him top 3 best.

He is the best player! He beat Bloodlust with only around 5K but Knobbelboy (the verifier of Bloodlust) beat it with 121K attempts. He is much better than Riot. Not for because Riot is quit and other players get better and better, since the old times when Riot plays he was better Riot because he beat Sonic Wave and that was Sunix biggest achievement and Riot's biggest achievemt was the verification of Bloodbath that are easier than Sonic Wave.

3 Cyclic

Just because Cyclic is a hacker doesn't really mean he's bad, he changed GD history with Riot and although his skill isn't as good as we all thought in 1.9 doesn't mean he's bad, its not about skill but how you change the game entirely which makes you a legend

Cyclic, what more can I say? He is the best example of "You can still be famous if you hack" and the best mentor for it as well, good job Cy!

Just because you hacked doesn't mean your bad. Cyclic is an example of exactly that. He is responsible for at least 4 Extreme demons which are extremely popular. He made geometry dash a much better game and also changed it for the better.

Might be hacking, but he made the best Rivalry in history with Riot. He even made the original Sonic Wave to be one of the best demons of all time. He regained his title and is one of the best people of all time to be remembered, hacked, stopped, skilled, *Demolished.*

4 Knobbelboy

Notable Achievements: Bloodlust, Astral Divinity, Fusion Z, Bloodbath, Athanatos, SINGULARITY and Artificial Ideology

Not one of the Originals/OG's, but he is still one of the best of all time. He has beaten Bloodlust, made God Eater as one of the best Solo-Creations, and one of the best Art Work and design, but he made so many more, he is like Krazyman50 Building. Krazyman50 and Knobbleboy can be rivals and the best Creators of all time, not to mention the skill they both have as well!

Knobbelboy is a good player at the game, having beaten a few extreme demons and even verifying bloodlust, an extremely hard bloodbath remake that was the hardest demon for over a year. He is also a really good creator, having made many great levels.

He beat Bloodlust, which is twice as hard as Bloodbath, so he's better than Riot. Riot only beat Bloodbath, but Knobbelboy beat Bloodlust. Knobbelboy is definitely the greatest Geometry Dash player of all time.

5 Krazyman50

This has got to be some sort of a joke. How is there even competition? This guy has verified not one, not two, but THREE extreme demons (four if you count Falling Up), including Phobos and Conical Depression (which, in my opinion, is WAY underrated). He's working on Black Blizzard, and if anyone can do it, it's Krazy, no doubt. If Riot is number one because he verified Bloodbath, (which, I would like to point out, is the EIGHTH hardest demon. Phobos is seventh), then that's just messed up.

Lemme just say something here, this guy has verified Heartbeat, Black Blizzard, XO, Conical Depression, Phobos, AND Falling Up, all of which were extreme demons. (Falling Up is an insane now, but it was extreme before.) That is not one, not two, not three, not even four or five, but SIX extreme demons. This guy is a god at verifying his own extreme demons in his own right.

Krazyman50, the best creator of all time, or the 2nd best behind Knobbelboy, doesn't really matter. He is the one that reformed some part of GD with his decorations and style and all. You can even expect both Knobbelboy and Krazyman50 to make a collab and be the hardest demon ever. Krazyman50 is one of the best, and he will be in the years to come.

He beats demons like it's nothing. He verified four extreme demons (Heartbeat, Elite Z Rebirth, Conical Depression, and Phobos) and is working on Black Blizzard which is destined to be harder than Yatagarasu (just like every other upcoming extreme demon). He is also an amazing creator from Rearmed to Hi. He even adopted cancer gameplay. GG Krazyman50.

6 Surv

My hero! He's so good! He was the first to beat Phobos and Conical Depression! He's beaten every extreme demon there is!

This guy beat a lot of hard levels, most notably for me bloodbath. True legend.

Why you go surfing all the time?

I don't know much about him.

7 Zobros

Look, this guy has been an idol to guys like Sunix, Cyclic, and more, and even made once unknown players like Superpizzaluigi famous.

Zobros made things like The Ultimate Demon Mix and Forsaken Neon. He's really good at creating and playing!

He started the hole Nine Circles Craze and Sonic Wave wouldn't have been created without him. Nor Down Bass, SW infinity, fairydust, etc. He changed the game and helped make Cyclic and Sunix famous.

He started the whole Nine Circles level trend, what else do you need? He is a BEAST.

8 Trusta

He came back recently, and he has been slaying extreme demons left and right. Trusta also created the GDDP, which has allowed so many people to improve at Geometry Dash. He beat Sonic Wave and Erebus within the span of about a week, and has beaten many more extremes as well. Turns out, he hasn't lost his skill after all these years.

Okay, lemme just say, Noobas, thank you very much for making TrusTa famous for Sakupen Hell, TrusTa also verified Yatagarasu, both were at one point known as impossible.

He was the verifier of Yatagarasu which instantly makes him an amazing player. On top of that he also beat Bloodbath (in the fewest attempts), Black Blizzard and many other demons. He's also one of the few really nice famous Geometry Dash players.

You know what I have to say about him? WOW. He verified Yatagarasu. Which is a very hard hell themed demon. He also has other successful projects like WOW. He's one of the best and he's just very skilled!

9 Technical49

Tech may have lost his skill a bit now, but what he did in the past was extraordinary. He managed to beat over 100 extremes, which is absolutely ridiculous, and he beat Tartarus and Zodiac, plus he verified stuff like Ouroboros, Ragnarok, Sigma and Gamma. Mad respect to him.

Tech is an extremely skilled player with a variety of accomplishments, with his hardest being zodiac by some people. Zodiac is the 2nd hardest level that's rated in the game, behind Tartarus

Has literally beaten 100 extreme demons by now.. probably one of the most consistent top players and has also beaten zodiac and bloodlust, 2 of the hardest demons in the game

10 nSwish

I mean, what can I say? He beat the entire main list at one point, which speaks for itself. One of the best players to touch this game.

First of all, he is known as one of the best players of all time. He is an awesome demon-slayer (his goal is to beat the whole entire list), and he can play decently hard challenges like Black Lung X (top 10), a challenge by Scware that he verified. What can I say more? He is a big place in the GD history.

NSwish is a American player who has beaten a whole bunch of extreme demons. He verified golden which used to be the hardest level but since it was nerfed Tartarus is became the top demon.

I see what this guy do and is just amazing. Beats already 30 or 40 extreme demons from the Main list and beat, right now, those remaining demons in just two days. For me this is the real best player in the world (sorry for bad english)

He beat Tartarus, the hardest level in the game, first, which is an amazing accomplishment. He's an amazing player, mad respect.

I think he is the best player but somehow can't top riot, he is a extremely skilled player in beating extreme demons, people said he beat the hardest level in the game TARTARUS. and he is also a Russian 240hz player

I know he is the best player as he verified Tartarus! He has also beaten
Crimson Planet
and many more top extreme demons

Dolphy verified Tartarus, a really old extreme demon by Rito and others. Like Technical, his skill level is amazing.

12 Combined

Combi is extremely skilled in the game and deserves to be higher. He is usually inactive, but he can do great feats. He was the previous verifier of kenos, an extreme remake of sakupen hell. He got 97% twice on it, which is an impressive but sad achievement. He then dropped the level, but beat it later when he wasn't verifying anymore.

What an effort he put into verifying Kenos! He almost did it but not quite. Kinda like a repeat of Quasar and Bloodlust.

I don't know why but the list is way off, combined should be higher with a bunch of others. To name a few, Hotball1, Wooshi999, Technical, Waivve, and more.

He is verifying Cosmic Cyclone and verified the update to Digital Descent in 2 months!

This guy, is the BEST, he is very very funny, give out positive messages, and he is very skilled at gd, he verified kenos ( ahem reaction), deimos, WOW, and more. So overall he makes very good content, and makes his videos and streams more enjoyable than others.

I love his clicks and his GD Skills. And he also inspired me to keep playing the game.

15 Michigun

He is best cause he quit 2 years ago still is in the top 3 players!
I mean How!?
Everybody loves him and in every extreme demon you can see his name with 3 spikes.
He has change the history of geometry dash
Really best player ever

I don't really know him but there is a michigun sign at the end of bloodbath but I believe he is really good at gd.

Top star grinder for a very long time, really popular and skilled. He did this all on mobile, which is amazing.

Mad respect to this guy, very memorable and has changed the game so much.

16 Dorami

Dorami is all around the best gd player, he isn't the best at beating extreme demons, but he still excels at what he does, he isn't the best at spamming, but he still does exceptionally well, he is the best content creator of gd, the only thing I think Dora is the best at is straight flying. He is literally the best at entertaining, coming up with challenges, and so on. The only other player that can do what he does is Riot and then I biased at that point.

I think he is the best player, because he has the best skills. He haven't beaten any hardest Demons, but who looks at his attempst and his skills, that sees, he is definitely the best player in geometry dash.

I just Think dorami is the best player in Geometry Dash! since he has beaten levels that are 48 minutes long and even the challenges! The triangle space ship bits! They are so small! And I don't think others can do it but I definitely think Dorami has mastered the skill!

Popular player with some good content. He verified The Yandere, which was once a top ten demon!

Sorry to say this but both Cyclic, Riot, and several other of the top ten geometry dash players are hackers but that doesn't mean they aren't good. It just comes down to who is the better hacker and Enlil takes it. He beat every level riot beat with less attempts overall

He is famous for beating Cataclysm. But he should actually be famous for this.
He had actually managed to beat The Hell Zone with no hacking.
Some people say that he beat Sonic Wave without hacking and I think so too.

Riot is good but Enlil beat riot in less attempts for several of the hardest demon levels like cataclysm, hell zone, and the only level harder than bloodbath which is Sonic Wave

He has beaten some ultra insane demons!

18 Quasar

He beat bloodbath, which is one of his most notable achievements, but has also beaten other insanely difficult levels.

What his hand. He quit because of his hand. Ridiculous!

Straight fly god

Straight fly god

19 Creepy Dash

Creepy dash is a beast and I hope that he will not give up on GD and I love his creepy skeletons level.

He's really good

20 SrGuillester

Beat red world rebirth, cataclysm really early, he beat both silent club and silent clubstep, he verified hatred, the list goes on and on.

Voted because he made and verified Nhelv, the absolute best main list extreme. I don't need to say any more.

Kinda like Sunix; beats a lot of levels in a short period of time.

He's honestly better that Sunix. He completing hatred boy.

Another best player

He might be my friend.

Kid was whipping cataclysm at the same time of riot, cyclic, and Giron.

Was a 60 hertz god back in the day. Beat Cataclysm, ICDX, but quit because Bloodbath was too difficult. Should be top 15.

23 SoulsTRK

Fourth and last (so far) to beat Bloodbath, dude's good!

He beat Blade of Justice in less than a day, and Blade of Justice is even harder than Bloodbath!

Beaten or made progress on almost every top 50 and is the best player whose only real competition currently is noctafly.

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