Rust зависает на bootstrap config

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Захожу в RUST через Steam. И опять зависает на Bootstrap Config.. Файлы проверял, говорило что всё на месте, EasyAntiCheat тоже обновлял через лок. файлы..

Пробовал переустановить игру? Если пробовал но не помогло то попробуй переустановить ВИНДОУС .

При переустановке конечно помогало. Но когда я перезаходил в саму игру, она опять зависала на BC (Bootstrap Config)

✠Reich✠ Мастер (1161) Тима Березнюк, Попробуй установить какой нибудь патч, или что то вроде этого. У Раста оч плохая оптимизация, но думаю люди сделали какой нибудь постаронний софт, который все это убирает

Hello everyone, if u are reading this it is likely that u have the "famous" problem. U either just bought rust and just finished installing it but sadly you get welcomed by being stuck at a loading screen that says bootstrap config when you start it. Or maybe you just got a new pc and have the same problem.

Isnt it perfect?

In this guide i will write about 4 different fixes for this problem.

Written by a user called Goodbye MoonMen or also in some cases called Player1 :)

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Alternative 1 (All fixes are listed from worst to best according to me)

Hello everyone, if u are reading this it is likely that u have the "famous" problem. U either just bought rust and just finished installing it but sadly you get welcomed by being stuck at a loading screen that says bootstrap config when you start it. Or maybe you just got a new pc and have the same problem.
Isnt it perfect?

However if you have this problem like i did you will most likely try to fix it but none of the fixes you found worked. Or maybe they "worked"

Alternative 1 (All fixes are listed from worst to best according to me)

This is the first solution i found and all credit to then one who did this but i'm sad to say that i cant remember who it was:

"Found it finally. Your file path may be different depending on where you installed steam. But take this path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Rust
Then right click on Rust.exe and click run as administrator,
then right click on RustClient.exe and click run as administrator. They both booted it imediatly for me, then it worked by just booting it through the steam library. Hope this worked for you, cheers!"

So i did this for a while. What do i mean for a while? well this fix only worked until i tried to boot the game through steam library. Still stuck at bootstrap config.

So my fix to fix Alternative 1 negatives was to have the file explorer opened almost all the time and just boot the game as adminstrator there. Very anoying fix but i did get into the game either way. The problem was that i could not acces the shift+tab function and that i had to do alot of stuff everytime i wanted to play rust.

I did some reading and people said that they first uninstall the game and then also removes the folder named rust in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common
Then install the game again and it should work fine

I did this before writing this guide and it worked the first time i booted rust. BUT when i had changed some settings ingame and closed the game and booted it the second time it was still stuck at bootstrap config (facepalm)

FINAL FIX FOR ME (and i hope for u).
1. Right click the game in your Steam Library.
2. Go to Properties then the Local Files tab.
3. Click Browse Local Files.
4. Locate the game executable (the application called "Rust").
5. Right click it and then go to Properties.
6. Click the tab called "Compatibility".
7. Check the Run this program as an administrator box.
8. Then click apply and OK
9. Repeat steps on the other ,exe to be sure. (so both "Rust" and "RustClient" is going to run as admin).

There is another way to do this fix with the same result according to google but i have not tested it

"Right click on the game in steam library,click properties, click set launch options,and put this in there "runas.exe/user:administrator"

Feel free to spread this guide or +rep it etc etc.
Also picture is from google since i dont have this problem, i did pay for my windows.
I wish everyone a good future, luck, health and more! Peace out!

Written by a user called Goodbye MoonMen or also in some cases called Player1 :)

Бесконечная на загрузка на моменте Bootstrap Systems

Запускаю Rust, проходят какие то стадии загрузки и всё останавливается на Bootstrap system
Игра не зависает просто бесконечно что то грузит. При этом значение занимаемой оперативной памяти замирает
То что я уже сделал:
Проверял целостность файлов
Обновлял Microsoft Visual C++
Обновлял видео-драйвер
Переустанавливал DirectX
Запускал от имени администратора
Запускал в режиме совместимости
Уже и не знаю что делать..
Конфигурация компьютера:
Процессор: AMD Athlon(tm) II X3 450 Processor
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti
Оперативная память: 8 гигабайт
Windows7 64x

17 мар. 2020 в 0:32

Открой папку с игрой и запусти игру через RustClient, как запустишь - выйди и зайди по нормальному

Table of Contents


All Fixes are Listed from Worst to Best According to Me.

So my fix to fix Alternative 1 negatives was to have the file explorer opened almost all the time and just boot the game as adminstrator there. Very anoying fix but i did get into the game either way. The problem was that i could not acces the shift+tab function and that i had to do alot of stuff everytime i wanted to play Rust.

I did some reading and people said that they first uninstall the game and then also removes the folder named rust in:

Then install the game again and it should work fine.

I did this before writing this guide and it worked the first time i booted rust. BUT when i had changed some settings ingame and closed the game and booted it the second time it was still stuck at bootstrap config (facepalm).

There is another way to do this fix with the same result according to google but i have not tested it.

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