Java melody описание

Обновлено: 05.07.2024

evernat released this Jul 15, 2021


  • See Release Notes v1.88.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Apr 5, 2021


  • See Release Notes v1.87.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Oct 10, 2020


  • See Release Notes v1.86.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Jul 14, 2020


  • See Release Notes v1.85.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Jul 13, 2020


  • See Release Notes v1.84.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this May 8, 2020


  • See Release Notes v1.83.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Mar 1, 2020


  • See Release Notes v1.82.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Dec 29, 2019


  • See Release Notes v1.81.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Nov 3, 2019


  • See Release Notes v1.80.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


evernat released this Jul 26, 2019


  • See Release Notes v1.79.0 and User guide for install.
  • If you use Maven, add a dependency in the pom.xml of your webapp:
    : Jar for integration in a webapp : War of the optional collect server, not needed in most use cases


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This is a Jira 7.1 and MySQL, its a test envinronment.

<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">

<Context path="" docBase="$/atlassian-jira" reloadable="false">
<Resource name="jdbc/jiradb" auth="Container" type="javax.transaction.UserTransaction"

<Resource name="UserTransaction" auth="Container" type="javax.transaction.UserTransaction"
factory="org.objectweb.jotm.UserTransactionFactory" jotm.timeout="60"/>
<Manager pathname=""/>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Creating Demo App

A zip file will be generated with our project and can be imported into your preferred IDE.
A generated project looks like this:


JavaMelody helps you anticipate problems with your application. For best results, use with some stress tool, such as JMeter.

Run app

The metrics will begin to be captured, but we still do not have code in our application. Let's create a rest endpoint.

Maven Integration


As you can see, the metrics began to be collected:

Web Application Integration

sgoeschl/blog/images/bio-photo.jpg" alt="Siegfried Goeschl bio photo" />

Siegfried Goeschl

Introducing JavaMelody for Server Monitoring was published on January 17, 2015 .

Javamelody is an open source project that helps you get metrics from your service. With it you can discover possible failures before sending you code to production. It is very easy to include in your application and in this tutorial, we will show you how to do it.

Create a Rest Controller

Add a new class HelloController as below:

2 answers

1 accepted

For configure your Java Melody database monitoring in a SQL Server, take a look on this example.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Context path="" docBase="$/atlassian-jira" reloadable="false" useHttpOnly="true">

<Resource name="jdbc/JiraDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
validationQuery="select 1"

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Can you tell us exactly what is not working and error messages that you see?

You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in.

Thank you for your attention. It's a test environment and I solved the problem in MySQL database with this information below. But now I try to use the same configuration to Microsoft SQL, but doesn't work. This configurarion enable the data base monitoring on Java Melody. And I will apply this in our costumer.

This Work in MY SQL

<Context path="" docBase="$/atlassian-jira" reloadable="false" useHttpOnly="true">

The goal of JavaMelody is to monitor Java or Java EE application servers in QA and production environments.

JavaMelody Sample Graph

The really nice thing is sthe storage of historical data - you can have a look at the same graphs spanning a week, a month or a year without setting up any additional infrastructure. Therefore JavaMelody is installed on every production system I work on.

If you want BASIC authentication with username and password, but do no want to use a realm and "security-constraint" in web.xml, you can add the parameter "authorized-users" in web.xml, in context or in system properties like the other javamelody parameters (since v1.53). For example in your WEB-INF/web.xml file:

If you are running into an active security manager the following snippets helps

You can disable JavaMelody using

  • disabled=false using the init parameter in web.xml
  • pass -Djavamelody.disabled=true as system property

JavaMelody created unique RRD files for each URL and SQL request so if you have thousands of unique URLs we need a lot of file handles and disk storage

The proposed solution is to use the http-transform-pattern and sql-transform-pattern parameters. These options work is by replacing any part of the URL that matches the regular expression with a "$".

A small example working for Wildfly "Hello World"

Add JavaMelody dependency

Now, let's add javamelody's spring boot dependency

More JavaMelody Resources

JavaMelody has many, many features such as:

  • Plugins: (Jenkins, JIRA, Bamboo, Liferay, Alfresco, Sonar, Grails)
  • PDF report generation (Weekly, daily or monthly reports by mail)
  • Scripts and alerts (Jenkins with Groovy)
  • Centralized Monitoring Server
  • Real User Monitoring
  • Database monitoring
  • Sending metrics to AWS CloudWatch, Graphite
  • Custom reports, styles, icons and other resources

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