Нас усыновили в странном приюте для сирот roblox eden orphan home

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

Я читаю обложку.Что творится в моей голове: играет обещанный неверленд.

А мне как то припомнился аниме Обещанный неверленд кому тож?☕🍂


Это игра дом сирот

Дорогая моя!В некоторый серверах нет нянь!И я няня в этой игре,как ей стать?Надо купить гейпасс (3111 робуксов) и подать заявку в дископлазма на няню : )


лилит ти играла с моей подругой

Кто знает, как там можно стать горничной?

@꧁Mika Fetisova꧂ всм

Нужно чтоб в группе ранг поднялся

Сне кажется или эта локатция похожа на Неверленд только нет няни?

Я которая играю в эту игра с 28 фев и могла бы провести им урок по игре, но имею ролителей дома и нету микрофона

В этой игре надо выжыть кто выпьет три кружки молока тот станет ночью убицей

@꧁Mika Fetisova꧂ да

и еще поночам нани тезх кто ночью не спит жажают в клетку

Можно купить статус за 25 робукс и можно стать нчней

Лилит: мы сейчас утонееем!
Девочка: я в видеоооо:)

Лилит если выпить 4 стакана молока то можно стать обезумевшей и тебе дадут нож🔪🔪🔪

Я начинаю играть в игру И ВЫ СНИМАЕТЕ ПО НЕЙ ВИДЕ

А как карта называется?

Eden orphan home


Как игра зазывается?

Eden Orphan Home

Факт: если в этой игре выпить 4 стакана молока то ночью у тебя будет появляться нож и ты сможешь убивать других игроков

Я: *увидела обложку*
Также мои мысли: обещанный новерленд

Ли,Лео с помощью молока можно стать убийцей на 4 ночь!

Люди как карта называется плииис скажите плииииис плис плис

Eden Orphan Home

Вай. а можнр 10 часовую серию голоса лилитт

Лилит:Где поспать?
Я:Ну а где срать?

Я нашол кавер лео

Дак ссылку на игру

у меня сылки на игру нету но знаю название Eden Orphan Home

Привет Ли))) я хочу сказать тебе спасибо . Я со вчера начала болеть (у меня болит живот но благодаря твоим видео мне стало лутчше !!так же как и Лео)) сегодня у меня голова болит не много)но всё равно спасибо .

Я на тебя подписан


Лилит я вас 1 год не смотрела прости ;( :³

Я играла с сестрой

пжж я очень хочу с вами снимать сериал :

лилит пжжжж добавь в друзья в роблоксе I1Am1Fox

Эта игра похожа на аниме обещанный неверленд. Прям 1 в 1 :0

Можна я бкду мнучкой!?Пж!

Лео Лилит вы так и не понили что вас сдали в дед дом ?

А как вы зашли? Я зайти не могу

Нужно чтоб аккаунту было больше 10 дней

Я еще не посмотрела ролик Но в это игре если выпить 4 прокишиих молока то ночь у вас будет нож и им можно убивать

Может не приют а детдом:_)

*Оу, видео вышло вчера, блин, а я совсем забыл про видео, ну а видео я сейчас посмотрел, видео очень крутое, дай бог тебе уже набить 400.000 подписчиков, я верю, ты добьёшь столько, и да, знай, у тебя с Лео всё получится, я знаю тоже что у тебя всё получится, ну а видео вышло очень круто*

Hello! I’ve decided to make a guide to Eden Orphan Home, as not many people know how to survive!

1. What is This Game?

2. Frequently Asked Questions

4. Do’s and Don’ts

1. What is This Game?

Eden Orphan Home is a rpg, survival game where you must survive in an orphanage full of psychotic orphans! Make sure you don’t drink the milk!

2. Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I get in the Orphanage?

A: You need to wait until the doors open. They usually open around 5:30-16:00

Q: I’m hungry, can you get me some food?

A: Staff will only give you food at Breakfast and Dinner, if you are running low Berries are perfect.

Q: What is a Punishment?

A: Punishments are times spent in a jail cell because you were misbehaving.

Q: What Activities are There?

A: Many activities include: Storytelling, Sledding, and Making a Bonfire! There are plenty of other ones though!

Q: Where are some places to get berries?

A: Berries can be found in the woods, or across the lake.

Q: Can you survive without being in the orphanage?

A: Yes, it is very much possible to survive without being in the orphanage. You just need to find a berry bush and camp.

3. Tips and Tricks!

When asking for something, please use the upmost respect. The staff have the right to remain silent at any given time.

Always be on the staffs good side. Nobody wants a troublemaker!

Have one berry in your inventory and save it for emergencies.

If you don’t want to deal with crazy orphans, chill at camp for the night!

4. Do’s and Don’ts

Have your Uniform on at all times

Respect the staff

Fulfill your needs

Keep your doors locked at night

Scream for food

Yell to be let inside

Disrespect the staff

Believe the staff

Psychotic Orphans exist so be careful

Camp is a good resting place

These are things I’ve done that work, play how you want to, and remember that the staff are actual people, not robots. They are just continuing the roleplay.

Eden Orphan Home is an Roblox horror and roleplay game that takes place around 1987. The game associated with the group Silicones which is affiliated with the Discord. The current group owner of Silicones and YouTube channel named clayuh, is LiaMajesty, formally known as clayuh. The game itself is a survival horror and roleplay game. During the day, your character has to balance their hygiene, hunger, and energy by using the game's various mechanics such as showering, eating food, and sleeping. At night, if you do not make it to the dormitories, the orphanage staff will begin searching for you and place you in Isolation for the remainder of the night. If you don't lock the door within the dormitories, Psycho Orphans may invade your room and attack you. During meal times during the day, maids will distribute food and spoiled milk. Along with the Orphanage, there are trails to different sections of the map including a campsite and a swimming hole, which are both used for different activities that may be hosted by staff during the day.

Game Schedule [ ]

Eden Orphan Home follows a schedule every single day that loops. Maids will announce when the event and activities are changed to go along with the schedule. If there is not enough maids in a certain server to function properly, then Adelia will announce unclaimed activities.

6:00-6:59 Morning Showers [ ]

Morning showers begins the start of a new day. This means, maids will begin to open the front doors, turn the lights on, and open the curtains. Following the Showers enlightenment, all Orphans will be directed to the Locker room, which is labeled appropriately with a shower overhead. A more in depth look at this room can be found here. All orphans are expected to boost their hygiene status during this time of day, as well as apply a uniform if they have yet to do so.

7:00-8:59 Breakfast [ ]

Once all orphans have had the opportunity to shower and apply a uniform during Morning Showers, they will then be directed towards the Dining Room. For the serving procedure to run smoothly, all orphans are expected for form a straight line outside the glass window, and curve outwards into the hall as needed. It should be noted that maids are trained not to feed those who lack a uniform or those in which skipped their morning shower, resulting in a cloud of stench.

9:00-15:59 Daily Activities [ ]

Once breakfast has concluded, the metal gate will slowly descend over the glass window. All orphans should finish eating if they have yet to do so already, and head to the lecture hall. Maids will stand on the stage in a straight line formation, with the highest rank in the middle, and lower ranks panning out towards the edges. Orphans cannot get on the stage without being hit by a maids paddle and carried on and off the stage. Once all orphans are seated, the maids will choose an activity and host it. There are many activities available to be hosted depending on the rank of the staff present. For those orphans that refuse to be seated during Lecture Hall, they will find themselves be given three warnings to find a seat. After the third and final warning, they will be taken to Isolation for the remainder of the day for failure to abide by staff instruction.

16:00-16:59 Evening Shower [ ]

Much like Morning Showers, the Evening Shower portion of the schedule is exactly the same. All orphans must conclude the activity that was previously being hosted and make their way to the Locker Room. This hour of in game time gives the opportunity to shower to prevent low hygiene status by the time dinner arrives, since stinky orphans are likely to be skipped during meal times.

17:00-18:59 Dinner [ ]

Dinner and breakfast, much like morning showers and evening shower, are a spitting image of each other. During dinner, the serving procedure is identical to breakfast, where orphans are expected to form a straight line and wait patiently to be served. Once served one plate of food and one beverage, Orphans then sit at a table and finish their meals. If you find yourself with an abundance of empty plates after a compilation of meals, you can locate multiple trash bins throughout the institution, usually in corners such as the ones located in the dining room, the one by the front doors, and the one in the lecture hall.

Музыка из видео: Cradles В этом видео я вас научу играть в дом сирот в роблоксе! Поставьте лУйк! Подпишитесь!

ЖУЖЪ лаймы и лягушки! Если хотите со мной поиграть/пообщаться, то захотите в мой дискорд сервер! ссылка: .

Привет! Сегодня я расскажу тебе всё про игру Eden Orphan Home. Эта Роле Плей игра довольно увлекательна(если вы .

привет мое видео о тои как я выживаю в доме сирот а точнее в приюте сирот.

Понравилась первая серия? Мини Фильм про жизнь в детдоме! На моем канале мы увидите много весёлых и .

Hello everyone! I'm sorry the video is a bit low quality and fast, but I wanted to make a tutorial on how to become an orphan at .

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