Larry and lulu какое местоимение поставить

Обновлено: 06.07.2024

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Написать соответствующие местоимения Judy Pinch Nanny Shine Lulu Larry . » по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

10 пунктов что бы вы сделали в школе мечты (на русском и на английском)

Перекласти в Present Simple Нам кажуть правду. ЦІ БУдинки будуть з дерева.

Задайте 5 типов вопросов к предложению (общий, альтернативный, к подлежащему, разделительный, к обстоятельству места My friend is watching TV in the living-room now.

The first season of Prison Break (1) . out in 2005.It was about two brothers, Lincoln and Michael.When Lincoln (2) . to prison because the policef … alsely (3) . him of murder, Michael (4)engineer. Michael (5) . his brother was innocentso he (6) of an escape plan.While Lincolnhis days and nights in a cell. Michael (8)his body in tattoos of the prison plans and (9)a bank robbery in order to go to jail himself. Atthe end of the first series, Lincoln. Michael andsix other prisoners (101 . to freedom. Watch thesecond series to find out what (11) . next.1 a)(came2 a) went3 a) accused4 a) worked5 a) knew6 a) thought7 a) spent8 a) covered9 a) committed10 a) escaped11 a) happenedb) was comingb) was goingb) were accusingb) was workingb) was knowingb) was thinkingb) was spendingb) was coveringb) was committingb) were escapingb) was happening​​

Fill in the gars with artistes a, an the where it is necessary​

The first season of Prison Break (1) . out in 2005.It was about two brothers, Lincoln and Michael.When Lincoln (2) . to prison because the policef … alsely (3) . him of murder, Michael (4)engineer. Michael (5) . his brother was innocentso he (6) of an escape plan.While Lincolnhis days and nights in a cell. Michael (8)his body in tattoos of the prison plans and (9)a bank robbery in order to go to jail himself. Atthe end of the first series, Lincoln. Michael andsix other prisoners (101 . to freedom. Watch thesecond series to find out what (11) . next.1 a)(came2 a) went3 a) accused4 a) worked5 a) knew6 a) thought7 a) spent8 a) covered9 a) committed10 a) escaped11 a) happenedb) was comingb) was goingb) were accusingb) was workingb) was knowingb) was thinkingb) was spendingb) was coveringb) was committingb) were escapingb) was happening​​

Сделай предложение отрицательным A) He bought the CD B) She goes to school on Saturdays C) They are sleeping now Задание 4 There is- there are или … there was - there were A) In our old house. Only one bedroom B) But in our new house. Two bedrooms

ПОМОГИТЕ В БЫСРЕЕSpotlight 6. Module 2 TEST 1. Use the words from the frame to fill in the sentences. fridge bed washbasin armchairs 1) There is a in … the hall. 2) There is a in the kitchen. 3) There is a in the bathroom. 4) There are and a in the living room 5) There is a in the bedroom. sofa wardrobe​


1. Mummy(мама, то есть она) she
2.Sister(сестра, то есть она) she
3.Grandpa(дедушка, то есть он) he
4. Judy(Джуди, то есть она) she
5.Punch(Панч, то есть он) he
6.Daddy(отец, то есть он) he
7. Nanny Shine(Нэнни, то есть она) she
8.Lulu(Лулу, то есть она) she
9.Larry(Ларри, то есть он) he
10. Brother(брат, то есть он) he

Новые вопросы в Английский язык

2 PRONUNCIATION irregular past participles a Circle the word with a different vowel sound. срочно, пожалуйста ​

Что надо даписать This is my cat. _______ name is Polly.

3 Look at the table. Write sentences. Use the present simple and the present continuous. Use usually and today. Usually Today 1 the waitress / wear / … a red uniform she / wear / a blue uniform 2 Molly / have / some bread she/have/ a bowl of soup 3 Harry / drink / milk he/ drink / orange juice 4 Charlie and Molly / eat / pasta they / eat / salad 5 we/ sit / by the window we / sit / in the corner 6 Toby / come / with us Toby / not be / here 7 Dad / pay/ the bill Mum / pay / the bill 8 we/ walk / to the café we / go / by car / to the caféСРОЧНО ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА​

Пожалуйста Помогите Мне! Поставлю Спасибо Оценку и Подпишусь!

переведите в косвенную речь 1 John said i have bought these books today2 Mybrother says i have never been to London 3Masha s father said You are an ex … cellent daughter 4He says Iwill give you a key from my car tomorrow 5 He said i m going become a doctor 6 the student said I always do my homework after dinner 7 He said ysterday i didn t do homework 8ann and Boris said we will go to st petersburg next yearСРОЧНО ПОСТАВЛЮ 5 звёзд

Найди верный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Напиши соответствующее местоимение mummy siter grandpa Judy Punch daddy Nanny Shine Lulu Larry brother . » по предмету 📙 Английский язык, а если ответа нет или никто не дал верного ответа, то воспользуйся поиском и попробуй найти ответ среди похожих вопросов.

10 пунктов что бы вы сделали в школе мечты (на русском и на английском)

Перекласти в Present Simple Нам кажуть правду. ЦІ БУдинки будуть з дерева.

Задайте 5 типов вопросов к предложению (общий, альтернативный, к подлежащему, разделительный, к обстоятельству места My friend is watching TV in the living-room now.

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