Pillars of eternity 2 благословения бераса описание

Обновлено: 08.07.2024

Status effects are abnormal states that may have positive or negative effects on party members' or creatures' attributes or actions. They can be gained from abilities, spells, potions, items, enemies, traps, etc. and can be healed by resting, certain ability/spells, or will heal automatically after some time.

In Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, attribute-affecting status effects are grouped by the attribute that they affect. Each attribute has 3 positive Inspirations, and 3 negative Afflictions, each with an increasing level of effect. Generally, all inspirations and afflictions give ±5 points to the attribute they apply to, with the 2nd and 3rd level effects applying more buffs/debuffs to the player than the last.

In addition to these, many of the same effects from Pillars of Eternity have carried over to Deadfire, albeit with different stat changes.

Most status effects appear in the character sheet under "Current Effects". Permanent status effects are always applied through passive abilities, and appear in the "Abilities" section.


Negative effects [ ]

Afflictions [ ]

Afflictions are an overarching category covering status effects that have negative effects on the player.

Afflictions are groups of negative effects that can be applied to a character. Most Afflictions are grouped by Attribute. E.g. Hobbled and Immobilized are both Dexterity Afflictions.

Attribute Afflictions can be easily countered by a corresponding Attribute Inspiration, which also grants immunity to that category of Afflictions. E.g. any Dexterity Affliction can be removed by the Quick, Nimble, or Swift Inspirations.

Some characters are completely immune to one or more Afflictions. If a character has Resistance to a category of Afflictions, incoming Afflictions of that type are downgraded in power. Resistance grants complete immunity to the weakest Afflictions of that Attribute.

E.g. wood elves have Resistance to Dexterity Afflictions. A wood elf hit by an Immobilized effect would instead be Hobbled. If that elf were hit by a Hobbled effect, it wouldn't apply at all.

Weakness to a type of affliction causes all applied afflictions of that type to affect the character worse, causing more detriment than usual. This is accomplished by upgrading the incoming affliction to the next tier. Incoming tier 3 afflictions are unchanged.

Characters that are weak to a type of Affliction will upgrade any Afflictions of that type applied to them by one tier. For example, a character who is weak to Might Afflictions would upgrade a Staggered to a Dazed, or a Dazed to a Stunned.

Resistance to a type of affliction causes all applied afflictions of that type to be lessened in effect, causing less harm than usual. As the opposite of a Weakness, this is accomplished by downgrading the incoming affliction to one lower tier. Incoming tier 1 afflictions are cancelled out, and will fail to apply to the character.

Characters that are resistant to a type of Affliction will downgrade any Afflictions of that type applied to them by one tier. For example, a character with resistance to Might Afflictions would downgrade Stunned to Dazed. A Dazed Affliction would be downgraded to Staggered, and a Staggered Affliction would fail to apply.

Other afflictions [ ]

These are negative effects that don't fit into the other categories. They are removed on rest, or are only applied to the character under certain conditions. See permanent effects below for negative permanent effects.

This is only applied after the dialogue with Rymrgand during A Glimpse Beyond. Is automatically removed after at least 15 rests (70% chance that a rest counts towards this value)

Rangers share a literal life bond with their animal companions. When one is wounded, the can sense it and feel intense emotional pain. If a ranger or animal companion are knocked unconscious, the partner suffers from Bonded Grief, affecting Accuracy and other stats, until the downed ally is revived. If a ranger is ever killed, the animal companion immediately dies from grief.

This is only applied when approaching the Temple of Berath in The Sacred Stair district of Neketaka. It is automatically removed after killing 75 enemies.

Injuries [ ]

Injuries are long-term afflictions. "Long-term" means they last until the character rests and consumes Food. Injuries are typically gained through scripted interactions or by being Knocked Out in combat. If a character has three Injuries and would receive another, they are Killed.

Injuries can be afflicted by failing skill checks during scripted interactions, or upon being knocked out in combat. Injuries gained in combat are selected semi-randomly from the following list. Being knocked out by Fire, Frost or Shock damage tends to cause its corresponding injury.

  • If more than one of the same injury is applied, instead of doubling-up, the injuries "Major Injury" (2), "Critical Injury" (3) and "Maimed" are usually substituted.
  • If the character has 3 injuries, and receives another, they can be killed. This does not occur for injuries applied via scripted interactions, with few exceptions (such as Crew injuries [ ]

Curses [ ]

Curses are unique negative status effects that are applied by Wardstone, which allows you to move past without being affected - removing any current curses in the process.

Curse Effects Sigil Wardstone
Curse of Atrophy -2 Might, stacks 5 times.

Positive effects [ ]

Inspirations [ ]

Inspirations are temporary buffs to Attributes in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. They can be gained through the use of Abilities.

Gaining an Inspiration will cancel and grant immunity to any Afflictions that affect the same Attribute for it's duration. For example, a character that is Dazed that gains the Strong Inspiration will lose Dazed and become immune to Staggered, Dazed and Stunned for as long as they have that Inspiriation.

Higher tier Inspirations will override a lower tier one, and if the target is already benefiting from a more powerful Inspiration, then the newer Inspiration will have no effect.

Inspirations, like Afflictions, are groups of effects that are applied to characters. Unlike Afflictions, Inspirations provide positive benefits to the character they are applied to.

Each Inspiration is categorized by an Attribute, such as Might or Dexterity. Inspirations counter and grant immunity to any and all Afflictions of the corresponding Attribute. E.g. the Smart Inspiration cancels and removes the Confused, Charmed, and Dominated Afflictions.

Resting bonuses [ ]

Rest bonuses are gained from resting at certain rooms in inns. For the most part, the bonuses gained last until the next rest.

Prostitute bonuses [ ]

Can be gained by engaging in certain "services" with associated NPC's.

Note: This list is incomplete, please click "Edit" above to add any missing effects!

Misc bonuses [ ]

List of temporary miscellaneous bonuses and their effects. These bonuses will last until the next rest.

Note: This list is incomplete, please click "Edit" above to add any missing effects!
  • +1 max Empower points
  • Depending on class:
    • Barbarian: +1 max Rage
    • Chanter: +1 Casts with Level 1 Chanter spells
    • Cipher: +1 Casts with Level 1 Cipher spells
    • Druid: +1 Casts with Level 1 Druid spells
    • Fighter: +1 max Discipline
    • Monk: +1 max Mortification
    • Paladin: +1 max Zeal
    • Priest: +1 Casts with Level 1 Priest spells
    • Ranger: +1 max Bond
    • Rogue: +1 max Guile
    • Wizard: +1 Casts with Level 1 Wizard spells
    • +2 Constitution
    • +2 Might
    • +2 Dexterity
    • +2 Perception
    • +2 Intellect
    • +2 Resolve
    • +2 Dexterity
    • +50% Healing done
    • +2 Religion
    • +1 Resolve

    Seems to be Cut content, as starting the encounter with LaunchRandomEncounter errors out, and the associated conversation files do not exist.

    • +1 Constitution
    • +1 Might
    • +1 Intellect
    • +1 Dexterity
    • +1 Perception
    • +2 Survival
    • +2 Perception
    • +2 Constitution
    • +5 All Defenses
    • +2 Burn Armor Rating
    • Applies Strong upon being critically hit.
    • +10 Accuracy
    • +2 Resolve
    • +2 Constitution
    • +2 Resolve

    Permanent effects [ ]

    There are a number of effects that can be permanently applied to the player, most of which are positive buffs gained via NPC training or as a quest reward. The NPCs that give you training are Backer created content.

    Как примечательно, что мы знаем бога циклов, дверей, смертности и неизбежности под именем вайлианцы называют того же бога Сироно. Ведь Берас учит нас, что двойственность существует во всём. В смерти есть жизнь, а в жизни — смерть. Осознайте эту двойственность — и Берас будет доволен.

    В руинах Эйр-Гланфата Берас изображён в виде двух похожих на скелетов фигур — мужской и женской, Бьюнен-и-Анкью и Анкью-и-Бьюнен, или Жизнь в Смерти и Смерть в Жизни на гланфатанском. Мужчина и женщина, внутренний мир и внешний, жизнь и смерть — мы часто думаем о Берасе, представляя две стороны монеты или две конечных точки путешествия.

    Говорят, что у Бераса больше всего последователей, и это, вероятно, правда — кто из нас не молился, чтобы цикл приостановился? Кто в миг печали не кричал Берасу, чтобы он сделал исключение для наших погибших близких?

    Хоть Берас и не воскресит наших близких, но он отвечает на наши молитвы своим божественным образом. Берас, Сироно, Бьюнен-и-Анкью, Анкью-и-Бьюнен — какое бы из имён вы ни использовали — заслуживает наших молитв, ибо он дал нам надежду на вечное возобновление жизни.

    Все благословение теперь стоят 1(не ноль. так как читерство), то есть для первого прохождения они все еще не доступны но на втором уже можно разгуляться.

    Установка: Кидаем содержимое архива в корень игры.

    Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire "Открытие последних уровней мощи для мультикласса для версии игры 5.0"

    Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire "Открытие последних уровней мощи для мультикласса для версии игры 5.0"

    Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire "OST"

    Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire - Ultimate Edition вышла на PS4 и Xbox One

    Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire - Ultimate Edition вышла на PS4 и Xbox One

    Соня Чудакова

    Эль, зафейлили. Там надо определенные строчки нажимать во время того диалога, чтоб не зафейлить.

    Эль Риша-Шедар

    Кирилл Стрелков

    Блин порезали броню уникальную с корабля пиратов. Раньше давала 20 отклонения и 40 реакции, сейчас 10 отклонения только. Теперь лучшая броня с отклонением это та, что падает с Валери, 11 отклонения можно сделать при раскачке устрашения.

    Кирилл Стрелков

    Кто знает как испортить отношения с вайлианской компанией до -3?

    Кирилл Стрелков

    Кирилл Стрелков

    Константин Казарцев

    » начни играть заново
    в том то и дело, что в какой-то момент пропала и больше с Фиргиста не падает, хоть заново играть, хоть старые сэйвы брать.

    Кирилл Стрелков

    Я сейчас новую игру начал все равно, так как теперь в соло можно брать благословения бераса;) хотя новые саб классы мне не нравятся, так и играю трубадур- предок, им я в соло всех прохожу. Поставил цель сделать 200 отклонения:) потом скрины кину

    Константин Казарцев

    Кирилл, а что-то интересное в 4й бэте есть или всё так себе (чисто в теории интересные варианты только у саб-класса певчего увидел, но там каждые несколько уровней перенастраивать AI скрипты придётся )

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