Компас sea of thieves обозначения

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

The Compass is an Equipment item in Sea of Thieves that allows the player to determine the direction they are facing.


Usage [ ]

Compasses can be accessed in two ways. Every Player Pirate acquires a Compass during their Maiden Voyage, which they can use at any time during their adventures on The Sea of Thieves. The Compass can be accessed from the Equipment Radial Menu. This Compass can be shown to other Players, or it can be raised near to count singular Steps. Counting Steps is mainly useful for solving the final Riddles in Riddle Map Quests, which require the Player to face a certain direction at a Landmark and then walk a certain number of steps that way to find the location of a buried Treasure Item. The Cosmetic design of the Player's Compass can be switched at Equipment Chests. These designs can be purchased from Equipment Shops and only change the visual appearance of the Compass. Players can check out their own Compass in 3rd person view with the No Direction Emote, which is available for purchase from the Pirate Emporium for Ancient Coins.

The second Compass can be found mounted to the bannister of the Helm of every Player Ship, right in front of the Ship's Wheel. This Compass cannot be dismounted and serves its primary use to show the Player using the Wheel the Ship's Compass direction. The visual appearance of this Compass can also change with the Hull Livery of the Ship, which can be customized at any Ship Customization Chest when a Ship is close enough.

Whenever inside a heavy Storm, the magnetic needle of every Compass will get confused and start spinning around wildly, making it difficult to determine the Player or Ship's direction. This effect will subside once Players make it outside of a Storm.

Magical Compasses [ ]

Every Player Pirate has their own regular Compass on them at all times, however, it is possible to acquire additional magical Compasses during Voyages and Tall Tales. These Compasses are useful only for the Voyage or Quest at hand and don't show general Compass directions. Instead, they only show the direction to a specific Quest Item. These Compasses can be equipped from the Quest Radial Menu, instead of the Equipment Radial Menu, showing up beside other Quests.

Golden Wayfinder [ ]

The Golden Wayfinder is given to Player Crews at the start of a Wayfinder Voyage sold by the Gold Hoarders representatives to any Pirates above Rank 25 with the Company. The Golden Wayfinder Compass points towards the location of a buried Torn Map Parchment. The Needle of the Compass will sway slowly and broadly when the Player is far away from the burial spot. The closer the Players get, the narrower and quicker the needle's sway gets. When above the Parchment's burial spot, the needle will start spinning around in circles. These Parchments piece together a Torn Treasure Map that leads to a Large Island with a buried Treasure Vault Key. When a Torn Map Parchment is dug up and picked up, the Compass will point towards the next buried Parchment. When all Map pieces are gathered, the Compass will simply disappear from the Radial Menu.

Enchanted Compass [ ]

The Enchanted Compass is obtained by bringing the belongings of Captain Briggsy to Madame Olivia at Plunder Outpost during The Cursed Rogue Tall Tale. This Compass points towards the location of Captain Briggsy, the Skeleton Lord herself. Players will have to fight Briggsy and obtain her Skull and return it to Olivia to complete the Tall Tale. If players sink with Briggsy's Skull on board their ship, they can use the compass to locate the Skull again before it sinks to the bottom of the seas.

Lover's Compass [ ]

The Lover's Compass is obtained by bringing the keepsakes of Rose and George to Madame Olive at Sanctuary Outpost during the Wild Rose Tall Tale. This Compass points towards the location of Rose and George. Players will have to find both individually and bring their keepsakes back to Madame Olivia to complete the Tall Tale.

Cosmetic Variants [ ]

All new players are equipped with a basic Sailor Compass by default. Other versions are available for purchase from the Equipment Shop and Companies.

Что означают обозначения на компасе в игре Sea of Thieves

В этом гайде представлена информация о том, что означают обозначения на компасе в игре Sea of Thieves. После прочтения этого руководства тебе станет понятно, где находится и как понять, где нужно искать север, юг, запад, восток в Море Воров.


Здесь размещена полезная для тебя информация, Салага! Легкий способ запомнить стороны света на той приблуде, что компасом называется. Каждому моряку она пригождается.

Итак, Юнга! Ты попал на просторы бескрайнего океана игры Sea of Thieves. Надеюсь, что твои приключения не ограничиваются попойками в кабаках и поглощением рома из трюма, купленного на капитанские деньги. Если это так, то рано или поздно ты столкнешься со сторонами света и компасом. Это те вещи, без которых в плавании никуда не деться!

Но что делать, если компас, который вручил тебе капитан, показывает символы заморские, и ты не понимаешь что там написано. Сейчас я обучу тебя мастерству, которое я, великий капитан, выявил за множество лет плавания. Наливай ром в кружку и присаживайся у костра!

Как понять обозначения и где, какие находятся стороны света

В игре Море Воров ты встретишь названия сторон света на английском языке: North, South, West, East. Что переводится как: Север, Юг, Запад, Восток.

Затем тебе требуется запомнить порядок сторон света и их расположение на компасе. Для начала запомни эту картинку:

Как понять обозначения и где, какие находятся стороны света — Sea of Thieves (Море Воров) (изображение 1)

Как понять обозначения и где, какие находятся стороны света — Sea of Thieves (Море Воров) (изображение 2)


Компас — элемент снаряжения в Sea of Thieves, который позволяет игроку определять направление.



Всего в игре два типа компасов.

По умолчанию все игроки экипированы обычным компасом моряка. Варианты оформления можно купить в магазине сувениров или у торговых компаний. Оформление влияет только на внешний вид предмета, но не его функционал.

The Map Table is located within a ship's lower deck, where players can see the ship's current position in relation to other islands so they can navigate the world. A maximum of one player can take control of the chart while others can take a look at their interactions. The chart is zoomed out by default, however it is possible to zoom in closer on any spot to make island names and landmarks appear. Players can also mark and unmark any spot of the chart with circles, up to 10 circles at one time.

The map is sectioned into a 26-square grid classified in alphanumeric coordinates. Alliance and Reaper ships are visible on the chart.


Functions [ ]

The in-game view of the Map.

The chart can only be controlled by one person at once, with others spectating when using the table.

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