Farmers dynasty техника

Обновлено: 07.07.2024

Это руководство там, чтобы помочь Вам играть лучше. Это касается и новичков и опытных игроков. Если Вы задаете себе вопрос, ответ может быть здесь.

Руководства династии другого фермера:

Где заполнить распорку удобрения или Seeder?

Купите семена или удобрение в агрессивном магазине, к западу от фермы.

Это происходит автоматически в Вашем гараже, в патио, без двери; поместите свое полу, или свою распорку удобрения, и заполните все это.

Для получения информации, для 1 области 2 га, Вам нужны приблизительно 750 кг удобрения, например.

Распорка удобрения в действии.

Seeder в действии.

Bale Wagon [ ]

The Bale Wagon/trailers are used to transport straw bales created using the Baler. Unfortunately, they don't magically pick them up off the ground for you on their own. However, as mentioned above, they can be double hitched to the back of Square Balers allowing the bails to be auto loaded onto the wagon.

It is a good idea to take them to your cow barn and fill your cow food storage first. Manually unload them one at a time, dropping them anywhere inside the cow barn. (The bale disappears as it is added to storage).

Whatever is left over after the cow barn is full to capacity, (takes about 50 bales) you can sell at the Agricultural Market, by driving close to the awning with stacked bales under it. the old bail wagon will fetch around $500 per full load, (20 bails at €25 each) give or take depending on current market prices.

The (old) bale wagon [ ]

Can hold a total of 20 bales.

Boxer HT40 Square Bale Trailer [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in South Lakeside.

Fliegl ZPW100 Square Bale Trailer [ ]

Two are available at the Vehicle Shop in North Lakeside.

Can hold a total of 39 bales.

Note that there are two of these, and that if you're fairly good at backing up trailers, you can hitch one behind the other, bringing the total number of bales you can take to market in one trip to 78! Most fields produce somewhere between 39 and 78 bales, so now were making just ONE trip (unlike the smallish pair of grain trailers, these are the largest bale wagons, so buying both is might actually be worthwhile!) Managing them both is tricky, however. You'll probably never be able to back up with both of them connected, and it seems difficult to predict which trailer will disconnect when you press the "unhitch" button. I'm also finding it was much easier to back one up into the other on the perfectly flat vehicle store lot, than it is to reconnect them on a lumpy hill next to the field full of straw bales I'm hoping to load them with. Maybe double the trips is worth half the frustration? That'd be a definite player's own judgement call. As one bonus tip for managing these doubled trailers, before you leave them (or log off) always remember to find a very flat spot to park them. If they stop on a hill, they tend to slide a bit before settling, and when you next log back in, not only are they all disconnected (normal) but they're not aligned neatly to easily re-connect them anymore.


В оранжерее мы можем вырастить помидоры, вот результат:

Прежде, чем продать их, я буду держать их.

Как только Вы женаты, Ваша жена может приготовить их и сделать супы помидоров, которые могут быть куплены + 15€ коробка.

Ожидая, чтобы найти мисс Фармер, я продал свои акции яйца, молока, тыквы, цукини & помидора:

Молоко: 414 => 1 656€

Тыква: 201 => 836,16€

Tomatoe: 640 => 486,4€

Цукини: 237 => 474€

Если мы добавляем все, что я просто продал, я просто возвратил 3 673,76€

Cultivator [ ]

The cultivator is used to break up the large clumps of dirt left by the plow, and is the 2nd step in readying a field for planting.

Each cultivator upgrade is a little wider than the less expensive one, allowing you to finish cultivating a field a little faster.

(Note: Since the cultivators themselves are not outrageously expensive, it's probably more worthwhile to save up a bit and buy the biggest one than to pay for either of the mid-range ones.)

Harrow (the Old cultivator) [ ]

Found in the grass between your hay barn and your starter fields.

Amazone Cenius 3002 [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in Redberry, Wheatford and in North Lakeside.

Amazone Cenius 3002

Boxer GF XL [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in South Lakeside.

Amazone KG4000 [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in South Lakeside.

The largest cultivator available.

New Players: "What am I supposed to be doing?" [ ]

For your first year of farming, you have two main objectives:

Repair your farm. [ ]

Acquire a complete set of old farm equipment. [ ]

  • There is an individual quest for each piece of old farm equipment that allows you to acquire it for free, beginning with the one your tour guide Oliver offers you, to repair some of his buildings in return for a tractor. Since most of the equipment requires that tractor to pull it around, it makes sense to do this one first.
  • To find the other quests, open your map and look for markers with a person icon. Use your Old Pickup Truck to drive out to these people and see what they want. Each of these people has some old farm equipment they're not using, and they'll trade it to you in return for some work. Often it's repairing buildings, as you've already done. One lady will want you to plow her field for her. There's even a very shy lady who will trade you a piece of farm equipment worth thousands just to get the man she likes to take her out to a dance!
  • You'll be alerted when you approach the area where a quest-giver is. You can also use your Engineer's Sight to show you the person with a (!) hovering over their head (very handy if the quest-giver is standing with a group of other people.
  • Once you have them all, there's no stage of farming a field you can't accomplish! Just uh. maybe not as fast as people who own modern. more efficient farming equipment, but once you've harvested and sold a couple fields' worth of valuable crops, you can look into buying yourself a brand new (faster and more powerful) tractor, and continue from there! Your old Jack Bear tractor most likely doesn't have the horsepower to pull modern farm equipment around (and it's so damned slow!) So you should probably look at a new tractor as your first upgrade.
  • Although, if you're patient/clever/good at math. Before you blow all your money on fancy tractors, you might want to spend the money from the harvest of your two starter fields to buy one or two other fields nearby that are already full of grown crops you can harvest and sell this season, and repeat.

Additional goals and projects: [ ]

These are a bit less urgent and/or important than the primary objectives above, but you may want to get started on them. You'll have time; it's hard to see the fields well when the sun goes down, so work on something else until bedtime.

Develop your farm. [ ]

  1. Buy some hens to lay eggs, maybe a rooster to make more hens (max of 20). Eggs are an early, cheap, and plentiful source of both food to eat and some quick money. Be sure to cook and can them in your kitchen before doing either! (more details on the Animals page)
  2. Get that greenhouse producing! Greenhouse veggies take about a month to grow, so you can have several harvests a year. A month goes buy pretty slowly in this game, so you may as well get them started as soon as you can! Seedlings are sold at the Agriculture Store. You are given 10x tomato seedlings to start, but you will have to buy the rest. Tip: There are 70 spots for planters in your little greenhouse, and 7 varieties of "veggies", so make 10 of each. More details on the Farm Buildings page.
  3. Buy some cows to make milk. and lots and lots of poop! Like eggs, milk can be quickly produced (although the cows are not as cheap) processed into cans in your kitchen, to be either eaten by you or sold for money. Cow manure is used to fertilize fields. but they don't make it very fast, so the earlier you can fill your cow barn to the max, the more poop they can make! Yay! (more details on the Animals page)
  4. Find yourself a dog! Rex is hanging out by the bus stop near your house. I bet he'd like a yummy sausage like that general store owner John sells. (more details on the Animals page).
  5. Pick some apples! There's a whole orchard of 20 trees in the NW corner of your farm! When life gives you apples, make applesauce!
  6. Build bee hives! Use the Engineer's Sight to find 4 good spots around your farm to build 11 hives. You like honey, don't you? Sure you do! Don't worry, they don't sting.
  7. Fish! John sells a fishing pole. There's a pond right here! What more could you ask for out of life?
  8. Mow the lawn? I guess you can, but expect it to grow back. More useful might be.
  9. Plant a garden! John at the general store sells tools and flower seeds. Your neighbors will admire your garden every day and give you Social Points. Gardens need watering every few days if it hasn't rained though. Some might just see it as a lot of extra work for a small benefit. Up to you.


Вы можете купить животных в магазине, где Вы покупаете хлопья:

  • €12 курицы / единица (ограничивают 10 Вашей фермой).
  • €500 коровы / единица (ограничивают 9 Вашей фермой).

Если Вы отремонтируете сарай и курятник, Вы будете пожинать больше яиц и молока.

Вы можете продать яйца и молоко.

Start looking for a wife! [ ]

Things your Wife might take care of on the farm for you (updating as we learn more) [ ]

  • Collect all the eggs (hens, ducks, and geese. Eggs presumably end up in your pantry) (Confirmed)
  • Milk the cows (Confirmed)
  • Gathers Honey from bee hives (Nope)
  • Water the Greenhouse if needed (Nope)
  • Harvests from your Greenhouse (Nop--. wait a minute. where did ALL my greenhouse veggies, from ALL THREE of my greenhouse complexes, disappear to sometime during the morning of April 1st? O_O I. I can't tell by the pantry counts; I had a lot in there before and I wasn't really keeping track because I had already decided she didn't harvest the greenhouse, based on her leaving R.F.H. veggies alone for several days during the year. Hmm. maybe she doesn't try to harvest them until the day before they rot, but the winter-time-skip (which brings them all to fully ripe state at once) catches her attention? Huh. I'm going to have to leave some veggies to rot on the vine from now on just to see if she collects them. Honestly I'm more surprised she got ALL the greenhouses; I was only expecting her to harvest from the small one on our farm. She definitely doesn't re-plant, however.)
  • Cut the grass (Looks like "no", though possibly just a limited area. I'm going to leave it grow for a couple seasons and see what she does, or doesn't)
  • Tends your garden (Looks like a no. She WILL stand around in your yard cycling through gardening animations, but she doesn't seem to actually do anything, even if you plant a garden near where she usually stands doing her performance. Going to try leaving my roses to die unwatered to see if she waters them.)
  • Feed the cat and dog? (Looks like a no.)

Подсказки Misc

Для миссий трудно знать, кто должен дать нам работу.

Для этого необходимо активировать видение инженера на группе человека, если Вы находите Вас восклицательным знаком на ком-то, это - он/ее, что Вы должны видеть в приоритете.

Леса: не забывайте, что те с лестницами, часто имейте 2 уровня, таким образом, 2 весов.

Это позволяет нам легко получать доступ к крыше.

Я работаю в области нефтехимических веществ, и леса дорогие, таким образом, мы учимся экономить их лучше.

Вы можете только взять 4 миссии за один раз, не больше.

Для 1rst сезон, это заканчивается 30 сентября и резюме 1 апреля, поэтому не покупайте области, чтобы получить его за 1 неделю до конца сезона и думать об освобождении ямы удобрения, это будет заполнено, когда Вы возвратитесь с зимы.

Транспортная миссия, я нашел, что уловка пошла быстрее. Очень часто именно у Стива есть известный пакет, я помещаю погрузку в его месте, и со старой погрузкой, я двигаюсь, чтобы искать миссии, остается только переключаться, чтобы завершить миссию.

Наконечник, чтобы расследовать инструмент, который застрял бы на камне или слишком близкий к стене, Вы должны быть рядом с его точкой фиксации и открыть меню, как будто он хотел поесть.

Замечание о кокетке девочек: это было некоторое время, так как я ухаживал за Ивонной, которая является к западу от города, она - симпатичный рыжий, когда я превысил 30-40k из социальных пунктов, смайлик стал зеленым. И я покупаю погрузку HDS с сокращением, я отступил к 20k социального пункта, и девочка больше не была подругой со мной, назад к квадратной.

Сельскохозяйственные транспортные средства

Новый на этой неделе, старая погрузка, макс. скорость 60 км/ч.

(чтобы избежать в способе для бездорожья, это понижено),

Что хорошо, весной области в цветке, здесь Люпин.

Я срезал путь, рельсы железной дороги, я думал сам в GTA5, поезд не делают шумел, чтобы предупредить меня, что это прибыло!

Старый трактор много походит на старый трактор 30-х Джона Дира.

Желаемая эволюция, быть в состоянии потянуть соломенный трейлер кипы или заполнить ведро.

Новый трактор, макс. скорость 39 км/ч.

36 км/ч с круиз-контролем.

Рабочая скорость, 14-15 км/ч.

Новый цвет для моего трактора, темно-коричневого, как медведи.

Культиватор в цвете Медведя.

Liquid Manure Spreaders [ ]

Fertilizing (artificial fertilizers) and manure spreading (natural) are the 4th and/or 5th step in planting a field. Combing both types results in the field being 200% fertilized, and is recommended. Technically, fertilization is not required to grow crops, but it will significantly increase the amount harvested.

Manure is generated by your cows, and spreaders can be filled with the pipe mechanism beside the cow barn. However cows don't produce large quantities, or very quickly, so by year 2 you may want to purchase more from the Agriculture Store.

Alternatively, Fert-ex (R) is a product that combines both types of fertilizer into one, allowing fertilizing to be a single step process instead of two. It can be bought from the Agriculture Store, or a helper can be hired to cropdust a field with it in minutes.

The (old) liquid manure spreader [ ]

Acquired from quest. Uses manure produced by cows and can be refilled next to the barn. It has a 10,000kg capacity. Repainted (/renewed) version = 12500kg.

Zunhammer 18500 Liquid Manure Spreader [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in Redberry and Wheatford.

The Zunhammer 18500 is an upgrade of the small old liquid manure spreader.

Manure Capacity: 18,500 kg

Топливный бак

Вы должны пойти в станцию технического обслуживания, у Вас есть 2 выбора:

  • Любой дозаправляется на месте трактора по цене €1,5 / Литр
  • Или быть поставленным 1 000 литров, на ферме за цену €1,2 / Литр
  • Медведь Джека C трактор - 46 литров
  • Lindner Geotrac 134EP трактор - 145 литров
  • Старая погрузка - 50 литров
  • Комбайн - 400 литров
  • Погрузка HDS - 60 литров

Latest activity [ ]

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Завязка сюжета проста и незамысловата- дедушка оставил в наследство ферму в какой то глухомани. И видимо дела шли совсем хреново, раз вам пришлось ехать туда и становиться фермером.
На ферме нас встречает Оливер, наш будущий сосед. И проводит краткий экскурс по ферме. попутно показывая, что стоит починить в первую очередь. Следуем его советам. Для того, чтобы забраться на крышу надо ставить леса (меню по Tab). Не забываем снимать ненужные леса (кнопкой Е)- они стоят некоторую сумму денег. Починка зданий идет в 2 этапа. На первом-инструментами чиним до состояния "уже не разваливается". На этом здание считается починенным и работоспособным. На втором этапе - чиним при помощи материалов. оливер покажет нам паллет с листами металла. Металлом теплица доводится до стстояния "новая". Чинить металлом деревянные здания нельзя. Зато можно заборы и ворота.
Уходя Оливер говорит, что у него есть работенка. за которую он отдаст нам старый трактор. До своего дома он топает минут 10. Пусть себе идет, у нас на ферме еще куча дел.
Первый и довольно весомые квест- починить ВСЕ здания на своей ферме. Это не так просто- даже в режиме "инженерского взгляда" ( правая кнопка мыши) видны не все поврежденные детали зданий. В процессе стройки не забываем есть (без фанатизма- просто не опускаем шкалу ниже 2/3) и поспать ночью. Персонаж спит в доме в кровати на втором этаже часов 5-6 проматывая время.
Починка всех зданий займет минимум день. А скорее всего- несколько больше. Не забываем лазить на чердаки и подвалы, чинить заборы,калитки,стойла и двери и т.д. Каждое починенное здание дает несколько тысяч "социальных очков". Это мерило расположения окрестных жителей к вам имеет и материальную сторону. Так например поле можно купить за 6 тысяч денег, а можно за 3 тысячи денег плюс 6 тысяч социальных очков. Учитывая что денег у нас нет- весомая подмога. После починки всех зданий,заборов и прочег на ферме- квест закроется, принеся еще некоторое количество социалки. База отстроена,можно двигаться дальше

Помимо оббития металлом всего металлического, можно (и нужно) заменить все дряхлые детали зданий на новые. Причем необязательно на такие же. Первый источник материалов-"газель" со стройматериалами в левом нижнем магазине техники. Берем в руки из инвентаря металл и "меняем" его на любой материал из газели. Для удобства- перемещаемся телепортом со своего трактора, стоящего в магазине, на комбайн на ферме. И обратно. Для этого просто щелкаем на карте по той машине, за руль которой хотим телепортнуться.
Второй источникматериалов- строймагазин к северо-востоку от фермы. На карте не отмечен.
Теперь перейдем к использованию фермы.

Тут все просто. Покнопке Е кровать спит вас до 6 утра. По кнопке Enter она спит вас неделю.

Тут можно хранить продукты. Ходит слух. что можно их улучшать. Не подтверждено.

Семена покупаются в агрошопе, откуда телепортируются на стойку с семенами в теплице. Выбираем нужную семку в инвентаре стойки и расставляем ящики с рассадами по стеллажам. Растет все само. У входа- система управления поливом. Если влажность слишком большая- открываем окна.

Хранилище зерна на 50 тонн. Только один вид зерна, попытка загрузить зерно другого вида просто приведет к его потере.

Непонятная красная хрень с трубой возле гаража-это второе хранилище зерна. На 20 тонн. Визуально-хранит на 2 этаже гаража. Тоже только на 1 вид зерна.

Открытое помещение в торце гаража,обращенное к силосной башне. В нем хранятя семена для полей и минеральные удобрения. Телепортируются они туда при покупке в агрошопе. Для использования- загоняем туда разбрасыватель/сеялку и выбираем чем заполнить. Так же- можно выгрузить неиспользованное обратно

Сарай. Просто сарай. Можно свалить туда кучу тюков сена или поставить комбайн

На 10 коров. Раз в сутки, обычно поутру, коров можно доить,спамя кнопку Е на каждой индивидуально. Едят коровы- специальный корм или сено, которое в игре почему то является соломой. Загружается сено в коровник просто путем бросания его на пол в проходе между стойлами. Также коровы дают навоз по 20 кило в сутки с задницы. Навоз загружется в бочку. если привезти ее к заливной трубе возле навозной кучи (там где "мостовая" из досок)

Поля вспахиваются,культивируются,засеваются и удобряются. Если удобрить,допустим, перед вспашкой- удобренность пропадет впустую. При посеве не забываем о ценности соломы для коров. Канола например,соломы не дает. Горох убирается обычной жаткой комбайна.

Grass Mower [ ]

Sells for: €1,250 - €1487.76 (sell price fluctuates? needs more research, renew and repaint has no effect on selling price)

The grass mower is a attachment which can be used to remove sizable grass patches. The old version is found in the Hay Barn, and can be hitched behind your Jack Bear tractor. It's rather awkward to use though, so you may wish to wait to cut your grass until you can afford the modern version. It's better to just sell this equipment because using it with old tractor is painfully slow at 12 kph. If you really have to cut grass early in the game but can't afford new tractor vehicle (required for Boxer 275 Mower) then consider getting a Lawn Mower. It cuts about the same size as old grass mower but moves way faster at 23 kph, plus it doesn't leave tire marks on the ground unlike tractor vehicles.

(Note that, just like in real life, the best way to trim grass in those hard to reach corners and edges next to buildings and other obstructions is the weed trimmer tool found in the side-building of the Hay Barn. Mowers are for cutting large patches at a time.)

Boxer 275 Mower [ ]

A new Mower is available at the Vehicle Shop in Redberry and Wheatford. Cannot be attached to the old tractors vehicles. It pairs well with the little red Lindner 94ep tractor. Movement speed with modern tractors can go from 16 kph (cruise control) up to

(Note that there is actually a dedicated vehicle called the Lawn Mower; no attachments, very nimble and good at edging, slower traveling speed. Cut's 20% less wider than the Boxer mower attachment above. See the vehicle page).

Farming sim game. Build your farm, your family, your dynasty.

Fertilizers (the mechanical attachment) [ ]

Fertilizing (with artificial fertilizers) and manure spreading (a natural fertilizer) are the 4th and/or 5th step in planting a field. Combing both types results in the field being 200% fertilized, and is very recommended. Technically, fertilization is not required to grow crops, but it will significantly increase the amount harvested.

To fill your fertilizer attachment, back it into the Magazine (brick room at the end of your Garage). Fertilizers are purchased from the Agriculture Store.

Fert-ex (R) is a product that combines both types of fertilizer into one, allowing fertilizing to be a single step process instead of two. It can be bought from the Agriculture Store. if you have at least 55,000 social standing, you can also hire a cropduster plane to spray Fert-ex R over a field for a monetary fee. Not only does the helper supply their own Fert-ex R, but the plane is MUCH quicker, so it's actually a pretty good deal.

The (old) Fertilizer [ ]

Acquired by quest. Capacity of 250kg.

Amazone ZA-M 1501 Centrifugal Fertilizer [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in South Lakeside.

Fertilizer Capacity: 3,000 kg

Rauch TWS 7000 Centrifugal Fertilizer [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in Wheatford.

Fertilizer Capacity: 8,560 kg

Seeders [ ]

After you have cultivated the field, (and ideally fertilized it as well) the final stage is to seed the field. While it is technically possible to plant different crops in the same field, it is not recommended, as you can only harvest one type of crop at a time, and cannot mix them at any point in their processing or transport.

Back the Seeder into the Magazine (brick room at the end of your garage) to fill it. Seeds are purchased from the Agriculture Store and automatically delivered to the Magazine.

The (old) Seeder [ ]

Capacity: 360 kg of seeds.

Amazone D9 4000 Seed Drill [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in Redberry.

Seed Capacity: 860 kg

Amazone D9 6000 seed drill [ ]

REQUIRES Grain Wagons & Trailers [ ]

The grain wagons/trailers are used to transport your crops to The (old) Grain Wagon [ ]

Grain capacity: 4,200 kg (or 5250 kg after repair in your garages)

This wagon can be attach in the front or at the back of Fliegl DK 180-88.

Fliegl DK 110-88 trailer [ ]

REQUIRES Fliegl DK180-88 trailer [ ]

Two are available at the Vehicle Shop in North Lakeside and one at Wheatford.

Grain Capacity: 11,000 kg

This is the only trailer besides the old wagon that can be attached to the back of Old Tractors.

Note that there are more than one of these, and if you're VERY good at backing up with a trailer attached, you can hitch two together and double your hauling capacity and cut your trips to the market/mill in half. (three is possible but requires a lot of patience and practice).

In theory, you may be able to attach 5 trailers. Three Fliegl DK 180-88, one Fliegl DK 110-88, one Old Grain Wagon. So far, I've only manage to attach one of each. Will update this info when or if I manage to do so.

Lining up multiple trailers over a dumping grate may seem tricky at first, , but there is a way to predict which one raises up or comes undone when you select "unhitch". It entirely depends on where the camera angle is focus on. First, start by changing camera to first person view. Now keep pressing until the camera angle starts focusing on each of the trailers starting from the one attached to the back of the tractor vehicle. Then either raise or unhitch any of the trailer as necessary.

Or you can skip all that headache, spend a bit more to buy the biggest trailer (see below), with almost triple the capacity at 32000kg. VERY highly recommended!

Krampe Big Body 500 Grain Trailer [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in North Lakeside.

Grain Capacity: 16,000 kg

Krampe Big Body 900 trailer [ ]

REQUIRES Fliegl Bull 371 trailer [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in South Lakeside.

Grain Capacity: 32,000 kg

Price: €19,000 or €9,500 +19,000 SP


Мой первый день дождя прибыл в конце сентября, ну, в общем, в этой игре, когда идет дождь, это не моросящий дождь Бретани, идет дождь как корова ♥♥♥, как сказано. У меня была миссия утром, я не поднялся, время, когда я прибыл, ничто. Когда идет дождь, курицы остаются теплыми.

Я пошел в магазин, и я наконец нашел Цепную пилу, но я еще не использовал его.

Я взял удочку, теперь, когда обновление отсутствует, мы можем ловить рыбу.

Я пошел на водоем, и я проверил, он занимает.

Я ловил 2 типа рыбы.

Я все еще пытался работать во время дождя, я расколол отраву герою, но должен был пахать эту область хорошо. Мы слышим звук raision, колеса окрашены почвой, есть сверхпотребление топлива.

The pricing for all items in this game changes (usually every two weeks), the values you see below are the standard prices and can differ in your game depending on price fluctuation. and since we're talking about prices, note that while the game allows you to change the currency between USD, EUD, and GBP, there's no conversion happening; just a different symbol being displayed in front of a number, so if the prices seem unrealistic or off to you, don't sweat it.

All attachments (and vehicles) can be sold back to the vehicle stores (including the quest-given "old" equipment) by bringing them to the sales floor area. Walking up to the thing gives an option to sell it. As you will no longer be able to move around something you've sold, be mindful of where you dump your old stuff, or you may have difficulty getting your new stuff out of the lot! Pick an out-of-the-way spot. Selling the old equipment is worth doing if you no longer need it; they're worth more than you might think (if still less than the modern equipment, obviously). As a side benefit, selling off all your unused equipment thins out that opaque mass of map markers around your homestead!

All Old attachments are acquired through quests (if not found lying around your farm) and are hitchable to the Jack Bear tractor. Gathering them all up is one of your main objectives for your first year of the game. Search the map for markers with a person icon. The marker text sometimes tells you what the job they want you to do in return for the old farm equipment is, and whether you should drive your old pickup or your Jack Bear tractor to the quest (if in doubt, take the truck to talk to the quest giver first. It's much faster! Although if the quest giver is located close to one of the bus stops, using that method to instantly move there may be even faster.) Regardless, after quest completion, you'll need your tractor to take your reward home.

As of the current build, modern tractors can hitch all the Old attachments, but the old Jack Bear tractor cannot pull any of the modern attachments. Your first vehicle upgrade should therefor be a tractor (the attachments can come later).

The plow is used to prepare fields to be cultivated. Plowing is the first stage in preparing a field for planting.

(Note: If the field you're given or purchased already has crops in it, harvest them first before plowing! Even if the yield is low, they're worth money!)

Lemming J17 [ ]

Available at the Vehicle Shop in Redberry. Plows a wider furrow than the Old Plow, allowing you to finish a bit faster!

Helpers? What are they good for? [ ]

Absolutely. everything! While you won't be able to use Helpers right away, they become crucial once you own a large number of fields. They require you to be well-regarded by the community (represented by having at least 55,000 Social Points. These points will not be spent by using Helpers; it's just a threshold you need to remain over.)

  • To employ a helper, open your map, and click on a field you own. A panel of choices will be offered you, for each action that can be taken in a field, and the price in currency it will take to hire them.
  • You can employ a maximum of 4 helpers at one time.
  • Helpers use their own, modern equipment, and provide their own materials (seeds, fertilizers, etc) at no cost beyond their hiring price, so some of their tasks are actually quite cost efficient to you. Fertilizing is a great example. Helpers will fly a crop-dusting plane full of Fert-ex(R) over your field and finish in just a couple minutes. Harvesting is a less efficient example. You are paid for your harvest in a trickle as the Helper harvests the field. You are presumably getting the Agricultural Market price, which is not the best price for Wheat or Barley. If you especially valued money over your time, you would pay Helpers to Fertilize and Seed your fields, but plow, cultivate, and most especially harvest yourself. If your time is more valuable to you, but you still like getting the best price for your harvest, you would harvest Wheat and Barley yourself, and let the Helpers do the rest of it (all subject to your ability to PAY them, of course.)
  • On the whole, paying for Helpers to complete every stage of Field Work should still allow you to turn a profit on a given field, but the more you pay them to do, the smaller that profit margin is. You yourself, however, work for free, which means you get to keep all the money that field makes! Helpers are intended to allow you to work a much larger number of fields, while you are still busily working some of them yourself!
  • Helpers do not make their own intelligent decisions; they just follow your orders. If you order them to plow a field full of valuable wheat that still needs harvesting, they'll get started (the game will give you a warning message that you are destroying crops). If you want to pay them to plow the same field twice, well heck, it's your money, smart guy! Make sure you look carefully at your field's status before you give a Helper an order.
  • You can cancel a Helper's task by clicking on their marker on the map.
  • Helpers can be imperfect. It looks like the AI uses the same patten of motion over fields that seems to be optimized for symmetric rear attachments. If told to harvest a field (Front Attachment) They can leave little spots at the center (It's probably not even worth your time to go grab it yourself). Plowing is the worst (non-symmetric), because even though they use the plow that can change sides, the AI can plow the wrong way round, leaving chunks unplowed when it turns a corner. Cultivating and sowing however seem to be reliable, hitting 100%, as these tasks use symmetric rear attachments
  • While this is certainly a glitch/bug, sometimes helpers will quit their job without finishing (possibly at log-off). This is not the same thing as them only plowing 99% of a field; this is, you load a save file and your field is 32% plowed, and the worker is gone! You'll have to re-hire them to finish the job (or do it yourself, I suppose).
  • Helpers do not do the one job I'd be happiest to pay them for: Baling straw and gathering up the bales. It's a ton of work and bother for very little benefit. which is probably why it was excluded. (. that or the Devs thought deciding it was to complicated to program) Honestly it is probably more cost effective to buy cow feed from the Agriculture Store. I'll still recommend players do baling at least once, both to load up the cow barn, and to experience that part of the game.
  • Be aware of your Social Points! If you use them to discount a field or equipment purchase and they drop below 55,000, you may suddenly find yourself unable to hire workers anymore until you can regain that 55,000 threshold. Then you're back to doing every single thing yourself for a while!

"What's the order of operations to work a field?" [ ]

A more detailed description of each step is found on the Farming Attachments page, together with the equipment used in each step, but here's the short version for your reference:

Harvesting a field of fully grown crops (which is how they tend to be when you first get them): [ ]

  1. Harvest (use the Harvester/combine)
  2. Accumulate the harvest into Silo/Storage/Grain Wagon. (Silos/storage becomes unnecessary once you have larger grain trailers)
  3. Fill the grain wagon (or modern trailer) and drive it to market to sell. Empty it into the grate.
  4. Bale the straw (use the square baler machine. Only used on fields of grassy grains like wheat and barley, which leave behind grey lumps after harvesting)
  5. Gather the bales (use the bale wagon. These should fill up your cow barn, and the excess can be sold at the Agriculture Market)
  • (Note that once your cow barn is full or nearly full of straw, steps 4-5 become very optional. The bales aren't very valuable and don't sell for much, plus it's a lot of work to collect them, so unless you're really really broke.

Preparing a field for new crops: [ ]

  1. Plow (use the. well what do you think?)
  2. Cultivate (use the Harrow or a modern cultivator)
  3. Fertilize (use Fertilizer attachment to spread artificial fertilizer, which is bought from the Agriculture Store)
  4. Spread manure (use the Manure Spreader to spread natural fertilizer. Stacks effect with the other kind. Fert-ex(R) is a 2-in-1 product.)
  5. Sow seeds (use the Seeder. Seeds are bought from the Agriculture Store. You'll have to decide which month you do this step in carefully!)

Идеи, полученные на старом тракторе

Трактор не продвигается, 23 км/ч, максимальные Ложный, когда для бездорожья, он может достигнуть 35-40 км/ч под гору.

Самый короткий путь между 2 пунктами A & B, происходит на дороге. Ложный, мы можем пойти для бездорожья, открытый мир позволяет нам, Вы просто должны постараться не сыпать области, готовые получить. Если Вы не можете подняться на наклон, активируйте регулятор скорости.

Трактор не боится воды! Да и не, до определенной высоты воды, никаких забот, но мы можем утопить двигатель.

Want to help? [ ]

This wiki is completely open, and any additional data or organizing is welcome. Jump right in.

Не забывайте афинянина (лофт)

Чтобы закончить ремонтировать главное здание, есть две вещи помнить:

У нас есть доступ к крыше и дымоходу.

Новая совместимость аппаратных средств со старым трактором

Новый трактор дорогой, у меня не было терпения ждать его. Все новые аппаратные средства не абсолютно совместимы:

Совместимый трейлер зерна.

В более легком способе, всем ландшафте, старой гранке трактора.

Практикуйте новый трейлер, Вы можете получить область сразу с этим трейлером.

Трейлер выборов, не совместимый.

Соломенная кипа

Как только Вы сделали соломенные товары с упаковочным прессом:

Сядьте в свой трейлер фуража и приблизьтесь к товарам на земле.

И выйдите из своего трактора, чтобы вручную загрузить товары, он делает мышцы.

Тогда Вы скажете мне, что я делаю? 2 логического возможный выбора:

Вы даете им Вашим коровам, Вы можете поместить их здесь.

И это приземляется здесь.

Или если хранение коровы полно, Вы можете продать свой соломенный груз:

20 соломенных товаров = 3 000€.

Square Balers [ ]

After harvesting a field of a grassy type crop (ex: wheat, barley) you will notice greyish lumps of straw scattered all over the field. Run the baler over those lumps and it will spit out square bales.

Fun Fact: In the real world, hay is the preferred feed for livestock, and wheat straw has almost no nutritional value (but in an emergency is preferable to starving the lifestock to death). The game only deals in "straw" however.

To use Square Balers effectively, you need to learn how to accurately reverse with trailer type equipment hitched. This is because you need to perform a double hitch, turning your tractor into a bail gobbling power train. First hitch a Square Baler to your tractor, then hitch a bail waggon to the back of the bailer.

Bails will now automagicly load onto the bail wagon without the need to tediously pick the bails up one by one.

The (old) Square Baler [ ]

Acquired by quest.

Square Hay Baler [ ]

A new Square Hay Baler is available at the Vehicle Shop in North Lakeside. It is presumably more efficient, although it is difficult to say just how.

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