Mythic dungeon tools маршруты shadowlands

Обновлено: 04.07.2024

In this hub, you will find everything related to Mythic Season 2 in Shadowlands, including dungeon/affix changes, new affixes, rewards, and more.

The Great Vault

The Shadowlands Weekly Chest requires you to clear a certain number of Mythic dungeons per week to receive items in the Dungeons category. You can find more details about the Great Vault and the requirements in our separate guide.

You can check out our Mythic+ dungeon difficulty rankings, as well as the recommended MDT routes for this week in the guides linked below.

Mythic Season 2 Achievements and Rewards

Shadowlands Keystone Conqueror: Season Two requires you to attain a Mythic+ Rating of at least 1,500 during Season 2 and rewards The Tormented title.

To earn Shadowlands Keystone Master: Season Two , and receive Soultwisted Deathwalker , you must attain Mythic+ Rating of at least 2,000 during Shadowlands Season 2. The mount is a recolor of the Season 1 mount mount.

Sintouched Deathwalker

When Will Shadowlands Mythic Season 2 Start?

Shadowlands Season 2 begins on July 6, 2021.

Mythic Affix Changes in Season 2

Предыдущие версии

Keystone Re-rolling and Depletion

Ta'hsup in the Hall of Holding in Oribos will now offer a Keystone to players who do not have one, as long as they have completed at least 1 Shadowlands dungeon on Mythic+ difficulty.

Ta'hsup will also spawn at the end of Mythic+ dungeons that are completed before the time limit is reached. He will offer a one-time Keystone exchange to any player whose current Keystone is at or below the level of the dungeon that was recently completed on time. Keystones that are higher level than the dungeon that was recently completed on time cannot be traded, including the Keystone that was used to start the run.

Additionally, Ta'hsup in Oribos will also deplete your Keystone as many times as you would like, so you no longer need to continuously leave and reset instances to deplete your Keystone.

Dungeon Teleports

Completing Shadowlands dungeons at Mythic Level 20 or higher, within the time limit, rewards dungeon teleports in Season 2.

Mythic Dungeon Rewards

During the first week of Mythic Keystone dungeons, there is a cap of end-of-run loot. That loot will stop increasing at Mythic Keystone +10 for this week, which is Item Level 229. Great Vault will be uncapped the following week, and loot from the Great Vault (on July 13) will reflect successful completions achieved during the week of July 6.

The End-of-Run rewards are capped below Heroic difficulty Sanctum of Domination loot at Item Level 226. The weekly chest loot is capped at Item Level 252 and you must complete a Mythic +15 run to claim Item Level 252 loot the following week. In Season 1, a Mythic +14 run was enough.


Mythic+ Rating

Patch 9.1 introduces a way for players to clearly gauge their success and preparation to take on the challenges found in Mythic+ dungeons — a new Mythic Scoring System!

You can now view your personal Mythic+ rating within the Group Finder (I) UI under the Mythic Dungeons tab. Hovering your mouse over the center Dungeon rating will bring up a tooltip that explains more about your rating and how to improve it.

Mythic+ Rating

Your rating increases each time you run a dungeon you have not completed before or when you beat your own best time in a dungeon you have already completed. Completing a key provides a rating based on three factors — the level of the key, the Affixes in the key, and the run's time compared to the dungeon's timer. With each Season, Mythic+ ratings are reset in the display.

You can find more information about the new Mythic scoring system in our dedicated guide.


  • Карты для всех Теневых Земель+BFA+подземелья Легиона
  • Позиции NPC для всех подземелий
  • Маршруты патруля по всем машинам НПС
  • Вражеские силы для каждого npc и подземелья
  • Соблазнительные конфигурации для всех недель прикрепления
  • Подробная информация о враге, включая контроль толпы и наложенные заклинания
  • Панель инструментов с инструментами рисования и заметок
  • Управление маршрутами, включая экспорт/импорт с помощью строк вставки
  • Режим MDI
  • Функции обмена внутриигровыми маршрутами для обмена маршрутами между членами партии
  • Живой режим для совместного редактирования маршрутов, включая рисование, выбор врагов и многое другое!

Мифические Инструменты Подземелья

Main Window

What Can We Expect in Mythic Season 2?

  • Mythic and Mythic+ enemies auto-attack damage reduced by 10%.
  • Item levels of rewards from level 60 Normal, Heroic, and Mythic dungeons will be increased by 26.
  • Baseline rewards are now item-level 184 from Normal, 197 from Heroic, and 210 from Mythic dungeons.
  • Mythic+ dungeon rewards have had their maximum item level increased by 26 item levels, and some interim Keystone level rewards have their item level rewards adjusted. rewards have been increased by 26 item levels.
  • Heroic dungeon's enemy damage has been increased by 6% and enemy health increased by 16%.
  • Mythic dungeon's enemy damage and health increased by 26%.
  • Mythic+ dungeon's enemy damage has been increased by 35% and health by 39%.
  • Players who complete a Mythic Level 20 or higher dungeon within the time limit will be granted dungeon teleports in Patch 9.1.
  • Ta'hsup, who offers Keystone re-rolling and depletion in Season 2.

Mythic Guides

If you would like to improve your Mythic+ expertise in Season 2, we have a few new guides that we would like to highlight.

Команды Слэша

New Seasonal Affix — Tormented

The new Mythic Affix that will be active in all +10 runs in Season 2 is called Tormented — Servants of the Jailer can be found throughout the dungeon and grant powerful boons when defeated. If a servant is not dealt with, they empower the final boss.

For a detailed guide on Mythic+ Affixes and what they do, please refer to our Mythic+ Affix Guide.

Covenant Bonuses in Mythic Dungeons

Depending on the Mythic dungeon, each Covenant in Shadowlands can provide specific buffs and bonuses to the party, and making use of these is essential for progressing. You can find out all about that on our dedicated page.

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Two examples of the UI - map view, including mobDB, and a mob NPC ability breakdown

Dungeon Tools-это дополнение Mythic+ Dungeon Planner, предназначенное для того, чтобы помочь вам спланировать свои действия так, чтобы время ваших ключей было максимально эффективным. Имея возможность видеть позиции толпы, группы, способности и процентное соотношение сил, а также широкий спектр другой дополнительной информации, вы можете заранее принимать решения о том, что тянуть, когда тянуть и как к этому подойти.

Каждый NPC был нанесен на карту вместе со всеми их способностями, какими CC они уязвимы, а также дополнительной механикой столкновения, о которой нужно знать, и отображается на интерактивной карте. Оттуда вы можете наметить, что вы собираетесь тянуть, в том порядке, в котором вы хотите тянуть. Его функции совместного редактирования и обмена данными позволяют вам также делиться ими с членами вашей группы, если у них также есть это дополнение.

Dungeon Tools всегда будет полностью бесплатным и лицензирован под GPLv2, а также управляется несколькими людьми. Вы можете внести свой вклад в него, расширить его, сделать его своим (но если вы это сделаете, не забудьте представить изменения через PR, чтобы все их получили 😉 ).

Mythic Season 2 Dungeon Changes

Blizzard has adjusted multiple dungeons and bosses in Season 2. Check out our Dungeon Changes page for more details.

Upgrading Mythic+ Gear with Valor

Valor will reset to 0 with the beginning of Season 2, and you will once again be able to upgrade Mythic Dungeon Gear with Valor.


Mythic Dungeon Tools

Mythic Dungeon Tools

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