Poe декорации убежища

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Убежище ПОЕ – это специально выделенное место, которое может декорироваться хозяином различными косметическими предметами. Сюда вы сможете пригласить и других игроков, но для получения возможности возвести убежище потребуется соблюдать некоторые условия. Следует начать с того, что доступ к постройке открывается только для тех мастеров, которые получили 3 уровень репутации. Гостями же могут стать игроки, которые у вас списке друзей или находятся в одной группе с вашим персонажем. Для перемещения потребуется ввести команду в чате /hideour (/убежище), находясь в любом городе. Попасть сюда можно также задействуя картограф и Порталы, расположенные в определенных точках.

Игроки могут без каких-либо штрафов менять свое Убежище, а декорации для него приобретаются у специальных персонажей – Мастеров 3 уровня и выше. Каждая подобная постройка имеет свой уникальный внешний и внутренний вид, создаваемый при помощи косметических предметов.

Unlocking the Hideout

If it is your first time playing Path of Exile, you will have the opportunity to unlock and create your first Hideout in Act II. Once you rescue Helena from the Chamber of Sins she will allow you to select your own Hideout.
Helena is the hub for all things related to your hideout — if you acquire new Hideouts, you can change swap them as you wish by speaking with her. Helena, and all other Masters such as Zana or Niko, can be invited to your Hideout for convenience or for decoration should you desire.

Your Hideout can be visited any time from a Waypoint. One of the unique advantages of Hideouts over Cities is that skills are usable within them, and auras are enabled. This allows you to get live previews of changes to tooltip DPS when you swap out gear or gem links, which is a true quality of life bonus.

Hideout Variants

There are over sixteen different hideouts available in-game, and several more that can be purchased from the microtransaction store. Certain hideouts can only be unlocked in specific areas of the game, and the level of rarity varies depending on the hideout in question. When you encounter a hideout in-game the entrance is marked with a blue fleur de lis on your map and mini map. Enter and clear the hideout of monsters to unlock the tileset. Once you have unlocked a hideout tileset it is yours in perpetuity, persisting across all characters and all leagues.


Here is an alphabetical list of the currently attainable hideout variants and their locations of acquisition:

Hideout Tileset Area of Acquisition Rarity
Alpine Hideout Summit Map
Summit Map
Arboreal Hideout Terrace Map
Terrace Map
Backstreet Hideout Arcade Map
Arcade Map
Baleful Hideout The Chambers of Sins Level 2 (Act VII ) Common
Battle-Scarred Hideout Promenade Map
Promenade Map
Brutal Hideout Tower Map
Tower Map
Cartographer’s Hideout The Templar Laboratory (Epilogue) Common
Celestial Hideout The Shaper’s Realm Rare
Coastal Hideout Atoll Map
Atoll Map
Coral Hideout The Cavern of Anger (Act VI) Common
Corrupted Hideout MTX Store N/A
Desert Hideout The Oasis (Act IX) Common
Doomguard Hideout Doomguard Supporter Pack N/A
Divided Hideout The Twilight Temple
The Twilight Temple
Eclipsed Hideout MTX Store N/A
Enlightened Hideout Academy Map
Academy Map
Excavated Hideout The Crystal Veins (Act IV) Common
Glacial Hideout Iceberg Map
Iceberg Map
Glimmerwood Hideout MTX Store N/A
Haunted Hideout Haunted Mansion Map
Haunted Mansion Map
Immaculate Hideout Ivory Temple Map
Ivory Temple Map
Innocent Hideout MTX Store N/A
Lush Hideout The Dread Thicket (Act II) Common
Luxurious Hideout The Bath House (Act VIII ) Common
Overgrown Hideout Orchard Map
Orchard Map
Robber’s Trench Hideout Dig Map
Dig Map
Sanguine Hideout Crimson Temple Map
Crimson Temple Map
Shaped Hideout MTX Store N/A
Skeletal Hideout The Ossuary (Act X) Common
Stately Hideout Oriath Square, The Ruined Square (Act V) Common
Sunken Hideout Sunken City Map
Sunken City Map
Sunspire Hideout Sunspire Supporter Pack N/A
Undercity Hideout The Sewers (Act III ) Common
Unearthed Hideout Graveyard Map
Graveyard Map


Если вы обзаведетесь собственным Убежищем, это предоставит доступ к некоторым дополнительным функциям:

Что касается последнего пункта, то вам не следует опасаться за сохранность верстака. Вы можете спокойно выгнать Мастера из Убежища ПОЕ, и данный интерьерный предмет останется с вами и в дальнейшем. Изначально в Убежище вы сможете пригласить 2-ух Мастеров, рассчитывая на получение уникальных бонусов. Уровень постройки будет расти вместе с уровнем владельца, и на 5-7 этапах вы сможете повысить количество Мастеров в Убежище до 7-ми.

Не стоит опасаться за то, что другие игроки нанесут вашему Убежищу какой-либо вред. Простые гости, не имеющие приглашения, имеют возможность торговать с вашими Мастерами, но их функции ограничиваются только продажей предметов. Купить новые декоративные элементы или воспользоваться чужим верстаком игра им не позволит, так что нет причин беспокоиться по поводу сохранности вашего частного имущества.

Visiting Others’ Hideouts

Not only is your own hideout an essential part of the game, but players that choose to play on trade leagues will spend a fair amount of time visiting the hideouts of other players as well. is conducted within the hideout of — when you join a party to buy an item, it is common trade etiquette as a buyer to enter the seller’s hideout and wait for them to trade you.


To enter the hideout of party members or friends, simply right click on their frame in-game and select Visit Hideout. You can also adjust the permissions for your own hideout by pressing the “Decorations” button at the buttom of the screen.


Perandus Coin

Players who add you as friends can visit your hideout, even if you have not accepted their friend request (and vice-versa). This is commonly done when trading Perandus Coins, as inviting players to your party while Cadiro Perandus has a good offer in one of your Maps often results in the seller enter the map and stealing your item. Using this trick, you can initiate a trade without being in a party.

Purchasing Decorations

Completing earns Favour with the masters, and Atlas Objectives reward bonus Favour. Interact with a Master in your hideout to purchase decorations from them in exchange for Favour. The Favour currency is account wide and carries across all leagues ( between Softcore, Hardcore, and SSF ), as do any decorations you purchase with it.


You can purchase as many of the same decoration as you like, allowing you to place multiple of the same decoration should you desire. To place decorations, simply click the Decorations tab at the bottom of the screen when you are in your hideout, then click on your decoration of choice to select it.

Clicking again in an open area will place the decoration, and allow you to move it by clicking and dragging the object, or to rotate it by clicking and dragging on the outer yellow circle.

Decorative Variants

A large number of decorations in Path of Exile have multiple variants that you can select from to give your aesthetic a little more variety. You can see the number of variants a decoration has before purchasing it simply by mousing over the item.

After placing the decoration, simply scroll your mousewheel while hovering over the center of the yellow circle to preview the different variants before deciding on your choice. Decorations can be changed at any time to any variant, so there is no pressure and experimentation is encouraged.

Reclaiming Decorations

If you want to remove a decoration from your Hideout, find it in the decorations tab and click “Reclaim”. This will return it to your decorations inventory. Be aware that you can switch hideouts with Helena at will without losing any of the decorations or work you’ve done on previous hideouts, and return to them as you will. The decorations placed, however, are removed from your decorations inventory until you decide to reclaim them, even if they are in use in a separate hideout that is currently inactive.


Как было сказано выше, Убежище можно декорировать различными предметами, приобретаемыми у Мастеров. Всего для игроков доступно более 750 самых разных элементов, располагаемых в любом нужном вам месте.

Управление предметами в Убежище осуществляется по следующей методике:

После внесения всех изменений в планировке Убежища не стоит забывать нажимать на кнопку «Готово», или весь прогресс будет отменен. Данный факт очень часто становится проблемой для игроков, которые много времени посвящают декорированию Убежища ПОЕ, но забывают сохранить выполненные действия.

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Рэкласт - большой континент со множеством мест, в которые вы захотите вернуться. Для этого существуют порталы, которые позволят вам быстро перемещаться между областями, в которых вы уже побывали. Чтобы использовать портал, активируйте его и выберите место, в которое хотите попасть. Вы можете перемещаться только между активированными порталами, так что как только вы встретите новый портал, имеет смысл сразу же его активировать.

Выберите иконку задания, чтобы увидеть, куда идти дальше.

Как только вы нажмете на портал, откроется интерфейс Мира, на котором вы сможете увидеть не только порталы, но и уже открытые вами области и связанные с ними места, в которых вы ещё не были. Ваши задания расположены под картой. Нажав на иконку задания вы увидите, куда идти дальше. Поскольку в областях в Path of Exile присутствуют случайно сгенерированные элементы, вы не всегда сможете увидеть знакомую структуру области, даже если вы уже несколько раз в ней побывали. Мини-карта/развернутая карта также будет другой и её нужно открывать заново.

Hideouts were added to the game alongside the Forsaken Masters mini-expansion. This is a period of the game I remember with almost crystal clarity, as accompanying leagues were Rampage and Beyond, and the latter went on to become one of my favorite and most played leagues ever. While Hideouts did not offer the exhaustive amount of vanity options and customization that they do in the current era of Path of Exile, every player could agree that it felt downright awesome to have your own home base.

One of the greatest aspects of Hideouts is the amount of style and flair that the player can imbue them with. There are hundreds of decorations, and many of them have multiple variants, resulting in thousands and thousands of different possibilities for you to experiment with.


Once you have reached the end-game, your Hideout will serve as the main hub for the majority of end-game activity, the main exceptions being the Azurite Mine and the Labyrinth. Most everything else can be found and accessed from the Hideout itself, such as end-game Mapping, The Temple of Atzoatl, Immortal Syndicate hideouts, the Crafting Bench, your personal and guild stashes, and more.

In this guide we will explore a few of the fundamentals of hideouts, such as how to obtain the differing variants, acquiring decorations, and essentials to incorporate.


Hideouts are an essential piece of the game, even from a purely pragmatic perspective. They function as the central end-game hub for mapping, trade between players, the masters within the game, and more.

While your hideout is essential to practical success within Path of Exile, it can also be used as a means of freedom of expression and creativity. Since you spend so much time in your hideout, many players love to spruce it up with something they find awesome, or to show off for friends and prospective buyers.

Good luck experimenting with your hideout, and feel free to share any pictures of your handiwork in the comments below!

Advanced Editing

Hideouts are ultimately an expression of self, and targeted advice on how to set up your hideout for you is not possible. One of the recent features introduced, however, is the ability to import and export your own and others’ hideouts, providing you have the appropriate decorations.

Some players go to amazing extremes to create effects that hardly seem possible when previewing the decorations individually. This is usually done by overlaying several different decorations, or lighting effects, to create new pseudo-textures. Certain combinations of decorations may look radically different than when they are placed side by side.


While overlaying decoration upon decoration can get very confusing while editing, some of the effects you can create are truly sublime. The main limits are the level of time you are willing to invest and your imagination!

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